Friday, April 1, 2022

Lokanath swami Creating ISKCON's "Racial Wars"?


JD: It finally happened to me. I complained on a forum that Lokanath is a child molester and his people came out to tell me "you are a Western anglo who hates Indian bodied people. You are a racist." Seems Lokanath is trying to have all us Western people kicked out ... and insulted as racist dogs, so we never come back. Tried to say ... Lokanath's victim is also an India bodied person, but they really don't care about our arguments. Or their victims.

Lokanath is ... clearly ... making a racist and pedophile guru cult out of ISKCON. He is trying to purge all the last few Western people left in ISKCON, because he knows the Westerners will not worship him and his pedophile friends as their gurus. There are hardly any Western people even left anywhere, and Lokanath wants to drive the few leftovers out for good. 

Then he can make his pedophile guru cult grow and make ISKCON die. And that is what he has wanted all along. That was always his plan and he is really happy it is working, he got almost all the Westerners out and he wants to get rid of the few stragglers. And Bhakti Vikas swami is with them, he supports Lokanath and Basu Ghosh. They want to remove all the Westerners and make ISKCON a pedophile and supposedly "Hindus only" guru cult ... all along. 

Tell me this was not the plan?

Then Lokanath can have his pedophile worship guru program take over ISKCON. He wants ISKCON to be his private pedophile guru club and ... he will do anything it takes to make that happen. People keep telling me "he is a humble man who wishes good for the devotees." 

I do not believe that for one second. And that is why he is demonizing us, to get his people to make insults and threats to us. He is a violent man because he wants to demonize us Vaishnavas, to get us attacked. Then he can have his "Hindus welcome only" caste brahmana program, except it is a pedophile guru program disguised as a Hindus friendly only program. Even "Hindus only program" is bogus, never mind also pedophile guru program.

This is the lowest tamasa guna argument anyone can come up with! "You are a racist dog if you do not agree with me." What happens if we agree with Prabhupada, these false gurus are from hell and that is where they go back to. These people are the racists, they are using race to weaponize their pedophile cult. 

That is why Prabhupada says these false gurus are ... the most dangerous elements in human society. They will promote crooks and pedophiles as their gurus ... and have us banned, insulted, and maybe ... killed. I am really disgusted with this cheater and his band of attackers. I am with the ex-kulis who told me ... these people just have to all die and go to hell. Every day they are still here, they are a burden and they cause problems for others.

[PADA: Ummm, well yup.]



  1. Thanks Bhaktin J******. Yes, the India ICC Bureau, as well as most other ISKCON leaders worldwide, have known about Lokanath being a molester for a long time. Now Lokanath is trying to re-shape the argument, that only the bogus and fallen Western people oppose worship of child molesters, while he and his India ICC bureau "Vedic scholars" support pedophile acharyas "because they know the shastra better than the mlecchas."

    I agree, this makes no sense at all. The people who worship molesters are advanced Vedanta scholars, while the people who worship pure devotees -- like Jesus -- are bogus fallen mlecchas.

    OK but that is not what shastra says, anywhere? There is no instruction in shastra that it is bona fide to worship child molesters, and it is not bona fide to worship pure devotees? Yes, they are just making things up as they go along.

    Shastra calls these people Veda Vada Rata, or those who twist the Vedas to suit their own agenda. And the Veda Vada Rata make false gurus. And that is why they go to worse hells than the regular mundane people. They are using Krishna as their private guru club business, and that is the most sinful behavior there is.

    Yes, their arguments make no sense. Worship of pedophiles is found in shastra, worship of pure devotees is forbidden in shastra. They have no clue what shastra says. Shastra says, false gurus and their supporters go to the most obnoxious regions. They are not reading the shastra. ys pd

  2. JAD: Among white North Americans and West Europeans ISKCON is not so much active. But not necessarily finished. The temples seem to have been turned over to the Hindu diaspora but there are other activities going on.

    The failure of ISKCON to build communities with honest means of making a living is probably the main reason that it collapsed. Moneymaking scams caused the growth and collapse of ISKCON. The run of the mill devotees are all living on welfare and government old-age pensions. That is not yad yad ācarati śreṣṭhas.

    The Indian community is keeping the temples alive precisely because they work for a living and give of their earnings. They are invested. The devotees learned how to scam for the temple and then started scamming for themselves. From top to bottom.

    Now the Western devotees think the Indians have taken over and they feel excluded. But it is more than just a cultural divide based on race or nationality. It is because they have a different concept of community.

    PADA: Of course, but the GBC grew, lead and / or encouraged almost all these scams, including the biggest scam of all, the guru scam. Yes it is almost better off in the hands of the Hindus because at least they are not creating scandals day and night. Unfortunately, the Hindus are still largely connected to the GBC and have not made a clean break with the scandals, false gurus and etc. ys pd]

  3. PADA: Lokanath's people wrote repeatedly to tell me I am a Western mleccha who has no idea about the Vedas. My friend said he just now got the same "sauce" when he raised the issue with some of his supporters. It does look like they are trying to make this a "racial" issue now as a sort of bait and switch from the original topic. It is really going downhill for them when they have to resort to these types of lowbrow counter arguments. Malati and the NA GBC are also being blasted pretty much along those lines. All these so-called India committees seem to be limited in how they address the issue. Meanwhile, the India program is more financially dependent on Lokanath's program since they are losing a lot of financials that were coming in from their Russia and Ukraine pilgrims. ys pd

  4. Oh geez, the Reestablishing Dharma Committee, not yet another committee! What about the GBC Committee / Mayapur Committee / NA GBC Committe / SAC / SABHA / ICC / Sannyasa Ministry / Child Ministry / Guru Services Commitee / ISKCON Justices / Vaishavis Guru Committee / Lokanath Investigation Committee and about 70 other ad hoc comittees? Oh yea, they blocked me from the PAMHO com right at the start. What is the value of a another committee, if they are not hearing from the citizens? That is why Lokanath said in 1988, "in some temples, there are more gurus for the temple, than there are residents." Do we really need, yet another committee? ys pd


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