Friday, July 3, 2020

ISKCON Mayapur Re-opens With Restrictions

[PADA: A devotee friend who lives in India says their entire family are sick with the virus, including the little children. One of the younger men aged 32 just passed away after some weeks of intense fever, coughing and struggle. 

There are devotees who think this whole virus issue is a hoax and don't seem to understand there is a real problem going on here. My neighbor also work in a big San Francisco hospital and he works with the virus patients, and now he is getting overtime pay to be there more. He knows this is a real problem. Anyway, devotees are self-evidently not bullet proof from all types of ailments and we we hope they will take this ailment seriously. 

At the same time, a lot of ISKCON programs have been seriously set back financially with this virus process. Maybe its time to hit the re-set button on their program and re-calculate a new path forward, hopefully with more emphasis on taking shelter of Srila Prabhupada. Bhakti Charu situation looks grim, anyway you cut it. One after another their "living gurus" are -- no longer living, or barely living. The living guru process is the real hoax the devotees need to concern themselves with.

Anyway! For that matter the whole society all over the world is getting hit with this process, so maybe its time to rethink all their factory farming and mistreating and eating animals, mistreating the planet and etc. ys pd]  

Hare Krsna.

Dear Mayapur Community devotees,

We are pleased to inform you that from 5th July, 2020 the temple will be open for all the community devotees and visitors, as per following schedule.
As we would also be opening the temple for the visitors, we request the community devotees to wear masks all the times in the campus and frequently sanitise their hands, for their personal safety and safety of other devotees.
or sanitise your hands.

Temple Guidelines for Visitors:

1. Timings for visitors – 09:00 am to 07:00 pm
2. Visitors enter from Main gate or through the Gammon gate for the vehicles.
3. Sanitisation of vehicles and parking at Gammon gate.
4. Visitors to show their personal ID card at CCTV during entry at gates.
5. Temperature checked for visitors using infrared thermometers (Temperature guns) at all entry points.
6. Hand sanitisation of visitors at all entry gates.
7. Mask properly worn by visitors is checked at all entry gates.
8. Visitors are informed by security at gates to keep the mask all the time within the campus.
9. Visitors walk in the campus through barricaded path.
10. Face shield will be worn by Security personnel at Interaction points.
11. Separate entry and exit gates for campus, Radha Madhava temple and Srila Prabhupada Samadhi temple.
12. Restaurant, Mahaprasadam stalls, Goshala stalls, Sankirtan shop will be open for visitors.
13. Visitors to enter restaurant through west gate and have dining facility on the first floor.
14. Sanitisation of the complete campus (Prasadam stalls, Entry gates, Pathways, Temple, Restaurant, Public toilets, etc.) throughout the day as per frequency.
15. Santisation frequency: Public toilets - 4 times a day; Temple, Restaurant and counters - 3 times a day, Roads and walking passages - once a day.
16. Security staffs and other Staffs at Mahaprasadam stalls, shoe stalls, and other stalls to wear proper masks and gloves for personal safety.
17. CPD store near Samadhi open only for visitors.
18. No entry for visitors to the Goshala area.
19. Visitors can have access to the tin shed and public toilets near the Samadhi temple and behind Radha Madhava temple.

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