Friday, December 4, 2015

PADA debates GBC Guru Groupie (GG)

Who is the successor to Krishna?

PADA: Dear GG, I first of all simply cannot understand your idea that the "new devotees" should be in charge of selecting the worshiped gurus of ISKCON? Suppose the hospital places the hospital janitor in charge of selecting the hospital's next brain surgeon, and he makes a mistake and he appoints a bogus person as the new surgeon? 

First of all, that would never happen because in real life no one puts the new and unqualified persons in charge of selecting the surgeons, managers or the messiahs, of anything. However, if the janitor selects the wrong surgeon, then the entire hospital would be legally bound to be sued for negligence if there were any problems, just like entire ISKCON is being blamed and legally bound for negligence by allowing and selecting the wrong acharyas. 

You are saying ISKCON is legally and morally liable for the mistakes of these extreme neophytes? That makes no sense? Neophytes are PRONE to making mistakes, they should not be placed in charge of selecting the acharyas for the ISKCON Matha! And everyone else in the Matha has to accept and allow the photos of these "selected" acharyas -- selected by the neophytes -- to go onto the altars and accept bhogha offerings? Then that means the neophytes are running the society!

Nope, the already existing senior most, qualified and expert surgeons at the hospital would be placed in charge of reviewing the new surgeon, to insure he is qualified. The janitor would never even be consulted at all. 

So if only the new and unqualified people are in charge of selecting the next acharyas for ISKCON, that is proof that the GBC are not doing their job of vetting their messiahs. Worse, its placing ISKCON legally and morally responsible for the wrong decisions of these neophytes, and that is causing it to be bankrupted, and ridiculed for scandals etc.  

And worse, if the hospital puts the janitor in charge of selecting the brain surgeons, then the entire hospital will be the first in line to be sued if anything goes wrong with the surgeries. And that is exactly what happens in ISKCON, the new people are (according to you and others) put in charge of anointing the new acharyas, they made huge mistakes, and then the whole religion looks stupid for allowing these mistakes, and it gets entangled in huge lawsuits as a result.    
Next, I am not sure why you are saying Kirtanananda is the "sannyasa guru" of Gopal Krishna and Radhanatha swamis, and so he deserves a "samadhi in Vrndavana," when its well known that KS has been a criminal, sexual predator, and neither a sannyasa or a guru? 

Vaishnavas also do not even place in "samadhi" -- their well behaved and nicely profiled sannyasas in the holy dham, because a samadhi in Vrndavana is supposed to be reserved EXCLUSIVELY for the highest top notch pure devotees, certainly not for debauchees and criminals posing as acharyas? This is baffling, you folks are still saying KS is the "sannyasa guru" of your program -- even after all the criminal mayhem he caused, and he was proven to be neither a sannyasa or a guru?

GG: Telling is one thing, prosecuting a case is another.

PADA: Yes, they covered up things so that prosecution would not happen

GG: If no one files a case with Shesha then what can he do? It becomes hearsay.

PADA: Over 1,000 abuse victims signed up for the abuse case and another 1,000 wanted to sign up, this is all hearsay? Sesa has never prosecuted anyone for anything that I know of?

GG: So prosecute Shesha.

PADA: We were reporting and people simply did not care. Many ex-kulis said that too, all sorts of people knew and they failed to act, especially the GBC's leaders -- many of the victims told me that. Sesa had not prosecuted any of those involved in the abuse or the cover up regime that we know of? 

GG: Did Shesha refuse to hear their case in ISKCON's judicial system?

PADA: Sesa's "ISKCON Resolve" and the "Child Protection program" only happened ad hoc AFTER the abuse case was filed? Some victims said Hari Sauri knew about many crimes going on for sure, because he was Bhav's right hand. Many leaders said we were offenders for reporting. I can't say if Sesa knew or did not know, but its surprising that so much corruption could be going on and hardly anyone noticed? And no one was prosecuted by Sesa subsequently?

GG: Okay, so the case went to the courts. They got compensated?

