What exactly do we expect will happen in two more weeks? I already know, more of the same kicking the can down the road. Never mind we had to use tricks to get a copy of the poison tape itself, they did not volunteer to hand it off to us.
OK so they were given two weeks to reply in October 2024, and pretty soon it is going to be October 2025, and we are still not going to get a concrete answer from them. Then it is going to be October 3025, and there will still be no reply from this lot. I am not sure why we would even expect them to respond, ever?
They have never responded properly for any issue -- the bogus appointment issue, child abuse issue, book changes issue, never mind the poison issue. They cannot respond because that would more or less mean -- admission of guilt.
They have never responded properly for any issue -- the bogus appointment issue, child abuse issue, book changes issue, never mind the poison issue. They cannot respond because that would more or less mean -- admission of guilt.
Waiting for the guilty party to admit to guilt is like waiting for the moon to fall out of the sky, it is not going to work. We have to expose these people NOW and move ahead NOW with our own program to get justice NOW! We will never get justice waiting for them to approve justice for -- themselves.
Q: Can you explain why you shot up the bank and ran out the door with all the money?
A: Well sure, just give me two more weeks to reply.
This is also going on with the child welfare forum.
Q: When will the GBC respond?
A: Not now and not ever. It is dreaming in color to think they will. OK they might start a lawsuit against the directors of the forum, as their reply, as they did. Sorry, I just have no confidence the GBC has the capacity or willingness to reply to -- any issue.
Meanwhile more of them resign, die off or go senile, so the window to get any sort of reaction is closing fast. Pretty soon there won't be anyone of the core cadre left to respond. Anyway, there has been a good effort to expose the case, and it is helping, but unless it is filed legally and made public, it will only get partial results.
ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com
January 30, 2025
Communications between ISKCON GBC Executive Committee (EC) and
Naveen Krishna dasa and Dhira Govinda dasa
On January 17, 2025, the members of the ISKCON GBC EC (GBC.EC@pamho.net) sent a letter to davidbwolf@satvatove.com, as follows-
Subject: Dialogue
Dear Dhira Govinda Prabhu & Naveen Krishna Prabhu,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. We wrote to you last autumn that we are willing to engage in a dialogue and also suggested that the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies was best equipped to review data with you. We have not heard back from you and ask if you still seek this dialogue.
Hare Krishna,
Your servants,
Guru Prasad Swami
Tapana Misra Das
Govardhana Das,
GBC Executive Committee
On January 20, 2025, Naveen Krishna dasa and Dhira Govinda dasa replied to the
ISKCON GBC EC, as follows-
From: Srila Prabhupada Foundation <justiceforsrilaprabhupada@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 20, 2025 at 8:44 PM
Subject: JFSPF Correspondence with ISKCON GBC EC, Nov. 2024- Jan. 2025
To: <gbc.ec@pamho.net>
January 20, 2025
To: ISKCON GBC Executive Committee
Dear Guru Prasada Swami, Tapana Misra Prabhu, and Govardhana Prabhu,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krishna. We are grateful to have received your email dated January 17, 2025, sent to davidbwolf@satvatove.com, in which you express your willingness to engage in dialogue and suggested that the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies could facilitate a review of data with us.
However, it seems that our previous responses to your letter dated November 2, 2024, may have been overlooked. To clarify, we previously communicated our thoughts via email on November 6, 2024, from JFSPF. And, on November 15, 2024, I (David Wolf / Dhira Govinda dasa) sent to gbc.ec@pamho.net the Nov. 6, 2024 letter from JFSPF.
We are of the view, which is supported and strengthened by the responses
received by us from hundreds of sincere followers of Srila Prabhupada, that the above stated evidence is sufficient, even for a layperson, to conclude that there was foul play involved in the departure of Srila Prabhupada in November 1977. The contents of your acknowledgement letter, however, indicate that the GBC Executive Committee is still not ready to accept this fact but is more interested in conducting a post-mortem of the evidence with us through your institute, the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies, as if the GBC Executive Committee is the final investigating and adjudicatory body.
