Saturday, May 25, 2019

Harikesh Re-emerges at the LA Prabhupada Festival

PADA: The Harikesh story is very strange.  He was the first devotee to tell me -- not to get too close to the edge of the roof in Brooklyn -- in case the ghosts would make me jump off. He later became a guru and he caused havoc all over Europe by kicking out almost all of the original Prabhupada devotees. This resulted in devastating the lives of thousands of ISKCON devotees, and bankrupting, if not nearly bankrupting several zones. 

He then allegedly said that the Mayapura devotees (Jayapataka and his ghost buster Chitesvara) were trying to make him go crazy by adding psychotropics to his vibhuti, that he was apparently digesting. Yep, we all recall the time the GBC gurus were getting ghost busted, hee hee! Why would anyone eat vibhuti dust from a ghost buster in the first place? Lets not forget that he was telling me about his problems with ghosts at the get go. OK he has a ghost problem, therefore the GBC thinks, he is the Vishnupada sum total of the demigods! 

He allegedly later blooped with a million or more dollars, and took a woman with him on the way out the door. Overall, he caused total mayhem for the ISKCON society. And that ladies and gents, is why he is allowed to parade around speaking like a long lost hero great devotee, and our lot are not given a seat at the speaking platform. 

As per usual, some ex-kulis say -- these guys were living like Saudi Princes and Kim Jong Un of North Korea, eating huge feasts all the time, while we kids had to eat rotten oatmeal. These guys were supposed to manage the society to make sure the children in their society were WELL cared for. And they self-evidently simply didn't do the managing job they were supposed to. Harikesh did say, its odd that Srila Prabhupada complained of being poisoned, but he never seems to have pursued how and why that was going on. 

So, after creating mayhem, destroying the lives of thousands of devotees, neglecting his "managing" duty to oversee things like the children's welfare etc. he is always welcome to come and act like a super star hero ex-devotee at the LA Prabhupada festival. No wonder some of the ex-kulis are complaining about this process. Yep, more than a few people say, it always seems to be the "good ole boys club," the same people who created / enforced / supported the corruption, kicked out the devotees en masse, and who attacked the Prabhupadanugas, who get to be the big shots at the Los Angeles "Prabhupada festival." 

Then some people complained to PADA, well jeepers prabhu! Harikesh was simply "doing his best" to be a guru. OK fine, but we simply can not go to the hospital, grab a scalpel, drill and hacksaw, walk into the brain surgery room, and start hacking away at some of the patients, claiming we are "doing our best" to perform brain surgery. We will be arrested for criminal misrepresenting. 

If we are not qualified to be parampara acharyas, then do not attempt it, its really that simple. 

ys pd

Srutakirti (?) / Harikesh / Svavasa 


  1. Thanks prabhu. Yes, in any normal church, the leaders who caused the church to spiral into dis-repute, and who spawned a program to orchestrate mass banning, if not beatings, mass molesting, huge lawsuits -- and murders, which subsequently bankrupted and dismantled the church to almost a skeleton of its former self, would be charged with criminal malfeasance, embezzling society funds for personal use, criminal exploiting, criminal neglect of the children, criminal destroying the good name of the church, and so on and so forth.

    They would be in jail. They would not be welcomed to a festival to be the keynote glorified speakers. So yes, this shows that the more a person is behaving like a criminal who ruined ISKCON, the higher he is promoted in the GBC glorification totem pole. And that is why nothing can be fixed in current ISKCON, there has been a paid up corporate elite and they are always given special glory, and anyone who objects and who wants to promote Srila Prabhupada's actual process, is tossed out like rotten garbage. The gurukulis who told me they are not attending for this type of reason are correct. Yes, these people are criminals, they destroyed the lives of Srila Prabhupada's disciples, and their children, and destroyed the mission in the process. That is why the Isopanisad says these false acharyas may escape being prosecuted by the mundane legal system, but they will never escape the laws of God. And yes, this also explains why their temples are empty, by now just about everyone knows they are criminals posing as saints. ys pd

  2. Yes, there was a nice kirtana there. OK fine. Any blissful kirtana is nice, agreed, However the people who are having many blissful kirtans independent of the GBC process should not be sued in the Delhi Supreme Court at a cost of around $20,000,000 by these GBC people to stop others from having kirtan?

    All kirtan should be encouraged and not sued to be stopped. And the program that is doing this suing the kirtan folks to stop them is the same GBC guru program running LA temple. The LA temple claims they need money for this and that, but there is always $20,000,000 on hand to sue people to stop them from having a kirtan? And lets not forget how many elder devotees are having financial problems, chronic health problems, and so forth, and there is no $20,000,000 on hand to help them with their stressful situations? There is only $20,000,000 on hand to -- stop the kirtan of others? ys pd


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