Sunday, May 5, 2019

Message to Future Leaders of ISKCON (BVKS)

PADA: People are voting with their feet. And most people voted, to leave. Correct. It really does not matter what the GBC does at this point, as long as they keep saying that acharyas are often debauchees, who are falling down left, right and center. When we have prominent GBC people saying that gurus are often falling, and even falling into illicit sex with men, women and children, there is simply no connection to Krishna going on here. 

Krishna never says His successors are illicit sex deviants, and there is no way this can be packaged as "Krishna's program." As usual, Bhakti Vikas Swami avoids this point, the main point, people do not want to worship illicit sex deviants as their gurus. And ISKCON will remain an empty ghost town as long as this issue is not resolved. 

And by his saying the GBC's gurus are wrong on various issues, and out of touch, and they are not following the example of Ram to listen to the subjects, he is saying they are gurus, and gurus are defective. That is the root problem right there, they are gurus, they are defective, therefore gurus are defective. And the GBC leaders have had to hire karmi cooks to make food for their meetings and various programs, ok that is because they have removed so many people they do not have their own cooks. And if they are offering bhogha to conditioned souls, that is not prasadam in any case. 

BVKS does not want to bash anyone, well hee hee, that is why all this nonsense is going on. All sorts of foolish things are going on and no one wants to bash the process. The emperor has no clothes, and no one wants to reveal that?

ys pd  


The "cost of silence" of these GBC's gurus like Bhakti Vikas swami is that ISKCON was over run with crimes, including molesting, while they sat back and "did not want to bash anything."  Well all we have to do now is look back at what happened to the Kauravas when they were "silent" as Draupadi was insulted, they all had to die in infamy and then live on forever in history as compromised with evil. 

And that is how the GBC's guru process will be viewed by history, compromised and silent as crimes went on left, right and center. Of course it was worse than that, these people were not only silent, they vociferously attacked those of us trying to address the crimes. Bhakti Vikas swami is one of these people who attacks us, he says our idea that people need to worship the pure devotee as their acharya is the bogus ritviks idea. 

Yep, we cannot worship pure devotees when there are so many nice deviants, criminals, molesters, and orchestrators of murder to worship instead. And that was my first comment to PADA about this article, why is BVKS promoting the GBC's gurus when he knows they made a huge molester empire, and Radhanath is implicated in Sulochana's murder, and he buries a pedophile in the dham? Why is he part of that program, and he wants to defend it by not bashing it?

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