Thursday, September 10, 2020

Pure Devotees Are -- Not Pure? (Lalita Shakti Prabhu)

Very nice message previously posted by Mother Lalita Shakti Prabhu:

MESSAGE to all devotees around the WORLD! 

Devotees are not perfect! 

[PADA: OK first rattle out of the box, the GBC and their Sridhara Maharaja and Narayan Maharaja "advisors" say the GBC are gurus i.e. perfect beings, but at the same time evidently -- they are not. If the GBC gurus are not perfect, then why has the GBC and their advisors claimed they are? If they are not perfect, they are not gurus. Of course these guys like to select debauchees as their gurus, so its worse than minor defects.] 

Srila Gurudeva said we are all in the hospital together! 

[PADA: Wow, so the neophytes and the GBC's acharyas are all defective people in the hospital together. So that means the acharyas are just as materially diseased as the rest of us in illusion. Did I forget to mention some of the Sridhara and Narayan Maharaja acharya successors have also had problems "following the principles."] 

Don't EXPECT management at your local temples to be perfect, nor the devotees who are running them. But we are all TRYING! Everyone is different, and on different levels of spiritual advancement. 

[PADA: We keep hearing this. They are taking the post of acharya, and then trying. That is not how it works. We are first off a pure devotee, then we take the post of pure devotee. A hospital janitor "trying to be a brain surgeon," does not make him one. We are trying -- to be the sum total of the demigods successors to God. Never works! Krishna empowers someone to that post, we cannot self-appoint ourselves to that post.]

We can't allow ourselves to withdraw from service and devotion at our local temples just because so and so did so and so... It's all a TEST from Krsna to see how unconditional our love for service for Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga is. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission must go on regardless! 

[PADA: While devotees are being banned, beaten, molested, sued and assassinated, Narayan Maharaja is giving rasika classes to the leaders of that regime. That simply enables the criminals to look like advance rasika level. Its putting jewels on the head of the snake, making the snake more dangerous.]

We should try very hard to work out our differences and forgive those who are immature in their understanding of Vaisnava Etiquette! We all must somehow imbibe the qualities of love and affection towards one another ... and learn HOW TO FORGIVE!! 

Otherwise how will Radha and Govinda want to enter our hearts to love and play if we hold grudges, anger and resentment? If others have mistreated us we should know that we mistreated others in a past life and are receiving what is due to come... due to our own misgivings! 

If we run away from Temple Seva then how will we become purified? These dealings are GOOD for us .... sometimes ... it makes us strong, resilient and humble. Humility is a KEY ingredient for advancement in Bhakti. Srimati Radharani is the very emblem of Humility. 

[PADA: Srimati Radharani is the teacher of our acharyas, and the acharyas never tolerate debauchee acharya programs, nor should we.]

Thinking everyone has more devotion then myself! Keep your focus on the Good Qualities of devotees... Don't LOOK at the negative qualities! Otherwise... If you do ... you will NEVER make tangible advancement on the path of Divine Love! We just have to face the facts of reality! Devotees are NOT perfect!! And as Srila Prabhupada said repeatedly... At least we are all in the shower trying to get clean! 

Thanks for listening!
Jaya Nitai Gauranga!
Jaya Srila Gurudeva!
Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

[PADA: If so-called acharyas are in the shower trying to get clean, they should not be taking the post of a person who is already clean. They should be honest that they are still in the beginning stages -- and not cheat the public with a violent sexual predator if not pedophile guru worship cult -- the kind of cult enabled, empowered and authorized by people like the GBC advisors. ys pd]

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