Sunday, August 31, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
A Fire in the Matha
Srila Prabhupada with Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura at Radhakunda:
In November of 1935, Srila Prabhupada visited Srila Bhaktisiddhanta at Radhakunda in Vrindavana. At this time, he had some confidential discussion with his spiritual master. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta was concerned about how his disciples were (already) fighting over who would occupy which rooms in the big new temple in Baghbazar, Calcutta.
In November of 1935, Srila Prabhupada visited Srila Bhaktisiddhanta at Radhakunda in Vrindavana. At this time, he had some confidential discussion with his spiritual master. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta was concerned about how his disciples were (already) fighting over who would occupy which rooms in the big new temple in Baghbazar, Calcutta.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta told Srila Prabhupada: “Agun jvable—there will be fire.” The fire he was speaking about was the fire of party conflict, a fire that could spoil the whole Gaudiya Matha. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta said, “When we were living in a rented house, if we could collect two hundred or three hundred rupees we were living very nicely at Ultadanga. We were happier then. But since we have been given this marble palace in Baghbazar, there is friction between our men. Who will occupy this room? Who will occupy that room? Who will be the proprietor of this room? Everyone is planning in different ways. It would be better to take the marble from the walls and secure money. If I could do this and print books, that would be better.”
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta then said to Srila Prabhupada. “I had a desire to print some books. If you ever get money, print books.” After 1936 the Baghbazar temple was taken over by Sridhara Maharaja, Professor Sannyal, and Madhava Maharaja, and they conjoined to establish Ananta Vasudeva as the acharya there.
[PADA: Same thing really is what happened also in ISKCON. The leaders started fighting over who would be the "rising moon," who would get this asset or that asset, who would get this zone or that zone, and they did exactly what the Gaudiya Matha deviants did, they illegally declared that they are acharyas.
And then they removed almost all of the disciples of the acharyas and "AGUN JVABLE" -- they started a fire of devastation in the math that has basically burnt ISKCON to toast. Srila Prabhupada said, "Gaudiya Matha, finished." So this is what happens when people are self-interested, and they want to become worshiped as good as God, this burns down the house.
After the house has been burnt to toast, there is not much left for anyone else. The photos below illustrates the results of burning down the house, and in the same way there is basically almost nothing left for the poor citizens of ISKCON either. Srila Prabhupada said these Gaudiya Matha guru people are "severe offenders" for making this bogus guru program, and seeing the results makes it clear they are not pleasing Krishna, because they made His temples into devastated if not empty ghost towns, just like these photos illustrate. ys pd]
Results of: A fire in the matha?
Radhastami Montreal Canada
- Ne manquez pas la prochaine Radhastami
qui aura lieu le 6 septembre (De midi à 17 hre) à cette adresse:- Do not miss the next Radhastami
to be held on September 6 (Noon to 17 hr) at:
Centre Père Sablon
4265 Papineau
Salle 21
MontréalCarte ici.
Map here.
- Il y a un stationnement payant à côté du bâtiment.
Le coût est de 2.00$ de l'heure ou 9.00$ pour la journée.
- There is a paid parking lot next to the building.
The cost is $ 2.00 per hour or $ 9.00 for the day.
- Pour le bon succès de cette fête
votre don est grandement apprécié- For the good success of this festival
your donation is greatly appreciated. .
Au programme:
- Introduction (10 minutes)
- Arotika avec kirtan (30 minutes)
- Lecture par Nandikesvara Dasa (40 minutes)
- Abhiseka avec kirtan (40 minutes)
- Video de Radharani (20 minutes)
- Récital avec le groupe Bhakti Bhajan (20 minutes)
- La danse Bharat Nathyam (20 minutes)
- Balançoire - Swing avec Bhajana (40 minutes)
- Prasadam (90 minutes)
qui aura lieu le 6 septembre (De midi à 17 hre) à cette adresse:- Do not miss the next Radhastami
to be held on September 6 (Noon to 17 hr) at:
Centre Père Sablon
4265 Papineau
Salle 21
MontréalCarte ici.
Map here.
- Il y a un stationnement payant à côté du bâtiment.
Le coût est de 2.00$ de l'heure ou 9.00$ pour la journée.
- There is a paid parking lot next to the building.
The cost is $ 2.00 per hour or $ 9.00 for the day.
- Pour le bon succès de cette fête
votre don est grandement apprécié- For the good success of this festival
your donation is greatly appreciated. .
Au programme:
- Introduction (10 minutes)
- Arotika avec kirtan (30 minutes)
- Lecture par Nandikesvara Dasa (40 minutes)
- Abhiseka avec kirtan (40 minutes)
- Video de Radharani (20 minutes)
- Récital avec le groupe Bhakti Bhajan (20 minutes)
- La danse Bharat Nathyam (20 minutes)
- Balançoire - Swing avec Bhajana (40 minutes)
- Prasadam (90 minutes)
Friday, August 29, 2014
PADA Appreciation of Madhu Pandit Das
PADA: Over the years we have found very "far and few between" Krishna devotees who see the need for any legal challenges to the bogus GBC's post - 1977 gurus. Madhu Pandit das is one of those very few rare people on earth who understands this point -- that we have to challenge the bogus GBC's gurus in court. Of course, in actual Vedic times the pious king would not allow anyone to say "deviants are God's successors," there would be a much more severe chastisement for such odious activities than a mere court case. Yet, a court case is better than doing nothing.
