Monday, November 29, 2021
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Kurt Mausert (Kirtan Rasa Dasa) VS PADA
Patita Pavana (Uddharan): Gold, Guns and God
Doktorski's series about the corruption of admitted child molester Kirtanananda Swam is well-researched, and air tight. In fact, the author Hrishikesha Dasa (aka Henry Doktorski) kindly accepted a Foreword from me for Volume 2 of this series. I wrote it because I believe in his work which runs the gamut by dealing with the good, the bad and the ugly.
Originally, Doktorski was a sold-out devotee of K. Swami. Apart from being a skilled writer, Doktorski is a genius musician who conducted the Krishna chorale at New Vrindavana.
When K. Swami's perversions came to light, the love many felt for him turned to disgust. Had K.Swami behaved himself as per his duties as a Gaudiya sannyasi, this extensive set of well-researched volumes that Doktorski has written and continues to write would have been brimming with loving praise. But he--and all other devotees who trusted K. Swami--became disheartened with K. Swami's monstrous abuse of children and his natural disregard for women.
Friday, November 26, 2021
The Problem And The Cure (Vedic SP Quotes)
Even though one may be very learned and wise, he is mad if he does not understand that the endeavor for sense gratification is a useless waste of time. Being forgetful of his own interest, he tries to be happy in the material world, centering his interests around his home, which is based on sexual intercourse and which brings him all kinds of material miseries. In this way one is no better than a foolish animal. sb 5.5.7
The attraction between male and female is the basic principle of material existence. On the basis of this misconception, which ties together the hearts of the male and female, one becomes attracted to his body, home, property, children, relatives and wealth. In this way one increases life’s illusions and thinks in terms of “I and mine.” sb 5.5.8
Thus, because of his foolish mentality, a householder whose heart is overwhelmed by family attachment is never satisfied. Constantly meditating on his relatives, he dies and enters into the darkness of ignorance. sb 11.17.58
sb 7.9.45
Śrī Prabuddha said: Accepting the roles of male and female in human society, the conditioned souls unite in sexual relationships. Thus they constantly make material endeavors to eliminate their unhappiness and unlimitedly increase their pleasure. But one should see that they inevitably achieve exactly the opposite result. In other words, their happiness inevitably vanishes, and as they grow older their material discomfort increases. sb 11.3.18
My dear Lord Kṛṣṇa, until people become Your devotees, their material attachments and desires remain thieves, their homes remain prisons, and their affectionate feelings for their family members remain foot-shackles.
sb 10.14.36
The process of chanting the holy name of the Lord is so powerful that by this chanting even householders [gṛhasthas] can very easily gain the ultimate result achieved by persons in the renounced order. Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira, I have now explained to you that process of religion. sb 7.15.74
Nārada Muni replied: My dear King, those who stay at home as householders must act to earn their livelihood, and instead of trying to enjoy the results of their work themselves, they should offer these results to Kṛṣṇa, Vāsudeva. How to satisfy Vāsudeva in this life can be perfectly understood through the association of great devotees of the Lord.
