Monday, September 20, 2021

Rambhoru (Brinkman) Lets Break ISKCON's Children / Then mend Them?



Rambhouru (Robin Brinkman) is STILL trying to develop a program to help the children victims of ISKCON. Bravo! 

Wait a minute! 

PADA has been saying all along ISKCON has been forcing its children to worship -- illicit sex with men, women and children -- and evidently sex with cats; and pedophiles, and criminals, and drunks, and pill poppers / drug addicts (etc.) as their gurus / acharyas / messiahs from heaven. 

Then we make pretend we do not know "why" the children victims are experiencing "trauma," after we crammed a pedophile worship process down the throats of ISKCON's babies and children? And then we are going to give "trauma counselling" to the victims, same victims we ourselves are MASS creating. We create the victims, then we fix victims? This sounds very much like hypocrisy, and it is.  

(A) We poisoned the food in the house. (B) Of course! People in the house are sick and dying left, right and center. Then (C) we become the ambulance drivers and nurses -- going to the same house of poisoned people -- acting as their rescue agents? We are here to rescue you from us, and we are us? 

That simply adds more to the trauma and hypocrisy. Your process caused the problem, and now we have to rely on members of the same process -- to fix things? We poisoned you, but we are here to fix all of you poisoned victims. What!

For example, when we were handing out papers at a festival in Los Angeles, Rambhoru's husband Prithu Brinkman grabbed our papers out of someone's hands and he ripped them up and stomped on them with his shoes. OK he was stomping on a photo of Srila Prabhupada on the cover. These people absolutely detest the idea that ISKCON's children would worship Srila Prabhupada -- and not worship their pedophile's and / or opulent Kings on a golden throne lifestyle's messiahs club -- and their program of associated banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing Krishna's Vaishnavas process. 

And Prithu was yelling and shouting at our people, because he wanted to make it very clear, anyone who opposes his -- anal reconstructive surgery of children epidemic -- guru sampradaya process -- will be attacked -- maybe even violently. So the worship of Prithu's anal sex epidemic for children guru's program is being enforced, and violently enforced. And Prithu is simply one of the violent enablers and enforcers. "The enforced cult ritualistic worship of homosexuals and pedophiles as messiahs," and this program only operates by having these violent enabling enforcers. 

In sum! A violent pedophile mass molesting guru cult cannot operate -- without the violence element. And so they have a bunch of violent thugs out on the sidewalk like Prithu -- out there enforcing their anal sex with children epidemic guru's program. So our program is going to (A) enforce cramming a violent pedophile guru's cult down the throats of ISKCON's little children, and then (B) offer trauma help for the victims -- the same victims we ourselves made with our violent pedophile's guru cult process? We started the house on fire, now we are going to be the nurse for you in the hospital's burn unit? 

That simply creates more trauma to the victims. The same guy who intentionally ran over you with his car, is going to nurse you back to health? This sounds like a horror movie script!

Who authorized you guys to start the house on fire and burn up the children from square one? Where does Krishna say, I want the children of ISKCON to worship Prithu's violent pedophile's -- anal sex epidemic of children -- guru cult, and have My children starved, beaten, molested and then committing suicide, and have people like Prithu out there yelling and shouting to defend this anal sex with children epidemic guru sampradaya's process? And stomp on photos of Srila Prabhupada, so Prithu can keep his anus rupturing of children program going? 

OK Krishna never says that.  

As soon as guys like Prithu finds out his anal reconstructive surgery epidemic of children guru sampradaya's program is in trouble, he is infuriated! Why that could mean -- less anal sex epidemic with children! That is horrible, we need more anal sex with children guru sampradayas. Oh, but not to worry, my wife will help the victims with their trauma. Seriously folks!

Oh yea, I forgot, some of the victims died from suicide. So what? Not my problem. And why do we need a nice pedophile's worship for kids guru process? So folks like Prithu can live like a Saudi prince and siphon the money meant for the kids for their opulent lifestyle, and have the children starved, beaten and molested while these big fat leaders eat giant samosas.

So their regime has been forcing little children to worship their favorite deviants, sexual predators and / or pedophiles. And their regime has had an anal sex with children epidemic result -- which should surprise no one. And a number of children reported also being starved, beaten, deprived of soap and essentials, molested -- and who knows what else crimes against children have been going on, and on and on and on, and then the children end up in trauma. But Prithu has been eating big samosas, and he endorses this process, self evidently so he could siphon the children's money and use it for himself. Or what?

And children reported being starved in the meantime. And then we have a child trauma problem. Oh no kidding! Ya think so! 

And that is what a number of children victims tell PADA -- while us children are not getting enough food, soap, blankets, and proper care, and we are maybe being beaten and molested, big leaders like Prithu are using the society's money meant to care for us children -- to live like opulent Saudi princes. They have been siphoning the money meant to care for the children citizens to live nicely themselves, at the expense of the children, and so have the other leaders of the regime.

Thus the Prithu regime is cramming their pedophile worship program down the throats of babies and maybe little children, and then they are beating shoes on anyone who does not want to promote their pedophile's worship and their anal reconstructive surgery epidemic of children guru sampradaya. 

And this all happens because "we made a mistake"? Umm, nope you guys were yelling and screaming at us to defend your bogus program. Then -- there is a mysterious problem of traumatized children? No mystery here at all, you guys caused the trauma, you folks are cramming your pedophile's worship process down the throats of children -- knowing in advance -- it will cause trauma, because worship of pedophiles always causes trauma -- and that is already well known to every sane and moral person on the planet.

Wait! We have a program to push pedophile worship down the throats of children, then we wonder why the children suffer trauma as a result? The good news is, Rambhoru is bailing out of the Lokanath fest. However notice, she gives no explanation of what the problem is etc. 

Just, OK do not associate me with that, but let me work with the other jokers who are still promoting him? You are simply torturing these children all the more by not just coming out with the truth to support them, they were abused because your process promoted the system that abused them. Why not just admit that so the victims can move on?

And now some Lokanath followers are saying they too are in trauma because they found out their guru is a molester. No problem, call up Rambhouru, the pedophile messiahs's ambulance will be here soon! TOLD YA! But she did bail out of pedo-fest and we have to give her some credit:

Of course one woman wrote to tell PADA, do not forget about us women. Her husband is still a big shot "preacher" in ISKCON and he had four marriages, and three affairs, which devastated the lives of these women, and placed the children into severe turmoil situations, if not made many children ripe to be victims because there was mainly a focus on skirt chasing and little focus on the plight of the kids. Anyway good, Rambhouru is pulling out of pedo-fest, it is a start. Lets see who else pulls out. ys pd 

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