The very purpose of sending the letter dated 16th September 2024 to the GBC,
along with the pack of evidence, was to invite your attention to these latest credible pieces of evidence and to seek your cooperation in referring this immensely significant issue of the unnatural departure of Srila Prabhupada, to the investigating agencies for an open and fair investigation. In this way, this issue could finally see a logical conclusion and the voice of a large section of practitioners of Krsna consciousness like us who are fighting for Justice for Srila Prabhupada for a fairly long period could be heard and addressed.
We hope that the GBC Executive Committee will appreciate our concerns, that
are not governed by any self-interest, and that are intended to serve the founder of the Hare Krishna Movement and ISKCON. In this regard, we’re willing to arrange a preliminary meeting with all or some members of the GBC Executive Committee to discuss modalities for finding common ground in the interest of Srila Prabhupada, his followers, and devotees. We ask that you reply to this letter within two weeks of the date of the letter.
We hope this meets you well in service to Srila Prabhupada and his mission.
Your servants,
Naveen Krsna dasa
Dhira Govinda dasa
Also, on Jan. 20, 2025, Dhira Govinda dasa (David Wolf) sent the following letter,
from davidbwolf@satvatove.com, to the ISKCON GBC EC
Subject: RE: Dialogue ISKCON GBC EC correspondence JFSPF
January 20, 2025
Dear Guru Prasad Swami, Tapana Misra Prabhu, and Govardhana Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krsna. Thank you for your letter dated Jan. 17, 2025, sent to davidbwolf@satvatove.com, and addressed to Naveen Krsna Prabhu and I. A few hours ago I sent a reply to your letter, from justiceforsrilaprabhupada@gmail.com. I'm including that reply below, in the
text of this email.
I request that for correspondence to me related to the topic of Srila Prabhupada's disappearance pastime, you send it to the address justiceforsrilaprabhupada@gmail.com, and I welcome you to copy that
correspondence to davidbwolf@satvatove.com.
Hare Krsna. Hoping this meets you in good health.
Your servant,
Dhira Govinda dasa
[[[End of letter dated Jan. 20, 2025.]]]
As of today, Jan. 29, 2025, we’ve not received any response from the ISKCON
GBC EC, to our letters dated Jan. 20, 2025.
January 30, 2025
Communications between ISKCON GBC Executive Committee (EC) and
Naveen Krishna dasa and Dhira Govinda dasa
On January 17, 2025, the members of the ISKCON GBC EC (GBC.EC@pamho.net) sent a letter to davidbwolf@satvatove.com, as follows-
Subject: Dialogue
Dear Dhira Govinda Prabhu & Naveen Krishna Prabhu,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. We wrote to you last autumn that we are willing to engage in a dialogue and also suggested that the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies was best equipped to review data with you. We have not heard back from you and ask if you still seek this dialogue.
Hare Krishna,
Your servants,
Guru Prasad Swami
Tapana Misra Das
Govardhana Das,
GBC Executive Committee
On January 20, 2025, Naveen Krishna dasa and Dhira Govinda dasa replied to the
ISKCON GBC EC, as follows-
From: Srila Prabhupada Foundation <justiceforsrilaprabhupada@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 20, 2025 at 8:44 PM
Subject: JFSPF Correspondence with ISKCON GBC EC, Nov. 2024- Jan. 2025
To: <gbc.ec@pamho.net>
January 20, 2025
To: ISKCON GBC Executive Committee
Dear Guru Prasada Swami, Tapana Misra Prabhu, and Govardhana Prabhu,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krishna. We are grateful to have received your email dated January 17, 2025, sent to davidbwolf@satvatove.com, in which you express your willingness to engage in dialogue and suggested that the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies could facilitate a review of data with us.
However, it seems that our previous responses to your letter dated November 2, 2024, may have been overlooked. To clarify, we previously communicated our thoughts via email on November 6, 2024, from JFSPF. And, on November 15, 2024, I (David Wolf / Dhira Govinda dasa) sent to gbc.ec@pamho.net the Nov. 6, 2024 letter from JFSPF.
We are including at the end of this email our response dated Nov. 6, 2024, as well as the email from me (David Wolf) to gbc.ec@pamho.net, once more for your records and consideration.
