Sunday, June 18, 2023

Sridhara Srinivasa Dasa / Interfaith / Anti-Christ / SDG Nuttyness 06 18

To Bhakti Vikas Defender vs PADA

PADA: Sridhara Srinivasa das is a disciple of Bhakti Vikas swami, and he says he has challenged the ritviks to a debate -- and no one debates him. Will he debate PADA?

BVKS wanted our ISKCON kids to worship photos of his Andy Warhol homosexual Mott Street boys club disciples parampara, and not the the bona fide acharya. And that is how BVKS co-created his industrial level child abuse process, never mind countless other issues. 

My blog is full of BVKS statements, with my counter statements. Of course if they had any good arguments they would have challenged me when we had them sued for $3,000,000 in 1986, and sued again for $400,000,000 in 1997 for their child abuse regime. Notice!, that they never show up when this goes to court. They plead "no contest." Because defending mass molesting programs on your own site is one thing, taking this to regular secular court is another, and we always win in court. Will this fellow take up his own challenge and debate PADA? Lets see! 

At the same time, not all bad news, a number of folks have also later on converted over and said they realized we are correct. One India devotee just now told me he realized Srila Prabhupada is the guru all by himself three years ago, and he was ecstatic to find out about my stuff just recently. 

Their arguments are collapsing, there is no good excuse to promote Andy Warhol's disciples as Krishna's acharyas. So we should allow the Sridhara Srinivasa das and Andy Warhol sampradaya a chance to prove they are correct, and let them try. Go for it! We will publish his arguments here, unaltered, of course we reserve the right to make counter statements. 

 ys pd



June 17, 1988: On this date in history 35 years ago, the Krishna Chorale traveled from West Virginia to Cincinnati, Ohio, to sing at the Interfaith Festival held at the New Jerusalem Catholic community. A large contingency of New Vrindaban residents attended, including Bhaktipada, the City of God Children’s Choir (directed by Chakravarti Swami and his former wife Dinasharana), the Theater of Understanding and Malini the elephant.

At the request of Krishna Balaram Swami (one of the organizers of the event) I composed a piece which incorporated aspects of both the Christian and Hindu traditions. The work, written for narrator, choir, flute, guitar, bass guitar and keyboard, was titled "Alleluia! Hare Krishna!" The text was adapted from Christian and Hindu scriptures. (Gold, Guns and God, Vol. 8, p. 70)

PADA: Great, except the GBC folks preach all the time about the bogus Christian ritviks being worse than the karta bhaja sahajiyas etc. Hee hee 


Jadurani -- New Acharya of Narayan Maharaja process.
With Her Very Own Vyasa Pooja!
Yes, as a matter of fact I can absorb sins like Jesus!
Any questions? 


IF you abuse anyone, Krsna will arrange that you are also abused. You cannot clap with one hand. in other words you have done bad things in the past, and that is why reactions are coming. if the widow had asked the hunter to chop and burn the snake, in her next life she would have had to take birth, and again the serpent would have come as a human to take revenge.

IF someone abuses you, don’t abuse him in return. Even if someone creates problems to the extent of giving you poison, be careful. Be like Sri Prahläda Mahäräja and Srila Haridäsa Thäkura. Although Haridäsa Thäkura was beaten in so many market places, he prayed, “O Krsna, be kind and excuse them. These beatings are the result of all my previous sinful activities, and Your mercy is coming in this way.” Be calm and quiet, and chant, “Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Räma Hare Räma, Räma Räma Hare Hare.”

Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaj.

Toulouse, France: July, 1999

PADA: A female victim of abuse said Narayan Maharaja was attacking testimony and gaslighting ISKCON abuse victims and defending the leaders of the abuse regime. That means he will get the same karma, according to himself.


Let us get rid of those bogus Christian Rtiviks!
Who saved us from barbarian cave man society.
So we can go back to barbarian cave man society!


M Dasi: Another disgusting man who is trying to disturb the preaching of the Krishna devotees. I was selling Prabhupada's books for many years. I never once told any Christian people about "the horrific bogus worshipers of Jesus." That is never going to convince them we have the right path to God. It is going to anger and upset them, which is their real purpose.

That is going to turn them off. I see that that is the real purpose of these GBC people and their entourage of Kailasa's friends. They want to turn people away from Krishna by insulting the very people ... we should be preaching to. They don't want to preach to these Christian people, they just want to make a show of devotion to ... the anti-Christ.

I would say Kailasa is the anti-Christ, but he is just another one of the "bogus ritvik followers of Jesus" GBC people, who all say the same. They are all anti-Christs and he is just another one of them.

And to think that the people complaining about the child molesting are "the bogus ritviks" is all the more proof they are the anti-Christs. Unfortunate, the anti-Christs came to ISKCON to ruin it, and they have. Srila Prabhupada never said we should make it our life's purpose to insult Jesus and his followers by calling them horrific deviations. That will ruin the preaching, and that is what the anti-Christ wants, and they are his disciples.

I spent many years trying to get the Christians to come to Krishna, and Kailasa and his GBC friends are trying to undo my hard work. I am simply glad that they are being exposed more and more, they never wanted me to make actual devotees, they wanted the money and they wanted to serve the anti-Christ.


PADA: Srila Prabhupada said that without the teaching of Jesus, the West would be uncivilized barbarians. Two legged animals. Monkey society. And that is why Kailasa is so upset with the teaching of Jesus. Kailasa prefers people live like lawless, uncivilized cave men, and have dog packs of men beating up each other with clubs -- and having animal amorous pastimes. And he is very angry that is not happening. 

Why does Kailasa always say he wants the teaching of Jesus dismantled, in fact he says the teachings of Jesus are horrid ritviks, so he can have a society of dog pack gangs of uncivilized men beating each other up with clubs, and having male monkeys - two legged animal men -- jumping from one tree to the next to find female companions? 

