Friday, April 15, 2022

Bhakti Vikas Swami VS "11 Naked Emperors"

Bhakti Vikasa Swami acknowledges Eleven Naked Emperors (


In discussing guru issues within the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, we may wonder, “Why is there so much guru issues anyway? Why is there so much distrust of ISKCON gurus? Give the guys a break!” It has its roots in history, in the short history of ISKCON, particularly in what is known as the zonal-acharya era. There was a period in ISKCON’s history, shortly after the disappearance of Srila Prabhupada. . . . approximately one decade. . . . Really, things became unhinged. . . . Known as the zonal-acharya era.

[PADA: Notice that BVKS never really explains, who started the whole "Zonal Acharya" deviation? How did ISKCON come to worship 11 Zonal Acharyas, when Srila Prabhupada never appointed any acharyas? And notice BVKS says he has had great hopes for his 11 acharyas, but since they were never appointed as acharyas, he has had great hopes for a big lie and a deviation. 

I have great hopes that I will win the lottery, OK that is called gambling and speculation. I also have great hopes the hospital janitor can perform the brain surgery -- ooops, people are going to die then. 

Or maybe BVKS is still saying that Srila Prabhupada made a HUGE mistake and appointed unqualified persons as acharyas, as BVKS has said previously, the 11 are appointed. And how can we say the Zonal Acharya era is over, when people like Jayapataka (BVKS's sannyasa guru) have held the same "Acharya Zones" since 1978? Nothing has changed since the GBC STILL designates Zonal Assignments every year at Mayapur, as they still do now. 

And how could these "totally unhinged" bogus guru persons "2/3 show of hands vote in" another wave of gurus, OK like BVKS? These people are completely unhinged, therefore -- they voted BVKS in as their co-acharya. Very strange idea, we find a group of unhinged people, and we get them to certify me as their co-member guru.

BVKS likes to say any Prabhupada devotee could be a guru, wait, they were almost all kicked out by the BVKS and Lokanath swami program. And Lokanath swami said ISKCON is a ghost town in 1988. How is it that "any of the disciples can become guru," when almost everyone is booted out the door? 

Notice BVKS says that the Zonal Acharya era only lasted a decade. Ummm, nope, the temples were ghost towns in 1988. Really, almost none of the people who were kicked out were invited back. And 1988 is the year Gaura Govinda Maharaja wrote a paper for the GBC, "what happens when your guru is a demon." 

No explanation why Gaura Govinda Maharaja is promoting demons as ISKCON's gurus. Neither has the BVKS program ever explained their offensive 1980 paper "The Mahajanas Have Difficulties." Supposedly, everything was fixed in the first decade, but there is no evidence any of this has ever even been discussed never mind fixed.]  

Distrust of ISKCON gurus . . . most certainly would not have been to the same extent that it is, if the gurus, especially the original eleven, had lived up to what was expected of them. Distrust wasn’t the norm at the beginning. Great trust was placed in them. The mistrust was “earned” if you like. It was a very tough period. It started off with a lot of hope. (I’m speaking from my own personal experience from that period, and from [the experience of] thousands of others.) . . .

[PADA: Ummm nope. People like me have had no "hope" that the 11 are acharyas right from the get go. The GBC's folks had been falling down left, right and center all along from the early 1970s, and there was no indications that process would stop all of a sudden. Moreover in January 1977 Srila Prabhupada said "no more sannyasa, you are making it a laughingstock," which means these same people could not have become acharyas in January of 1978.]

There is a book which has been written about that . . . by Henry Doktorski. The name of the book is Eleven Naked Emperors. I’ve read the book. Henry Doktorski was at one point known as Hrishikesh dasa, a disciple of Kirtanananda Swami. So he also lived through it. He’s written the book in a manner which is trying to be fair, but at the same time, it is influenced by his adherence to the ritvik doctrine which I obviously don’t believe in.

[PADA: Right, the ritviks say that acharyas are not pedophiles, and BVKS does not believe that, because he is currently promoting the Lokanath program -- which has been promoting pedophiles as acharyas since 1978.]

It’s not really necessary for everyone to know about it. It’s not really necessary for everyone in the movement today to even know of all the details of what went on in the zonal-acharya era. We can know that it was a very rough period in ISKCON’s history, just after the departure of Srila Prabhupada.

