PADA: OK I am not an expert at world economics here, but it looks to me like removing all the immigrant tomato pickers who are getting $3 an hour, and replacing them with USA citizens -- and giving them $20 an hour -- is going to vastly inflate the cost of tomatoes. Or what?
OK not really, the USA people won't pick tomatoes for $20 or even $30 an hour either, they just won't do that type work. The tomatoes will then rot on the vine, with no pickers. So then there will be a shortage of tomatoes, and then it will cost $5 for one tomato. Or? I have no idea why this is a good plan?
Meanwhile, the good paying tech job admin folks are removing the USA workers and they are being replaced with tech immigrants, and that is also the new good idea. OK, so the conclusion is -- the USA citizens are going to get the low paid, cheap, dirty, hard and manual labor jobs, with no health insurance etc. while the tech immigrants are going to get the higher paying skilled jobs, and this is going to fix everything in the USA? Me thinks, nope.
Hee hee! It just shows me that the political folks are just as out of touch now as they have been all along. If you wonder why you cannot understand the people with severe accents when you call for tech help from a big company, now you know! Nothing against any immigrants really, they are also struggling for existence like all the rest of us, but to say these jobs fixes are fixing the economy and will employ lots of USA citizens -- is just not the reality. OK it sounds to me like another scam.
ys pd
MUKUNDA DASA: In 1993 a seed was planted in my heart and mind by Sulocana prabhu. That seed sprouted by the Grace of Srila Prabhupada and the Lord in my heart, as the sublime idea of presenting Prabhupada’s own words about himself, the pure devotee, as his own autobiography.
After eight years of dedicating my life to hearing constantly from Srila Prabhupada, I was able to collect from his lotus lips all the quotations that formed the book called Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita As It Is, which was printed in 2001.
Recently Purujit dasa and his followers have stolen that sublime idea and all my dedicated service and presented it as their own work, in their book called Bhaktivedanta. This is a clear act of plagiarism. They have not asked or been granted any permission to use my work and ideas. They have unscrupulously stolen what already existed and have simply adjusted and repackaged it with their own branding without giving credit to its originators, namely myself and Sulocana Prabhu.
PADA: Mukunda plagarized all of our 1980s PADA documents and copied and pasted all of our quotes -- without giving us any credit. Then he plagarized all our quotes about the changed books. Then he plagarized our transcript version of the poison tape, word for word, and stole the audio of that tape from our posted audio files etc. Basically his whole operation is a plagarized cut and paste of our quotes, audios etc.
Then he said he wanted to advertise the name of the person who gave me the 1977 tapes, despite this person told me to never mention his name in public, but Mukunda insisted on exposing our delicate info sources and he plastered his name out in public anyway -- to give this poor guy a headache and trouble. Mukunda is attacking the very people who are helping Prabhupada and the Prabhupadanugas. And he is trying to help the GBC make innocent people targets for GBC retribution, possibly violent targets. Why does Mukunda help the GBC target the Prabhupadanugas with violence?
Then he plagarized the audio whispers from Nityananda, after saying Nityananda should have no involvement with the case. Then he plagarized our copy of Sulochana's book, which we posted before anyone else. Then he said PADA is bogus, because we were the very same people who paid to have that book published when Sulochana was here (he was out of funds).
Mukunda plagaraized the whole Sulochana book without ever mentioning that we are the people who published it in the first place, and he never would have had that book without us publishing it in the first place.
Then Mukunda said we need to promote -- and work with -- Bhakta dasa, who is promoting Saint Radhanath, who is part of the group of people who took out Sulochana. Mukunda made a video with Bhakta dasa to glorify the Saint Radhanath / Bhakti pedo pada groupies. And then he began to cut and paste Bhakta dasa quotes.
And the same Saint Radhanath party would have taken me out without help from the FEDS. We need to promote the party of people who took out Sulochana, to glorify Sulochana? Anyway good, he is now reaping what he sows, he is plagarizing others, and now it is happening to him. Hee hee! What goes around goes around! But yeah, he is correct, Purujit is plagarizing the ISKCON Gita and other documents, he is another fraud. But two wrongs don't make a right.
A number of people have said Mukunda, Purujit, Mathura Pati etc. are trying to make themselves out as "the best and only TRUE Prabhupada devotees," because they have the same self-promoting problems as the GBC people.
ys pd
“They Should Be Completely Neglected” Part 2
By Upendranath Dasa ACBSP
Prabhupada said about this person. “I have noted, he does not have the heart of a Vaishnava.”
However, we do not neglect such people. We elevate them to the realm of inaccessible gods so we can respect them. Worse, instead of modeling ourselves after our stalwart acharyas, we seek to emulate them. The difficulty is that we are more sentimental than hard-headed realists in our approach to Krishna consciousness.
This is because at heart we are competing to be the most advanced. We think hard-headed realism puts us at odds with advanced Krishna consciousness. Not so. Prabhupada said repeatedly that the preacher’s duty is to discriminate.