A gṛhastha must associate again and again with saintly persons, and with great respect he must hear the nectar of the activities of the Supreme Lord and His incarnations as these activities are described in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and other Purāṇas. Thus one should gradually become detached from affection for his wife and children, exactly like a man awakening from a dream. 7.14.2/3/4
Those who, even while remaining situated in their established social positions, throw away the process of speculative knowledge and with their body, words and mind offer all respects to descriptions of Your personality and activities, dedicating their lives to these narrations, which are vibrated by You personally and by Your pure devotees, certainly conquer Your Lordship, although You are otherwise unconquerable by anyone within the three worlds. SB 10.14.3
Prahlāda Mahārāja replied: O best of the asuras, King of the demons, as far as I have learned from my spiritual master, any person who has accepted a temporary body and temporary household life is certainly embarrassed by anxiety because of having fallen in a dark well where there is no water but only suffering. One should give up this position and go to the forest [vana]. More clearly, one should go to Vṛndāvana, where only Kṛṣṇa consciousness is prevalent, and should thus take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. sb 7.5.5
My dear Lord, we pray that we may never feel attraction for the prison of family life, consisting of home, wife, children, friends, bank balance, relatives and so on. If we do have some attachment, let it be for devotees, whose only dear friend is Kṛṣṇa. A person who is actually self-realized and who has controlled his mind is perfectly satisfied with the bare necessities of life. He does not try to gratify his senses. Such a person quickly advances in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, whereas others, who are too attached to material things, find advancement very difficult. Sb 5.18.10
Jaya Radha Madhava (SP Kirtan VIDEO)
- Srila Prabhupada Lecture, New Vrindaban, June 7, 1969
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Billie Eilish Wants Turkey-less Thanksgiving
[PADA: Yep, someone told me these famous people are having more beneficial impact on society than all the Krishna devotees put together. OK, these famous folks might have more impact at stopping people from killing animals -- than us. Could be true. In any case, good job, let us save the animals from suffering and dying. ys pd]
Jehovah's Witness VS ISKCON
PADA: I really cannot validate all the facts of this video.
However, if true, many child molesting cases were reported to the elders, but not reported to the authorities. And this also self evidently happened in ISKCON. And ISKCON's "elders" are burying pedophiles in "samadhi" grave sites, and making one of their molesters -- their current messiah. Is there a pattern of bad leadership here? Were we all not warned about false prophets, in the Christian religion -- and ISKCON?
"Many of the followers are psychologically vulnerable people who have a vested interest in continuing the system." Ya think so? ys pd
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Devotee Marriage Matching Group
PADA: Over the years various men and women have asked me to help them find a spouse, even recently. Well I really don't have the resources for that. I'd like to help, at the same time I worry my potential help might end up making a bad match and then I'd be blamed for giving bad marital advice (which has already happened with some "astrologers" being sued for making bad matches).
Anyway, someone wanted to have me advertise this group, and see if that helps anyone else. I don't know if this site is going to be helpful or not, but if anyone has some good reviews or other comments they can send me a report.
Seems to me the first problem is -- so many devotees are divided into various guru camps, it would be a big challenge just to find someone with compatible guru tattva, never mind other issues. In any case, good luck if you are looking for a compatible spouse. You'll need lots of it to find the right situation. Sorry! You'll have to do your own homework here, hee hee. ys pd
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Question from Tucson About ISKCON
Suresvara Dasa joined the Hare Krishna movement in July 1970. He received 1st & 2nd initiations by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1971 and 1972 while serving in New Vrindaban. In 2011, while teaching at the Mayapur Institute, Suresvara’s concern over how distant many younger devotees were from Srila Prabhupada reached a tipping point, so that spring he conceived and began researching a seminar series he would call “Srila Prabhupada, Our Founder-Acarya.” In 2014, at the request of senior godbrothers, Suresvara accepted the service of initiating spiritual master.
Monday, November 22, 2021
India's Tycoon Ambani Targets Mom-and-pop Stores
PADA: It was only a question of time before some big tycoon and his mega-business in India started to encroach on the little guy shop keepers in India, just like Amazon is taking down the little independent shops in the USA. Unfortunately, this will upset the economy of many "little guys" and their independent shops.
I was at the San Francisco Flea Market the other day and happened to pass by some poor guy there -- who was selling used videos and video games. People were coming over to his stall and scanning his pieces on their cell phones to see what is the price at Amazon, and the guy was pleading "I cannot compete with Amazon."
This all seems to be heading towards making the elite few rich folks -- become more and more rich, and the poor folks become poorer and poorer and out of a job, and then there will be massive unemployed -- as Srila Prabhupada predicted. It looks like India is going more and more in the direction of mega-businesses managed by cell phone and computerized tech, instead of its traditional simple living and rural lifestyle. It is another sign of encroaching Kali yuga-ism.
ys pd
Patita Pavana Das Writes Lokanath Swami (ISKCON)
In the Ramayana, did Vishwamitra go before a panel and beg that they overlook his infidelity with Menaka? Or did he perform penance? Why is that only for him--are you greater than the great Munis like Vishwamitra? Where is your tapasya, rather than the sad legacy you have left that tells a far different story.