PADA: Not much, the GBC declared bankrupted, the victims only got a few thousand each.

GG: I see. What do you want to do now? Shut down ISKCON?

PADA: No, we want the people responsible for this regime to be held accountable, for example Radhanath was marrying off 13 year old girls to older men. Imagine of you had to worship the person who married you or your friends to an old man? Dhanurdara was beating kids, and one ex-kid saw him being worshiped and then he killed himself. The GBC is not cleaning this up, instead they are still promoting a lot of the corrupt leaders of the abuse regime. These are not my issues, they are the issues of thousands of people

GG: 1) Ritvikism 2) gurukula abuse 3) Bangalore court case 4) individuals personal views 5) past mistakes of current leaders 6) what else? Thats really it, we are not going to worship the people who caused all these problems ever.

PADA: Many / most ex-kulis never partake in ISKCON because they know these leaders caused all sorts of abuse.

GG: No one is required to worship anyone. That is all voluntary.

PADA: Right, so we are going to promote the worship of Srila Prabhupada, and we are, and we are informing people of the bogus messiahs project and the reasons it should be rejected.

GG: So don't. I don't worship abusers and I am in ISKCON.

PADA: I am ISKCON too? I joined in 1970. no one can say I am not part of ISKCON? ISKCON means Krishna consciousness.

GG: ISKCON maintains and promotes Prabhupada's worship.

PADA: No, they don't, as soon as our friends announce they are worshiping Prabhupada they are kicked out immediately.

GG: You just can't take diksha from him anymore.  Otherwise he is everyone's main diksha guru.

PADA: Most people think Srila Prabhupada is a better guru than the GBC's illicit sex guru mobsters?

GG: Anyway they got kicked out for promoting the ritvik apasiddhanta that claims you can take diksha from a previous Acharya who entered maha samadhi. That is why they got kicked out for fabricating a bogus philosophy.

PADA: Most folks got kicked out because they did not want to worship deviants, they wanted to worship the pure devotee and they were banned for that. And now your GBC has placed Kirtanananda in a maha samadhi, we have to worship him now? 

GG: I don't believe they were forced to worship anyone. Iskcon does not force you to worship anyone. Bhakti is voluntary.

PADA: Some of these ex-kids were forced to accept initiations when they were kids, they had no idea at the time. Similarly, some folks from Russia told me they only found out about all the GBC's guru corruption a few weeks ago. The GBC gets people to worship these bogus gurus and tells them they cannot have Srila Prabhupada as their guru, its coercion. 

GG: Again with the 80s. Live in the present. No one today will get kicked out for not worshipping some guru. You are confabulating the past with the present. It's a sign if psychosis or possible neurological disorder.

PADA: Radhanath is being glorified now, not the past?

GG: They are not getting kicked out now for not worshipping him.  Okay so add that to your bucket list. You want to do what with RNS?

PADA: People are still getting kicked out as soon as they announce they worship Prabhupada? I have friends in ISKCON temples and they tell me they have to worship in secret or they will be banned.

GG: They are claiming to be diksha disciples?

PADA: They are not discussing any of that, they just say Srila Prabhupada is my guru, and bingo, they are tossed. Which is good news for us, we got hundreds and hundred of people this way.

GG: Naturally they will be kicked if they claim to be diksha disciples and never met Prabhupada.

PADA: There are new groups forming now in may places like Eastern europe, they want to worship Prabhupada and we are encouraging.

GG: Well that sounds like propaganda. Everyone in Iskcon worships Prabhupada daily. What nonsense propaganda are you talking?

PADA: No, they do not not worship him, they order people to offer their bhogha to bogus "gurus" who are often engaged in illicit sex? In fact people were offering bhogha to Harikesh when he was having illicit sex in the back rooms. I tell people to offer bhogha to Srila Prabhupada.

GG: You are a one man propaganda ministry.

