Monday, February 3, 2025

Giving ISKCON GBC "Two More Weeks" For -- What? 02 03 25

Hare Krsna. On September 16th, 2024, we wrote a letter that included, “We ask that the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee acknowledges receipt of this letter and packet before October 2nd, 2024, and responds to this letter before November 1st, 2024…” At this link is our full letter from September 16th

PADA: We can also wait for the moon to drop out of the sky. It will happen -- eventually -- but not for several trillion years -- at the devastation end of this universe. I am not sure why we keep giving the GBC "two more weeks" to respond -- since 1997, when we already know they are masters of obfuscating, deception, hiding documents, prevarication, waffling, off putting, denial, making "another committee to investigate," bullying and oppressing victims, and outright cheating and lies, never mind suppressing victims and whistle blowers sometimes with violence. 

What exactly do we expect will happen in two more weeks? I already know, more of the same kicking the can down the road. Never mind we had to use tricks to get a copy of the poison tape itself, they did not volunteer to hand it off to us.  

OK so they were given two weeks to reply in October 2024, and pretty soon it is going to be October 2025, and we are still not going to get a concrete answer from them. Then it is going to be October 3025, and there will still be no reply from this lot. I am not sure why we would even expect them to respond, ever?

They have never responded properly for any issue -- the bogus appointment issue, child abuse issue, book changes issue, never mind the poison issue. They cannot respond because that would more or less mean -- admission of guilt. 

Waiting for the guilty party to admit to guilt is like waiting for the moon to fall out of the sky, it is not going to work. We have to expose these people NOW and move ahead NOW with our own program to get justice NOW! We will never get justice waiting for them to approve justice for -- themselves. 

Q: Can you explain why you shot up the bank and ran out the door with all the money? 

A: Well sure, just give me two more weeks to reply. 

This is also going on with the child welfare forum. 

Q: When will the GBC respond? 

A: Not now and not ever. It is dreaming in color to think they will. OK they might start a lawsuit against the directors of the forum, as their reply, as they did. Sorry, I just have no confidence the GBC has the capacity or willingness to reply to -- any issue. 

Meanwhile more of them resign, die off or go senile, so the window to get any sort of reaction is closing fast. Pretty soon there won't be anyone of the core cadre left to respond. Anyway, there has been a good effort to expose the case, and it is helping, but unless it is filed legally and made public, it will only get partial results.

ys pd   


January 30, 2025

Communications between ISKCON GBC Executive Committee (EC) and

Naveen Krishna dasa and Dhira Govinda dasa

On January 17, 2025, the members of the ISKCON GBC EC ( sent a letter to, as follows-

Subject: Dialogue

Dear Dhira Govinda Prabhu & Naveen Krishna Prabhu,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. We wrote to you last autumn that we are willing to engage in a dialogue and also suggested that the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies was best equipped to review data with you. We have not heard back from you and ask if you still seek this dialogue.

Hare Krishna,

Your servants,

Guru Prasad Swami
Tapana Misra Das
Govardhana Das,

GBC Executive Committee

On January 20, 2025, Naveen Krishna dasa and Dhira Govinda dasa replied to the

ISKCON GBC EC, as follows-

From: Srila Prabhupada Foundation <>

Date: Mon, Jan 20, 2025 at 8:44 PM

Subject: JFSPF Correspondence with ISKCON GBC EC, Nov. 2024- Jan. 2025

To: <>

January 20, 2025

To: ISKCON GBC Executive Committee

Dear Guru Prasada Swami, Tapana Misra Prabhu, and Govardhana Prabhu,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna. We are grateful to have received your email dated January 17, 2025, sent to, in which you express your willingness to engage in dialogue and suggested that the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies could facilitate a review of data with us.

However, it seems that our previous responses to your letter dated November 2, 2024, may have been overlooked. To clarify, we previously communicated our thoughts via email on November 6, 2024, from JFSPF. And, on November 15, 2024, I (David Wolf / Dhira Govinda dasa) sent to the Nov. 6, 2024 letter from JFSPF.

We are including at the end of this email our response dated Nov. 6, 2024, as well as the email from me (David Wolf) to, once more for your records and consideration.

Also, on Nov. 12, 2024, we wrote to you, the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee (GBC EC). Below we are also including that letter, dated Nov. 12, 2024. In our correspondence from Nov. 12th, we expressed our sincere desire to engage in a constructive dialogue with the GBC. A key portion of our response stated-

"We hope that the GBC Executive Committee will appreciate our concerns, which are not motivated by self-interest, but are intended to serve the founder of the Hare Krishna Movement and ISKCON. “In this regard, we are willing to arrange a preliminary meeting with all or some members of the GBC Executive Committee to discuss modalities for finding common ground in the interest of Srila Prabhupada, his followers, and devotees. We kindly request that you reply to this letter within two weeks of the date of the letter."

We would appreciate if you could inform us of a suitable time for the preliminary meeting. We are open to a virtual meeting via Zoom to accommodate everyone’s schedules.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your acknowledgment of this email and the attached responses, and we’ll appreciate a reply before January 28, 2025.

Wishing you well in Krsna consciousness,

Yours in service to Srila Prabhupada and his movement,

Naveen Krishna dasa

Dhira Govinda dasa

From: David Wolf <

Sent: Friday, November 15, 2024 3:30 PM

To: '';>

Subject: FW: Response from ISKCON GBC Executive Committee November 6 2024

November 15, 2024

Dear Guru Prasad Swami, Govardhana Prabhu and Tapana Misra Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krsna. I’m assuming that you have already seen this letter dated Nov. 6, 2024. Still, in case not, I’m directly sending it to you, the members of the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee. And, as we’ve directly sent to, our letter dated November 12, 2024, I am also assuming that you’ve received that one, on Nov. 12th.

Wishing you well in Krsna consciousness,

Your servant,

Dhira Govinda dasa

From: Justice for Srila Prabhupada


Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 8:00 AM

Subject: Response from ISKCON GBC Executive Committee November 6 2024

November 6, 2024

Dear Friends, Well-Wishers, and Supporters of Srila Prabhupada and His Movement,

Please accept our sincere respects. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krsna. On September 16th, 2024, we wrote a letter that included, “We ask that the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee acknowledges receipt of this letter and packet before October 2nd, 2024, and responds to this letter before November 1st, 2024…” At this link is our full letter from September 16th-


On November 2nd, 2024, we received a reply from the ISKCON Governing Body Commission Executive Committee (GBC EC). That letter is addressed, “Dear Devotees”, and signed by “Guru Prasad Swami

Tapana Misra Das

Govardhana Das,

GBC Executive Committee”

Here is the major portion of the GBC Executive Committee letter:

“The Justice for Srila Prabhupada wrote to the GBC: ‘…We request that you, the GBC Executive Committee, cooperate with the efforts of the Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation towards uncovering and revealing to Srila Prabhupada's followers and the world the facts regarding Srila Prabhupada's disappearance pastime. Please let us know before Nov. 1, 2024, whether you, the members of the GBC Executive Committee, are ready to meet and discuss with our team about the subject of this letter and future course of action related to the contents of this letter.’

“The GBC acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 16, 2024 and pack of material. We are ready to meet with you and discuss the subject matter of the letter. We have requested the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies to provide technical support to the GBC EC on this matter. Please provide to them all of the back-up of your data and give them direct access to the Truth Labs to review your alleged new evidence. In this way we can be prepared for a discussion.”