Also, on Nov. 12, 2024, we wrote to you, the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee (GBC EC). Below we are also including that letter, dated Nov. 12, 2024. In our correspondence from Nov. 12th, we expressed our sincere desire to engage in a constructive dialogue with the GBC. A key portion of our response stated-
"We hope that the GBC Executive Committee will appreciate our concerns, which are not motivated by self-interest, but are intended to serve the founder of the Hare Krishna Movement and ISKCON. “In this regard, we are willing to arrange a preliminary meeting with all or some members of the GBC Executive Committee to discuss modalities for finding common ground in the interest of Srila Prabhupada, his followers, and devotees. We kindly request that you reply to this letter within two weeks of the date of the letter."
We would appreciate if you could inform us of a suitable time for the preliminary meeting. We are open to a virtual meeting via Zoom to accommodate everyone’s schedules.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your acknowledgment of this email and the attached responses, and we’ll appreciate a reply before January 28, 2025.
Wishing you well in Krsna consciousness,
Yours in service to Srila Prabhupada and his movement,
Naveen Krishna dasa
Dhira Govinda dasa
From: David Wolf <davidbwolf@satvatove.com
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2024 3:30 PM
To: 'gbc.ec@pamho.net';gbc.ec@pamho.net>
Subject: FW: Response from ISKCON GBC Executive Committee November 6 2024
November 15, 2024
Dear Guru Prasad Swami, Govardhana Prabhu and Tapana Misra Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krsna. I’m assuming that you have already seen this letter dated Nov. 6, 2024. Still, in case not, I’m directly sending it to you, the members of the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee. And, as we’ve directly sent to gbc.ec@pamho.net, our letter dated November 12, 2024, I am also assuming that you’ve received that one, on Nov. 12th.
Wishing you well in Krsna consciousness,
Your servant,
Dhira Govinda dasa
From: Justice for Srila Prabhupada
Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 8:00 AM
Subject: Response from ISKCON GBC Executive Committee November 6 2024
November 6, 2024
Dear Friends, Well-Wishers, and Supporters of Srila Prabhupada and His Movement,
Please accept our sincere respects. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krsna. On September 16th, 2024, we wrote a letter that included, “We ask that the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee acknowledges receipt of this letter and packet before October 2nd, 2024, and responds to this letter before November 1st, 2024…” At this link is our full letter from September 16th-
On November 2nd, 2024, we received a reply from the ISKCON Governing Body Commission Executive Committee (GBC EC). That letter is addressed, “Dear Devotees”, and signed by “Guru Prasad Swami
Tapana Misra Das
Govardhana Das,
GBC Executive Committee”
Here is the major portion of the GBC Executive Committee letter:
“The Justice for Srila Prabhupada wrote to the GBC: ‘…We request that you, the GBC Executive Committee, cooperate with the efforts of the Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation towards uncovering and revealing to Srila Prabhupada's followers and the world the facts regarding Srila Prabhupada's disappearance pastime. Please let us know before Nov. 1, 2024, whether you, the members of the GBC Executive Committee, are ready to meet and discuss with our team about the subject of this letter and future course of action related to the contents of this letter.’
“The GBC acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 16, 2024 and pack of material. We are ready to meet with you and discuss the subject matter of the letter. We have requested the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies to provide technical support to the GBC EC on this matter. Please provide to them all of the back-up of your data and give them direct access to the Truth Labs to review your alleged new evidence. In this way we can be prepared for a discussion.”
We appreciate that the GBC EC has replied to the Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation (JFSPF). And, as they appear to be still far from acknowledging that there’s very strong reason to suspect that Srila Prabhupada was criminally poisoned, we express here our understanding that it can be very difficult to accept that Srila Prabhupada was given poison with homicidal intent by those close to him in 1977.
In 1997, when the “whisper tapes” first surfaced on the internet, Dhira Govinda dasa was serving as chairperson of the Board of Directors of ISKCON of Alachua (New Raman Reti). Devotees naturally approached him to ask about his views in regard to the possibility that Srila Prabhupada was maliciously poisoned. Dhira Govinda dasa replied to them that he assumed that such allegations had no credibility, and were not to be regarded seriously. After a few weeks a senior, highly respected member of the community, and of Srila Prabhupada’s movement internationally, proactively mentioned this issue to Dhira Govinda dasa, and this Vaisnava asserted to Dhira Govinda dasa, that, as a leader in the community, he ought to genuinely, thoughtfully consider the reports that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned. At that time, Dhira Govinda dasa began to research the subject.
