Monday, March 1, 2021

Prabhavishnu Getting Married (Russia News)


[PADA: After decades of supporting the bogus 11 and their illicit sex with men, women and children guru parampara, Prabhavishnu finally admits -- he is not fit for sannyasa and he needs to be married. Great! Except, why did he co-create a system of banning, beating, suing and assassinating the Lord's Vaishnavas (for their rejecting the GBC's debauchee guru process) only to admit -- albeit way down the road -- that you guys are not not fit to be sannyasa, never mind messiahs? 

I am finally 70, so maybe it is time to be partially truthful and admit, I am attached to women. OK, a day late and a dollar short. It won't do anything to undo the damage to your thousands of victims. Nor does it really come with any good explanation, why did you guys support the molester messiah's program the whole time? And who authorized that process -- ad infinitum. Australia people told me a number of his disciples were suffering, losing faith in Krishna and Srila Prabhupada, crying and mortified, perhaps some were suicidal -- and all that, because of all of his cheating. Who cares? Just don't get too much blood on my jackboots, it is very annoying!

Nope, no problem, nothing to see here! I am moving on -- without any redress to the victims, or even any good explanation for our history? Yep, gurus in our parampara -- fall down -- and get married -- when they are 70. Really? Did I forget to mention that due to their taking karma without authority, many of their "gurus" barely even make it to 70 in the first place, and they get sick and die. How do we know he will last long -- at all? 

Don't have any kids please! When your kid is 15 -- you'll be 85, if you even live that long. That just won't work, hee hee! ys pd]

1 comment:

  1. GKD: Prabhavishnu obviously is stuck in a state of being very lusty. This usually happens when bhakti-rasa (ruci) has faded away. Of course, when flying all the way from Australia to Thailand to meet a girlfriend something must be very wrong. When a member of the guru-club degrades so badly this casts quite a bad light on all the gurus. There should also be consequences for all the gurus to practice for example transparency of their bank accounts. After such a horrific fall down it is no more tolerable that these gurus insist to keep their Swiss bank accounts hidden. This whole coup of ISKCON being taken over by a clique of perfidious "gurus" who think that the Prabhupada disciples who worked hard to set up a world movement are a bunch of idiots should be presented to the world press. Prabhupada gives the example of a mouse that digs a hole and later on a snake enters, kills the mouse, and lives there peacefully. This is exactly how the takeover took place. And when a sannyasa guru is caught in flagranti with his girlfriend in Bangkok they even organize a marriage ceremony with a Vaishnavi for this culprit. Can something outperform this outrageousness?

    [PADA: First of all, why are most of these gurus hanging out in places like Bangkok, India, Russia, former Soviet states, etc.? Because they exploited the Westerners and burnt out the reputation of Krishna here, and so now they need a fresh wave of victims. Even Bhakti Vikas swami says he spends most of his time "preaching in India." OK the Western people are not interested in their sexual predator's guru process.

    And yes, they simply kicked out all of us so they could grab the assets and take advantage of the society monetarily, and create their own guru cults. That is self evident. Anyway, it is getting very ridiculous nowadays, as their scams and scandals unravel more each day. The real root problem is -- they are not just coming out and admitting, we have to re-establish Srila Prabhupada as the acharya. They just keep cheating. And so there was a photo of Prabhavishnu dressed in white, getting his feet washed in some sort of guru pooja. The cheating just goes on and on. And another guru told my friend he has to hang out in some remote foreign land because -- he cannot deal with the whole ISKCON controversy. OK he has to go somewhere remote so he can cheat the people there that the GBC process is fine and dandy, when he knows it isn't. It is just more cheating.

    Unfortunately, cheating Krishna never works, and one has to pay back the stolen millions or even billions of hijacked booty by working in Yamaraja's coal mines, getting paid one penny every year. They will have to pay it all back, with interest compounded. ys pd]


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