Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Mahavishnu swami Has Dengue Fever

PADA: Mahavishnu swami is another clown prankster joker "sannyasa disciple" of Jayapataka swami. So he is on board with the idea that conditioned souls can absorb sins like Jesus. And while ISKCON children were complaining of not getting sufficient foodstuffs, these guys were eating giant feasts. So they were into absorbing sins and absorbing all the food meant to feed the children. Or what? And Bhakti Vikas swami is another sannyasa disciple of this program. 

His Grace Walrus-pada. 

It always amazed us at PADA at how these type guys are always walking around joking and laughing as the devotees are being banned, beaten, molested, sued and assassinated. They think spreading all these problems is some sort of party time celebration. 

ISKCON Sridhara swami was another one of these guys, the so-called jolly swami, laughing his socks off as their program is creating immense suffering for others. Anyway, now Mahavishnu swami has a severe illness. We really don't wish these folks either good or ill, its not our job to do either, but it does seem like karma is catching up to their process more and more. ys pd

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