Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Visoka Departs 05 29 24

Priitaa Devi Dasi

My husband Vishoka dasa left his body/died Wednesday May 22, 2024, in the morning. This has been hard on me; so for that, and other reasons, I am posting it a few days later. 

He departed from this world on a most auspicious day - LORD NARASIMHADEVA'S APPEARANCE DAY! While we were shocked and sad he left, we are relieved it happened on this most wonderful, spiritual day! 

Vishoka joined the Hare Krishna Movement in the Berkley temple California. He is an initiated disciple of Srila Prabhupada. Later he went to New Dwarka/L.A. where we met and married.

He was an artist at FATE Studios, a project funded by Amberish Dasa / Alfred Ford. Prabhupada wanted this project.  I will put a link to it below. [My husband is not in the link but it's a lovely article about FATE Museums].

Vishoka loved to write. He composed a few books, and some blogs. Two books were about Jayananda Prabhu. Vishoka also opened a yahoo group to glorify Srila Prabhupada. It went on for approximately 20 years. 

There is surely more he did but I can't think of it right now. This is at least a good summary. Some will ask the cause of death, so briefly it was Parkinsons. 

Vishoka had 2 children and 3 grandchildren. And me as wife. He left his body with Srila Prabhupada chanting, and Srimad Bhagavatam opened and above his head. 

I am trying to leave my emotions out of what I'm writing, but of course I am upset at this time. Yet logically and spiritually I know he is doing well now. That was one of my big worries. Prabhupada's teachings are my saving grace. And his. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Lord Narasimhadeva! 

Please don't ask me questions but DO make positive comments, 

AND send mantra for my husband, Vishoka dasa. Thank you and Hare Krishna.

F.A.T.E. - First American Theistic Exhibition:

Vishoka's Blog:

Vishoka's fb post about his friend Kushakrata prabhu:

PADA: I first met Visoka in Badger many years ago. And I started out telling him how Satsvarupa was perhaps the most dangerous person in ISKCON, because he was writing all the GBC documents -- in addition to making many glorifications of Kirtanananda. And that means -- many people in ISKCON are now worshiping deviants as acharyas, offering food to deviants etc. -- and that will produce very ill effects. I said -- Mott Street boys and Krishna's successors is never going to fly. 

And Visoka eventually -- put up his hands -- covered his ears -- and told me he would not listen to me blaspheming sincere devotees like Satsvarupa, and then he would not talk to me for about three months. And it was a strained situation even then. 

So I think he was one of those devotees who was very sentimental towards the false gurus, and that was the way they took over everything in ISKCON. The false gurus just did not get much resistance, and they had a lot of actual sentimental support. Needless to say -- or at least as Sulochana says so well -- Satsvarupa is "the most dangerous person in ISKCON" because he is, again as Sulochana says: "The Joeseph Goebbels mastermind writer for the GBC." 

Later on -- Visoka sent me his writings about Jayananda -- evidently for me to post on my blog -- with a note: "At least one person went back to Godhead from ISKCON." OK, well that was not the aim and object of ISKCON, because it was supposed to bring thousands and thousands of people back to Godhead. 

But that means, by that time, he perhaps realized that I was right, Satsvarupa had master minded the disintegration of ISKCON by supporting his bogus Mott Street boy pals as messiahs, and being the "go to writer" for the original GBC's documents. Of course, promoting deviants as messiahs was never going to work over the long haul, and caused all sorts of mayhem -- especially for the children -- in the short haul. Which is why many / most of those ex-children boycott ISKCON even now. 

In any case I think he ultimately did agree with us -- and he would have wanted to see Srila Prabhupada established as the acharya. And he realized that the system of replacing the acharya, just is not going to fly. It is going to crash and burn, or as Bhakti Vikas swami says, "our gurus are crashing like Jumbo Jets." Yep, and there are a lot of damaged victims as a result.

So in essence, I think he eventually got it. We have to make Srila Prabhupada the acharya and not promote imitations. And I believe he would have wanted our idea, to make all the people in ISKCON into Prabhupadanugas, to have become the actual process promoted in ISKCON. 

That being said, one of my ex-kuli friends says -- a lot of these senior ISKCON devotees are leaving the planet one by one -- without ever making a final statement -- on what they believe should have been done in ISKCON in regards to the acharya's worship, the treatment of us children and etc. And after they are gone, that's it, they have no ability to make a final position statement. 

My ex-kuli friend says, they did not speak up at the start of all this, and then they are not speaking up clearly since then, then they leave the planet without making a sort of death bed confession, correction or position statement, so they are sort of leaving behind a mess of confusion. I think this person is correct.

Anyway, all that being said. Visoka was a humble and nice guy, and he was evidently devastated to see what happened to ISKCON -- which is why he said -- at least one person was saved from the whole imbroglio. That means most others were not saved, because the society deteriorated. As we said it would.

So he has now gone on to another plane. And we believe he was overall a sincere person -- who will make progress going forward -- and Krishna will give him a lift up. We hope devotees will pray for his soul to make progress towards Krishna and in sum, we wish him all the best, and God speed spirit soul! ys pd 

1 comment:

  1. LWD: ISKCON has supposedly 100,000 members, but only one went back to Godhead. Sounds like ... pretty bad advertising for ISKCON. Maybe Visoka is right, ISKCON lost its way ... and most of the members are not being saved ... or even elevated.

    What is Visoka saying? ISKCON has had an atomic explosion which has burnt the whole thing to ashes. Barely any survivors. What he does not seem to know is, Sulochana is right ... Satsvarupa has been the person navigating the bomber that dropped the bomb.

    I think? Most devotees don't want to identify "who" dropped the bomb on ISKCON. That means they are on the sentimental or mental platform.

    I don't think they ever understood what actually happened, and who caused the problem. And they never understood how they were part of the problem ... by not taking active roles in opposing these bogus people.

    And then ... they never made a clear statement, none of this should ever have been done. A muddled legacy. To me it looks like? They were bewildered by the false guru show ... and they never fully recovered.


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