Monday, April 12, 2021

Mass Arrests of Krishnas In Russia

[PADA: Pretty much what we said would happen -- way back in 1978. Lord Chaitanya's movement is only protected -- when it operates properly. When it is converted into the worship of an illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's program it can -- and perhaps will -- lose the Lord's protection. 

And the virus is simply another sign the Lord is not happy with their process. And that is perhaps why so many devotees in ISKCON have got the virus. And many of the temples are now facing critical loss of income due to the virus etc. Protection from the Lord is only granted when one is factually -- following the Lord. 

It is sad to see this because later on, when we finally get people to worship the factual acharya -- and not the GBC's debauchee messiahs -- we will have a hard time picking up the pieces of the giant mess they made. 

As one devotee told me recently, this is one reason there is a lot of depression in the devotee community. The GBC is using a giant wrecking ball on ISKCON every day. And that means -- every day there are more broken bricks, garbage, refuse and wreckage for us to have to have to pick up later. It is almost overwhelming the amount of damage they are doing to Lord Chaitanya's movement with their bogus worship program and their terrible mistreatment of the Lord's Vaishnavas. 

Anyway, the Lord might withdraw His protection from a program of deviants posing as His gurus, and we should not be too surprised if that occurs.

ys pd]  

1 comment:

  1. GKD: RE Mass Arrests of Krishnas In Russia.
    The ISKCON leaders cannot possibly be so stupid not to get the permit from the municipality when making a huge kirtan in central Moscow. So they do that on purpose to let the small devotees run into imprisonment. In this way, they try to divert attention from their corrupt management. Recently they transferred all the money for the Moscow temple construction to Mayapur. Suicides among their congregation members, leaders buying themselves apartments in Mayapur, Vrindavan, and forming a two-class system between rank&file devotees and the leaders. This was already their trick during the zonal acarya era, diverting the attention of fallen gurus by having the devotees arrested because of not telling them to get permits for selling books or making harinam. So their only interest is to capture the properties, the devotees are fooled and directed to run into the opened knife of the material energy.

    [PADA: Yes, the leaders are always trying to get people to sympathize with their alleged victimization, when they are simultaneously victimizing others themselves. Crocodile tears. Unfortunately, many of these samkirtan victims are innocent devotees who are -- caught up -- in their scams and schemes and they are being victimized by all of their antics. ys pd]


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