Friday, December 11, 2020

Reply to Kailash Chandra Groupie (PADA)

UPDATE by PADA: Jaya prabhu, well for starters -- I never said there was a final order? I said there is an ongoing order for all eternity to surrender to the acharya. Acaryopasanam. There is no final anything in eternity? It is endless. I never said the order to surrender to the acharya is one final point in time, i.e. finite? I also did not cite Kailash, you did and I responded. All sorts of people have told me that the GBC folks like Trivrikrama swami circulated the Kailash paper supporting their idea -- that we need to find a living person, and of course that is the same argument as the GBC. And that is why more than a few people told me the Kailash's idea is -- you can have any guru you want, as long as it is not Srila Prabhupada, same idea as the GBC / Gaudiya Matha etc. I am also not attacking anyone? Kailash started this when he said we are bogus to tell people to surrender to the acharya and accept him as their guru, and we merely pointed out that -- he says EXACTLY what the GBC says all day long. And that is why Trivrikrama swami circulates his writings. We responded to his attack on our position, especially since he is getting the GBC folks on his side of this issue. As for the condemning of deity worship by neophytes, that is what Kailash does. He says we cannot have our people offering bogha to the deity via the acharya because our process is wrong. But that is the process given by the acharya? When was this process changed? And who is authorized to change it? Again, Kailash started all this when he wrote a paper and the GBC were doing the happy dance with his writings, that itself tells me what the contents are doing without me even having to read it. They would not circulate a paper that disagrees with their idea, which some of my readers told me is -- anyone can have any guru they want, as long as it is not Prabhupada. 

Meanwhile Kailash evidently never even tells people about the need for original books and directs them to come to our sites to find the original books. That means our brand new people are doing more service than Kailash is, because they are making original books sites, which are being read by thousands of people. 

I also said that many disciples of Srila Prabhupada never met him in person and it is silly to say their connection to guru is artificial. In sum, the people who have a self-advertised REAL and BONA FIDE connection to guru like Kailash are NOT making sites with original books, while our so-called artificial devotees -- are doing what the acharya ordered -- to get out his books? Does that make any sense? The real devotees cannot be bothered to get out the original books, the bogus devotee are doing that instead? It is not swanlike to attack the people who are worshiping Krishna via the acharya and say their worship is bogus and artificial. That is an attack on the entire process of worship of Krishna. ys pd


EJ: Puranjana prabhu, Pranams. Jaya Srila Prabhupada! Yes, rittviks are getting some good results, but so is the ISKCON institution and bogus Bentinho Vassaro. And yes, Srila Prabhupada remains the last widely acknowledged bona fide guru. He is still a siksa guru for anyone who worships him. Rittviks are better than those who worship and praise the pretenders in the ISKCON institution, constantly committing the third offense. 

The question is how much benefit one gets from falsely thinking Srila Prabhupada has accepted them as a disciple. For one thing they become complacent and give up the shame of knowing that they haven't become sincere enough to contact a physically manifest spiritual master who can personally scare them with his heaviness. 

I'm sure you remember what that feels like - and you are that much purer inside because of it - something I lack. By ceasing to continue developing the needed sincerity, one commits a type of spiritual suicide. Following the eternal Vaishnava physical spiritual master formula has worked forever to reform conditioned souls. Why change it because of some ISKCON institution broken glass pretenders? Srila Prabhupada showed us how this was supposed to be done. Let us not dishonor him by doing things against that.

PADA: So we are getting out the original books, and people are reading these books and worshiping Srila Prabhupada. And these are false devotees because they think Srila Prabhupada is their guru? Well who else is their guru then? And the people who are not preaching by getting out the original books on original books web sites, and getting thousands of people to read these books every day (thousands of hits per day) like Kailash, are the real devotees? 

So Kailash is not getting people to read the original books and have people accept a bona fide guru and he is the real item? Sorry, that sounds like a dead parampara to me. There is no current link in the Kailash system, it is a dead parampara, there is no current link. 

Kailash is not making devotees, temples, programs, training people in deity worship etc. and basically he is against the preachers. Now he says our people are not really connected to Krishna, and exactly how does he know that? Right, he thinks he is talking to Krishna and Krishna told him we are not connected. He has no idea who is connected and who is not. 

Our devotees are reporting their lives are being saved, and Kailash is begrudging and saying there is no connection, with zero proof. That means he wanted these people to suffer and not be connected, otherwise why would he begrudge their accepting a bona fide acharya? Kailash is living alone with the Christian ritviks, he cannot live with any Vaishnavas, he has to associate with the ritviks because they are the only people who are merciful enough to tolerate him. ys pd

1 comment:

  1. OK so the answer to all this for me is simple. Trivrikrama swami was circulating Kailash's paper, with a lot of glee. After all, who else says you can have any guru you want, as long as it is not Srila Prabhupada? So Trivrikrama / Kailash types told everyone to go find a guru, and they did. ISKCON was emptied out and they went and found another guru in the Gaudiya Matha / Narayan Maharaja / Babajis and ok some went to Trivrikrama. Now it is taking us decades to try to counteract that and rebuild something. One thing is, our newest people know how to offer bhogha, and when we asked a follower of Kailash how he offers bhogha, he had no clear idea? Worse, he told me there is no proof Srila Prabhupada accepts bhogha offerings, or new followers. It seems Kailash is not even giving out the basic points, never mind getting out the original books etc. as our program is doing. There is no final order, there is one order, acharyopasanam, worship the acharya. It is eternal, not first, last or final. Our people are doing that already. The other order is, to make devotees of Krishna, and we are doing that too, while Kailash types seem to be unable to build any process for others to go to? The mission is to spread the teachings of the acharya, not to tell people to go find another acharya, whose teachings are often wrong. The truth is, Kailash will never have any functioning devotional program for others to take shelter of, he has never had any and he never will. Go find another acharya is making ISKCON disintegrate ... that is not the order. ys pd


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