We appreciate that the GBC EC has replied to the Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation (JFSPF). And, as they appear to be still far from acknowledging that there’s very strong reason to suspect that Srila Prabhupada was criminally poisoned, we express here our understanding that it can be very difficult to accept that Srila Prabhupada was given poison with homicidal intent by those close to him in 1977.

In 1997, when the “whisper tapes” first surfaced on the internet, Dhira Govinda dasa was serving as chairperson of the Board of Directors of ISKCON of Alachua (New Raman Reti). Devotees naturally approached him to ask about his views in regard to the possibility that Srila Prabhupada was maliciously poisoned. Dhira Govinda dasa replied to them that he assumed that such allegations had no credibility, and were not to be regarded seriously. After a few weeks a senior, highly respected member of the community, and of Srila Prabhupada’s movement internationally, proactively mentioned this issue to Dhira Govinda dasa, and this Vaisnava asserted to Dhira Govinda dasa, that, as a leader in the community, he ought to genuinely, thoughtfully consider the reports that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned. At that time, Dhira Govinda dasa began to research the subject.

In 1997 Naveen Krsna dasa was serving as GBC Minister of Management and Finance, and had recently completed a stint as GBC Chairman. A devotee sent to Naveen Krsna dasa the “whisper tapes”, and asked that he listen to them.

Naveen Krsna dasa, not giving much credence to the possibility that there was validity to the accusations, did not place this high on his priority list. After a few weeks, though, he did listen to these recordings from November 1977, where Srila Prabhupada speaks about being poisoned, and he realized that the issue of the alleged, deliberate poisoning of Srila Prabhupada, is critically significant.

Sometimes it is asked, “Who started these rumors that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned?” Well, Srila Prabhupada started these “rumors”. We place “rumors” in quotes, because this is not tawdry hearsay or gossip, as some would like you to believe. Srila Prabhupada reveals to us this pastime of his departure, and our emphasis is to directly hear from Srila Prabhupada. Below is a link to a video-audio-text presentation, prepared by Truth Labs Forensic Services. At this link you can hear Srila Prabhupada speaking about the homicidal poisoning that was being done to him-


We empathize with those, including members of the GBC, who feel incredulous to the possibility that Srila Prabhupada was criminally poisoned. We were in that same boat. And, as materially conditioned souls, we’re subject and susceptible to be misled and misinformed. And so we encourage you to hear directly from Srila Prabhupada, as he spoke, there in Vrndavana in November 1977, about his disappearance pastime- content/uploads/2024/09/Version-5.mp4 We suggest that it is the duty, the responsibility, for every sincere  follower of Srila Prabhupada, and particularly for those in positions of leadership in ISKCON, the organization that Srila Prabhupada established, to hear from Srila Prabhupada in regards to his disappearance pastime. With respect to the issue of Srila Prabhupada’s poisoning, let Srila Prabhupada speak for himself.

While we note with appreciation that the GBC EC sent some response, the content of the reply itself, leaves us less than inspired and impressed. They seem adamantly resolved, despite overwhelming evidence, to remain attached and committed to the GBC’s official position, “There is no evidence at this time to support the allegations of poisoning of Srila Prabhupada.”

Certainly we wish that in 1977 members of ISKCON leadership had heeded Srila
Prabhupada’s words that he was being poisoned, and that they had acted responsibly. And similarly, in 1997, when the “whisper tapes” were brought to the attention of the worldwide community of devotees, it would have been
heartening had the GBC organized and implemented an honest investigation. In
2017, when news of the cadmium findings, as discovered by a leading, highly
respected research scientist, emerged, the GBC had yet another opportunity to handle this issue with integrity. And again in 2022, and now again, in 2024.

With their statement, “In this way we can be prepared for a discussion”, the GBC EC seems to continue to insist that Srila Prabhupada’s words, the toxicology reports thus far presented, the confirmed “poison” whispers in the conversations from November 1977, the forensic medical assessment conducted by top experts, and on and on, still don’t constitute reasonable cause to suspect that there was foul play involved in the departure of Srila Prabhupada. Our wish is that the GBC would show a spirit of cooperation for understanding truths related to the assassination of Srila Prabhupada. It seems to us, though, and we hope we are mistaken about this, that they are determined to continue with tactics of diversion, delay, and disregard.

We will respond to the ISKCON GBC EC, and we are ready to communicate with
representatives from the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies (BIHS).
In this connection we’ll mention that for several months the Executive Director of the BIHS, Brahmatirtha Prabhu (Mr. Bob Cohen), and Dhira Govinda dasa have been in communication, including in-person and correspondence, in connection with the disappearance pastime of Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krsna.

Hoping this meets you enthused in Krsna consciousness,

Your servants,

Naveen Krsna dasa

Dhira Govinda dasa

[[[Letter to ISKCON GBC Executive Committee, Nov. 12, 2024]]]

Dear Guru Prasada Swami, Tapana Misra Prabhu and Govardhana Prabhu,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krsna. Thank you for your letter dated November 2nd, 2024, acknowledging receipt of our letter dated September 16th, 2024. “We are ready to meet with you and discuss the subject matter of the letter.” We are glad to hear this.

Our letter dated September 16th, 2024 included this report from Truth Labs Forensic Services: content/uploads/2024/09/Salient-features-of-the-Truth-Lab-Final-Report.pdf That letter dated September 16th also included this video-audio-text presentation, also prepared by the forensic scientists of Truth Labs: content/uploads/2024/09/Version-5.mp4

We were hoping that close study of that report, in conjunction with the video-audio-text presentation, would move the ISKCON GBC, including the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee, to realize that their official position, “There is no evidence at this time to support the allegations of poisoning of Srila Prabhupada”, is scientifically and rationally untenable. 

We are of the view, which is supported and strengthened by the responses
received by us from hundreds of sincere followers of Srila Prabhupada, that the above stated evidence is sufficient, even for a layperson, to conclude that there was foul play involved in the departure of Srila Prabhupada in November 1977. The contents of your acknowledgement letter, however, indicate that the GBC Executive Committee is still not ready to accept this fact but is more interested in conducting a post-mortem of the evidence with us through your institute, the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies, as if the GBC Executive Committee is the final investigating and adjudicatory body.

The very purpose of sending the letter dated 16th September 2024 to the GBC,
along with the pack of evidence, was to invite your attention to these latest credible pieces of evidence and to seek your cooperation in referring this immensely significant issue of the unnatural departure of Srila Prabhupada, to the investigating agencies for an open and fair investigation. In this way, this issue could finally see a logical conclusion and the voice of a large section of practitioners of Krsna consciousness like us who are fighting for Justice for Srila Prabhupada for a fairly long period could be heard and addressed.

We hope that the GBC Executive Committee will appreciate our concerns, that
are not governed by any self-interest, and that are intended to serve the founder of the Hare Krishna Movement and ISKCON. In this regard, we’re willing to arrange a preliminary meeting with all or some members of the GBC Executive Committee to discuss modalities for finding common ground in the interest of Srila Prabhupada, his followers, and devotees. We ask that you reply to this letter within two weeks of the date of the letter.

We hope this meets you well in service to Srila Prabhupada and his mission.

Your servants,

Naveen Krsna dasa

Dhira Govinda dasa

Also, on Jan. 20, 2025, Dhira Govinda dasa (David Wolf) sent the following letter,

from, to the ISKCON GBC EC


Subject: RE: Dialogue ISKCON GBC EC correspondence JFSPF

January 20, 2025

Dear Guru Prasad Swami, Tapana Misra Prabhu, and Govardhana Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krsna. Thank you for your letter dated Jan. 17, 2025, sent to, and addressed to Naveen Krsna Prabhu and I. A few hours ago I sent a reply to your letter, from I'm including that reply below, in the
text of this email.