Remember Reagan said to Mondale, "You're no Kennedy." And we can add to that "You're no Tukaram," either, buddy.
So you have only a precious few seconds left before the curtain comes crashing down on your show. Everything has been recorded and is in the hands of Shri Chitra-Gupta, the secretary in the Akash to Dharmaraja himself.
The King of the Dead Yama is known as Dharmaraja because his concern--as one of the 12 Mahajanas--is how faithful to the order of the Sampradaya you were in your checkered career, as an officiator on behalf of the church or "institutional Guru."
Institution is only meant for recharging of batteries, not for lingering with a pink bonnet. When did Tukaram wear such a ridiculous bonnet?
Lokanatha, this is your very elder Gurubhai Patita pavana dasa Adhikary telling you for your own damn good -- get back. Get back to where you once belonged. Get back into the cart as you are presently leading thousands of gullible souls someplace other than pure Krishna consciousness. Wake up and get on the right path once and for all as per Prabhupada's orders to you.
And those awful cut-and-paste book covers. Who are you trying to fool?
Get back now, Loka. This is your elder Gurubhai who am simply telling you what Prabhupada would be telling you. So listen up, buddy, drop the pompousness and the titles, kick the pink bonnet aside and hit the road.
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Gaura Govinda Maharaja / BVKS / Who is "The Guru"?
PADA: Thanks for the link JD. Yes. This is an interesting question. When Gaura Govinda maharaja says we need to worship "the guru" -- which guru does he refer to?
Gaura Govinda maharaja for decades was telling his people to "work with" the other ISKCON GBC's "gurus," and their infrastructure and leadership program -- i.e. to help promote the GBC's worship of illicit sex with men, women and children guru parampara. Did I forget to mention GGM's "guru parampara" bans, beats, molests, sues and assassinates Vaishnavas? Is this guru parampara from heaven or hell, you decide!
And GGM tells us in numerous lectures that we have to surrender to "the guru," a generic non-identified guru. And who is that guru? He never says. Bhakti Vikas swami does the same -- "everyone needs to surrender to a guru." What guru? Do we surrender to a guru from heaven or hell, nobody know! Srila Prabhupada says when people do not mention the name of the guru it is mayavada. OK surrender to "the guru" is mayavada.
So this is really a sneaky way of telling people to surrender to their illicit sex "guru" parampara, and accept a member of that parampara. And both GGM and BVKS are "2/3 show of hands" voted into that sexual predator's parampara. So even if we accept them as "the guru," we are compromised with their whole debauchee's messiah's process.
Of course many thousands of people have just walked out of ISKCON to "find the guru" in the Gaudiya Matha and other mathas etc. So this "go find the guru" process is causing ISKCON to become a ghost town.
This is what Narayan Maharaja says:
PADA: Why have Srila Prabhupada as "the guru" when
Narayan Maharaja has a pocketful of GBC's pedophiles
to be "the guru"?
And both GGM and BVKS claim their GBC guru process is taking people to God. And some of the remaining followers of GGM are still working hand in glove with the GBC's guru process, still promoting the GBC's guru process even now. And BVKS folks are also affiliated with various GBC guru projects.GGM and BVKS have been claiming the participants in their GBC's "post-1978 guru parampara" process are Krishna's "gurus." Really? Seems Krishna has become very cheap when -- deviants, perverts and even pedophiles are contained as "links" in Krishna's alleged "guru chain."
After the GBC "reinstated" their "oral sex with taxi drivers in the dham acharya" in 1986, then the GBC "2/3's show of hands" voted in GGM and BVKS as that deviants co-gurus. What exactly is a "oral sex with taxi drivers in the dham -- guru parampara," GGM and BVKS never explain. And why would any saintly person want to be "certified as guru," at the same time that oral sex with taxi drivers is being re-certified as guru?
