Friday, May 10, 2024

Why the Ritviks are still wrong (VIDEO) 05 10 24

If you love Me, 
that is also loving yourself.

Hare Krsna!

Gopal Krishna was in charge of New Delhi Temple, and Krishna Balaram Temple-- plus he had a leverage on Ahmedabad Temple where Yasomatinandan TP was there. So I wonder---- WHO is running the show now?

Another interesting thing--- is----on his "samadhi" Youtube did not have hardly much of comments there. 

Hare Krsna! MRD

PADA: Someone was saying that the departure of the big ISKCON guru Gopal Krishna has created a power vacuum in the GBC system, and they are worried some of these folks will now join the ritviks. And the ritviks have a big program in India, managed by Madhu Pandit. So it is a threat to their regime. I am not sure if this was a coincidence, but these guys are discussing the ritvik issue.

There is a lot of "evidence" being promoted herein that the May 28th tape appointed some successors, either 11 or others. But no successors are named on the tape. The May tape was also not distributed, until Sulochana got a copy in 1984. And he was terminated just after he released it. 

Norman Perle's professional forensics says the May tape is spliced. But the real question is, does Srila Prabhupada want conditioned souls to be worshiped as: Krishna's successors and acharyas; and take karma; and be worshiped with Vyasa poojas; as be viewed as assistants of the gopis -- and so on? 


He never said one or eleven conditioned souls should be worshiped as acharyas. There is no tape or evidence he ever said that. What he does say is, do NOT make conditioned souls into acharyas EVER, or there will be mayhem and chaos, Gaudiya Math pt. II.

Bhakti Vikas also complains he is losing followers over the child abuse issue. So it looks like their history is catching up. Gopal Krishna would fly into California, stay here for a few hours at the temple, initiate two people, and then fly back to India and have no real contact with "his disciples." 

He was not giving "living guidance" to hardly any of them. It was and is a scam to make a few people rich, and be worshiped as good as God, when they are not. Anyway, this discussion of the May tape does not show when and where and how anyone was appointed as a successor. Ever!

Even if they are going to be eventually "disciples of my disciples," no disciples are named and no order is given for anyone to be diksha gurus and take disciples now. He said "when" I give the order, "when" the training is complete, "when" is not now, and that is not an order to start now. 

And moreover, conditioned souls cannot be diksha gurus, now or whenever. They fail to explain how a conditioned soul should be worshiped as the acharya. And they try to make it look like Prabhupada could not distinguish between conditioned souls and pure souls, so he wrongly appointed conditioned souls as acharyas. That is not helping the situation, that makes it worse and causes more confusion.  

ys pd


KKD: If you’re fed up with all the politics in ISKCON, you have a choice to shift to a non-political environment. Are you afraid to make the move because you vowed never to ‘leave’ the mission? Did you vow to stay with what promotes Krishna conscious values or that environment rife with politics?

Shifting from a political environment is not the same as shifting from ISKCON. You’ll shift from the politics, not that which promotes Krishna conscious values. If we apply deeper thoughts to this matter, no one can ‘leave’ what one originally intended to join, full of promise, potential, inspiration and spiritual growth. This stays with you after you leave the politics.

If you know the distinction between real values and messy politics dressed as spirituality, you’ll feel less guilty about breaking whatever ‘loyalty’ vows you’ve made. Loyalty is meant for God consciousness that cares for all, beyond politics.
So what did you pledge your loyalty to? If you’ve been toying with these thoughts and can’t make the move to freer situations, the constant institutional loyalty reminders have a tight grip over you. Are you happy in it? Do you feel trapped? If these restrictions hold you back, they are not what you signed up for. It’s freedom or unhealthy spiritual bondage. At least think about it very seriously.
Ys KK Dasa.

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