I request that for correspondence to me related to the topic of Srila Prabhupada's disappearance pastime, you send it to the address, and I welcome you to copy that
correspondence to

Hare Krsna. Hoping this meets you in good health.

Your servant,

Dhira Govinda dasa

[[[End of letter dated Jan. 20, 2025.]]]

As of today, Jan. 29, 2025, we’ve not received any response from the ISKCON

GBC EC, to our letters dated Jan. 20, 2025.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Bhagavan Das (William Ehrlichman) Update. 02 02 25

RE: William Ehrlichman (Bhagavan das, ACBSP)

Henry Doktorski III

February 3, 2024: On this date in history one year ago, Bhagavan dasa (William Ehrlichman)—one of the original eleven ISKCON zonal acharyas who fell from sannyasa, married a woman, and abandoned ISKCON — compares the author to a vulture that feeds on dead carcasses (road kill) and those who read his books to meat eaters. In a Facebook post Bhagavan dasa writes,

“If anyone falls, the Olympic torch of love of Krishna doesn’t need to fall. Pick it up and keep running. This 40 years of scorning and criticism would never be acceptable to Srila Prabhupada. Vultures have written 12 volumes about road kill that some find hard to put down. Meat eaters at heart.”

A few Facebook friends comment on Bhagavan’s statement:

"How dare you give an honest account of the zonal acharyas’ misdeeds and deviations, instead of just pretending they were all pure devotees with no faults or failures, like they had all of ISKCON doing! Shame!"

“Let bygones be bygones. No need for any more talk of gold toilet seats at the Palace of Versailles.”

“The Sun King was a narcissist when he was a so-called guru. Narcissists don’t change.”

“One only has to remember how they behaved during their reign. Bhagavan was one of the worst! They carried themselves as if they were gods. I will never forget the way they carried on with their out-of-control egos. To write something like this shows he still has no humility. They were scammers of the highest order.”

The author responds:

Our Facebook friend, Bhagavan writes, "If anyone falls, the Olympic torch of love of Krishna doesn’t need to fall. Pick it up and keep running." Of course we are all pleased that Bhagavan still chants Hare Krishna and follows to the best of his abilities the instructions given by his spiritual master. For this I think praise is in order.

But his next sentence betrays another side of his personality, "This 40 years of scorning and criticism would never be acceptable to Srila Prabhupada."

Although Bhagavan has had much personal association with Srila Prabhupada, he conveniently forgets that Prabhupada himself scorned and criticized his own godbrothers for 40 years.

Prabhupada's godbrothers disobeyed their spiritual master Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada and voted to appoint an acharya to lead the Gaudiya Math (who fell down), yet nearly the same thing happened after the demise of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: the eleven naked emperors effectively took over the GBC and ISKCON, and turned it into a mess. Many today still feel the negative repercussions.

I think our friend may benefit if he learns a little humility, in my humble opinion. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Regarding the last part of Bhagavan’s post, referring to me as a vulture obsessed with road kill, he, and everyone else, is entitled to their opinions. I have never pretended to be a liberated soul, free from the four defects of material life. 

In fact, in “Eleven Naked Emperors,” I tell the reader, “. . . as you read this book, I trust that you will not blindly accept as gospel truth my particular version regarding the zonal-acharya era in ISKCON. I invite you to see this effort as an invitation to further explore ISKCON history and ponder Gaudiya-Vaishnava doctrine, in order to more deeply investigate these fascinating topics for yourself.”

For more about this topic, see Henry’s book “Eleven Naked Emperors,” p. xxv.

PADA: It is interesting that Bhagavan mentions meat eaters as the low bar us critics have fallen to. OK! Except a meat eater person told me -- "If someone asked me to make the worst insult to God imaginable, and gave me two weeks to think about it -- I could never have imagined saying -- homosexuals and pedophiles should be worshiped as God's successors. 

"That is a far worse than any insult I ever would have been capable to dream of in a hundred years. These [GBC guru] people are worse than the worse insulters of God in the history of the planet. Why would they make children worship homosexuals and pedophiles as 'God's successors' if they had even the slightest speck of respect for God? They are worse than the worse insulters of God ever recorded in the history of the world. A person would have to think up a worse insult for a long time to beat these fellows." 

Agreed. No normal person, even a meat eater in the modes of ignorance, ever says that homosexuals and pedophiles are going to be worshiped as God's successors. Because no normal person wants to insult God, as they have some basic sense of fear of the result of insulting God, i.e. they might go to hell. OK they will go to hell.  

So then, after establishing their worship of homosexuals and pedophiles as God's successors project, the next phase -- a program to ban, beat, sue and kill anyone who objected -- was then launched. And almost all of the original Prabhupada devotees were eventually exiled out to make way for their pedo pooja project. And then the next phase of their project, handing off the legal signers on ISKCON properties to their sometimes meat eating and Durga pooja Hindu program folks was launched.

And meanwhile many children, perhaps thousands, were abused in their pedo pooja project. Unfortunately, the Olympic torch of worshiping deviants -- or their enabler hand maidens -- is still going on in ISKCON. Bhagavan has not established the torch of worshiping pure devotees whatsoever. 

Rather he sent off a bunch of the Berkeley kids -- includes some of his own kids -- to worship the biggest cheer leader of the homosexual and pedophile messiah's club, and Tamal's biggest bucket boy, Narayan Maharaja. And when NM was in Texas yelling at my associates for criticizing Tamal, I was in Texas having Tamal sued for $400,000,000. 

To his credit Bhagavan eventually could not support the pedo gurus direct, but then he supported their biggest hand maiden cheer leader helpers like NM. The Olympic torch of worshiping the hand maiden enablers of homosexual and pedophile messiah's clubs is not love of God. 

Rather than argue with the critics, Bhagavan should simply just write a public declaration: -- homosexuals, pedophiles, drunks, porno swamis, machine gun swamis, deviants, and illicit sex with men women and children debauchees -- are not, were not and could not have been gurus and God's successors. Neither the hand maidens of that deviation like Narayan Maharaja are gurus. 

I am not sure if he even knows what is the correct idea and what is not at this stage, since it has taken all this time and it seems he is still saying -- no one should re-examine the history of their homosexual and pedophile messiahs' guru project. Well it will be re-examined whether he, me or anyone else likes it, because it is now a historical incident in the history of the world. And it has created thousands of victims, and has wasted millions of dollars, and has made ISKCON look like a scandal ridden crime operation all over public medias. 

And for sure, it is also recorded on Yamaraja's planet down the teeniest detail. Sorry, the legacy of the pedophile messiah's project is going to be following it for a long time. And we think that is good, because its odious results will be recorded and therefore will be avoided in future. 

On the other hand, there are some people who tell PADA that Bhagavan's guru club INTENTIONALLY wanted to establish the worship of deviants, so they could make ISKCON stink like a rotten broken sewer pipe, to make it an unlivable horrific stench, to empty out the buildings, so they could make it into a Hindu show bottle business program. I am not sure if that was the intent, but that is clearly the result. 

Of course then we have the HKC Jaipur's Prahlad, he is crying that his favorite pedophile messiah's program's golden Cadillac and golden toilet fund was depleted by PADA. Ohh boo hoo, our pedophile messiahs will now not have -- a golden toilet! That rotten PADA has stolen from our pedophile's guru's lineage's cake fund! 

I have to go sit and cry now! Forsooth! It is amazing that some people are still worried that their pedophile messiah's club's leaders will not have -- a bigger cake. Yep, Prahlad's messiahs always had big cakes, including Bhagavan, while the children reported having to eat rotten oatmeal. That is now recorded history, here and on Yama's loka. Sorry, but that is just how the laws of God operate.

