Friday, September 2, 2022

ISKCON's Elder care -- deteriorating further.


Give your life to ISKCON!
And end up in a shed on the neighbor's property?
Srila Prabhupada says an administration that does not
care for its elderly -- has to meet Yamaraja.

Damodara Pandit Das is at ISKCON New Govardhana.

Help Needed.

Many Murwillumbah locals would know Lagudi das. He has lived in the Tweed for around 40 years. In the 1980's - 90s he was famous for working his many bullocks. He often went to town with his bullocks pulling his cart. He is now 82 years of age and last Saturday he suffered a heart attack and had heart surgery.

We are looking for suitable accomodation for him (especially for the next few weeks while he recuperates). He also is seeking a care provider. If you can help please message me. 

Thank you.

PVD: Yea, unfortunately he loved and served New Govardhana, but no one can look after him there. Shame on them!

LND: What do you expect. ISKCON is a fascist mundane business now days.

ND: Such a great soul.

LND: I have a spare room but I'm in Melbourne.

FGD: I have known Lagudi for 30 years and want all devotees send a message to Ajita das -- President of ISKCON New Govardhana farm. And tell him, he should take care of him! Last time I have seen Lagudi at Mangala arati in February. I visited him in his made up shelter in the out bush. 

He lives right next to the HARE KRISHNA farm. A non devotee family let him stay on their land. And he has been very, very sick! Please ask his Godbrother Niranjana Swami to take care of this old man. Jiv Jago Dasa.

PVD: Unfortunately, some one who worked so hard for ISKCON for 30 years, plowing the ground and growing veggies for the devotees, and would like to be around devotees so he could pass away in the dharm ... then you are forced to move out and live in the woods on your own. If he was loaded with cash, then probably he could stay. Sad! Money is always the honey with ISKCON leaders.

FGD: Would be nice if Lagudi make a deal with Ajita to have a little room with exchange to his age pension. I am 66 y. old on Australian age pension of $500 a week and looking forward to move on the farm to RIP. Just need to surrender. 

Lagudi's pension could help Ajitas project. And Ajita could become a Lagudi das carer and look after him ... and be paid as a Lagudis carer $500 a week. This is win to win for all devotees. Its how i see my retirement. First talk to the farm president and find a devotee carer who will look after me. Then move to the farm, give up my pension to farm. Do some service and keep respect to all devotees good or not. Respect is an answer to happy life! 

Please don't blame ISCKON! In all religions is good and bad people! Please be good yourself or be carefull! Its not our bussiness to judge other people! It is their business and they could use it how they like! Poofs (homosexual) people too, but unhappy souls in many ways! Please live in Peace and Respect! Your well wisher! Jiv Jago!

DS: Please serve this great servant of the lord.

SKD: There’s no spare rooms or suitable accommodation on the farm? Surely he deserves special care there.

PVD: No, only room for the karmi woofers and karmi yoga classes people. They don’t care for devotees -- only cash -- what do you think?

RRD: Sorry to hear this, I had the good fortune to have him mentor me while we were both living in the senior Brahmacari ashram in Mayapur. My very good fortune to have had his intimate association. He took great care of Gour Govinda Swami and bulls, yet nobody there to care for him in his time of need.  Unfortunately I'm nowhere near. Sad state of affairs ISKCON is in.

DD: This is very sad. How can compassion be gone for older devotees?

RRD: Because ISKCON doesn't protect women, children, elders, or cows. It's a related side effect. 

TD: I know other ex-ISKCON in Australia who are living in very bad situations. One of them is living in a tin shack in the middle of nowhere. He has to drive a very old vehicle 20 miles to get some groceries. Nobody cares if he lives or dies. Even if he dies ... no one would even know for weeks ... or months. Or maybe ever with this group.

This is the unfortunate pattern with ISKCON leadership, there is no concern for others, whether women, children, elders, cows, or anyone other than -- themselves. They have endless lists of committees for this outreach and that, but none for taking care of these devotees? 

Of course, if you are a big shot ISKCON guru, you will get all the fancy millionaire treatments. This is a really horrible religion business that exploits people, and allows them to die, once these leaders have extracted all the juice out of their victims. 

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