PADA editor was just interviewed by a professional journalist about Tulsi Gabbard. He reads the PADA blog. I will post his article here once it is published. I tried to say her guru's program -- Siddha's Hawaii group -- is a little unauthorized, but it is not as bad as ISKCON proper, since none of his people ever threatened to have me killed. Nor are there a lot of reports of child abuse and other crimes.
So Siddha has a better profile than ISKCON, but that is not really a big recommendation either. In the end, I said Tulsi has a better track record than many other cabinet picks going on now, so I would tend to support her, because for starters -- another choice could be worse. I think she means well and is less motivated than a lot of the others, but that does not mean her choices will be guaranteed as good.
Sorry I could not have been more helpful to her cause. I wish her well, and if she gets approved, maybe she can be a good influence. Let us see how it all unfolds.
This is another article on the topic:
Letter to Jagadisa dasa -- Los Angeles 25 April, 1970
"Regarding your questions about how and from where did the conditioned souls fall, your first question if someone has a relationship with Lord Krsna on Krsnaloka, does he ever fall down? The souls are endowed with minute independence as part of their nature and this minute independence may be utilized rightly or wrongly at any time, so there is always the chance of falling down by misuse of one's independence.
But those who are firmly fixed up in devotional service to Krsna are making proper use of their independence and so they do not fall down. Regarding your second question, have the conditioned souls ever seen Krsna? Were they with the Lord before being conditioned by the desire to lord it over material nature? Yes, the conditioned souls are parts and parcels of the Lord and thus they were with Krsna before being conditioned. Just as the child must have seen his father because the father places the child in the womb of the mother, similarly each soul has seen Krsna or the Supreme Father. But at that time the conditioned souls are resting in the condition called susupti which is exactly deep sleep without dream, or anesthetized state, therefore they do not remember being with Krsna when they wake up in the material world and become engaged in material affairs. I hope this will satisfy your questions."
January 26, 2019: On this date in history 6 years ago, a reader writes to the author about “Killing For Krishna”:
January 26, 2019: On this date in history 6 years ago, a reader writes to the author about “Killing For Krishna”:
Hare Krishna, Hrishikesh Prabhu,
So I’m once again struggling emotionally with this entire sordid affair, and having been a part of it. I’m still struggling with the fact that I went to New Vrindaban to serve Srila Prabhupada and ended up involved in criminal activity, including murder. I have unplugged from social media to avoid dealing with it. But I stand by what I said in a previous message to you.
I will just tell you that when Sulochan was being stalked much of the communications went through my telecom systems. At some point I was told directly that “they are going to kill him.” I don’t want to go into any more details, you’ve got all the players right as far as I know and you know more details than I at this point. Besides it was so long ago that details are getting harder for me to remember.
I was surprised to hear that you didn’t know beforehand, about the murder conspiracy; to me it seemed common knowledge at that time, but thinking back, this may be blurred memory. But just like the morning after the murder at mangal-aroti there was like this electricity in the air and a buzz of whisper, “The demon was killed!”
This was only hours after the murder. Who told whom?
Anyway, the thing is that you have put it all together, and as I have said numerous times, that the accounts in your book are as I remember them. I haven’t started reading it again but I may soon. And as far as why I am saying this now there is no specific reason. Maybe because I need to get this off my chest before death. Mostly I want to defend my fellow devotees who have spoken the truth about this and have been discredited as liars.
Your servant,
Jyotirdhama dasa, ACBSP (Joe Pollock, Jr.)
Richland, Washington,
former Telecom Manager at New Vrindaban
For more about this topic, see Henry's book "Killing for Krishna."
HH Bhakti Vishramba Madhava Maharaja Ki Jai!
DD: My last time seeing Maharaja was startling. He was physically invalid and locked up in fetal position, going through the final stages of neurological shut down. His eyes still had their remarkable incisiveness, but aside from that it was clear his body was failing him. I have some familiarity around that now, but its still remains confronting to witness up close. I was asked by a dear friend, one of his disciples, to bring Maharaja a few gifts to support what comfort could be there in these last days. I offered my obeisances as I left his little room in the goshala, feeling this would likely be my last time seeing this precious sadhu.
HH Bhakti Vishramba Madhava Maharaja Ki Jai!
My declaration…
The proverbial ‘elephant in the room’ … is my re-entry in to Iskcon after being excommunicated during the New Vrindavan years was under an agreement of amnesty, I continue an expectation of that amnesty being honored, I reserve my right to silence on questions around my involvement in the activities of the time, assets I had control over, and the ongoing proprietorship of said assets.
In unison with the vast majority of my Sannyasi godbrothers, I decline to participate in the GBC mandate that Sannyasis’ declare their assets and income on an annual basis. I include questions around my Australian registered company ‘Jay Matsya Superannuation’ within this privacy.
I have several aliases that I have not deemed necessary to declare publicly in the past, Devamrita Swami, Jay Matsya, and my birth name Lee Reynolds. I have been married and divorced twice, once to a Polish devotee, once to a Danish devotee. There have been times where I have denied being married.
In 2016 a recording was made public of me giving advice in regards to how local authorities should deal with the reporting of a sexual assault. In the recording I advise them to try and get the victim to state it was mutual and that it will all go away. No Iskcon authority has expressed to me that this advice is inappropriate.
