Friday, September 13, 2024

Indradyumna Swami Expose 09 13 24

To: Angel108b

Fri, Sep 13 at 5:31 AM

Pamho Puranjana! Hare Krishna, Srila Prabhupada Patita Pavana ki jay.

We are really greateful to you for sharing on your valuable Krishna1008 blog link to our article about Jayapataka! And especially one of your last posts captured my attention, when you wrote that some woman who was into magic confirmed that many devotees are falling sick because of offering food to ISKCON gurus!

PADA: Yeah not only sick, many people are leaving their bodies. Three Krishna kids left their bodies in just the last three weeks. 

This is an important topic...

One of us also saw your appearances in movie "Krishnas guru karma murder" , but obviously many words were cut off? Nobody was allowed to mention Radhanatha part in Sulocana murder ... Bhagavan was presented as almost saviour of kids, nothing about this French affair in late 80's, though ! ( BTW Dharmatma - wives beater - was some years ago friend with IDS, and was invited to Polish Woodstock as well - Polish devotees told us !)

But you were allowed at least to mention the big sinister, movement, Prabhu! Great. Anyway, movie is quite objective, realistic and free from anti cult mentality,
Your articles are appreciated, because thoughtful, well written with good dose of objectivity and you write from your experience!

So here is our new article, first one about Indradyumna and His activities in East Europe, with some "very devotionally incorrect" screenshots from conversations with devotees from Europe, if you like it pls share as well !

Your servants , 

PADA: Yeah the Peacock TV show was a big disappointment. They flew me all the way to LA and talked to me for days, and then only used two minutes of my speaking. But they let the bogus gurus speak for much of the time. Hopefully the new Monkey On A Stick movie will do better, and we think it will. 


23 August 2024

INDRADYUMNA Swami : blasphemous rumours…?

Polish Hare Krishna summer Tour 2024 ended few days ago. Again, for more than a month, and more than thirty years already, wonderful harinams on Baltic coast took place, and many holiday makers derived great spiritual benefit from watching devotees chanting loudly Hare Krishna maha mantra and enjoyed colorful theatrical performances, got opportunity to eat tasty prasadam, and some lucky enough bought Srila Prabhupada books!

(However many original sponsors of the Polish HK Summer Festival already withdrew after BVPS scandal, so in 2024 this was more of a challenge in financial terms : as Polish devotees told us).

PADA: Yeah I get this all the time. PADA is exposing GBC wrong doings, and therefore that is making ISKCON lose money. Evidently, millions of dollars. OK we forgot to mention our wonderful GBC guru club has evidently spent $100,000,000 on lawsuits, which has no problem being funded. 

Even Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipur / Mathura Pati (Mathias Sabji) etc. are all crying like lost puppies, "oh no, PADA is taking money away from our favorite pedophile messiah's pooja program -- that is banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing Vaishnavas! 

"How will we fund our $100,000,000 lawsuits, sending out our hunters to hunt down devotees to exterminate them etc. now"? Oh gimmee a kleenex already! And PADA should not be driving a Taxi, so he can spend $100 on fixing all this. Yep, they are all upset that their pedo messiah's project is losing funds, and we had $100 from driving a taxi to counter them.    

All under careful guidance of ISKCON guru Indradyumna called Swami (Mr Brian Tibbits), bhakti superstar, disciple of HDG Srila Prabhupada. So many devotees, so many souls in Eastern Europe owe him so much for his preaching: this is appreciated and beyond question!

PADA: Yep, after they drove out all the France devotees and bankrupted the French zone promoting Bhagavan, Indradyumna fled the scene of the crime and re-invented himself as the savior of Easter Europe and the former soviet states.

Kirtan, summer Hare Krishna festival in Poland 2024

Without his presence, and also without Ukrainian devotees (this year mostly matajis, and really less Russians because of war) such a great preaching effort couldn’t be possible... Indradyumna did oceans of devotional service during these years, from first Polish Summer Tour Festival in 1990, as some devotee expressed it.

PADA: Yeah, 1990 is when Chitesvara was ghost busting the gurus and the temples. 1990 is when Narayan Maharaja gave the GBC a defense by writing for their ISKCON Journal. 1990 is when we were organizing complaints of molesting from children victims etc. And so 1990 they fled to Eastern Europe to start off with a fresh set of victims ...

But seems like, however, he’s got a double life? Which is kinda public secret for years …and some prefer to keep it that way. Pretending that “the Emperor” isn’t at least partially naked"?

Parikrama in Vrndavan…autumn 2023

List of allegations against Indradyumna includes :

Romance with disciple, and suspicious “tender”, touchy feely behaviour towards children – touching, hugging, placing on lap etc - which is going on for years actually! (He was repetedly told by Godbrothers and disciples to stop doing that…), some Russian and Ukr devotees already commented on this strange behaviour few years ago.

Let me tell you I am not happy at all with such “allegations”, i would prefer that Our Movement is still guided by saintly – and genuine – humble, really Krishna conscious advanced sanyasis!

Because ,sadly, these are not allegations neither accusations, but facts. This being said, pls remember that His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada discouraged us from blind following : “surrender with your intelligence, not your intelligence” !

So this couldn’t be under rug swept anymore, testimonies are adding up…and somebody witnessed that during this 2024 Polish Hare Krishna Summer Tour Indradyumna was again hugging kids! (Let’s add bitter comment that he obviously prefers beautiful kids, and pretty girls … unpretty female devotees were ignored by him once, there is a story about it, pls see pdf below this article ). He’s got some strong charm, no doubt, but hey – surprised you are – could it be very earthly one?

Despite such galore of controversial pictures (children and young woman in bikini), majority stays in devotional correctness for years on and dares not doubt his position … And everybody knows article “Indradyumna girls” but so what..?