PADA: No, Jayadvaita, Badrinaryan, Svavas, Sura and many others in ISKCON say the GBC's gurus have been falling into illicit sex, they agree with me, albeit a day late. Yet they still say you have to offer bhogha to these same people who are often falling into illicit sex -- or leave? Many folks even in ISKCON agree with me that these gurus are not bona fide gurus, and these gurus are prone to fail.

GG: That is done by disciples voluntarily. No one is forcing anyone to offer or worship.

PADA: False. People are forced to worship the GBC's gurus, as soon as our people say we are not going to worship their illicit sex guru's group, they have to leave. People also have to put the photo of the GBC's gurus on their altars for bogha offering, I know people who tried to stop doing that and they were kicked out.

GG: You are mixing everything and not being honest. Propaganda. If people agree it only means your propaganda is effective, not true. Fooling people doesn't make what you say true.

PADA: Which is what happened to some of our friends in Canada. They did not want to offer bhogha to pictures of Gopal Krishna, and so they were kicked out, then they started their own program and now they have maybe more people going to their program than the ISKCON temple has. The GBC is spawning all sorts of competition for ISKCON.

GG: Why did they reject GKG?

PADA: The leaders kicked out the poojari and he became part of our idea. Gopal Krishna is one of the main persons who took Kirtanananda's body to the Vrndavana samadhi; Gopal Krishna was voted in by Bhavananada's recoronation folks; Gopal Krishna agrees with GBC reports that say acharyas are often debauchees, etc. He has been rejected by thousands of us all along ... now more folks are also rejecting -- that's all.

GG: Temple management is not perfect and doesn't always handle issues perfectly. He should have been asked why and GKG should have come and discusses the issue.

PADA: There is no discussion of these issues? You either have to offer your bhogha to their conditioned soul gurus or leave ... where is this allowed to be discussed? Gopal Krishna is also voted in as acharya by the same people who voted to reinstate Bhavananda and Jayatirtha. Anyway, these people left, and his their family are great kirtaniyas and so a number of the temple people started to go his home program, the temple lost more people. 

The ISKCON temple there is already in dire trouble for having little money and bad repairs, and the city even shut down some of the rooms that the devotees were living in as not habitable, so the temple is in dire need of people and help, and instead getting their help, the leaders are kicking more people out. Some of their temples have rats, bed bugs, cock roaches, bad plumbing etc. now. So this is the main  reason for the Bangalore lawsuit, the GBC simply want to empty out another temple and bring in the rats.

GG: It just means the ritvik poison.infected the pujari. So he got the boot. This damage caused by your propaganda. Nothing else.

PADA: No, thousands of people left ISKCON and rejected the false gurus way before our writings became known or prominent. So their temples need support and instead of asking people to help, they are kicking more people out. The city said the brahmachari ashram is not fit for human habitation.

Anyway, then these kicked out devotees started their own home program and its a success, because why should they stop worship of Krishna? Many others also started their own programs, and now there are some in Eastern Europe etc., we are not going to stop worship of Krishna because of this lot?

GG: That is a side issue. If you make propaganda and divide the movement and people don't support, then you are to blame. Not the movement.

PADA: Thousands of people already left before we even started writing much ... you cannot blame us for the mass exodus. Anyway this devotee said I am offering bhogha to Srila Prabhupada and not GKG, and they kicked him out, I had nothing to do with that?

GG: He read some ritvik propaganda obviously. He started espousing it and got kicked like any other apasiddhanta promoter.

PADA: No, according to shastra we all have to offer bhogha to the pure devotee only. Not offer our bhogha to the person voted by Bhavananda's recoronation crew? Where in shastra does it say we have to offer our bhogha to people who are voted in to a bogus and debauchee guru's program?

GG: Prabhupada said "all my disciples are pure devotees. Don't make a faction." You have violated his order and made a faction.

PADA: The GBC never said all of the devotees are gurus? They said there are only 11 and then they began kicking out all the others. I also did not make a faction, Srila Prabhupada says you have to offer bogha only to pure devotees, He never said voted in fools can accept bhogha offerings?

GG: You are dividing the movement like any other enemy.

