Thursday, May 18, 2023

Madhu Pandit Visits ISKCON / Narasingha Prayer VIDEO 05 18


PADA: Yes, things are breaking down. The followers of the worship of "pedophiles as messiahs project," like Vishaka and Yadubara, are perhaps gradually realizing -- at some point -- they might have to make compromises -- and work with the people who worship pure devotees -- and not their illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's club. 

Evidently the Bhaktivedanta Manor folks are still assisting the Mayapur project, which -- according to various reports -- has orchestrated a program of molesting, beating, and rapes of children. We hope people like Visaka and Yadubara start to get further away from that process -- and open up to the Prabhupadanugas process, which does not worship deviants as acharyas -- which causes mass molesting of children as a by-product result.

I told Yadubara a long time ago, I am going to fix this, and he was very skeptical. That is, until we had their program sued for $400,00,000 for the mass abuse. There really is no good excuse for promoting a mass molesting pedophile messiah's club, and more people are realizing that every day, maybe even the people inside the pedophile messiah's club itself are starting to wake up. 

Anyway, even I am noticing that I am personally not being banned, blocked, removed, insulted -- and no small amount of threatened -- nearly as much as I was previously. There is more interchange these days among the different groups, and that is a good sign. I think they know -- at some point, they are going to have to deal with us non-pedophile pooja renegades.

ys pd 


The Mayapur Gangsters


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