Sunday, March 8, 2020

Russian Devotee "Cannot Be Silent Anymore. It Hurts Me"

Irina Sokolova: I can’t be silent anymore. It hurts me.

Please accept my obeisances. And let me not be silent anymore. For a long time I have been observing everything that happens in the (ISKCON) society of devotees. I often want to speak out, but I am silent because I am afraid of condemnation. But, after all, there is a limit to everything! 

I want to say that my thoughts are what I think for more than one day. My message is a conscious decision that is not based on emotions. It’s just that the situation with Hari-kanta was the last straw for me. Please be gracious and do not judge me, I have to say about the painful. Dear devotees and senior devotees of Russia:

1. I would not be disappointed in you if you punished Sri Guru Nitai so how he deserved it.

2. I would not be disappointed in you if you were forbidden to preach to those preachers who offended women, abandoned their wives with children, or violated the principles.

3. I would not be disappointed in you if you deprived the sannyas of a devotee, who is attached to women and communicates with them looking at their photos.

4. I would not be disappointed in you if you did not call an insult Hari-kanta Mataji, who follows the principles, chanting 16 rounds of japa, preaches and protects women used by men.

5. I would not be disappointed in you if you had not forced to stop teach Caitanya Vallabha Prabhu at the Mayapur Institute.

6. I would not be disappointed in you if you did not sue your disciples.

7. I would not be disappointed in you if you did not invite to preach the child molester - Dhanurdhara Swami.

8. I would not be disappointed in you if you would not let the pedophile leave Almaty from the farm.

9. I would not be disappointed in you if you removed from the sermon and serious positions of those leaders who are involved in sexual and physical abuse of children.

10. I would not be disappointed in you if you had not made changes to the books Srila Prabhupada.

11. I would not be disappointed in you if you provided a detailed report to devotees about the money spent on the temple in Moscow.

12. I would not be disappointed in you if you did not make devotees is outcasts who cannot tolerate everything that happens in our society and talk about it openly.

Forgive me for not wanting to keep this in myself and speak openly. I do not think that humility is when we are silent about everything.

Jaya Sri Nrsimhadev!

[PADA: Yep, here is the real reason so many people want "PADA removed from the internet," because we are giving a voice to these types of victim folks since the 1980s. Yep! Yet another person wakes up in Russia, after the leaders burnt the house down in the West. So now the same exploiting process is happening there. The bad guys just exploited the West, burnt it to toast, then moved over there to set up shop in India, Russia etc. And now more people in India, Russia etc. are catching on to what we said all along, they are exploiters. Told ya! ys pd] 

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