Tuesday, June 1, 2021

ISKCON's Woman Guru Speaks Out (VIDEO)

PADA: The GBC guru system seems to be unravelling more and more. The North American GBC folks are arguing that we cannot allow Lokanath to be an initiating guru here, because he is evidently a pedophile. And PADA knows the victim personally. Then! The India ICC managers say nope, we need to keep Lokanath, because too many programs in India are going to dismantle if he is made to leave. 

And Raghubir / Bhakti Chaitanya swami has been left holding the bag, trying to unite the two opposing parties. Well good luck pardner! How can we both remove and keep a pedophile guru at the same time? 

PADA is aware of a lot of folks -- in the West at least -- gathering momentum together to resist the GBC's pedophile messiah's project. "Enough is enough" for a lot of folks. And the recent death threat sent to a lady who is challenging their pedophile guru process has really only inflamed the situation -- against -- all of the GBC folks everywhere, because evidently none of them are really standing up to rectify these types of things. It is making their whole operation appear as corrupt and compromised with, of all things, pedophiles posing as God's successors. 

Bhakti Chaitanya Swami says we need to have more and more and more GBC meetings, committees and conferences about all this, despite they already had fifty thousand meetings already, and could not resolve these issues. And! Really? What is there to discuss? Either pedophiles are God's messiahs, or not? Why does it require a big committee meeting?  

And now we have some ISKCON women claiming to be equal to Jesus, that they too are God's successors and diksha gurus -- and thus they too can absorb the sins of others. Ummm nope. A conditioned soul cannot absorb the sins of another conditioned soul, man or woman is not the issue. And Srila Prabhupada says if we neophytes try to take the sins of others (as diksha gurus), we will have to suffer, and a lot of them are suffering, if not fallen, gone crazy, or died prematurely. 

And the India ICC won't accept a woman guru system in any case. Anyway, lets us see how this all develops, but it does look like the wheels are coming off the crazy train more and more. Cray cray town, here we come! OH I forgot, it already has been cray cray town all along, it is just getting more and more self evident -- and to more and more people. ys pd 

Dear PADA: It appears that the GBC authority is weakening. I wonder how the GBC overall will react to this initiation by a woman "Sandamani Dasi." I also thought it was interested that both Kalakanta and Sandamani stressed that what might be acceptable in India might not be acceptable in the States, as to women initiating. 

But we can also consider that there are other practices that would not be acceptable in the West, like being told to worship someone as good as God, even though they have myriad defects.

[PADA: Well yup.] 


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