In 1997 Naveen Krsna dasa was serving as GBC Minister of Management and Finance, and had recently completed a stint as GBC Chairman. A devotee sent to Naveen Krsna dasa the “whisper tapes”, and asked that he listen to them.
Naveen Krsna dasa, not giving much credence to the possibility that there was validity to the accusations, did not place this high on his priority list. After a few weeks, though, he did listen to these recordings from November 1977, where Srila Prabhupada speaks about being poisoned, and he realized that the issue of the alleged, deliberate poisoning of Srila Prabhupada, is critically significant.
Sometimes it is asked, “Who started these rumors that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned?” Well, Srila Prabhupada started these “rumors”. We place “rumors” in quotes, because this is not tawdry hearsay or gossip, as some would like you to believe. Srila Prabhupada reveals to us this pastime of his departure, and our emphasis is to directly hear from Srila Prabhupada. Below is a link to a video-audio-text presentation, prepared by Truth Labs Forensic Services. At this link you can hear Srila Prabhupada speaking about the homicidal poisoning that was being done to him-
We empathize with those, including members of the GBC, who feel incredulous to the possibility that Srila Prabhupada was criminally poisoned. We were in that same boat. And, as materially conditioned souls, we’re subject and susceptible to be misled and misinformed. And so we encourage you to hear directly from Srila Prabhupada, as he spoke, there in Vrndavana in November 1977, about his disappearance pastime-
https://justiceforsrilaprabhupadafoundation.org/wp content/uploads/2024/09/Version-5.mp4 We suggest that it is the duty, the responsibility, for every sincere follower of Srila Prabhupada, and particularly for those in positions of leadership in ISKCON, the organization that Srila Prabhupada established, to hear from Srila Prabhupada in regards to his disappearance pastime. With respect to the issue of Srila Prabhupada’s poisoning, let Srila Prabhupada speak for himself.
While we note with appreciation that the GBC EC sent some response, the content of the reply itself, leaves us less than inspired and impressed. They seem adamantly resolved, despite overwhelming evidence, to remain attached and committed to the GBC’s official position, “There is no evidence at this time to support the allegations of poisoning of Srila Prabhupada.”
Certainly we wish that in 1977 members of ISKCON leadership had heeded Srila
Prabhupada’s words that he was being poisoned, and that they had acted responsibly. And similarly, in 1997, when the “whisper tapes” were brought to the attention of the worldwide community of devotees, it would have been
heartening had the GBC organized and implemented an honest investigation. In
2017, when news of the cadmium findings, as discovered by a leading, highly
respected research scientist, emerged, the GBC had yet another opportunity to handle this issue with integrity. And again in 2022, and now again, in 2024.
With their statement, “In this way we can be prepared for a discussion”, the GBC EC seems to continue to insist that Srila Prabhupada’s words, the toxicology reports thus far presented, the confirmed “poison” whispers in the conversations from November 1977, the forensic medical assessment conducted by top experts, and on and on, still don’t constitute reasonable cause to suspect that there was foul play involved in the departure of Srila Prabhupada. Our wish is that the GBC would show a spirit of cooperation for understanding truths related to the assassination of Srila Prabhupada. It seems to us, though, and we hope we are mistaken about this, that they are determined to continue with tactics of diversion, delay, and disregard.
We will respond to the ISKCON GBC EC, and we are ready to communicate with
representatives from the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies (BIHS).
In this connection we’ll mention that for several months the Executive Director of the BIHS, Brahmatirtha Prabhu (Mr. Bob Cohen), and Dhira Govinda dasa have been in communication, including in-person and correspondence, in connection with the disappearance pastime of Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krsna.
Hoping this meets you enthused in Krsna consciousness,
Your servants,
Naveen Krsna dasa
Dhira Govinda dasa
[[[Letter to ISKCON GBC Executive Committee, Nov. 12, 2024]]]
Dear Guru Prasada Swami, Tapana Misra Prabhu and Govardhana Prabhu,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krsna. Thank you for your letter dated November 2nd, 2024, acknowledging receipt of our letter dated September 16th, 2024. “We are ready to meet with you and discuss the subject matter of the letter.” We are glad to hear this.