Henry Doktorski: Why do you think he thinks I advocate the ritvik doctrine? Personally, I have not taken sides on the issue. I appreciate the ritvik walas, but I also appreciate those who prefer to have a guru they can talk to personally.

Henry Doktorski, M.Mus., C.A.G.O.

PADA: Thanks prabhu. First of all, anyone who rejects the GBC guru system is handily branded as a ritvik deviant, their catch all phrase for all doubting Thomas folks. Secondly, the Zonal guru system has never been dismantled. BVKS is the guru for Salem India, Jayapataka is the guru of Mayapur, Gopal Krishna is the guru of Delhi, Bhakti Chaitanya swami is the guru of Durban, etc. 

It seems like BVKS is spinning the truth on all levels. He also did not consult with you, which is the same thing they do with me "well Puranjan says no more pure devotees will appear for the next 10,000 years." OK, but I never said that? 

A pure devotee might appear, might not appear, it is not my job to speculate on the future. They also know you got at least some help and encouragement from us, so that makes you an outcaste too. He is just trying to paint you as a deviant with a wide brush. 

Right now BVKS is himself in the hot seat because his best pal Basu ghosh is promoting a known child molester (Lokanath) as the ISKCON guru of India, and BVKS is being painted as a co-conspirator on this deviation -- ok because he is. They are really on the run. 

Jayadvaita swami was in Los Angeles recently and he was rarely seen and no one knew where he was staying. Sneaking around basically. OK he is hiding. Kavicandra says he cannot come to the USA to face the angry mobs. Ravindra swarupa has not wrote any position papers in a long time. Satsvarupa seems to have lost his last marble rolling around his head etc. 

They are on the run and they see all of us as an enemy and someone to brand as deviated. It is working fine for them, in Salem India, not many other places. Oddly, BVKS is now saying that since they RIGHT NOW cemented their known child molester as a main guru of India, things are getting better and it is all corrected from the so-called zonal days. So -- a Zonal Pedophile guru fixes everything? 

Ummm, making child molesters into gurus was the problem all along, zonal era, this era, and the present time? It has not been fixed, if anything they are doubling down on that deviation. Anyway, you are on their radar now, hah hah. Read it and weep, should be required GBC reading! 

To sum, Bhakti Vikas swami has dedicated his entire life to making ISKCON's little children worship his illicit sex with men, women, children messiahs, and evidently one of his gurus was trying to have sex with a cat. And as soon as BVKS finds a nice homosexual pedophile, sex with cats deviant, or a porno swami, he is with the group that wants to worship these persons in samadhi in the dham, maybe forever. 

That way BVKS can make his homosexual and pedophile worship go on forever, or at least BVKS thinks he can make pedophile worship eternal, hee hee, or at least as long as he can fool people. Why would someone dedicate their entire lives to making little children worship their corrupt and deviant pals i.e. homosexuals, sexual predators, pedophiles, drunks, drug addicts, criminals, orchestrators of murders etc.? Where did Srila Prabhupada say, we need to worship BVKS and his butt buggery sampradaya? OK he never says that, BVKS says that, and he is trying to make that the teaching of Krishna. In other words, BVKS does not have any idea what Krishna is teaching. 

And BVKS says his butt buggery epidemic guru sampradaya is following "the tradition." BVKS anal reconstructive surgery epidemic guru parampara is "the tradition" of whom? Satan? He never explains. ys pd  

ys pd]

Whose Tradition is BVKS Following?

PADA: Yep, thanks "Russia News" prabhu. You are right, many Russian devotees support their nation, and many Ukraine devotees support their nation. Why? They are still not clear from their nationalism identity. Yep. And all of these people are worshiping the poisoners parampara, and the homosexual and pedophile guru process of BVKS. So they are subject to being illusioned the whole while and they still are. Agreed. ys pd 


  1. LW: Don't ask my kids about this. They think most of these guys ... maybe almost all these guys ... are homosexuals. And some of them are pedophiles too. And therefore ... they cover up for one another ... to keep the whole show going. But all of them are in the homosexual and pedophile guru parampara ... so they are all compromised. That is the consensus of their group.

