Monday, October 3, 2011

ISKCON Confidentiality Agreement (Pusta Krishna dasa)

Regarding Confidentiality Agreement


Hare Krishna. I did a search of Sampradaya Sun and found a Bhaktivedanta Manor Confidentiality Agreement. I read it. First, and in a general way, many businesses have confidentiality agreements to protect their business and creative material. That is of course intended to preserve the successful competitive impact of a business. As a doctor, I am sworn to confidentiality as it relates to a patient's health care and health history. It is a legal as well as ethical matter. Now, let us consider the Confidentiality Agreement as it relates to the workings of the Bhaktivedanta Manor, or ISKCON in general.

Mahavidya Prabhu prefaces his question to me, regarding what I think about the Confidentiality Agreement, by listing a number of illegal activities that have occurred in ISKCON. He warns that such activities may not only be of historical interest, but may be going on at present. Not at all surprising given the fact that human nature is what it is.

[PADA: OK, here is the first problem we have with GBC / Gaudiya Matha / Sridhara Maharaja /  Tripurari clones and sympathizers, they keep saying that the acharyas are falling due to "human nature being what it is." That means they think the acharyas are ordinary men. The people who keep falling down are being advertised as "parampara gurus" and yet at the same time, these falling down people are regular human beings. Why bother being a pure devotee is pure devotees are falling just like the ordinary man?]   

PKD: In fact, and I may have written the same in an email to Rocana das Prabhu, when it became apparent that Kirtanananda was dying, I did some searches and came upon many things including "Monkey on a Stick". I read some of this. It is astonishingly horrible to hear about the cruelty that took place as outlined in that book. It may only be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to such illegal activities as related to the abuse and murder of others.

[PADA: OK, this is great news, Pusta Krishna is finally catching up to what was going on in the early 1980s in ISKCON. Again, the real problem is not being addressed, which is -- that the SELF same cheer leading supporters of Kirtanananda, like Radhanatha swami, Devarmrita, Satsvarupa, Hrdayananda, Hari Sauri, Kuladri, the GBC, etc. and et al, are still in charge of ISKCON. All of the henchmen of Kirtananda are still in charge.]

PKD: If one did not already have faith in Krishna and Srila Prabhupad, they would run, not walk, to the exit of anything Krishna conscious related.

[PADA: OK, good, if it was not for Pusta Krishna being a devotee in the 1970s, he never would have joined later on because of all the corruption. In fact he would have run away from ISKCON as fast as possible. So, if people are running away still, and the temples are still empty and getting emptier, what has been rectified?]

PKD: Fortunately, for me, I cannot leave Krishna. I know that He is the one and only Supreme Lord. But, the activities necessarily shake the foundations of ISKCON. And, I must say that, in my opinion, it is not the presence of the GBC, but rather the impotence of the GBC that permitted and permits illegal and horrific activities from taking place. So, now, this is my heartfelt impression of any Confidentiality Agreement.

[PADA: Right, the GBC is the hand-maiden of the criminality, either by covert or overt means. Agreed.]

PKD: The association of bhaktas is purely voluntary, and must be based upon love and trust. If association is based upon fear and suspicion, it is not worthy to be considered as Vaishnava association.

[PADA: Right, in a society of actual love and trust no legal document is required, this means the GBC has a lot to hide and so they are covering themselves legally by intimidating people with the threat of legal action should they speak up.]

PKD: That is the first principle. Secondly, the administrators or kshatriyas, must perform their duty. By definition, a kshatriya protects his dependents from harm. If they do not do this, they are not fit to be administrators. Those under the protection of the good kshatriyas should not fear from harm. On the other hand, if kshatriyas are giving protection to those who are doing harm, and neglecting those who are being harmed, it is an untenable situation. This has been a pattern in the past in ISKCON, in the church, and elsewhere.

[PADA: Great! Its untenable.]

PKD: Srila Prabhupad naturally did not want that the outside legal authorities should legislate the workings of ISKCON. However, illegal activities cannot be swept under the carpet without a horrific reaction to the ISKCON society. We have seen this in the past, and we cannot think that the outcome will not be the same if history repeats itself. The hope is that the GBC will both guide the society of devotees, and uphold the highest standards of human character.

So, the precedent for signing a Confidentiality Agreement has no precedence in the Vaishnava tradition to my understanding.

[PADA: Right!]

PKD: Love and trust must be the basis of the association of devotees. And, if discord arises due to illegal activities, the temple administration should not need to be coerced to make things right.
If the temple were producing a product for marketing, there might be a place for confidentiality, obviously.

However, this is not the intent here. If the intent is to "keep dirty laundry" from becoming public knowledge, a confidentiality agreement would truly not protect the information from coming to light, in the end. Rather, in my opinion, based on Srila Prabhupada's Will, the GBC collectively must be certain that there is ethical leadership in ISKCON at the local and other levels. I believe in Srila Prabhupada's wisdom. I realize that there are some who are already disgusted with the GBC. I would say, I also am disappointed by how uncaring the GBC may have been with past and current scandals of illegal activity. The GBC must realize its collective responsibility. The form is correct! The substance must be there in order to fulfill Srila Prabhupada's vision.

[PADA: Good progress.]

1 comment:

  1. Hare Krishna Prabhu
    PAMHO.AGTSP.If there is any offenses that I have committed whatsoever or any lack Of respect that I may have shown , please forgive me.
    Your servant
    Lilakara das


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