Our letter dated September 16th, 2024 included this report from Truth Labs Forensic Services:
https://justiceforsrilaprabhupadafoundation.org/wp content/uploads/2024/09/Salient-features-of-the-Truth-Lab-Final-Report.pdf That letter dated September 16th also included this video-audio-text presentation, also prepared by the forensic scientists of Truth Labs:
https://justiceforsrilaprabhupadafoundation.org/wp content/uploads/2024/09/Version-5.mp4
We were hoping that close study of that report, in conjunction with the video-audio-text presentation, would move the ISKCON GBC, including the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee, to realize that their official position, “There is no evidence at this time to support the allegations of poisoning of Srila Prabhupada”, is scientifically and rationally untenable.
Also, on Nov. 12, 2024, we wrote to you, the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee (GBC EC). Below we are also including that letter, dated Nov. 12, 2024. In our correspondence from Nov. 12th, we expressed our sincere desire to engage in a constructive dialogue with the GBC. A key portion of our response stated-
"We hope that the GBC Executive Committee will appreciate our concerns, which are not motivated by self-interest, but are intended to serve the founder of the Hare Krishna Movement and ISKCON. “In this regard, we are willing to arrange a preliminary meeting with all or some members of the GBC Executive Committee to discuss modalities for finding common ground in the interest of Srila Prabhupada, his followers, and devotees. We kindly request that you reply to this letter within two weeks of the date of the letter."
We would appreciate if you could inform us of a suitable time for the preliminary meeting. We are open to a virtual meeting via Zoom to accommodate everyone’s schedules.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your acknowledgment of this email and the attached responses, and we’ll appreciate a reply before January 28, 2025.
Wishing you well in Krsna consciousness,
Yours in service to Srila Prabhupada and his movement,
Naveen Krishna dasa
Dhira Govinda dasa
From: David Wolf <davidbwolf@satvatove.com
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2024 3:30 PM
To: 'gbc.ec@pamho.net';gbc.ec@pamho.net>
Subject: FW: Response from ISKCON GBC Executive Committee November 6 2024
November 15, 2024
Dear Guru Prasad Swami, Govardhana Prabhu and Tapana Misra Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krsna. I’m assuming that you have already seen this letter dated Nov. 6, 2024. Still, in case not, I’m directly sending it to you, the members of the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee. And, as we’ve directly sent to gbc.ec@pamho.net, our letter dated November 12, 2024, I am also assuming that you’ve received that one, on Nov. 12th.
Wishing you well in Krsna consciousness,
Your servant,
Dhira Govinda dasa
From: Justice for Srila Prabhupada
Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 8:00 AM
Subject: Response from ISKCON GBC Executive Committee November 6 2024
November 6, 2024
Dear Friends, Well-Wishers, and Supporters of Srila Prabhupada and His Movement,
Please accept our sincere respects. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krsna. On September 16th, 2024, we wrote a letter that included, “We ask that the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee acknowledges receipt of this letter and packet before October 2nd, 2024, and responds to this letter before November 1st, 2024…” At this link is our full letter from September 16th-
On November 2nd, 2024, we received a reply from the ISKCON Governing Body Commission Executive Committee (GBC EC). That letter is addressed, “Dear Devotees”, and signed by “Guru Prasad Swami
Tapana Misra Das
Govardhana Das,
GBC Executive Committee”
Here is the major portion of the GBC Executive Committee letter:
“The Justice for Srila Prabhupada wrote to the GBC: ‘…We request that you, the GBC Executive Committee, cooperate with the efforts of the Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation towards uncovering and revealing to Srila Prabhupada's followers and the world the facts regarding Srila Prabhupada's disappearance pastime. Please let us know before Nov. 1, 2024, whether you, the members of the GBC Executive Committee, are ready to meet and discuss with our team about the subject of this letter and future course of action related to the contents of this letter.’
“The GBC acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 16, 2024 and pack of material. We are ready to meet with you and discuss the subject matter of the letter. We have requested the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies to provide technical support to the GBC EC on this matter. Please provide to them all of the back-up of your data and give them direct access to the Truth Labs to review your alleged new evidence. In this way we can be prepared for a discussion.”
We appreciate that the GBC EC has replied to the Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation (JFSPF). And, as they appear to be still far from acknowledging that there’s very strong reason to suspect that Srila Prabhupada was criminally poisoned, we express here our understanding that it can be very difficult to accept that Srila Prabhupada was given poison with homicidal intent by those close to him in 1977.