PADA: After we posted a link to Indradyumna's site with photos of women and little girls in bikinis, photos which he took himself, that part of the site was removed.

Because many saw it and still don’t believe…

This is called massive denial, rejecting the obvious truth , cognitive dissonance? 
Many devotees, including me thought that it was “only a sweet expression of fatherly feelings”, and in general criticising sanyasis was consider as great offence, and still is? “Prabhu this is your pollution only, because they are sooo advanced devotees” etc.

From Hungarian devotee...

From conversation with Hungarian devotee, about IDS.

But you know what ?

How about showing these pictures with Indradyumna hugging children to some professional? And ask about this person behaviour ? Psychologist, psychoterapist, somebody from “outside” the Movement, completely non connected with the Krishnas, who’s got objective point of understanding due to being uninvolved and is unbiased… Guess what She / He would tell after watching it?

And let’s have a look at indradyumna motivations… is he using his elevated position for some personal benefit? He will not risk losing his superstardom status, so no more than hugging pretty kids could happen, as some devotee wrote about it. I am hoping that he isn’t doing this deliberatly – in your face – to discredit sanyasa in general, only just because he cannot control himself?

Also looks like that his amazing stories about travel pastimes so beautifully described in "Diary of Travelling Preacher" could be, err, altered, exagerated many times ?!? ( Nava Jauvana Prabhu already mentioned it more than 15 years ago…) To show him as great glorious preacher, having thrilling adventures, kinda spiritual James Bond? Fantastic story about visiting with Sri Prahlad this old astrologer somewhere in deserted Indian village, who allegedly confirmed Indrayumna glorious tale and his past… is questionable as well ?

There could be something more suspicious in the background than self promotion, though… So is he using his preaching position and frequent travels to do things “on the side” ?!?

Indradyumna and tattva darshana…Sri Prahlad in the background. Quite a few people also revealed that Indradyumna treated them in a harsh way:

“Indradyumna’s behaviour is improper and blatantly arrogant, no matter how people try to justify it…”

(pls see testimony of female devotee SP disciple : pdf below ! ) How’s that possible … So he’s got a second face? Diary of betrayed Godbrother, by Nava Jauvana Prabhu also tells it in very sincere , and bitter way, how Indradyumna ignored Him :

Indradyumna Brian Tibbits during Polish summer Tour 2024

Some other are claiming that, actually for years on : Financial status of Polish Woodstock festivals in the 90’s wasn’t transparent, Polish devotee was told : “Prabhu stop taking interest in it because this is Pandora’s box“ … surprise ?? Now Fundacja Viva Kultura runs Summer Polish Hare Krishna festivals.

-- Some other allegations against Indradyumna contain clear philosophical deviations, narcissistic and sahajiya behaviour, even tantrik fascinations…?

Words of anonymous Indian devotee.

On top of that he used to invite to Polish summer Tour and Woodstock Festival (Famous Krishna Village of Peace) such shady personalities like : BB Govinda “Swami”, Dharmatma (The one from New Vrindavan USA Farm ! ), infamous Tirtharaj, Rambhadra, ex BVPS (Wexler ), Kesava Bharati , Lokanath ! Guest list is too long…

So enough red flags here and there, isn’t it?? Devotional correctness could even kill… And one last thing, because for me and many others this was really the last cup of sorrow and is very grave example, of showing true colors : Indradyumna Tibbits thoughtlessly supported scamdemic 1984 and encouraged disciples and devotees in general to get (poisonous, mind you!) va** jab … there is pharma lobby behind him, somebody said. 

Maybe he believes in science, maybe this doesn’t get more sinister. Same behaviour, which was, to different degree of submission, manifested by majority of ISKCON gurus shows clearly that they are under control of global hidden agenda / n.w.o. Yes, this must be said and such statement is not an exageration!

BTW Mr Tibbits was seen enjoying big chunks of chocolate as well..but if this shall be the only thing to complain and criticise him, we will be very contented!!! The time for massive exposures in International Society for Krishna Consciousness is now, even before I thought many times : it is better to not make this and similar subjects public, for the good of the Movement because ISKCON enemies could use it against it, know, such behaviours of gurus are public for years already, and so what?

Despite growing concern and disgust of sincere devotees, many his disciples preferred not to see it! But either we like it or not, some things cannot stay hidden anymore : because the longer the “conspiracy of silence” exists, the worse it gets..

We invite you to share this post, and if you have any particular personal experiences with Indradyumna leading to “strange” conclusions, pls contact us and send your testimonies and “guru offences” on this topic !!

To be continued…

bh R

Below you can download two pdf’s : testimony of IDS former disciple : NOT MY GURU (IDS leave the kids alone!), and some very sad story from French Nouvelle Mayapur Farm in the 80’s, plus screenshots about Indradyumna Brain Tibbits and his behaviour…

Testimonies allegations against IDS from HK French Farm Nouvelle Mayapur and screenshots about him…Télécharger

IDS Not my guru…Rasika Prabhu testimonyTélécharger

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accusations against Hare Krishna guru Indradyumna Brian Tibbits, accusations againts Indradyumna swami, allegations againts Indradyumna swami, Diary of a betrayed Godbrother by Nava Jauvana Dasa, Hare Krishna summer festivals in Poland, Indradyumna Brian Tibbits, Indradyumna girls article Prabhupada Vision Website, Indradyumna invited child abusers to Polish Hare Krishna summer Tour, Polish Hare Krishna summer Tour 2024, Polish Viva Kultura foundation, Polish Woodstock Krishna Village, Russian and Ukrainian devotees criticising Indradyumna behaviour towards children

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