And worse, GGM told me in person he has to "cooperate, tolerate and work with" these GBC's "gurus." And worse, GGM tells me that yes, the GBC is making homosexuals and pedophiles into "gurus" because -- "Kali Yuga has entered the highest places of ISKCON." We need to promote "gurus" who are infected with Kali Yuga? Where is any of this stated in shastra?
And! We need to "tolerate, cooperate and work with" Kali Yuga's infected "gurus"? So all of this is juxtaposing actual bona fide gurus in the actual guru parampara (which includes Krishna) with all sorts of deviants, criminal, perverts, molesters etc. who are also allegedly Krishna's "parampara gurus." GGM and BVKS use the "guru" term very generically all the time. Reminds me when we were in India and some man told Srila Prabhupada "I worship the God only." And Srila Prabhupada was very perturbed, and he said "What God, which God, what God are you talking about"?
So Krishna is guru, the GBC is guru, they themselves are guru (i.e. those who are voted into the sexual predator's parampara) -- or what? "We need to get the mercy of the guru." OK, but which guru? They are confusing people. And then GGM says sabda brahman does not descend from books and tapes, we need to hear from the living lips guru. Ummm, we need to hear from the lips of homosexuals, pedophiles, criminals, porno swamis, drunks, drug addicts, sexual predators and assorted deviants?
And that is why shastra says the people who "cooperate, tolerate and work" with deviants posing as gurus -- are implicated in the karma of those deviants. In short, false gurus go to the most obnoxious regions, and so do their hand maidens, advocates, cheer leaders, enablers etc. Where does Srila Prabhupada say we have to cooperate, tolerate, and work with -- and promote, the worship of debauchees and deviants as God's successors? And we have to be "2/3 show of hands voted in" to the pedophile's guru's "parampara" program.
Meanwhile, any ordinary person walking down the street here in San Francisco ALREADY knows that worship of Gaura Govinda Maharaja's / BVKS's "gurus" -- who are perhaps sexual predators, drug addicts, porno swamis, pedophiles and / or deviant messiahs, takes a person to hell -- and not to God. We cannot worship sinful people and become free of sins ourselves. Worse, worship of sinful people takes the worshipers -- and their advocates / defenders / co-operators -- down to the lower regions.
Therefore the ordinary persons on the street worship Jesus, because they know -- only a pure personality can take their sins. And only a pure person should be offered grace prayers before taking a meal (offering the meal to the pure devotee) etc. There is simply no bona fide reason to promote the worship of debauchees, criminals, predators and deviants as messiahs in human society.
So GGM / BVKS say "the guru" opens the eyes of the disciples, and they are right, the followers of Jesus are well aware that we cannot worship dubious gurus. Unfortunately, GGM / BVKS never tells us why the GBC's deviated folks are gurus from square one? The mundane people worship a bona fide guru, aka Jesus, and so they have had their eyes opened, thus they know that worship of Gaura Govinda Maharaja's / BVKS's pedophile messiahs is not going to liberate them.
And worse, they also know that worship of deviants is taking the persons involved in that scam to the lower regions, which would include the shastra defenders of -- the worship of deviants process -- ok like GGM / BVKS.
Ordinary people know this is the opposite of elevation. So even the mundane people have had their eyes opened by worship of Jesus, and thus they can immediately see that GGM's / BVKS's pedophile's and deviant's guru parampara is a farce at best, and a danger to human society at worst. Which explains why Western people are avoiding and abandoning ISKCON, if not attacking the false current ISKCON.
Then GGM says, the material mental speculators cannot approach God. Also correct. For GGM to speculate that worship of his pedophile's acharyas process takes a person to God is called -- illusion. This is material speculation. There is simply no statement from Krishna anywhere -- where GOD says we have to worship a guru parampara full of deviants -- or their voted in successors -- like GGM or BVKS -- i.e. those who are "voted in" to an illicit sex with taxi drivers in the dham, and pedophiles, perverts, deviants etc. guru parampara. This is called mental speculation. There is no shastric basis to support the worship of deviants as Krishna's guru successors. Nor are deviants, or those voted in by deviants, "the guru."
