Sunday, May 9, 2021

Children Making Climate Lawsuits Against Adults

PADA: It is remarkable that many children see that the Earth is on a non-sustainable course, while a lot of adults are simply -- in denial. These children are right, the Earth will become less and less inhabitable due to: severe weather changes; toxic pollution of the soil; bad water -- or no water; and so on and so forth -- as is predicted in the Vedas. 

For example, a study now is finding that fish have been eating degrading microplastics in the ocean for actually decades now, it is just that no one was keeping track decades ago. And that means the people eating these fish are ingesting microplastics, and it is getting into their blood streams and etc. And that is simply one example of the mess being made.

And yes, the adults and their large corporate plundering of the Earth are all part of making this mess. These kids are waking up, hopefully not "way too little and way too late" to make at least some positive corrections. 

Srila Prabhupada wanted his devotees to have self sufficient rural communities, because in part, that is a sustainable lifestyle for the planet. Some devotees sent me some memes making fun of Greta Thunberg. Right, you stalwart devotees with Unicorns and "Peace in the Middle East Now" stickers on your car are going to fix everything. 

She has done more to spread a meatless diet than most devotees ever will. We need to do better. Of course the Earth is not our real permanent home, but we should leave something leftover for the souls that will come here to live on it after us, which includes future Krishna devotees. 

ys pd 

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