It is the Olympic torch of -- giant cakes. 
PADA has reduced the Guru's cake fund!

DS: I remember passing through the Manor in December 1984 coming from India. The second floor (perhaps called the first floor in UK) had a bunch of offices. In one office they were producing the Bhagavan record album, next office they're producing the Bhagavan book, next office the Bhagavan event posters, etc etc -- EVERY OFFICE was designing and reproducing his face on every type of media possible. 

(No, no not Srila Prabhupada) just Bhagavan Bhagavan Bhagavan -- and he was floating from office to office, in bliss supervising all this media about himself. I actually talked with him in the veranda outside all these offices, he was beside himself in bliss, and I walked around in disbelief looking at all this personality cultish media being worked on in a frenzy by all his mesmerized worshipers.

In the morning program he was posing on his "vyasasana" as usual, but I noticed something; something was off, it wasn't right. His face was red with anxiety! Most of us learn to recognize when devotees are in Maya, when they're having "spiritual difficulty," and that anxiety is clearly written all over their face. I saw that while he was perched, prancing, and posing during the morning program. Turns out he left soon thereafter.

Now he's been busy making a "comeback" on Facebook for a couple years, back to doing what sociopaths do so well -- duping others with his pretentious crocodile tears and fake admissions of guilt, and begging forgiveness from the naive sentimental devotees who are indulging him.

But guess what? Not all of us can be so easily fooled by such classic textbook sociopath manipulations. Psychology tells us that sociopaths and psychopaths can never be cured from their twisted wranglings, because these cheating tendencies come from a malformation of the amygdala inside the brain. They cannot be fixed. There is no cure, no therapy, no medication that helps.

Most devotees don't know this and are not experienced in recognizing it; hence they are easy targets to be fooled over and over (and over) again. The clever sociopaths naturally can tell who can be fooled and who cannot. They go after the "low hanging fruit" (shallow sentimental devotees) while avoiding the "thoughtful men" trained by Srila Prabhupada to reject the manipulative pretenders.

ys pd

BG 16.9

"Continuing further Lord Krishna gives some precise insights to the demoniac mentality. 1) Avastabhya means indiscriminately adopting erroneously as in the verse before. 2) Nasta-atmanah means devoid of any contact with their immortal soul. 3) Alpa-buddhaya means limited intellect due to being incognizant of the cognizant. 4) Ugra-karmanah means vile, heinous, horrendous activities destructive to all.

Such creatures are demoniac and are a parasitic, virulent virus destabilising all creation."


"Lord Krishna explains that the demoniac are propelled by lust and greed that is insatiable and constantly seeking to be fulfilled in the hope of being gratified. The demoniac endeavour to procure such fulfilment is mohad or deluded illusion and through gross improprieties they forcefully misappropriate and enjoy things which are not lawfully theirs. 

The compound word asuci-vratah means the demoniac fiendishly execute devilish rituals such as blood sacrifices and the killing of animals and even humans in following their diabolical rites. Specifically engaging in forbidden acts prohibited by the Vedic scriptures which oppose all sense of righteousness, morality and decency. By resorting to duplicity, hypocrisy, sorcery, evil magic, and surreptitious deception the demoniac nature is able to prevail and flourish."


"Although death is waiting patiently for their demise at any moment; to carry them off to hellish worlds of great suffering; Lord Krishna explains that the demoniac are so involved in the deception of their material manipulations for planetary power and control of planetary wealth which they amass to the maximum that they become oblivious to the existence of a higher reality. 

The demoniac are deceived in the vastness of their own schemes and undertakings which consumes all of their time as they are constantly endeavouring to keep their power intact. Simultaneously the demoniac are pursuing their lusts for sense gratification with full power imagining that it constitutes the apex of success as the highest ambition of all existence. 

The demoniac are so completely deluded that they believe that enjoying the objects of the senses is the final goal of all hopes and dreams with no conception more advanced than this. In this way they deceive and fully shackle themselves in bondage by the illusion of their own hopes and expectations which keeps them bound inexorably in perdition."

- Commentary to Bhagavad-Gita by Ramanuja from Sri Sampradaya
Chapter 16 The Divine and Demonic Natures, Verses 9-12

Friday, January 31, 2025

Was Ramesvara "Grooming" Rukmini? 01 31 25


DATE: 29 January 2025


Dear Friends and Members, Dandavats to all genuine followers of Shrila Prabhupada.
We received a message at our secret cave in the Rocky Mountains.

One of our loyal A.I.S.F. members, who is a staunch Prabhupada follower, has shared the following with our elite Power Steering Committee. Our loyal member has written to us about ex-zonal acharya and blooped ISKCON swami, Ramesvara dasa, regarding an episode that caused him to run from his “Vyasa Asan” in disgrace. It concerns a young girl that was exploited by ISKCON gurus many years ago, and who still feels the pain of being molested to this day. Having grown up now, and still a devotee, she continues to blow the whistle on ISKCON’s ex-guru Ramesvara. In fact, she has stuck to the same story and has repeated it for many years now without changing any details.
Our member writes, “It is very well documented that Ramesvara acted inappropriately towards Rukmini when he was a Sannyasi and guru, and she was still a child. That he would now attack her credibility, rather than acknowledging his responsibility, says more about Ramesvara's state of mind than Rukmini's.”
In other conversations, Rukmini has also mentioned the names of Radhanatha and Ambarish along with Ramesvara. Our member has shared Ramesvara’s reply as follows.
”Rukmini also claims I and other leaders joined a secret black magic cult to gain powers. She claims I took her to a meeting where a baby or another late term fetus was on an alter (sic) to be sacrificed. She also claims at this meeting I put a butcher knife in her hand, and using black magic induced her to cut up the baby herself …
”You can believe her wild claims and lies of crazed sex and baby sacrifices (I have the above claim from her in writing), or you could pray for her hate, her endless lies and fabrications, and her unbalanced mind to be cured in this life or the next.”
Ramesvara continues to live richly at Mayapur with you paying for his free, luxurious accommodations.
Prabhus, please note that this Rukmini is different from the wife of Anuttama, ISKCON’s GBC squeaky boy mouthpiece. Rukmini was just 14 years old at the time she was allegedly raped. We suggest that, instead of taking Ramesvara’s advice and his weak defenses in trying to dodge the issues of his well-documented scandalous past, that you just pray that your own service in devotion can be accepted by Shrila Prabhupada. Pray that, through the blessings of the genuine guru, you can go back to Godhead after this spot life has been completed.
Yours always in the service of the Vaishnavas,
Your A.I.S.F. Team

PADA: Ramesvara was sitting young girls on his lap in his office, taking Rukmini to the Santa Monica mall on "dates" and so on and so forth. Meanwhile, he was plotting how to suppress me and Sulochana. Now he has a hero welcome in Mayapur. ys pd

Rukmini: Ramesvara is totally guilty of child abuse, the leaders know it! He admitted to being attached to me in 1986 after we were repeatedly seen in , shopping malls, restaurants, the movies, and in the city of NY. He hasn't denied abusing me because he lives with guilt everyday for all his disconduct to me, other children, and so many others sincere devotees !!!!

PADA: Child mistreatment was going on -- according to a victim who talked to me --"in every nook and cranny of ISKCON." This was a widespread problem not only in your case. Another victim told me there are several thousand cases. And Ramesvara was one of the foxes in charge of counting the hens, and the hens were not being protected. He is part responsible for the entire webs and nests of mistreatment that went on left, right and center under his administration. Anyway, you go girl, lets expose these foxes and help protect the hens. ys pd

RF: Unfortunately I think he is proud of himself and does not feel any guilt because the pederast is on a total  megalomaniacal pedestal.