Then GGM says the process is descending from from higher source. Pedophiles posing as gurus are GGM's "higher source"? GGM's pedophile gurus are descending from the higher plane? Ummm nope, his pedophile gurus are from the lower plane and they are trying to bring us back down to the lower plane with them. It is a case of the blind leading the blind, it is not a guru parampara.
So everyone should worship "the guru." Ummm nope, everyone had to worship the specifically named and identified guru, and offer bhogha to that guru, offer disciples to that guru etc. and we would submit that guru is Srila Prabhupada. In an case worship of Srila Prabhupada is currently not allowed in ISKCON, you have to worship any guru, as long as it is not Srila Prabhupada. That is unfortunately what has happened, which is why so many people think ISKCON has been taken over by Kali yuga, exactly as GGM says it has. ys pd
Srila Prabhupada Original Books Site (Almost)
Similar site:
[PADA: "Prabhupada-media," overall good idea.
However! I was a little astonished to see they are advertising Kundali's book, saying that Srila Prahbupad'as "Back to Godhead" idea is bogus because we were never with Krishna originally. We should not be promoting the people who are attacking the siddhanta of the acharyas, and who are preaching mayavada. What kind of Srila Prabhupada disciple says "Back to Godhead" is a bogus idea, when that is the whole idea in itself?
Never mind Kundali has been a big supporter of "the living guru" idea, saying the books are not sufficient, we need one of his (conditioned soul) gurus. Nice job Kundali, now we have illicit sex with men, women, children, and cats "gurus."
In any case, it is good that someone is making original books available. A good start. They need to refine the site and clear up advertising anti-Prabhupada materials. Sulochana said: ISKCON devotees have a tendency to add dog stools to the sweet rice, hee hee. He was not kidding!
I am not sure how to contact these guys or what their program is.
Let us know if you have details.
ys pd
REGARDING YOUR QUESTION: how can the spirit soul fall down if it is eternal and changeless?
Srila Prabhupada:[Letter to Jananivasa -- Vrindaban 27 August, 1967]
Friday, November 19, 2021
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Srila Prabhupada "Material Civilization Will Collapse"
Srila Prabhupada said the material society will eventually collapse. It does seem like the wheels are coming off in different ways already. Srila Prabhupada was very emphatic that his followers should start rural communities, grow our own food, use oxen and not machines, become self-sufficient etc. but unfortunately that has not come to pass. Anyway, we should be aware of his statements, even if they were not followed. ys pd
ISKCON India's ICC Normalizes Child Abuse
PADA: The ISKCON India ICC Bureau is currently defending a known pedophile (Lokanath swami) to be in the post of God's messiah successor for ISKCON. After this event was discovered and Lokanath swami was reprimanded slightly, some of the followers of this false messiah started to say to us -- Lokanath swami touched the young girl inappropriately because "it is a (India) cultural thing."
Umm wait, India has "a culture" of middle aged men groping the crotch of young girls? And this middle aged man is also supposed to also be another Jesus messiah, a messenger from God -- for the victim he is grooming. So it is also "the culture of India" to worship pedophiles as God's successors (for children)? Where does Krishna say -- He wants His children to worship pedophiles as His successors?
And the ICC ilk are also burying other pedophiles in samadhi graves, claiming that pedophiles are experiencing the highest levels of love of God, and pedophiles can absorb sins like Jesus etc. And they want little children to come and bow down to their samadhi grave sites, so little kids will be worshiping pedophiles -- forever.
And if ISKCON is sued for $400,000,000 for the ICC's worship of pedophile messiahs project, so what? We should be glad to pay millions so we can establish pedophiles as "in the disciple line" of God's messiahs. When it comes to establishing that pedophiles, drunks, porno swamis, drug addicts, sexual predators, and yes -- sex with cats -- is all happening in God's line of successors, then money is no object for these ICC ilk people.