PADA: Thousands of people already left before we started writing? Where does Srila Prabhupada say we offer bhogha to people who are voted in at bogus guru certifications?

GG: The devotee offers through his guru. That is the process. Nothing wrong in that.

PADA: What if we do not accept that the GBC's debauchee guru lineage is bona fide? Anyway they said this devotee has to offer to GKG or he has to leave. So he and tens of thousands of others -- left.

GG: The disciples made GKG the guru, nobody else did.

PADA: No, the GBC has a 2/3 show of hands vote for their gurus, new disciples are not allowed to vote, we are not allowed to vote, its just their small clique that pontificates and anoints their new members from time to time. None of the new disciples are allowed to attend the meetings and vote for their gurus? 

And why are they allowing the hospital janitor to select the next hospital brain surgeon, shouldn't the elders decide on these important matters, not the "new people"? What kind of program turns over the most important management to the new and un-trained? Anyway your "new disciples making gurus" program is another failure, they are constantly choosing the wrong people as their gurus.  

GG: The GBC did not make GKG his guru. The disciples did.

PADA: No, everyone at their GBC temple has to accept Gopal Krishna, he is the guru for their zone? Anyway our guy was reading Srila Prabhupada's books, and the books say we have to offer to the pure devotee. And now GKG comes to Vancouver and he says this guy is a demon, because he does not offer bhogha to the false gurus buried in the holy dham project leaders like GKG.

GG: He is not taking responsibility for make GKG his guru and is whimsically rejecting him.

PADA: Not whimsical, he saw GKG is bowing down to the samadhi of Kirtanananda?

GG: And you support that so you are also implicated in guru aparadha.

PADA: I support that we cannot offer deviants into samadhis like GKG is doing?

GG: I am not aware of those charges.

PADA: Many others said the same thing, -- why is GKG offering deviants a place in the samadhi, he is right there in the samadhi photo

GG: Is KS a convicted sex offender?

PADA: He was caught abusing, he then admitted he was abusing, but as usual, GBC put a lid on taking to the legal police and authority. Radhanath was involved in that cover up.

GG: Has he been tried by a jury if his peers and convicted for sex offenses?

PADA: No, GBC covers up these crimes and tells the victims to keep quiet. And why would you say karmi courts are the peers of your gurus?

GG: Can that be proven in a court of law? Is there evidence? Or more hearsay?

PADA: Many victims were afraid of the regime, and they still are.

GG: OK. Can they come forward?

PADA: A number of them did come forward later when the 1997 abuse case was filed.

GG: Now they are adults. Can they testify?

PADA: They did, many of them joined the abuse suit in 1997.

GG: So is the case settled?

PADA: Well yes, it was settled that the leaders had to pay $400m, so then they declared bankrupted

GG: I see. So it is over?

PADA: No, the GBC is still paying.

GG: At some point you have to just end it if you are a sincere devotee. Why rehash it ad nauseum? Move on? Closure? What is that going to take for you?

PADA: I am not rehashing, I told you they are kicking people out now as they have all along. And now we have some new groups forming in Eastern Europe and so on. We have been moving ahead the whole time. Our sites are getting new readers every day.

GG: Nice spin. You are a ritvik proponent.

PADA: I never said I was a brahman priest (ritvik), ever. I was doing this way before the word ritvik was even being used, that word did not come up as a big issue until maybe 1990.

GG: I do worship Prabhupada. I don't need you to tell me that.

PADA: So anyway we are telling people to worship the acharya, and some people like it and we are moving ahead with that, and we tell them to offer their bhogha to the pure devotee and not to people who are often engaged in illicit sex etc. And our idea is catching steam.

GG: OK. You may have gotten diksha from him. But those who were not so fortunate need to approach a vaishnava who is present to get diksha.

PADA: Well that is the whole problem isn't it, you think conditioned souls, or worse, people engaged in illicit sex, are diksha guru parampara members? So we tell people to worship the pure devotee, offer to him, and read his books, period. Diksha means divyam jnama which destroys sins, We tell them his books will give you the divyam jnanam, nothing extra is needed. Why do you guys think persons often found engaged in illicit sex can absorb sins like Jesus and be diksha gurus? 