In 1997, when the “whisper tapes” first surfaced on the internet, Dhira Govinda dasa was serving as chairperson of the Board of Directors of ISKCON of Alachua (New Raman Reti). Devotees naturally approached him to ask about his views in regard to the possibility that Srila Prabhupada was maliciously poisoned. Dhira Govinda dasa replied to them that he assumed that such allegations had no credibility, and were not to be regarded seriously. After a few weeks a senior, highly respected member of the community, and of Srila Prabhupada’s movement internationally, proactively mentioned this issue to Dhira Govinda dasa, and this Vaisnava asserted to Dhira Govinda dasa, that, as a leader in the community, he ought to genuinely, thoughtfully consider the reports that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned. At that time, Dhira Govinda dasa began to research the subject.
In 1997 Naveen Krsna dasa was serving as GBC Minister of Management and Finance, and had recently completed a stint as GBC Chairman. A devotee sent to Naveen Krsna dasa the “whisper tapes”, and asked that he listen to them.
Naveen Krsna dasa, not giving much credence to the possibility that there was validity to the accusations, did not place this high on his priority list. After a few weeks, though, he did listen to these recordings from November 1977, where Srila Prabhupada speaks about being poisoned, and he realized that the issue of the alleged, deliberate poisoning of Srila Prabhupada, is critically significant.
Sometimes it is asked, “Who started these rumors that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned?” Well, Srila Prabhupada started these “rumors”. We place “rumors” in quotes, because this is not tawdry hearsay or gossip, as some would like you to believe. Srila Prabhupada reveals to us this pastime of his departure, and our emphasis is to directly hear from Srila Prabhupada. Below is a link to a video-audio-text presentation, prepared by Truth Labs Forensic Services. At this link you can hear Srila Prabhupada speaking about the homicidal poisoning that was being done to him-
We empathize with those, including members of the GBC, who feel incredulous to the possibility that Srila Prabhupada was criminally poisoned. We were in that same boat. And, as materially conditioned souls, we’re subject and susceptible to be misled and misinformed. And so we encourage you to hear directly from Srila Prabhupada, as he spoke, there in Vrndavana in November 1977, about his disappearance pastime-
https://justiceforsrilaprabhupadafoundation.org/wp content/uploads/2024/09/Version-5.mp4 We suggest that it is the duty, the responsibility, for every sincere follower of Srila Prabhupada, and particularly for those in positions of leadership in ISKCON, the organization that Srila Prabhupada established, to hear from Srila Prabhupada in regards to his disappearance pastime. With respect to the issue of Srila Prabhupada’s poisoning, let Srila Prabhupada speak for himself.
While we note with appreciation that the GBC EC sent some response, the content of the reply itself, leaves us less than inspired and impressed. They seem adamantly resolved, despite overwhelming evidence, to remain attached and committed to the GBC’s official position, “There is no evidence at this time to support the allegations of poisoning of Srila Prabhupada.”
Certainly we wish that in 1977 members of ISKCON leadership had heeded Srila
Prabhupada’s words that he was being poisoned, and that they had acted responsibly. And similarly, in 1997, when the “whisper tapes” were brought to the attention of the worldwide community of devotees, it would have been
heartening had the GBC organized and implemented an honest investigation. In
2017, when news of the cadmium findings, as discovered by a leading, highly
respected research scientist, emerged, the GBC had yet another opportunity to handle this issue with integrity. And again in 2022, and now again, in 2024.
With their statement, “In this way we can be prepared for a discussion”, the GBC EC seems to continue to insist that Srila Prabhupada’s words, the toxicology reports thus far presented, the confirmed “poison” whispers in the conversations from November 1977, the forensic medical assessment conducted by top experts, and on and on, still don’t constitute reasonable cause to suspect that there was foul play involved in the departure of Srila Prabhupada. Our wish is that the GBC would show a spirit of cooperation for understanding truths related to the assassination of Srila Prabhupada. It seems to us, though, and we hope we are mistaken about this, that they are determined to continue with tactics of diversion, delay, and disregard.
We will respond to the ISKCON GBC EC, and we are ready to communicate with
representatives from the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies (BIHS).
