Monday, April 18, 2022

Jerry Sandusky Case VS ISKCON (SA Dasi)


SA DASI: Reading some of the defense and rationalizations of behavior of their leader (Lokanath swami) by India ISKCON and (ICC) members (and their separation threats). This reminded me of J. Sandusky case. They are threatening to separate from ISKCON unless their demands to keep a pedophile guru are met. That means ... the India ICC Bureau thinks that there are pedophiles in the guru parampara on a regular basis. That also means they think pedophile worship is ISKCON.

Quite a few similar patterns:

1st: Many students and others staged massive disruptive protests to support their other coach - Paterno -- after his being fired and finally accused for an enabling role in the Sandusky case -- who used College Football practice to lure his minor victims there. That shows how people can defend molesters ... or their enablers ... because they have been locked into supporting the system ... and they are now invested in it. 

2nd: Coach Sandusky was long - game -playing, smart pedophile. He was friends with judges, prosecutors, football stars and famous people. He did help many footballers, especially underprivileged young ones, when they were just starting out. So he was able to get a lot of credit, just like GBC leaders are always being credited with "doing so much service."

And this is similar to ISKON India: from comments of some journalist and Lokanath followers themselves, they were also at first surprised. They did not suspect their leader could be doing these crimes in the back room.

And one of their challenges to the allegations, why more victims did not come forward after Sandusky was finally charged and victims invited to come forward. Especially considering the numbers of children he was bringing to College Football practice regularly. And why did it take so long when the first attempts to file Police reports happened (15 years at minimum). And then, sadly, it came out that others were actually witnessing sexual assaults on children in college Football showers, and this was covered up by other staff members, and maybe other footballer students. Same type problem as ISKCON. 

These crimes were only reported to other college Coaches, and never to Police, again same pattern as ISKCON. Another parallel with GBC's handling of these cases, is that sometimes the ISKCON Sannyasi's own servants are witnessing their master actually grooming, lurking and physically interacting with a child or another victim like "the therapist." And they do not go to the police, they report to the "GBC Justices" and ... it ends there. 

One of the experts shared something that is rarely mentioned: a potential reason why such large numbers of probable victims do not come forward. Which is ... in a way ... similar to why people who know still support people like Lokanath. IMHO.

Experts said that a certain percentage of victims, sadly, become abusers themselves. So, some might decide that they have the right themselves- to start recreating what the abusers did to them. And those type people do not want the Sandusky defense team's scrutiny anywhere near them. 

Similarly, with so many probable victims in ISKCON India, it is possibly the same issue. The victims may not want to speak out, because some of them maybe became victimizers. We know of at least a few cases where molested victims became victimizers, and they then never complained about the problems they had experienced. For example the GBC employed some of the more older boys to act as "enforcers" for their abuse cult, and those boys are now very reluctant to speak out for obvious reasons.

I think it is no coincidence when some people show support for someone who is already known to be a pedophile, and he is actually a confessed pedophile predator of a child, and they still choose to worship him. Like minded people are attracted to their own kind.

Those people usually have something very significant in common with such persons. Either same proclivity ... or misplaced empathy for someone who victimized others, or after being victimized by them, that caused them to surrender to the abusers in some sort of Stockholm Syndrome type of support....

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