PW: I don't even have words anymore......Hare Krishna!

LL: I am discusted with this cult.

PW: Yes its very sorry hearing such story ..... and we keep hearing more such stories all the time about their gurus!

LL: If it only would be one suspect, but the whole thing is infested with many since the beginning ...

PW: Other hand there is no bad thing that would not work out for good. We live in the world of dualism, we can experience different drugs even in spiritual organizations...... I take lessons by such situations that Krishna teaches us how to take an example of the successes of others and not follow for the wrong activities of others. Hare Krishna

M Devi Dasi: But a simple reply of "No, I never did this" was all that was needed to be said. - It was never stated. Why? It's a simple reply, why dance around with the subject matter? Why not, "No, I never did this, and would never cause any harm to any devotee child at all!" With emphatic sincerity in his dialog.

SJ: I am viewing this as someone who has no familiarity with this situation. I can't have an educated opinion unless I have more information about the history and documented interviews that have been verified.

Rukmini: He knows he did abuse me sooo badly !!!

RM: Ram did reply to Rukmini directly and denied it, accused her of lying. That's what they do. Just lie and think that's the end of it and hope others will believe them too.

DK: That may be true, but there is much more to the mentality of a pedophile or preditor of any kind. It is about power and control and about the intrigue of secrecy.

PW: Hare Krishna! PAMHO! AGTSP! I don't know this situation at all and I can't throw a stone at anyone here, but I can ask a question who has more interest in lying - a young girl or a mature man who, as PADA described, was seen with girls on his lap. 

The young girl can possibly be persuaded to lie only if her parents persuaded her to extort money from the defendant. And an adult man has more reasons to accuse the girl because she definitely has to divert attention to the child's detriment in the face of both the court and the public. These are my preliminary considerations on this subject. What do you think about it, dear admirers?

TK: It’s very important that all members of ISKCON understand that like all powerful organizations, Satanism DID infiltrate Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON,via power hungry individuals.

It’s not a fantasy, it’s not a lie and it’s damn sure not just a conspiracy. It is a fact.
The participants tried their best to ruin an entire generation of our children. I guess they didn’t expect many of them to grow up and TAKE THEM DOWN. All glories to the second and third generations of warriors. I offer my humble obeisances to every child brought into satanic halls of torture.

DK: The one fatal mistake made by pedophiles is that, although they have power and control over the child while they are young, somehow they forget that the child will grow up and speak the truth some day.

However, the predator is counting on the fact that the child will be to damaged from the abuse to come forward. Statistics show that adult victims of child abuse are not emotionally able to come forward until they are in their 40's and most states have laws about statues of limitations. Thus everything goes against the criminal ever receiving justice.

MG: And above that it is very difficult to believe the statements. Especially when those accused are often respected members of communities. Often those victims are marginalised. I have to admit reading this also my thought was this is going to far. Although I do not know Ramesvar neither I am his supporter and know from other sources that he was not very positive guy in past, to say mildly

DK: If anyone has doubts about the logistics of such claims such as "where could these satanic rituals have taken place?" I can confirm that directly next to the Los Angeles temple there was a Masonic Temple on Venice Blvd. When my husband was temple president there in 1976 the Masons were considering selling the building to the devotees. A few devotees including my husband went on a tour of it but they were not allowed on the top floor. Anyone familiar with Satanic practice within Masonic Lodges, the top floor is where the sacrificial altars are located. It is rumored that devotees had access to that building which is merely one block from the little girls ashram where Rukmini lived.

DL: I'm concerned how this post may impact Rukmini dd and those close to her. She does active service in a devotee community with her extended family.
I certainly wouldn't want such personal details spread all over the Internet without my consent. Our first duty of care is to her before anything else. 

DK: Rukmini often repeated these stories to members of our community. They are not new.

RF: She is on this thread. She is quite public about making everyone aware, which is why she just finished participating in the movie Monkey on a Stick.

DL: I know she's on the thread now as I reached out to her. Did not know about Monkey on a Stick.

TK: Rukmini has been steadfast in her truth for nearly 30 years now. I agree she needs to be very careful. Why should she have to be careful after all these years?
Because the people that committed such heinous acts towards her are still being sheltered and honored in ISKCON Indian temples.

I kid you not.

AA: The day of judgement will come over iskcon They will all go to hell who are demoniac.

DS: Man! Look at that photo -- swamis or ANY man who is not the parent or brother SHOULD NOT lay his GRIMEY GRUBBY HANDS on little girls. WHEN will the drive to touch children stop? EVER?

MN: Rameshvar das was always repulsive to women. This was the other side of being attractive to them due to his lust caused by the aparadha to help Tamal to masterind the guru hoax. So it was never a surprise that he sexually abused a fourteen year old kid. Who are her parents? They should have legal action for his abuse.

DK: Rukmini did not have a father figure in her life. Her mother is a sweet, kind, gentle soul. No match for the powerful in ISKCON. PLUS back in those days we were all very naive to the idea that these kinds of dark activities existed. Preditors often look for child victims who come from single parent homes with absent fathers or from troubled homes.

DL: One sannyasi is standing there as if Ramesvara's behavior is nothing unusual. The younger girl looks like she'd like to punch Ramesvara out.

Rukmini: Those are our childhood friends, Sama Veda the older girl, and Rasa lila.

MG: I don't think it is sanas, that one with danda, I think he holds only danda

RM: So sad the highest and most respected ashram in Krishna Culture for sincere spiritually-minded males has become the one to hang out in for performing the most atrocious acts. Isn't that just so Kaliyuga? So sad the children born into Krishna Consciousness, attracted to Krishna Consciousness or being entrusted to members of Krishna consciousness, which the most blissful culture and highest philosophy, are so often victimized by sexual, satanic and violent predators.

DS: Several other girls also have written testimonies on him, that are on the table of CPO, but as we know the CPO is under attack and dismantled. So this man's buddies are making sure the group of his victims remain without a voice.

RS: The madness continues! Soon he will find himself in Yamaraj’s court, where he will face the reckoning of his lifetime.

GLD: why they don t go to the police?

DU: They must present charges.

JJ: Where we don't know enough to accept or reject what we hear, we can ask ourselves, "Is this persons response to a claim of abuse representing what we would expect to hear coming from a devotee?"

DL: Rukmini, this post by JY is an extract from a recent newsletter sent out by the Absolute Is Sentient Foundation. They seem to have published an extract of Ramesvara's response to an anonymous devotee. So it's an extract of an extract, which makes it appear confusing. Also the cloaks of anonymity seem to obscure the facts also.

I don't know who runs that organisation. They like to stay anonymous. I've screenshot the newsletter for you below. This is the email address which sends out the newsletter, in case you want to try to correspond with them:

DL: May be an image of ‎1 person and ‎text that says '‎A.I A.I.S.F. Absolute Is Sentient Foundation Branches Worldwide Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Founder Founder-Acharya: nternational society for Krishna Conaciousne88 DATE: 29 January 2025 Re: RAMESVARA WHISTLE BLOWER 

SJ: This is a she said-he said situation. I do find it hard to believe:

”Rukmini also claims I and other leaders joined a secret black magic cult to gain powers. She claims I took her to a meeting where a baby or another late term fetus was on an alter (sic) to be sacrificed. She also claims at this meeting I put a butcher knife in her hand, and using black magic induced her to cut up the baby herself …"

Some is believable and some is not-only my opinion.