Your humble servant, Devamrita Swami
It became clear the rest of Maharaja's visit that goddess Vrinda devi, ruler of the sacred Vrindavan forest, was Maharaja's mother. He spoke of her with the ubiquity a religious person might attribute the influence of God - all things through Him - and yet it was with the intimacy of a son that he would express her hand in his life. All details of what was happening were a sign of her love and care for him, and in support of his life's purpose - the worship of his Krishna Balarama shilas.
I understood during this visit that Maharaja's time with us, and my chance to witness his unabashed obsession with Vrinda devi and Krishna Balarama, was my first conscious experience of closely associating with an uninhibited vaisnava in the last stages of their maturing bhajan. When Sri Visvanatha says devotees with deep taste will confuse and bewilder neophytes. When he says they will appear mad and erratic to the truly ignorant... here it was in front of me.
Maharaja would give elaborate and exuberant narrations of the cowherd boys pastimes, of the teasing of the gopis, of the cleverness of Baldau and Kanai - but not be able to hold more than a few sentences of conversation with a person in front of him. I've met other 'spiritualists' like that too, but somehow they manage to organize media teams and global tours for themselves despite their otherwise seemingly limited capacity socially. What Maharaja had was not that common arrogance. His apparent indifference and insensitivity came not from conceitedness, but from a consciousness deeply attached and connected to a mystic reality most around him didn't even yet dare to consider personally - despite espousing faith in it generally.
A few days after his passing I went down to our Tulsi room to glorify him to her as a kind of funeral ceremony and thank her for bringing him to us. She reassured me that his last days were only difficult from my typical point of view. Actually, he spent his last moments in this world laying as a gentle infant in the lap of his doting mother, where his heart had already been resting for so long.
His death in Vrindavan was a promise for all those that care about him that Love has secured his eternal life with those Boys he cherished above anyone else, and that they will see Maharaja again when they are also ready to go there.
HH Bhakti Vishramba Madhava Maharaja Ki Jai!
Vrinda Rani Ki Jai!
Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!
PADA: I see this a lot. This ISKCON guru or that guru is obsessed with Vrnda Devi, worshiping Silas, discussing Krishna's pastimes, finding old Vaishnava relics etc. Sounds great. But that is not their primary job.
Their primary job as managers is to make sure there are no bogus acharyas; and no banning, beating, molesting, lawsuits if not murders going on. But these problems have been going on left, right and center while these leaders are holed up in the dham or etc. not minding the business of the society, or their showing concern for the welfare of the citizens. For example -- all sorts of children are being mistreated all over the place, and none of these guys seems to want to address the problem. Too busy doing their sadhana etc.
Of course HKC Jaipur's Prahlad said the same thing, sure PADA is saving children from sexual crimes and abuse -- but so what? He is bogus for not chanting his rounds. PADA should be like us -- and abandon helping others -- and only save himself! OK but if you neglect helping others, you condemn yourself, just like the Kauravas were condemned for not helping Draupadi.
And that is why the local police said to me, it seems like the only people who want to save children from abuse are the people who are not "strictly following" like you and Sulochana. It seems the strict followers are cursed -- not to know the real purpose of religion. And it looks like they are strictly following the lemmings jumping into the ocean. Yup!
Maharaja cherished the cowherd boys of Krishna leela, but not the cowherd boys of the ISKCON society he was supposed to be a leader of. That means he failed to serve, help and support the boys in his own home town house here, so how can he claim to be serving the boys in a higher house on Krishna loka?
Sorry, this means he neglected his primary duty, to serve and help the boys here, and then serve the boys in Krishna leela later on. When the citizens here are suffering, your job as a leader is to help them.
But he also thought he could be another Jesus and take sins from people. So that was another example of how he could not even save -- himself. So he takes the karma of neglecting the citizens in his society's care, and he even neglected his own welfare by taking sins without authority.
Sorry none of this is "very advanced." And in the end ISKCON did not take care of him either, because the society he served is false, so it does not take good care of anyone -- except a few rich and famous cabal elites. And he was not one of them, so he was neglected. Yeah everyone else is suffering and I am sitting around discussing Vrnda Devi.
And Vrnda Devi is disgusted with misrepresenting her, because she does care for others. So the consensus is, the Maharaja went bat sh*t bonkers, which is what happens when one misuses one's intelligence, takes karma without authority and so on. And it looks like more and more of them are suffering from that same ailment. Srila Prabhupada told us, being in the dham can be both good and bad, good action is multiplied 10,000 times, but bad action is also multiplied the same. And if you commit offenses here, you will go mad.
ys pd
My declaration…
The proverbial ‘elephant in the room’ … is my re-entry in to Iskcon after being excommunicated during the New Vrindavan years was under an agreement of amnesty, I continue an expectation of that amnesty being honored, I reserve my right to silence on questions around my involvement in the activities of the time, assets I had control over, and the ongoing proprietorship of said assets.
In unison with the vast majority of my Sannyasi godbrothers, I decline to participate in the GBC mandate that Sannyasis’ declare their assets and income on an annual basis. I include questions around my Australian registered company ‘Jay Matsya Superannuation’ within this privacy.
I have several aliases that I have not deemed necessary to declare publicly in the past, Devamrita Swami, Jay Matsya, and my birth name Lee Reynolds. I have been married and divorced twice, once to a Polish devotee, once to a Danish devotee. There have been times where I have denied being married.
In 2016 a recording was made public of me giving advice in regards to how local authorities should deal with the reporting of a sexual assault. In the recording I advise them to try and get the victim to state it was mutual and that it will all go away. No Iskcon authority has expressed to me that this advice is inappropriate.
Your humble servant, Devamrita Swami
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