What do we call this? The Kailasa plan for "back to uncivilized monkey-head." Why is Kailasa always promoting his uncivilized monkey's society idea for 45 years? The Christian ritviks are making at least some civilized world, and Kailasa says this is bogus. OK read: we need no civilized platform, lets go back to cave man life, and monkeys, and get rid of the ritviks! ys pd



Requests from a Devotee Community to a Visiting Sannyasi

Can you help us pay the rent?
Do you know how we can stop quarreling?
How can we have more faith in ISKCON?
Can you revive our inspiration
to go out daily and meet the nondevotees,
to give them books, prasadam, and the holy name?
Can you overcome the ennui?
Do you know what’s wrong with us?
Can you impart some wisdom?
Do you have cures for rheumatism,
or at least relief from boredom,
relief from doubt and envy?
Can you create a taste
for reading the sastra?
Can you crash through the reluctance
of laziness
and the suspicion
that if we work hard
the others will remain lazy?
Can you convince us-and not just
by theoretical words of logic or
by quoting scripture, and not just
some momentary relief-but can you
make changes that will last?
Can you give us a new vision?
Can you bring back the old days
when Krsna consciousness was happy and fun
and we served without much thought for ourselves?
Can you lead ecstatic kirtanas,
give inspiring classes?
Will you sit and share prasadam with us?
Can you stay with us?
Or are you also
part of the problem?
From Passing Places, Eternal Truths


  1. PADA: A woman who distributes Srila Prabhupada's books to the Christians is now a bogus fanatic? You are attacking the preachers, that is what she said, and she is correct. How can we preach to Christian people by calling them horrific devils? That will make them turn away, and they are. That is called anti-Christ behavior, making people turn away from God. Kailasa is simply a puppet of Ravaindra swarupa, who also says the Christians are bogus deviants, and that worship of Jesus is post samadhi nonsense. But Srila Prabhupada says -- without the teachings of Jesus, we would be living in uncivilized cave man society. Why do you folks people prefer uncivilized cave man society to the Jesus society? And why are you hurting the people who are preaching to the Christians by constantly demonizing the Christians as your life's work. That also demonizes the people preaching to the Christians, and will make it harder for the preachers. That is why she says you people are the anti-Christs, you are trying to ruin her preaching work. ys pd

  2. PD: Yes JD, Sridhara Srinivasa dasa is already avoiding our questions. I do not believe he can explain why we need to have photos of BVKS's homosexual and / or pedophile pals on Krishna's altars -- and / or have these BVKS's deviant pals being worshiped as good as God.

    Of course neither Bhakti Vikas swami can explain that either. BVKS also defended one of the biggest Mayapur child raping and child beating program's leaders Bhakti Vidya Purna swami, they cannot explain any of this.

    When they say they want to debate us, that is generally a giant bluff so as to impress their sheeps. They generally never debate us. Yes, if he actually debates us, that would be a miracle. I agree, not sure if that would ever happen. ys pd

  3. PADA: Dear PE, Srila Prabhupad says the the system of worshiping Jesus by the priests is authorized. He also says Jesus is taking the sins of his sincere followers even after 2,000 years. It is his idea and not mine. Your idea is that since the followers of Jesus saved us from neanderthal society, you want us to "return to square one" and start clubbing animals and roasting them over open pit fires and live like cave men. That is not what most people want to have happen, they would rather stick with the Christian's society, even though it has problems, it is superior to your idea of back to neanderthal head. Why is neanderthal society better than the Christians? And why do you never answer this question in 45 years? ys pd

  4. SD Dasi: Isn't Sridhara Srinivasa dasa with the India Bureau. Aren't these the same people promoting Lokanath. And doesn't that mean more ... gaslighting and attacking the people who were abused, the SAME way they attack his victim.

    This Kailasa guy looks so super creepy. Not going to have him as my baby sitter! Makes a good spokesman for the GBC. He has no photos of Krishna and Srila Prabhupada on his videos, like some GBC web sites.

    He is another GBC person who has a lot of advertising of themselves, not Krishna and Srila Prabhupada. I agree. Explains when he sees how nicely our people dress the deity ... he is angry, just like Sisupala was angry when he saw people were going to worship Krishna.

    M Dasi is right. The Christians are our best customers. Saying they are horrid deviants is going to ruin our preaching. Kailasa does not want the Christian Western people to come, he wants the GBC preaching to the Hindus to go on, and no Western people.

    He is their servant. Not surprised they are handing out his papers at their GBC meetings. Christians are bogus. Let us stop preaching to the Christians, and make a Hindu show bottle. A business. He is one of them, fits together like hand and glove. Srila Prabhupada said he wants to convert the Western people, but the Western people are never going to accept these Jesus haters. They want to stop the preaching, and they are.

  5. LW: Same thing here. "We can debate any of the ritviks anytime, anywhere, and defeat them in five minutes." What happens next?

    The rtiviks are often banned from the temple, and anyone caught reading their messages gets banned as well. In fact !!! anyone caught carrying an un-edited book is ALSO banned from the temple.

    They know they will lose an honest debate, so they have to use brute force. And the temple enforcers are often just hired temple employees ... who are afraid to lose their temple salary, as they don't give a hoot about Vedic debates.

    Sridhara Srinivasa is most likely not ever going to debate anyone ... as these people are experts at arm wrestling toddlers, but not their real opponents. It is most likely cheap bluffing. And that is what happens here at the temple ... if you are discussing [debating] you are banned.

    Bunch o' goondas. And then the goondas have their scholars and legal defense ... same as Kamsa has his advisors and defenders. I would be very impressed if he ever engaged in an honest debate ... not holding my breath waiting though ...


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