I absolutely believe that Rameswara was not qualified to act as guru and should not have put himself in that position.

SJ: Do you know the answer? Her full account was not revealed in this post. I feel we should be given more information. Perhaps it's not appropriate on this forum.

MMA: I know of this story and have had more than one therapist say it is very possibly true. They hear of such things all the time. The amount if therapy it takes to get through this web if maya takes a strong devotee. Rukmini is one of Srila Prabhupada's children who came here to assist his service to Lord Caitanya. Irresponsible men are the cause of the falldown of women who are the cause if unwanted progeny which are the cause if the fall down of society.

SJ: Please understand that I am not finding fault with Rukmini or supporting Rameswara. All I'm saying is the post does not provide enough information for one to make a determination.

Rukmini: I wonder why Ramesvara doesn't share the letter I wrote to him? He just states one detail that he says I wrote to him. By the way, he has changed what I wrote, and he shares info that most people will have a hard time believing; to discredit me as a liar.

He is trying to keep the truth covered up in his closet after after so many years of abuse I was forced to suffer at his hands during my childhood. Will someone please send me the link to where he posted what he has written about me? Because I have him blocked, I may not be able it. Can someone sent me snapshots of his dialog where is writes about me ?

Where did Ramesvara write this? Why didn't he post the whole letter that states my unedited version of my truth? He chose to change details of what I wrote. Is this is the only account of what I experienced he wrote about. He chose to share someting that is quite hard for most people to believe ? Is he denying ever abusing me sexual in any way ?

DK: yes, she has told these stories often.

SJ: I pray that you will receive all the support and love you need to heal.

DK: If anyone has doubts about the logistics of such claims such as "where could these satanic rituals have taken place?" I can confirm that directly next to the Los Angeles temple there was a Masonic Temple on Venice Blvd. When my husband was temple president there in 1976 the Masons were considering selling the building to the devotees. 

A few devotees including my husband went on a tour of it but they were not allowed on the top floor. Anyone familiar with Satanic practice within Masonic Lodges, the top floor is where the sacrificial altars are located. It is rumored that devotees had access to that building which is merely one block from the little girls ashram where Rukmini lived.

YD: That’s on another level of their perversion !!Sadly I’m not even surprised..

Rukmini: Have you all seen this post and thread?

DS: The Hare Krishna sex bomb bomb sex bomb he's a sex bomb.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Tulsi Gabbard / Jiva Tattva / Sulochana / Devamrita 01 29 25


PADA editor was just interviewed by a professional journalist about Tulsi Gabbard. He reads the PADA blog. I will post his article here once it is published. I tried to say her guru's program -- Siddha's Hawaii group -- is a little unauthorized, but it is not as bad as ISKCON proper, since none of his people ever threatened to have me killed. Nor are there a lot of reports of child abuse and other crimes. 

So Siddha has a better profile than ISKCON, but that is not really a big recommendation either. In the end, I said Tulsi has a better track record than many other cabinet picks going on now, so I would tend to support her, because for starters -- another choice could be worse. I think she means well and is less motivated than a lot of the others, but that does not mean her choices will be guaranteed as good. 

Sorry I could not have been more helpful to her cause. I wish her well, and if she gets approved, maybe she can be a good influence. Let us see how it all unfolds. 

This is another article on the topic: 


Letter to Jagadisa dasa -- Los Angeles 25 April, 1970

"Regarding your questions about how and from where did the conditioned souls fall, your first question if someone has a relationship with Lord Krsna on Krsnaloka, does he ever fall down? The souls are endowed with minute independence as part of their nature and this minute independence may be utilized rightly or wrongly at any time, so there is always the chance of falling down by misuse of one's independence. 

But those who are firmly fixed up in devotional service to Krsna are making proper use of their independence and so they do not fall down. Regarding your second question, have the conditioned souls ever seen Krsna? Were they with the Lord before being conditioned by the desire to lord it over material nature? Yes, the conditioned souls are parts and parcels of the Lord and thus they were with Krsna before being conditioned. Just as the child must have seen his father because the father places the child in the womb of the mother, similarly each soul has seen Krsna or the Supreme Father. But at that time the conditioned souls are resting in the condition called susupti which is exactly deep sleep without dream, or anesthetized state, therefore they do not remember being with Krsna when they wake up in the material world and become engaged in material affairs. I hope this will satisfy your questions."


January 26, 2019: On this date in history 6 years ago, a reader writes to the author about “Killing For Krishna”:

Hare Krishna, Hrishikesh Prabhu,

So I’m once again struggling emotionally with this entire sordid affair, and having been a part of it. I’m still struggling with the fact that I went to New Vrindaban to serve Srila Prabhupada and ended up involved in criminal activity, including murder. I have unplugged from social media to avoid dealing with it. But I stand by what I said in a previous message to you.

I will just tell you that when Sulochan was being stalked much of the communications went through my telecom systems. At some point I was told directly that “they are going to kill him.” I don’t want to go into any more details, you’ve got all the players right as far as I know and you know more details than I at this point. Besides it was so long ago that details are getting harder for me to remember.

I was surprised to hear that you didn’t know beforehand, about the murder conspiracy; to me it seemed common knowledge at that time, but thinking back, this may be blurred memory. But just like the morning after the murder at mangal-aroti there was like this electricity in the air and a buzz of whisper, “The demon was killed!” 

This was only hours after the murder. Who told whom?

Anyway, the thing is that you have put it all together, and as I have said numerous times, that the accounts in your book are as I remember them. I haven’t started reading it again but I may soon. And as far as why I am saying this now there is no specific reason. Maybe because I need to get this off my chest before death. Mostly I want to defend my fellow devotees who have spoken the truth about this and have been discredited as liars.

Your servant,

Jyotirdhama dasa, ACBSP (Joe Pollock, Jr.)

Richland, Washington,

former Telecom Manager at New Vrindaban

For more about this topic, see Henry's book "Killing for Krishna."

HH Bhakti Vishramba Madhava Maharaja Ki Jai!

DD: My last time seeing Maharaja was startling. He was physically invalid and locked up in fetal position, going through the final stages of neurological shut down. His eyes still had their remarkable incisiveness, but aside from that it was clear his body was failing him. I have some familiarity around that now, but its still remains confronting to witness up close. I was asked by a dear friend, one of his disciples, to bring Maharaja a few gifts to support what comfort could be there in these last days. I offered my obeisances as I left his little room in the goshala, feeling this would likely be my last time seeing this precious sadhu.

It became clear the rest of Maharaja's visit that goddess Vrinda devi, ruler of the sacred Vrindavan forest, was Maharaja's mother. He spoke of her with the ubiquity a religious person might attribute the influence of God - all things through Him - and yet it was with the intimacy of a son that he would express her hand in his life. All details of what was happening were a sign of her love and care for him, and in support of his life's purpose - the worship of his Krishna Balarama shilas. 

I understood during this visit that Maharaja's time with us, and my chance to witness his unabashed obsession with Vrinda devi and Krishna Balarama, was my first conscious experience of closely associating with an uninhibited vaisnava in the last stages of their maturing bhajan. When Sri Visvanatha says devotees with deep taste will confuse and bewilder neophytes. When he says they will appear mad and erratic to the truly ignorant... here it was in front of me. 

Maharaja would give elaborate and exuberant narrations of the cowherd boys pastimes, of the teasing of the gopis, of the cleverness of Baldau and Kanai - but not be able to hold more than a few sentences of conversation with a person in front of him. I've met other 'spiritualists' like that too, but somehow they manage to organize media teams and global tours for themselves despite their otherwise seemingly limited capacity socially. What Maharaja had was not that common arrogance. His apparent indifference and insensitivity came not from conceitedness, but from a consciousness deeply attached and connected to a mystic reality most around him didn't even yet dare to consider personally - despite espousing faith in it generally.

