Sunday, June 13, 2021

Temple Guest is Baffled by "All the Changes" in ISKCON

Dear PADA: I want you to know that I grew up near the Hare Krishna Temple and despite I was always a Christian ... I had a good connection to Lord Jagannatha and Vishnu and Hare Krishna.

I write because I'm looking for somebody that can help me in the Hare Krishna movement with the right connections.

This Year the Temple here and again changed Images and Idols after all this time. They removed a great picture that I was connected with, which was given away to a private household in another region. Overall, they keep making changes without any known reason given to the congregants.

Since then, and after other changes ... the Idols of Ganesh, Shiva, Vishnu, other items along with a picture of Prabhupada ... were all removed and put to other places where other pictures held. Again, no one knows who is making these changes or why.

My point is ... that we are all exhausted and tired of being ignored and mocked by these irresponsible people residing here and managing the temple. After all these changes ... their whole system has been changed. And no one was notified or is informed about it. We just have to accept all this. 

Of course, they changed the guru, and the offering of pooja system, a number of times as well. And for example Narayan Swami people were once welcomed and allowed, then they were banned, but some are being back to allowed. No one knows who is supposed to do what. Or why?  

I have not the courage of contacting the temple here directly, because I am not an official member of the movement. Though I have joined with them a few times some years ago, but less now. I even got a big Picture of Krishna they removed and just gave it away to me. I lost that picture and now I miss it.

It is a pity having lost it, and there is where it this began, they seem to have no direction and just do things with no evident reasoning. My request to the leaders is to check all this out ... and try to put in some actual kind of system and order. All these changes are confusing and discouraging people.  

And how can we establish trust in our beloved Temple again, that we all lost faith in, just because of all these constant changes. I don't know if you are the right person to request my favor, but I am confident that you maybe have the right contacts to some GBC Masters or gurus who might be in charge here.

Thank you for your time and may Krishna bless you ... best regards or as you say haribol

[PADA: Not the only guy who is "baffled by all the changes." Change means rascal, as Srila Prabhupada says. And this process is destroying people's faith, and harming their connection to Krishna. ys pd]

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