GG: Then you are subtracting. Prabhupada says "without diksha the actual connection with Krishna does not take place." You are minimizing diksha and creating an apasampradaya? Looks like.

PADA: You have failed to establish how persons engaged in illicit sex are diksha gurus? The books are the pure divyam jnanam? How is it apa siddhanta to tell people to read the books of the acharya?

GG: So good they kicked you out. No not by books alone. Prabhupada explained that.

PADA: Where in the books does it say we need to accept that illicit sex deviants are diksha gurus? And by reading, they understand that people like GKG are bogus because he buries deviants in samadhis.

GG: Not by reading books alone. Everyone knows he said that.

PADA: Well right, so we are making independent temples and programs. We have a 40 acres place here where our folks are building the biggest Vaishnava temple on the West coast, $8 m project.

GG: We can question GKG. His disciple should have given him that courtesy before rejecting him. More stolen ISKCON funds from the usurper ritvik?

PADA: The devotee who was banned did ask questions, and was told he was an offender for asking, first question is how can we offer bhogha to compromisers with deviant samadhis?

GG: He asked GKG that? I doubt it highly.

PADA: GKG is compromised with so many deviations like that one. What is your answer? Can we offer bhogha to people who are compromised with deviants in samadhis like GKG? Do you know the answer?

GG: He was a young foolish impressionable neophyte who you poisoned. That is what happened. Burying a dead body who was you sannyasa guru is an offense? Where does it say that? What should he have done? What does it matter what you do with a dead body? The goswamis bodies are cremated. So should we afford him the same? What is your point?

PADA: How can a known deviant like Kirtanananda be your party's sannyasa guru? Now you are saying criminals are gurus? Why do you keep saying a known deviant is a sannyasa and a guru? You also say the young and foolish should decide who are your gurus, and that is why they make mistakes all the time.

GG: Was he a convicted sex offender?

PADA: He admits he was having illicit sex in his motorhome.

GG: In America you are innocent until proven guilty by a jury of your peers. You know that. How do we establish the truth? You are an enemy of Iskcon who supports stealing Prabhupada's temples by forgery, so what is your credibility?

PADA: New Vrndavana was raided by the police, and was listed in the abuse case later. The leaders of New Vrndavana pleaded no contest at the molesting lawsuit ... I am not sure how the hamburger eating court people are now listed as your guru's "peers and equals" either?

GG: You say, he says. Until it is established through due process of law, he is innocent.

PADA: So now you are saying we have to go public and to the courts to solve any issues? You want the dirty laundry of ISKCON to go full public. Anyway, his place was raided by the FBI and he went to jail, they found all sorts of crimes there. He was running a criminal operation, yes this was proven in court.

GG: Sex offense crimes or copyright infringement?

PADA: Well murders were going on there, etc. All this was in the public medias. Every crime.

GG: OK why was he not tried for murder?

PADA: People were afraid to testify? They still are.

GG: So maybe he was guilty or maybe he was framed by COUNTERPRO  agents who wanted to stop him and this movement  from establishing varnashrama.

PADA: Or maybe he was protected by bogus people who wanted to keep him in power, and worship him now in a samadhi?

GG: Maybe it was all a false flag op? Without evidence and a trial it is technically hearsay. You can't expect people to believe every accusation against every person by every person. Why are these boys not here if they are with you? Give some proof.

Who is to say you are not COUNTERPRO? You fit the profile perfectly. Just google COUNTERPRO and see how busy you are at dividing the movement. Real sincere devotees don't do this kind if destructive propaganda.

COUNTERPRO (an acronym for COunter INTELligence PROgram) was a series of covert, and at times illegal, [1] [2] projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations.[3]

PADA: So the infiltrations of criminals and sexual predators should not be challenged? You are making no sense, anyone who opposes crimes and abuse is a bogus government plant? No wonder you have so much crimes going on then, you demonize anyone who opposes.