A few days after his passing I went down to our Tulsi room to glorify him to her as a kind of funeral ceremony and thank her for bringing him to us. She reassured me that his last days were only difficult from my typical point of view. Actually, he spent his last moments in this world laying as a gentle infant in the lap of his doting mother, where his heart had already been resting for so long. 

His death in Vrindavan was a promise for all those that care about him that Love has secured his eternal life with those Boys he cherished above anyone else, and that they will see Maharaja again when they are also ready to go there.

HH Bhakti Vishramba Madhava Maharaja Ki Jai!

Vrinda Rani Ki Jai!

Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!

PADA: I see this a lot. This ISKCON guru or that guru is obsessed with Vrnda Devi, worshiping Silas, discussing Krishna's pastimes, finding old Vaishnava relics etc. Sounds great. But that is not their primary job. 

Their primary job as managers is to make sure there are no bogus acharyas; and no banning, beating, molesting, lawsuits if not murders going on. But these problems have been going on left, right and center while these leaders are holed up in the dham or etc. not minding the business of the society, or their showing concern for the welfare of the citizens. For example -- all sorts of children are being mistreated all over the place, and none of these guys seems to want to address the problem. Too busy doing their sadhana etc. 

Of course HKC Jaipur's Prahlad said the same thing, sure PADA is saving children from sexual crimes and abuse -- but so what? He is bogus for not chanting his rounds. PADA should be like us -- and abandon helping others -- and only save himself! OK but if you neglect helping others, you condemn yourself, just like the Kauravas were condemned for not helping Draupadi.

And that is why the local police said to me, it seems like the only people who want to save children from abuse are the people who are not "strictly following" like you and Sulochana. It seems the strict followers are cursed -- not to know the real purpose of religion. And it looks like they are strictly following the lemmings jumping into the ocean. Yup!

Maharaja cherished the cowherd boys of Krishna leela, but not the cowherd boys of the ISKCON society he was supposed to be a leader of. That means he failed to serve, help and support the boys in his own home town house here, so how can he claim to be serving the boys in a higher house on Krishna loka? 

Sorry, this means he neglected his primary duty, to serve and help the boys here, and then serve the boys in Krishna leela later on. When the citizens here are suffering, your job as a leader is to help them. 

But he also thought he could be another Jesus and take sins from people. So that was another example of how he could not even save -- himself. So he takes the karma of neglecting the citizens in his society's care, and he even neglected his own welfare by taking sins without authority. 

Sorry none of this is "very advanced." And in the end ISKCON did not take care of him either, because the society he served is false, so it does not take good care of anyone -- except a few rich and famous cabal elites. And he was not one of them, so he was neglected. Yeah everyone else is suffering and I am sitting around discussing Vrnda Devi. 

And Vrnda Devi is disgusted with misrepresenting her, because she does care for others. So the consensus is, the Maharaja went bat sh*t bonkers, which is what happens when one misuses one's intelligence, takes karma without authority and so on. And it looks like more and more of them are suffering from that same ailment. Srila Prabhupada told us, being in the dham can be both good and bad, good action is multiplied 10,000 times, but bad action is also multiplied the same. And if you commit offenses here, you will go mad.

ys pd 


My declaration…

The proverbial ‘elephant in the room’ … is my re-entry in to Iskcon after being excommunicated during the New Vrindavan years was under an agreement of amnesty, I continue an expectation of that amnesty being honored, I reserve my right to silence on questions around my involvement in the activities of the time, assets I had control over, and the ongoing proprietorship of said assets.
In unison with the vast majority of my Sannyasi godbrothers, I decline to participate in the GBC mandate that Sannyasis’ declare their assets and income on an annual basis. I include questions around my Australian registered company ‘Jay Matsya Superannuation’ within this privacy.

I have several aliases that I have not deemed necessary to declare publicly in the past, Devamrita Swami, Jay Matsya, and my birth name Lee Reynolds. I have been married and divorced twice, once to a Polish devotee, once to a Danish devotee. There have been times where I have denied being married.

In 2016 a recording was made public of me giving advice in regards to how local authorities should deal with the reporting of a sexual assault. In the recording I advise them to try and get the victim to state it was mutual and that it will all go away. No Iskcon authority has expressed to me that this advice is inappropriate.

Your humble servant, Devamrita Swami

Monday, January 27, 2025

Prayers to Lord Narasimha (Madhva Sampradaya)

PADA: I am a big fan of Lord Narasimgha. Love that personality. Here we find prayers to glorify Him, and subdue our enemies. Of course, in Kali Yuga our enemies are already being consumed and conquered by the material energy very readily. They basically defeat themselves. 

That is the process of the material energy especially in this age. Lord Chaitanya says -- there is thus no need to chastise evil doers in this age, because they are already suffering defeat at every stage by themselves. Therefore, as Srila Bhaktisiddhanta says, our own real worst enemy is -- our own mind. 

Thus our real worst enemy is our own selves in Kali Yuga. So I think we should apply this prayer to take out our own worst enemy, namely -- our false ego selves and our own false conceptions and illusions. 

Anyway this is an interesting set of prayers in my opinion and yep, I like them. Hope you'll like them too! ys pd


From Madhvacarya Sampradaya:

1. udaya ravi sahasra-dhyotitam ruksa-viksam pralayajaladhi-nadam kalpa-kridvahni-vaktramsura-pati-ripu-vakshah-kshoda-rakta-kshitangam pranata-bhaya-haram tam narasimham namami

The radiance of a thousand rising suns is the glow on the Lord's face. His eyes are fiery and His voice roars like the turbulent ocean of devastation. His body is wet with the blood of Indra's foe, Hiranyakashipu. Lord Narasimha, the redeemer of the fear ridden, I bow down to Your feet.

2.pralaya-ravi-karalakara-rukchakra-valamvirala-yaduru-rocirocitashanta-ralam prati-bhaya-tama-kopatyutkatoccatta-hasindahadaha narasimasahya-viryahitam me

Your effulgence is dazzling like that of the destructive sun, pralayaravi. It glows and glitters, makes the wicked tremble with fear. You laugh in a piercing high tone at the fear, ignorance and anger of the demons. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

3. sara-sarabha-sapadapata-bharabhiravapracakita-chala-sapta-dvandva-loka-stutastvam ripu-rudhira-nishekenaivashonamghri-shalin daha dahanarasimasahya-viryahitam me

Your lotus feet are reddened by the blood of the enemy. Fourteen lokas are scared by the stamping of Your feet. Demigods assemble, fear and tremble and pray for Your mercy. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

4. tava ghanaghana-ghosho ghoram aghrayajamgha parighamalaghum uru-vyaja-tejo-girim cha ghana vighatitamaga-daitya-jamghala-samghodaha daha narasimasahya-viryahitam me

You take great pleasure in slaughtering the armies of the demons. You wield Your heavy mace in a most cunning manner with the force of a great mountain. As You chop demons into pieces others immediately flee for their lives. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

5. kataki-kata-karala-dhatakagrya-stha-labhaprakata-pata-tadit te sat-katishthati-patvi katuka katuka dushtatopadrishti-pramushtau daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

The mountains of Your hips are nicely decorated with yellow garments, which appear just like lightning in its intense brilliance. Attacking fiercely he who had the foremost position (the seat of King Indra), You removed the threat of that exceedingly wicked one. O ferocious one! Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