    So what do we do now to fix this? Let us start with ... we have a bunch of unhinged idiots ... maybe pedophiles ... thinking they are Krishna's gurus and eternal successors. Now what needs to be done? I need to get them to vote me ... BVKS ... into their unhinged idiots and pedophiles Krishna's successors club! WTF?

    We had high hopes we could cheat people ... but it did not work out. Now we are going to be re-certifying our pedophile guru to fix all this ... once and for all! Any questions? We follow "the pedophile guru tradition" ???? ... and now we have to re-state that. WTF?

    So really ... my kids have this pretty much understood I think. And my kids are are probably not alone ... there are probably millions of kids out there like them ... all over the world ... who think like them ... this is a homosexual and pedophile guru club. Do they want to join it? No thanks! Never going to join it. There is no easy way to fix it ... until they all come clean and admit ... what it really is ... and get rid of the people who created this horror movie guru show. BVKS is avoiding the real point ... none of this was ever authorized ... and he has no authority to be one of their co-sponsors, chief enablers, maid servants and apologists. None.

  2. SD Dasi: Oh sure. There was 11 naked emperors. Some of them ... maybe most of them ... were having illicit sex with men, women and what else? Maybe children. Every once in awhile ... they stopped having their illicit sex party ... so they could hold a big meeting.

    We should hold a vote ... lets make more members of our illicit sex guru group. And then ... sometimes the illicit sex sessions were halted temporary ... to make a guru vote session. And that is how they voted BVKS. When the illicit sex orgy party is temporary shut down for a meeting ... BVKS goes to their meeting ... to be given a guru post from the guru orgy party.

    That is how to become guru.

    Find an illicit sex guru party ... and ask the members to vote you as their guru. These people are so pathetic ... it is most ridiculous to have to try to make sense of what they say. And every time they say something ... they dig their hole deeper ... and make more worse pathetic excuses. Now BVKS is maybe trying to say ... when the sex orgy party is stopped for some time ... he goes to meet with these sex party people ... to have them make him their guru.

    And that's all folks! Explains everything! I am so glad he is here to explain all this ... otherwise no one could figure this out. Pathetic.

  3. Bhakta JJ: Let me get this straight. There is a clown circus of 11 naked emperors. Some of them ... or many of them ... are having illicit sex. Some of them .. or many of them ... are taking intoxicants. Some of them are ordering take out pizzas ... while watching football. Some of them are sexing it up with the massage therapist. Some of them ... or many of them ... are getting rasika classes with Narayan Maharaja.

    While all of this clown circus is going on ... Bhakti Vikas swami joins the clown circus of 11 naked emperor gurus by being voted in as ... one of the new clowns in the 11 naked emperor circus. Now there are 12 clowns in the circus ... Bhakti Vikas swami being the latest voted in added member. What am I missing?

    When the devotees are being ... as you say ... beaten ... molested or killed ... that is the perfect time to join the program that is making these horrible offense and deviation? Not really. That is the time to stand up ... to object ... not join in with the people disrobing Draupadi and poisoning the Pandavas.

    Bhakti Vikas swami says all this was going on in the first decade. No such luck. People here are still terrified to speak out ... lest they meet the wrath of the temple leaders. Same goondas who were in charge all along ... still in charge. And Bhakti Vikas swami is with them.

    Lord Yamaraja has taken all sorts of notes on this ... something they simply cannot understand. While the rest of the devotees are being forced into exile ... out of the society ... or they are getting death threats ... or they are getting beaten ... or killed ... and the children are getting molested ... that is the time we should sign up ... to join that circus?

    We join criminals robbing the bank ... to get a piece of the loot? They have to pay it all back. They do not understand the law of Krishna. It is a guru clown circus ... and you sign up to be another clown in that circus. Why? That makes you part responsible for all their crimes ... as their helping assistant. That makes the blood of many people ... on your hands. These people made Krishna into a demon clown show of molesting and murder ... all so they could get a temporary big seat, salary, followers, money garlands, feet washed, big car, big house, all the rest, and all this does ... it will act like a stone on their necks and take them down to the lowest regions. They do not believe in Krishna, or anything He stands for.


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