FBI records show that COUNTERPRO resources targeted groups and individuals that the FBI deemed "subversive",[4] including anti-Vietnam War organizers, members of black civil rights and nationalist liberation organizations (e.g. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Black Panther Party), feminist organizations, anti-colonial movements (such as Puerto Rican independence groups), and a variety of organizations that were part of the broader "New Left".

PADA: So anyone who says deviants are not messiahs is a secret FBI agent? Same problem we are having with a few of the Tamohara / Prahlad / Mukunda / Janardana/ Dayalu Nitai HKC Jaipur folks, some of them are saying anyone who opposes deviants as acharyas is an FBI agent / employee / government plant in ISKCON, ok so they are saying anyone who objects to the worship of illicit sex is a government plant? How is that helping?  

That means essentially, they are saying de facto that promoting illicit sex messiahs is the bona fide / good idea because it should not be countered, and anyone who counters is a government plant? 
That also means de facto -- its mainly the government plants who know that illicit sex fools are not messiahs? 

This is amazing, all sorts of you guys say that anyone who opposes false acharyas is some sort of paid up government agent which means, you are saying its only (us?) the government agents have enough brains to oppose false acharyas? Well that means -- the rest of the lot are less qualified than the paid for government agents? 

This is like saying the government plant is more advanced than they are, because at least we are protesting, and they are saying its wrong to protest, i.e. they are with the evil doers program. And that is how these people enabled all these crimes the whole time.   

This is amazing, you people are actually saying mainly the government plant knows that worship of illicit sex is bogus, and needs to be opposed, while almost no one else does? Well then, we need a lot more government plants! Again, this is how you folks enabled the whole corrupt regime all along, anyone who criticizes the molester messiahs project is attacked, and you are thus keeping the bad guys in power thereby. You are the evil plants?

You probably agreed to work for free. Are you on the government payroll?

And to clarify, when I suggest agents, I am not talking about the victims being agents. I am suggesting that the abusers may have likely been COUNTERPRO agents sent in to disrupt our movement and destroy our edu system, disenfranchise our next generation, etc. There is evidence for such agents infiltrating our movement and you look like one of them playing the role of "controlled opposition".

PADA: OK so there is infiltration of criminals and abusers, even you admit, so why didn't you and the leaders help me take them out? And you are contradicting yourself, you said if there is a problem, we have to take that to the police and courts, a jury of your peers, then you say anyone who does that is wrong. 

You are arguing  with yourself. You insist that we have to work with the police and courts and prove these people are criminals, and so we did what you ordered, then you say -- that proves we are bogus infiltrators since we went to law enforcement? OK but if we did not get protection from law enforcement, we'd be dead. Again, not sure how that helps anyone -- but the bad guys?

GG: Even those of us who are fully against the abuse would not go so low to destroy Prabhupada's movement he gave his life for, and all of us are giving our lives to. Prabhupada said ISKCON is non different from him. So you attack him, steal from him and cut him in pieces and reveal your position.

PADA: So now you are saying it is wrong to expose abuse? After you just now said we need to expose these crimes in the court of your peers? Wait? The abusers are secret plants, anyone removing them is a secret plant, that means basically nothing gets done, its a stalemate, and the status quo that acharyas are deviants remains in office. That makes you de facto helping the evil agenda. The bad guys are plants, those opposing are also plants, ok so that means you are all sitting on the sidelines doing nothing significant, except trying to chop the legs off those opposing?

GG: Just get ready.... for Yama.

PADA: You have failed to answer why people should be kicked out of ISKCON just because they do not want to offer their bogha to some guys who are or might be illicit sex deviants? You said they can chose to offer bhogha to whomever they want, nope, they are kicked out. I know many of these people ...  either they offer bhogha to deviants or supporters of known deviants, or they have to leave. And so now their temple is in worse repair because they chased more people away, they want Krishna to live in a ghetto

GG: That is an internal management issue to be handled the TP and GBC. NOT fuel for publicly discrediting Prabhupada 's movement. Sincere devotees don't air the dirty laundry of their guru's movement in public, counter intelligence propaganda agents do.

