Saturday, May 6, 2023

Madhavendra Puri / Missing Kid / Therapy / Veganism 05 06

Madavendra Puri Tithi

Srila Prabhupada’s Hare Krishna Society » Sripad Madhavendra Puri Tirobhava tithi [Disappearance day] – Saturday, March 4, 2023 [Mayapura, West Bengal, Bharata Bhumi time] (


Police Search ISKCON for Missing Minor Boy

PADA: Not looking good pilgrims. Will they find out more about the children situation in ISKCON?


Professional therapy needed.

**** Dasi: This reminds me when MG expelled my son from ISKCON's gurukul in 2011 for his complaints of being abused, he strongly advised me not to get him counselling of any kind in the karmi world. just to give him strong guidance within krishna consciousness. At least Bhurijana recognised that counselling should be conducted by professionals.

PADA: Yep. When you come in contact with a molester messiah's program, you will need professional psychiatric help. And maybe a bottle of Vodka and some percodans. No kidding. 

At least Rambhouru Brinkman is on hand, she will fix you up with her nice molester messiah's project guru, so your kids can worship her illicit sex with men, women and children / anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiah's club, and then she will give you "grief therapy" for following her advice. 

Her husband Prithu Brinkman was angrily grabbing our leaflets, ripping them up and tossing them on the ground, then stomping on Srila Prabhupada's photo on the cover. Self evidently -- anyone who is not worshiping their anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiahs is bogus, especially when they want to worship pure devotees instead. And that is why Prithu went high into the ISKCON upper elite's circles, he is another pedophile pooaja violent jack booter enforcer. 

Perfect business arrangement. We give you the grief, we cure the grief. OK but who authorizes you folks to dish out grief to children from square one? And who will pay for the Vodka and percodans the victims might be in need of?


PADA: Oh oh pilgrims, Vegan milk free devotees again ...

GK: Hare Krishna's should not use milk products, they should be vegans. 

DD: That's because you are just a fault finder and do not understand what real compassion means. It means following the orders of the spiritual master and then automatically all the animals will be benefited. 

Everyone in the Hare Krishna movement knows the goal is to have farms all over the world to protect cows and all animals and to utilize the way Lord Krishna has said the cow should be protected. Not that you just let her eat and get fat in the field and don't allow her to do service. same with the ox. I explained it to you before and I see others have tried but you just can't understand for some reason.

You are messing with God because you think you know better. There is a transition period until there's plenty of farms with protected cows but in the meantime… Only if absolutely necessary from unprotected cows… We make ghee and continue to offer milk to Krishna from the best possible sources we can find and if those cows get slaughtered we can know that they will only be slaughtered this one last life and not thousands of lives. (they just got saved from thousands of future slaughters). 

Why? because their milk and cheese has been offered to the Lord and they have been saved from future lives of slaughter. Devotional service is all auspicious. All action is for good. There is nothing negative and devotional service if done properly according to the orders of the spiritual master.

They are meant to be slaughtered over and over again. That spirit soul gets liberated when the milk is offered to Krishna. why is that so hard for you to understand? Because you are not able to understand you become very blasphemous and offensive. 

So during the transitional period still the cows will be benefited and they will be saved from thousands of such births. Your limited vision only lets you look at this one birth and you think you are a do-gooder.

Actually that spirit soul is meant to suffer slaughter over and over again so you don't even really save it from this one birth. You just delayed it because still all the births will have to be met with slaughter that is meant with their karma since that spirit soul most likely slaughtered animals in his past life so now he is taking the body to be slaughtered.

You just have a very limited perspective of what spiritual life means so therefore you jump around Facebook trying to condemn all the devotees. I really don't want to take time to try to explain it to somebody who definitely cannot understand. others can see you don't understand ... because it has been explained to you over and over again but you are very immature and not able to understand spiritual topics. 

So keep on trying to save the animals from this one life of slaughter (which is futile because you're just delaying it). Nobody wants to see it happen but you need to raise your intelligence a little bit if you really want to stop it learn how to be effective. Do you think manipulation of the material energy is the way to stop it? You just don't get it and you can't get it because you have a very closed mind and shallow understanding of spiritual life. Everyone got it way back when Srila Prabhupada was here. He only had to explain it once and we all understood what to do.

PADA: Unfortunately, there would not be any cows anywhere in the USA, without the modern cow industry. Devotees almost always purchase their cows from the professional dairy industry or other cow businesses, because there are no other cows. To say there are some cruelty free cows roaming around somewhere is not realizing the situation. 

Meanwhile my airline pilot neighbor who used to fly commercial aircraft to India said, he would rather be a cow here in the USA, because in India the cows suffer too much and no one cares for them. At least the cows here get some attention, food water etc. 

It is also true that Srila Prabhupada said that when we offer dairy to the deity, the cow is benefitted. That will save that cow from many other future sufferings in future lives. In other words, not offering their milk to Krishna is also cruel punishment. ys pd

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