Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Fundme for Vidyananda prabhu (cancer illness)

Tim and Laxmi Walsh (Tejaprakash d and Laksmana dd) is organizing this fundraiser.

On May 15th Vidyananda prabhu (William Halvorson) was diagnosed with three brain tumors. The first one on the right side of his head above his ear was surgically removed. The first tumor was biopsied and the doctor was able to diagnose that it is malignant. The other two tumors are inoperable because they are hidden in the rear center of his brain below his corpus callosum.

While in the hospital Vidyananda also suffered a stroke which has severely affected his left side. He has lost any ability to move his left arm and left leg. On account of the stroke he is unable to take chemo treatments for the two remaining malignant tumors. He is now in rehab trying to regain some movement on his left side. He is hoping to be able to come home sometime this month.

Unfortunately Medicare will only partially cover his medical equipment and not his day and night personal care. He will need a trained professional caregiver to be able to help him with the daily living care. Also his home needs to be modified so that when he does come home he will be as comfortable as possible.

Vidyananda and Kiritida are very exemplary disciples of Srila Prabhupada from the early 70's. Their Lordships Sri Sri Krishna Balarama in Alachua came through the kind and generous donation of Vidyananda and Kirtida prabhus.

Please let’s express our appreciation for these great souls by donating and keeping them in our heartfelt prayers during their great time of need. Any donation will be very much appreciated. Funds are needed immediately.

Thank you very much!

[PADA: A Thailand devotee who was translating things into Thai language also just recently passed. How did you guess -- cause was -- terminal cancer. My friend's wife, a professional nurse, says it is astonishing how many vegetarian and supposedly healthy living "Krishna devotees" are getting terminal cancer -- especially at NOT a very ripe old age. Its some sort of collective karma? 

Meanwhile a newer bhaktin type lady just video messaged PADA asking in sum, "I am reading your news how the ISKCON leaders and even Narayan Maharaja leaders have been promoting homosexuals and pedophiles as their gurus, and even the GBC folks are burying some of them in samadhis. Why have so many of the 'original Srila Prabhupada devotees' ordered their children and even us new people to worship these sexual predator and even pedophile guru programs, and to NOT accept Srila Prabhupada as our guru? Just not making any sense at all"? 

She is baffled. What kind of religion wants their children to worship self-appointed homosexual and pedophile guru programs, and they don't want their children to agree with you to have the founder of the religion as their guru? And therefore they call you "a bogus ritvik"? Even a newer person finds this to be incredibly strange. 

Did I forget to mention a lot of the Alachua devotees accept the GBC's illicit sex with men, women and children guru parampara? And another number of folks there promote the Narayan Maharaja deviant acharyas program? 

I don't really have a short form response to this lady except to say, they are in severe illusion. If anyone can give me a good reply to her question, lets have it! Is the fact that so many people are telling their children to worship sexual predators and pedophiles as their gurus, and not the pure devotee as their guru, one of the reasons so many of our ISKCON folks are getting all these terminal illness cases, its a collective karmic result? Our nurse friend thinks there is some collective connection. 

And of course, we could ask, why is there always millions and millions and millions on hand for lawsuits, but no apparent funds for the sick and ailing, and even -- the dying? What is wrong with this picture? 

Anyway, good luck Vidyananda, we wish you well in any event. 

However! I hope you will at least leave the world with a clarifying statement which you could send to us, i.e. the GBC's pedophile guru programs are bogus and should not have been promoted in Alachua to the children there, or anywhere else. 

Even this newer Bhaktin is amazed more people are not making this more and more clear at this stage, when it is self evident the worship of deviants process is failing left, right and center. And it also seems -- the persons who participated in this process, either by direct commission or indirect or de facto acquiescing and omission, seem to be getting hit with severe reactions? Or what?

We will update as we get more news. 

ys pd   

1 comment:

  1. GD: RE Fundme for Vidyananda prabhu (cancer illness)

    When spiritual advancement is blocked the depressed soul destroys the body. When there is bad association, pain or discomfort, it is then that we become body-conscious and spiritual progress is hindered. Terminal disease is of course a drastic emergency-brake but Krishna puts that devotee into a better situation to make further spiritual progress.

    [PADA: Yes, we can hope these various people will be able to overcome the break down of their mission and move forward spiritually. Evidently, their bodies are breaking down just like their society broke down.

    At the same time, it is our conclusion that there will be at least some hell to pay, of paying of the piper, for causing or even acquiescing with these deviations. The are so many, many, many of my brothers and sisters who told their children -- or the society's children -- to worship the GBC's homosexual pedophiles and / or debauchees as their gurus process, and that we Prabhupada fanatics are the bogus ritviks.

    We are the bad guys for telling the children to worship Srila Prabhupada (which is what many devotees have preached, even to their own children, that the homosexual pedophile guru lineage is bona fide and we are not). And that lineage is what they have promoted and preached about also in Alachua among the main stream ISKCON-ites.

    So the creators and founding fathers of the pedophile guru process are still being worshiped. And those "voted in" to that deviation are also worshiped. And even the Narayan Maharaja group loves NM, never mind he is Tamal's boot licker and main cheer leading of the GBC's pedophile guru process. And his alleged successor is another pedophile.

    So we cannot promote bogus worship, or acquiesce with bogus worship, and not expect some evil results. That is impossible. Those who promote evil or acquiesce with evil will meet evil in their future. We become what we promote, or we allow to be promoted, by the process of "silence means acceptance." Anyway, there is a HUGE problem even if unspoken, and its self evident even to my nurse friend. There is something that is making these many devotees terminally ill with cancer, and its not because they are doing the right thing. Even our nurse friend knows that, "they are doing something wrong." Its evident even to a non-biased outside observer. We can and do hope for the best for their future, but the laws of God are very strict, false gurus go down, and so do the people who support them or who just silently go along to get along -- like the Kauravas who were silent. We cannot re-write God's laws, that is not possible. ys pd


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