PADA: But you are the ones spending $20,000,000 to air your dirty laundry in the public courts and media of India?

GG: You can't justify your way if handling these issues. You are knowingly and deliberately trying to discredit and destroy Iskcon. You are an enemy. Not a loyal objector. Even Satanists don't air their dirty laundry, so you are worse than a child sacrificing satanist. That is the kind of logic you use.
Why should we listen to someone like you who is worse than a child sacrificing Satanist? Touche?

PADA: I am not the party that is spending $20M to take all your dirty laundry to court? We have advised you not to do that?

GG: I don't accept you as a sincere ISKCON member or genuine Prabhupada disciple. I know many who are just incensed and against the infiltrators who attacked our kids and tried to stop Prabhupada using every counter Intel trick in the book. They have done it all and they are still doing it, and you are just proof of that.

PADA: OK wait a minute, you say there are infiltrators to destroy our kids, then you say we should not expose those infiltrators, because that makes us infiltrators? Nothing gets done, and the bogus guru status quo remains. That makes you assistants of that agenda? 

GG: Consider yourself outted. Controlled opposition. A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries. Notably Vladimir Lenin who said ''"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

Count Mirabeau was part of the controlled opposition, because although everyone thought he was supporting the revolution, in reality he supported the monarchy and was a personal friend of the king. He was a government agent.

You are so extremely out there as an Iskcon protest leader (in terms of sheer volume, meanness and false propaganda) that it seems clear you are a false opposition COINTELPRO agent. If there is one, at least, it's no one else but YOU!

PADA: Either we air the dirty laundry in public, and we get police back up, or we die. I chose to live. Taru tried to complain at New Vrndnavana, and he was killed in 1980 and buried in the hills. Chatur bahu said he was going to meet with some of the GBC, his throat was slashed, Kulashekara was beaten almost to death, and there are many other examples of people being beaten and some were killed, because they failed to get police back up before they launched their complaints. 

So I decided to make friends with the police and the police saved me, when three giant muscle men GBC goondas were chasing me to kill me, and no doubt saved me all along. You either have to go public on a dangerous group of fanatics, and get assist from law enforcement, or die, I chose to live and I did live. I also have no idea why the government would plant abusers, and then you would attack me for exposing that process? I did what I did in order to survive, and my plan worked to some extent that's all.

Now you are mad that I was not beaten to death from your program? sheesh! I hereby apologize for living and not having my skull broken into bits, there, are you happy now? I said that the Vancouver devotee was kicked out for offering bhogha to Prabhupada, you said he should be allowed to worship whomever he wanted, you are wrong. 

I am not leading anything, I said we should worship the pure devotee and that is all we ever find in shastra, you have to offer everything to the pure devotee, and you guys won't even allow us to offer bhogha to the pure devotee, that means you are all eating bhogha. Jadurani said that in 1978, you are the international society of bhogha consciousness. She is right. 

GG: Everything is offered to Prabhupada, his mantra's are chanted and he has his own plate of prasadam. What nonsense garbage are you talking? Bloody idiotic talk. So many unverified "facts" is all you present. I choose not to believe you with verifiable evidence. Without verified evidence. So who is in jail for all those murders? Where are the bodies? No proof as usual?

Hearsay? Urban legends? Maybe you are just a useful fool? At best, you are a useful fool, and at worst a agent playing the role of controlled opposition or even the role of a useful fool. I am calling you out.

After everyone is kicked out or dead and the court case is over, you still attack and harp on the pedo homo rant and try to divide devotees. That's where you lose  any credibility for being a sincere devotee. I don't buy the "keep alive" rationalization. It is not justified now. Maybe in 86.

PADA: So this is how guys like you created thousands of abuse victims and the $400M lawsuit. You said that "there is no proof of abuse," that we are liars and so on. and you folks said (and you are still saying today) this all has to go to court where your party should be charged in public courts, in the public news medias etc. -- because we are liars and there is no proof. Then, when it goes to court, you guys cry like lost puppies?