In this connection we’ll mention that for several months the Executive Director of the BIHS, Brahmatirtha Prabhu (Mr. Bob Cohen), and Dhira Govinda dasa have been in communication, including in-person and correspondence, in connection with the disappearance pastime of Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krsna.
Hoping this meets you enthused in Krsna consciousness,
Your servants,
Naveen Krsna dasa
Dhira Govinda dasa
[[[Letter to ISKCON GBC Executive Committee, Nov. 12, 2024]]]
Dear Guru Prasada Swami, Tapana Misra Prabhu and Govardhana Prabhu,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krsna. Thank you for your letter dated November 2nd, 2024, acknowledging receipt of our letter dated September 16th, 2024. “We are ready to meet with you and discuss the subject matter of the letter.” We are glad to hear this.
Our letter dated September 16th, 2024 included this report from Truth Labs Forensic Services:
https://justiceforsrilaprabhupadafoundation.org/wp content/uploads/2024/09/Salient-features-of-the-Truth-Lab-Final-Report.pdf That letter dated September 16th also included this video-audio-text presentation, also prepared by the forensic scientists of Truth Labs:
https://justiceforsrilaprabhupadafoundation.org/wp content/uploads/2024/09/Version-5.mp4
We were hoping that close study of that report, in conjunction with the video-audio-text presentation, would move the ISKCON GBC, including the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee, to realize that their official position, “There is no evidence at this time to support the allegations of poisoning of Srila Prabhupada”, is scientifically and rationally untenable.
We are of the view, which is supported and strengthened by the responses
received by us from hundreds of sincere followers of Srila Prabhupada, that the above stated evidence is sufficient, even for a layperson, to conclude that there was foul play involved in the departure of Srila Prabhupada in November 1977. The contents of your acknowledgement letter, however, indicate that the GBC Executive Committee is still not ready to accept this fact but is more interested in conducting a post-mortem of the evidence with us through your institute, the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies, as if the GBC Executive Committee is the final investigating and adjudicatory body.
The very purpose of sending the letter dated 16th September 2024 to the GBC,
along with the pack of evidence, was to invite your attention to these latest credible pieces of evidence and to seek your cooperation in referring this immensely significant issue of the unnatural departure of Srila Prabhupada, to the investigating agencies for an open and fair investigation. In this way, this issue could finally see a logical conclusion and the voice of a large section of practitioners of Krsna consciousness like us who are fighting for Justice for Srila Prabhupada for a fairly long period could be heard and addressed.
We hope that the GBC Executive Committee will appreciate our concerns, that
are not governed by any self-interest, and that are intended to serve the founder of the Hare Krishna Movement and ISKCON. In this regard, we’re willing to arrange a preliminary meeting with all or some members of the GBC Executive Committee to discuss modalities for finding common ground in the interest of Srila Prabhupada, his followers, and devotees. We ask that you reply to this letter within two weeks of the date of the letter.
We hope this meets you well in service to Srila Prabhupada and his mission.
Your servants,
Naveen Krsna dasa
Dhira Govinda dasa
Also, on Jan. 20, 2025, Dhira Govinda dasa (David Wolf) sent the following letter,
from davidbwolf@satvatove.com, to the ISKCON GBC EC
Subject: RE: Dialogue ISKCON GBC EC correspondence JFSPF
January 20, 2025
Dear Guru Prasad Swami, Tapana Misra Prabhu, and Govardhana Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krsna. Thank you for your letter dated Jan. 17, 2025, sent to davidbwolf@satvatove.com, and addressed to Naveen Krsna Prabhu and I. A few hours ago I sent a reply to your letter, from justiceforsrilaprabhupada@gmail.com. I'm including that reply below, in the
text of this email.
I request that for correspondence to me related to the topic of Srila Prabhupada's disappearance pastime, you send it to the address justiceforsrilaprabhupada@gmail.com, and I welcome you to copy that
correspondence to davidbwolf@satvatove.com.
Hare Krsna. Hoping this meets you in good health.
Your servant,
Dhira Govinda dasa
[[[End of letter dated Jan. 20, 2025.]]]
As of today, Jan. 29, 2025, we’ve not received any response from the ISKCON
GBC EC, to our letters dated Jan. 20, 2025.