If the letter by TKG was meant as a joke, it was not the least bit funny, considering the time, place, and circumstances. In any event, no one who read it at the time thought it a joke. Absurd, yes. Joke, no. Those who know the author’s history in ISKCON will not find it amusing at any time, in any place, or in any circumstance.
Such persons, possessed by their passionate strivings, are the worst association. Their striving is their idol — not Krishna, not prema, not Srila Prabhupada’s service, not raganuga-bhakti, not any of the virtues by which they rationalize their irrational passions. As Srila Bhaktisiddhanta said:
“Worldly people possess a double nature. They express one kind of sentiment but internally cherish a different purpose. How will our purpose be served with the help of persons who possess a double nature? There is no correspondence between what they say and do. The tidings that the sweet and healthy words of our Sri Gurudeva have brought us will not be listened to by persons who have a double tongue.
"To him others are tools, things, and means to an end. We will cultivate the society only of those who are straightforward. We will not keep company with any person who is not so. We must, by all means, avoid bad company. We are advised to keep at a distance of a hundred cubits from animals of the horned species. We should preserve the same caution concerning all insincere persons.”
One aspect of this lust for power that the insincere embody is that having impoverished themselves by the alienation process; in order to get back some sense of self-worth, they may try to “possess” others. The alienated fall into different categories. Some are simply using the institution.
Others are possessed by some person or the institution, or both. They in turn try to possess things and people (who are also things to them). Virtual disciplic chains of alienated persons are formed, and the real parampara is lost. Maya is such serious business.
The person bent on possessing others in the name of Krishna consciousness is obviously “the mundane person in the dress of a Vaishnava.” What a great misfortune when such an alienated person passes for an advanced devotee and rises to the pinnacle of power in an institution in which position is equated with spiritual advancement.
Worse still, in order to achieve the perfection of life, to be freed from the horrors of repeated birth and death; one is called upon to obey this prisoner of his irrational passions. One is asked to show one’s love for our founder-acharya by cooperating with the servant, not of the Lord, but of his own irrational strivings, his anarthas.
For such persons—pitifully lost to themselves—god brothers, disciples, the institution, guru, and even Krishna Himself are but means to an end, mere rungs of the ladder, stepping-stones. Moreover, because we have completely neglected Prabhupada’s instructions regarding such persons, there are several of them in key positions in the ISKCON society.
It is the responsibility of the leaders of the institution to recognize and weed out such self-estranged persons from our midst. They must be completely neglected. That is the instruction of our Founder-Acharya in Chaitanya-caritamrita, Mad. 2.218 purport:
“A mundane person in the dress of a Vaishnava should not be respected but rejected. This is enjoined in the shastras (upeksha). The word upeksha means neglect. One should neglect an envious person. A preacher’s duty is to love the Supreme Personality of Godhead, make friendships with Vaishnavas, show mercy to the innocent and reject or neglect those who are envious or jealous.
"There are many jealous people in the dress of Vaishnavas in this Krishna consciousness movement, and they should be completely neglected. There is no need to serve a jealous person who is in the dress of a Vaishnava. When Narottama dasa Thakura says chadiya Vaishnava seva nistara peche keba, he is indicating an actual Vaishnava, not an envious or jealous person in the dress of a Vaishnava. A preacher’s duty is to love the Supreme Personality of Godhead, make friendships with Vaishnavas, show mercy to the innocent and reject or neglect those who are envious or jealous.”
Here Prabhupada describes the madhyama-adhikari according to the Eleventh Canto of Bhagavatam. The preacher’s duty is to discriminate on the basis of these four functions. Neglecting to do so does not vault us into the next class of devotee, uttama-adhikari; rather we remain on the third-class platform, kanistha.
The verse defining the intermediate devotee makes it plain that the instruction to neglect the envious and jealous should not be neglected. Following this instruction is as important as loving the Supreme Lord, making friends with devotees, and preaching to the innocent.
After the above-quoted letter was sent to the GBC body, the writer took a leave of absence from his GBC duties and took up the pursuit of so called “higher education.” This was a cover up to the fact that the GBC banned TKG from India and not allowed to make new disciples for a period of two years. After completing his college education while ignoring his GBC duties, this year he returned to the GBC meetings. After departing Sri Mayapura dhama in a vehicle on a morning in the month of March, TKG received a reply from Krishna and Prabhupada in regards to his personal ambition, and his pursuit of his irrational strivings and desires when he stated:
“I am not resigning! Due to the influence of raganuga bhakti, I am now twice as competitive, manipulative, nasty, and political as I was before. And it’s now on the spontaneous platform! This is my 25th year on the GBC. If Krishna wills, I will serve another 25 years and then retire gracefully. Allow me that dignity. I am sure Prabhupada would.”
In other words, it was not Krishna’s will nor did Prabhupada allow him that dignity.