Same thing with happens with the Krishna Kirtan / Tamohara / Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / Janardana / Dayalu nitai / HKC Jaipur folks, as soon as we said there is: -- A bogus guru program / criminal abuse / book changes / poison issue program etc. they said we are "crazy PADA demon liars," because they wanted the abuser acharyas to stay in power and to suppress our objections to the sexual predator messiah's project. 

They want the false gurus, changed books, victimization etc. to continue, and worse they want to discredit the poison issue by attacking anyone who forwards it. And that is also why this group are currently working with and promoting Hari Sauri and Bhakta das, they still think that the program of worship of abusers / molesters / poisoners -- as acharyas -- is the way forward for the ISKCON society -- and they want others to join forces with those who say the ritviks are "toxic cancers." 

And the reason they say we are "toxic cancers," is so they can get more Vaishnavas killed from their violent fanatics by using this toxic rhetoric. They want to have people murdered when they do not bow down to their molester messiahs, plain and simple. 

And that is also why they oppose our Prabhupada temple in Vrndavana idea, and they oppose our lawsuit to establish Srila Prabhupada as the acharya idea, that means they'll have Kirtanananda's samadhi and not Prabhupada's temple in Vrndavana. If you ask me, these are among the real infiltrators of ISKCON.

The GBC folks even told me what you now say, if there is an abuse problem, then take it to public and courts, so they wanted to be sued for $400,000,000 and have all of this aired in public medias, and you are now saying the same thing, you also say you wanted your abuse program all to go to public and courts, you and your folks wanted to be charged in public courts and public medias with mass abuse, and be ordered to pay $400,000,000. OK well you got what you wanted? And now you went to court in India to start airing all these problems in public over there? You guys are the ones who want publicity of all this? And the HKC Jaipur does the same thing, they publicly go after anyone who worships Prabhupada and they publicly promote Radhanath's cheer leaders, all in public. So you guys wanted all this public? 

And that is why you guys told us to take your party to court, and when it went to court, then you guys pleaded "no contest." (Guilty) Now you are saying, you did not want this to go to public court, at the same time, you are saying we should take this to court and we did the right thing taking your program to court? You have to make up your mind, either taking you to court is what you wanted or not, but now you are saying we did the right thing -- this went into court -- saying your party are abuse programs, and you guys said you wanted this in court, and you even just now said -- we have to do all this in court? 

And now Bangalore had to go to the Supreme court court and take the story of your criminal gurus into court and public media there, again, you are the ones who just now said you wanted all this to be public courts and media, because you just now said that you wanted all this in the courts. Why do you want to have your dirty underwear shown to the public all the time? 

You are the person now saying that you wanted all this public courts, you say you wanted all this dirty laundry in court? And the good news is the suicides went down after this went to court, because we broke your denial program down. 

Anyway, you wanted all this in public and court, now you are crying like a lost puppy that we followed your orders? And worse, you are still ordering us to go public media and courts, and when we do your bidding, you complain? This is called hypocrisy, among other things. 

What is amazing really is that you say we should not go to the courts to air the dirty laundry of ISKCON, then you say, what you want to do instead is --- you want to spend $20,000,000 taking the story of how the GBC makes deviants into gurus into the highest courts in the world, the supreme courts no less, and you guys are making a $20m donation to airing your dirty laundry there. In sum, you are the ones financing taking all this dirty laundry to the public courts. 

Yet anyone who exposes dirty laundry is bogus? That means you are number one bogus. Arguing with your own shadow! We said all along, lets not go to court, lets settle these issues ourselves, then your program says no, lets have a $400m lawsuit instead. Why does your program want to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on constant lawsuits airing your dirty laundry all the time? 

So far you have not even won one brick with all this expense either? One life member told me that, you guys are spending $$$ millions and -- you did not even purchase one brick to show for all that expense? So not only you insist on court, you also insist on draining all the money out of ISKCON to spend on -- your lawyers. ys pd

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