Monday, October 10, 2011

RE: Reform vs Akshaya Patra program (ISKCON) ys pd

Thanks for your question Jenny. Yes, the current ISKCON leaders say they are now on better behavior because they "reformed." However, our group is currently feeding 1.5 million children every day in India and the "reformed" leaders of the deviant ISKCON sect (Mumbhai) are spending $4,000,000 suing our free food program devotees, trying to shut down our free food program so they can starve these children and deprive them of food. These same leaders were already sued for $400,00,000 in the USA for starving children in their own schools -- and they lost the case. Now they want to starve 1.5 million MORE children, after already being convicted of starving thousands of children. That means they are getting worse and not better. After starving thousands of children, they had an alleged reform, but the result of their reform is that now they want to starve millions of people. So that means they are deteriorating and not getting reformed. If one starves thousands of children, and now wants to starve millions of children, that means in fact one is millions of times worse than previously. So this reform is a scam. Of course the whole idea that messiahs need to be reformed is a scam itself.  ys pd

PBS special on our Akshaya patra food programme:

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