Indeed! They would gladly spend ten trillion dollars to establish pedophiles and sexual predators as God's successors. One Jayapataka follower told me they would gladly spend $100,000,000 (to sue us and thus defend their pedophile guru process).
And that is why their program had to be sued for $400,000,000 -- for abusing and starving their own ISKCON society's children. The ICC ilk want to feed their beef steaks lawyers and evidently not even feed their own society's children. And that is why their program was sued in the first place. Then the ICC folks spend allegedly $20,000,000 suing the leaders of a "free food for children" program in India, so they could try to starve millions and millions of more children.
Again, if they could starve children, they would spend trillions, because "that is the culture of India"? Sorry, starving children is Satanic, it is not part of human society anywhere, either Western or Eastern. So they have NO problem spending $100,000,000 on legal fees to stop a feeding of children program, but they won't spend that same "legal" money -- feeding any actual children. They want to give chicken tikka / beef steaks and new Mercedes funds to mundane lawyers as "the culture of India."
Sorry to have to point this out for them, but pedophile gurus are not part of "the culture of India." Nor are pedophiles in general the culture of India. So the India ICC is trying to say, or de facto they are saying, that pedophiles are not only "the culture of India" and thus "normal," pedophiles are also found in God's successors and messiahs "equals to Jesus" lineage.
And when we say that we cannot compare pedophiles to folks like Jesus, then the ICC people have complained back to me "you are a Western mleccha, you do not understand our culture." Right, I forgot, pedophiles are Krishna's successor acharyas! Thus! Lets go out and spend $100,000,000 buying new Mercedes for our chicken tikka / beef steaks lawyers. The priority of India culture is -- to starve millions of little children. Really?
I "don't understand" that the culture of India is -- to worship pedophiles as God's successors? Well anyway, notice that many folks in India are CURRENTLY protesting pedophiles because -- this is not "the culture of India." When these India ICC people try to normalize pedophiles as part of the culture, or even as Krishna's successor messiahs -- they are not following the culture of India. They are following Satan's culture. And -- who would say that pedophiles are God's successors in the first place? That is the question we get all the time here.
Notice that even the common citizens of India are protesting pedophiles, that means, it is not their "culture" and it is very offensive to India's cultural heritage -- of thousands of years of Krishna worship -- to claim that the ICC's pedophile messiah's worship process is "a cultural thing we mlecchas cannot understand."
Sorry, we understand exactly what pedophile worship is. And we also understand that Krishna dispatches pedophile acharyas and their hand maidens (OK the ICC ilk) to the lowest, most obnoxious regions of darkness of the universe, along with their supporters. We understand "India's culture" more than they do. ys pd
Don't worry Lokanath Maharaja
We will bury you in a pedophile samadhi
along with our other pedophile samadhis.
This is "India's Culture" (???)
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Conversation About Lokanath Swami (11/16/21)

Lokanath is currently being investigated for sexual abuse of an 11 year old child. He is also doing multiple initiations (not just in Solapur, but in Vrindavan and elsewhere) while he is being investigated, even though the GBC Executive Committee suspended him from initiating on May 12, 2021. Most of his new disciples I am guessing do not know that he admitted to sexually abusing a child.
KD: Love the pink turban. Its a nice touch.
Sad for sure but this is a corrupt ISKCON…
Even if it were true, it was so long ago & there have been no more victims. He was already punished by not being able to initiate disciples. Gaslighting 101. Same thing they said about their other gurus when they were flopping .... oh he does so much service etc.
SD: "Living like a king" might be why he refuses to step down, even after multiple GBC members have asked him to.
International GBC Resolutions - May 2021
International GBC Resolutions - May 2021
International GBC Resolutions - May 2021
SD: Dunno. You should ask them.
Yet, so many weak minded kali chela a**holes will never learn.