Friday, November 6, 2020

Kailash Chandra is a GBC Guru Clone

PADA: Hanuman Croatia formerly said Bhakti Vikas swami is bona fide, but he has now tossed BVKS under the bus, saying BVKS is a play toy in the hands of the ISKCON Governing Body or GBC. OK except, the GBC is not a GBC, rather they are almost all "sum total of the demigods gurus." Bhakti Vikas swami keeps saying there is a Governing Body, and so does Hanuman Croatia. That is false, most of these leaders are claiming to be gurus and not governing managers. 

If they cannot agree on certain matters, which is often the case, then they are saying gurus are fighting with one another over basic points of siddhanta. In 1978 11 of these leaders declared that they are "the acharya board" and that is still largely the case, they are supposedly "God's successor acharyas" and not merely Governing Body Managers. There is no Governing Body, there is an acharya board and that has been the case since 1978.

Meanwhile Hanuman says we need to listen to Kailash Chandra and read Srila Prabhupada's books. They never seem to explain that it is the original books that need to be read. And the original books are found as downloads on half dozen sites run by the ritviks, and we need to read these books. They seem to skip over that issue, in addition to maybe half dozen sites also managed by ritviks that explain why we need to read original books -- and they compare the originals with the changed. 

As this book changes issue unfolded -- and has been cooking along since the 1980s, Kailash has never stepped forward and offered us one stick of help, nor encouragement, nor advertised our cause. OK he has instead been advertising the GBC guru's siddhanta, that we need a living person (and not the books). At best Kailash is preaching what the GBC does, read the books, then go find another guru other than Srila Prabhupada. And avoid the ritviks! Of course Narayan Maharaja folks preach a similar idea, read Srila Prabhupada's books, but then go find another guru. 

Anyway! The ritviks are the main people promoting and distributing original books, and who have been taking some legal steps to have the legal rights ... and making various web sites showing people how damaging the changes are. The original words of the acharya have to be preserved. Almost no one else even bothered with this issue before we began to challenge it. 

At least some folks are doing something practical on this matter. We get nice inquiries on this topic all the time. Practical service should take precedence at this stage of our development. Kailash has never even advertised the ritviks and their original book sites that we know of? Is he not even aware that the books should not be changed and we need to advertise those who are promoting the originals?

HANUMAN CROATIA: At the beginning of the month, with great anticipation, I await a new video by Kailasa Candra dasa.

[PADA: Well yep, Kailash wrote a "position paper" to defend the GBC's bogus guru process in 1980 and various GBC folks circulated his paper around ISKCON. Trivrikrama swami for example was proudly handing out the Kailash penned paper saying "he supports the siddhanta of the GBC gurus." Not sure why Hanuman Croatia keeps circling around, and ends up back with the same old same old people -- either GBC gurus like Bhakti Vikas swami -- or those who write position papers for the molester messiah's program? Can't he ever find another program?] 

In this month’s episode, he spoke about sahajiyas.

[PADA: A person who writes position papers to defend an illicit sex guru program is worse than the sahajiyas.]  

What attracts me the most is the fresh breeze of discriminatory power and intellectual debate present in his videos. 

[PADA: Kailash has never debated any of us -- ever. He says for example that his idea is --that worship of a pure devotee like Jesus is "the posthumous (post samadhi / post mortem) bogus ritvik idea," but this is not substantiated by Srila Prabhupada. In many places Srila Prabhupada agrees that worship of a pure devotee like Jesus is bona fide. Tossing out Srila Prabhupada's statements about how the worship of Jesus bona fide is not fresh at all, it is the same old GBC stuff we have heard for years on end. And it defies the statements that worship of Jesus is bona fide.  

Neither can Kailash even answer our first question, can he name the personality we now offer the bhogha, the disciples, and everything else to? He says we need to worship the living person, but he has no name for this living person. So if people need to worship a living person who has -- no name, no books, no temples, no devotees, how is that going to work exactly? It is not going to work, which is why he is living by himself in the middle of the Christian ritviks in some little town in the midwest USA.]

Half dead zombie gurus of ISKCON never try to develop discriminatory powers in their disciples, on the contrary, they want to turn them into obedient retards who will not challenge the corrupt organization.

[PADA: Kailash is not challenging the corrupt institution. The GBC says that worship of a pure devotee is the bogus Christian idea, and so does Kailash. Same identical apa-siddhanta. Neither of them advertises our original books programs either.]

But during Srila Prabhupada’s times, we saw that same challenging spirit which is now present in Kailasa Chandra Prabhu. Srila Prabhupada was ready to challenge everybody, from mayavadis to atheists, from materialists to sense enjoyers. Nobody was able to escape Srila Prabhupada’s sharp intellect.

[PADA: Kailash has sharp intellect, therefore, he advertises that we worship (A) no one from the GBC, (B) no one from the Gaudiya Matha, (C) nor Jesus, (D) nor Srila Prabhupada, (E) nor any other specified guru. So this is called mayavada. He has no guru for his program, which is why his program is really just himself sitting in some Christian town somewhere in the midwest.] 

Thus, for an intelligent outsider who reads Srila Prabhupada’s books, it is very easy to notice that the first qualification of the guru is that he will speak the truth. Nobody can bribe him to hide the truth. Therefore, it is easy to conclude that ISKCON corporate gurus were never completely independent in their preaching, rather they were always maintained and controlled by the GBC.

[PADA: Kailash does not inform people to go to the ritvik sites for original books? Read what books? He never explains that we know of? Therefore he is helping the illusion that the changed books are bona fide.]

And the philosophy of the ISKCON religion is that GBC contains the highest caliber devotees who are in direct contact with Krishna. With over 70 fallen gurus who were baptized by the GBC, with big pedophilia and homosexuality scandals and cover-ups, I find that hard to believe. And thus, not having faith in the mayavadi Radhanath baba, who is the most prominent and most influential member of the GBC, I took upon myself to find the one honest disciple of Srila Prabhupada who is able to say the truth and nothing but the truth.

And I consider Kailasa Candra prabhu to be such a disciple.

I am sure that all people who looking for the Absolute truth will surely appreciate his presentation.

[PADA: Kailash says Srila Prabhupada is bogus for promoting the idea that worship of Jesus is bona fide, and worse Srila Prabhupada is promoting the posthumous, post samadhi, post mortem bogus Christian idea that people need to worship a pure devotee. Ummm, everywhere in the Vedas it says we need to worship a pure devotee? 

Kailash says we have no proof that Srila Prabhupada is accepting bhogha offerings or disciples now, where is his proof he is not accepting? And the way to fix all this is -- to avoid association with devotees and -- go to the Bible Belt USA midwest and live with -- the bogus Christian ritviks? Hee hee! So there is no actual preaching to new people, no training, no new disciples, no temples, no deity ever shown, no idea what books we should read, and -- no named guru. OK it is a heap of nothing, mayavada and sunnyavada. 

Hanuman and Kailash just cannot admit that their idea of worship of a living carcass full of blood, stools and mucous is a bogus idea. We have to worship the pure devotee, whether Jesus, or Srila Prabhupada. ys pd] 

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