6. prakhara-nakhara-vajrotkhata-rukshari-vakshaha shikhari-shikhara raktai rakta nandoha-deha suvalibha-shubha-kukshe bhadra gambhira-nabhe daha daha narasimasahya viryahitam me

As Your nails, sharp like thunderbolts, tore the abdomen of the enemy, blood surged from the body of the demon and bathed You. Your lotus-like navel is deep and Your abdomen is decorated with the auspicious three lines. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

7. sphurayati tava sakshat saiva nakshatra-mala kshapita-ditija-vaksho-vyapta-nakshatra-marga ari-dara-dhara-janvasakta-hasta-dvayaho dahadaha narasimasahya viryahitam me

Your two hands, as they directly burst open the chest of the son of Diti, appear just like a necklace of stars. Supporting him on Your knees, You tore his chest apart which blocked the path of the stars. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

8. katu-vikata-sataudho-dhattanad bhrashta-bhuyo ghana-patala-vishalakasha-labdhavakasham kara-parigha-vimarda-prodyamam dhyayatas te daha daha narasimasahya viryahitam me

Your mane is burning and monstrous, and You cause the enemy to fall from his position by tearing apart his chest. Once attaining the opportunity, under the broad roof of the clouds and sky, You raise Your hand, powerful as a mace, to strike. I meditate upon You in this form. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

9. hata-lutada-laghisthotkantha-dashto ‘sta-vidyut

sata-shata-katianorah-pitha-bhit sushtu nistham

patati nu tava kanthadhishtha-ghorantramala

daha daha narasimasahya viryahitam me

Appearing brilliantly illuminated, Your neck, with hundreds of mane-hairs, is raised lightly and appears to be bitten by eight bolts of lightning. You divide the chest and very strong position of Hiranyakashipu. You are garlanded with his ghastly entrails. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power

10. hata-bahu-mihirabhasa hy asamhara-ramho huta-vaha-bahu-hetir hrepikananta-hetihi ahata-yihita-mohan samvihansai ham asyam daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

The effulgence of many suns is destroyed by Your uncheckable potency. The many weapons sent against You are like sacrificial offerings, and You reply with unlimited weaponry. Put down, strike and slay my illusion. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

11. guru-guru-giri-rajat-kandarantargad eva dina-mani-mani-shringevanta-vahni-pradipte daddhad ati-kau-damstre bhishanojjihva-vaktram daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

My Lord, Your fearful countenance, with tongue extended and sharp teeth blazing as if illuminated from within, appears as the peak of a huge mountain of gems lit by the sunrise and by fire coming from within its caves. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

12. adharita-vibudhadhi-dhyana-dhairya vididhyad vividha-vibudhadhi shraddha-pitendrari-nasham vidadhad ati-katahoddhatanoddhatta-hasam daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

The enemy of Indra (Hiranyakashipu) made waves in the ocean of demigods and took the shraddha offerings meant for the forefathers. Confounding the intelligence of the demigods, he minimized their austerity and position in various ways. But You, O Narasimha, melted him in the pot of Your shrill laughter. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

13. tri-bhuvana-trina-matra-trana-trishardra netra-trayam ati-laghitarchir vishtapavishtapadam navatara-ravi-tamram dharayan ruksha-viksham daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

Every living being in the three worlds, down to the blade of grass, was scorched by the flame of Hiranyakashipu. But You, with Your three eyes, have annihilated this flame. Your appearance is threatening to the miscreants, and Your color is coppery like the newly risen sun. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

14. bhramad abhi-bhava-bhubhrid bhuri-bhubhara-sad bhidbhida-nava-vibhava-bhru-vibhramadabhra-shubhra ripu-bhava-bhayam etar bhasi bho bho vibho 'bhir daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

You wander about without resistance, for You are the supreme power and the maintainer of the earth. Hail to You, O Lord; You are effulgent and fearful to Your enemies, although You fear no one. You divided into nine parts the burden of the earth (Hiranyakashipu) simply by the effulgence produced by the movement of Your eyebrows. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

15. shravana-khachita-canchat-kundaloccanda-ganda bhrukuti katu lalata-shreshtha-nasarunoshta varada surada rajat-kesarotsaritare dahadaha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

Your ears are prominent, Your earrings swing to and fro and Your face appears ferocious. Your eyebrows give Your forehead a threatening aspect, and You are most beautiful with Your high nose and reddish lips. O giver of benedictions, well-wisher of the demigods and devotees, the enemy is scattered by the effulgence the hair of Your mane. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

16. pravikavacha-kacha-rajad-ratna kotira-shalin gala-gata galad-usradara-ratnangadadhya kanaka-kataka-kanchi sinjini sudrikavan daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

You wear no armor, yet You are decorated by beautiful locks of shining hair and many ornaments made of jewels. Your bodily effulgence appears as if You had swallowed the newly-risen sun. Your hands exhibit various mudras, and Your waist is decorated with a gold chain, making a tinkling noise. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

17. ari-daram asi hetau chapa-banau gadam san-mushalam api kapolam cankusham pasha-shulam dadhad api vidhutantra-sragvi-bhinnari-vaksho daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

You are equipped with bow and arrow, as well as various astras or missiles, club, mace, rod for controlling elephants, noose, and trident. Placing the enemy upon Your lap and tearing open his abdomen, he is thus purified of all contamination, and therefore You take his intestines and wear them as a victory garland. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

18. cata cata cata duram mohayan bhramayarin kada kada kada kayam jvalaya sphotayasva jahi jahi jahi vegam shatravah sanubandham daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

Fall upon my foes, fall upon them, fall upon them. Bewilder them and drive them far away. Consume, consume, consume the bodies of the enemies; incinerate and burst them asunder. Conquer, conquer, conquer forcefully my foes and their followers. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

19. vidhi-bhava-vibudhesha-bhramakagni-sphulinga prasavi-vikata-damshtrojjihva-vaktra trinetra kala kala kala kalam pahi mam tesubhaktam daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

Even Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and King Indra are bewildered to see Your tongue, like a firebrand, pressed between Your gigantic teeth. O three-eyed one, Your face appears most fearful, like time personified. Sound out the fate of the demons and kindly protect me, Your surrendered servant. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

20. kuru kuru karunam tvam sankuram daitya-pote disha disha vishadam me shashvatim deva-drishtim jaya jaya jaya murte 'narta jetavya-paksha daha daha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

O supreme form, Have mercy, have mercy upon me. Dispel, dispel my ignorance just as You uprooted the child of Diti. You are never subjected to the sufferings of material existence. Neither are You defeated; indeed, whoever You favor will always triumph. Be victorious. Bestow upon me the divine vision to see You always. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

21. stutir iyam ahita-ghnisevita narasimhi tanur iva parishanta-malini sabhitolam tad akhila-gurum agrya-shrida-rupa-mahadbhihi dahadaha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

This prayer, offered in devotional service to Lord Narasimhadeva, destroys all inauspicious things. That Lord of the universe, the universal teacher, appearing as if garlanded by the destroyed body of Hiranyakashipu, bestows all good fortune and opulence upon His worshipers. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.

22. likucha-tilaka-sunuh sad-dhitartanusari narahari-nitim etam shatru-samhara-hetum akrita-sakala-papa-dhvamsanim yah pathet tam dahadaha narasimhasahya viryahitam me

The Lord appears in a seemingly bitter form to act for the protection of His devotee Prahlada. Anyone who reads this description of the character of Lord Narahari causes his enemies to retreat, and his sins are undone and vanquished. Burn Narasimha, burn my adversaries with Your unbearable power.