What is result of doing nothing? When the mass of devotees here in the USA wanted to do basically nothing after 1977, and they did not want to help us make court challenges in the 1980s, that process simply handed the job of enforcement off to the mundane society's police and courts.
Thus, there was a Federal Marshall's SWAT raid on the Berkeley temple and its farm; Various well publicized drugs busts; Various arrests of devotees for all types of crimes; Criminal prosecutions; Various Felony arrests; Federal FRAUD lawsuits (which ISKCON lost); A SWAT raid on the Mississippi oil painting business; Various murders; A full scale FEDERAL raid of New Vrndavana; Gurus being whacked with rebar, gurus distributing drugs like ecstacy, gurus having their heads decapitated -- and so on infinitum, all of which was posted prominently in the news media all over the world. In sum, the devotees decided not to act legally, so the mundane society was forced into action.
And so, for quite a long time, it was mainly me and Sulochana who were publicly asking the devotees for help with a legal process to be used on these bogus gurus, and he was assassinated for doing that. I also would have been assassinated since the FBI said I was "next on the (GBC guru's) hit list," but the police saved me. Of course, this begs the question, why should we Westerners have to undertake the job of correcting any of the guru lineages of India -- at all?
Why aren't the India nationals themselves saying, hey we cannot have homosexuals, sexual predators, deviants, criminals, drug addicts and various fools posing as India's "tradition of acharyas." Why are any of us Westerners even involved at all in this issue? Why didn't India's own people such as: BR Sridhara Maharaja, BV Narayana Maharaja, BV and BP Puri maharajas, Gopal Krishna swami, Bhakti Caru swami, Svarupa Damodar swami, Gaura govinda maharaja etc etc etc -- start to take this bogus molester acharya's program down -- at the get go in 1977, or at least assist us later in the 1980s? Why did they wait for a few Western cranks like us to take this bogus program on, much later?
Why was the job of correcting these whacky-doodle "Krishna's successor acharyas" handed off to a few isolated cranks like me and Sulochana, and our main help has been the mundane law enforcement of the West -- such as the Berkeley Police? At least to his credit Madhu Pandit das is one of the few rare "Indian bodied" folks who knows that having all these fools posing as India's saints is -- wrong, and it discredits the entire Vedic religion, the concept of Dharma, and it ruins the entire India cultural heritage worldwide, and therefore this deviation should be legally challenged, at the very least. Really, we should have at least 1,000 people with signs protesting the courts for even allowing the molester messiahs into their doors, but that is not likely to happen because most people there are too compromised and apathetic.
Why aren't there many hundreds of thousands of the self-appointed "defenders of Lord Krishna's and India's culture" in India saying, hey!, we cannot have fools and deviants posing as the topmost representatives of Vedic culture, as the head "guru representatives" of Vaishanvism, as LORD KRISHNA's and India's parampara successors etc., -- because this is juxtaposing deviants with India's supreme ancient religious system of acharyas and spiritual masters, a succession of gurus direct FROM GOD. For starters, allowing deviants in the role of India's "successors to God" impacts how India's religion is seen overall by other nations and people's around the world.
Of course this attack on the acharya process would never occur in the USA with our acharya here, Lord Jesus. If someone here were to say that homosexuals, sexual predators, deviants, drug addicts, criminals (and so on) are the GURU successors to Jesus, there would be an immediate public outcry, and mass opposition to this travesty including public protests, lawsuits, if not riots and so forth. Juxtaposing Jesus with miscreants would never be accepted over here, it would be challenged by almost everyone.
Its amazing to us that only a few people like Madhu Pandit are taking up that same challenge in India? For example, when someone made an offensive statue of Jesus in an art display in New York City, immediately hundreds and hundreds of Christians came there with big protest signs. They were loudly chanting and singing protest songs with bull horns, and they basically protested outside the art show until they shut the whole thing down, and thus the show had to remove that item. In India, we cannot seem to raise up even one person with one sign in front of the bogus courts in India that empowers the molester acharyas process? At least MPD has gone into the court and said, hey guess what, we do not agree that deviants are Lord Krishna's acharyas and neither does Srila Prabhupada. At least he has tried to do something.
The juxtaposing of Jesus with criminal deviations would be VIGOROUSLY opposed here in the USA, so it is surprising to us that this almost never seems to happen in India. In sum, INDIA as a nation should NOT LEGALLY allow homosexuals and assorted deviants to be LEGALLY listed as part of their system of bona fide India's saints, messiahs, gurus and acharyas. Yes, this makes the entire India nation look somewhat suspect if not foolish, and worse, it mis-represents the entire VEDIC heritage of India to have miscreants LEGALLY listed as Lord Krishna's guru successors and so forth. Then again, I am glad to know this is wrong, and to have been on the forefront of challenging this issue. I would rather know this is wrong -- than to not know, and I'd rather be in danger from speaking up than to simply roll over and do nothing.
It seems to us then, that hardly anyone recognizes this "sanctity of the guru lineage" issue in India, apart from a very few people like Madhu Pandit das. OK, apparently some courts finally ruled that Sridi Sai Baba cannot be worshiped as a deity, but that is rare and almost never happens.
Meanwhile, in India we can easily gather together 100,000 people -- in an instant -- to protest out in the front of a corporation that owns an industrial building that exploded. Yet if someone says homosexuals, deviants, criminals and sexual predators are God's guru successors in the eternal GURU LINEAGE OF INDIA, we cannot see hardly even one person with a sign protesting this odious process at the Supreme court, where this very topic was brought in by Madhu Pandit das?
Not only there is no one joining the MPD protest, but people like the some of the GBC's, Dayaram, HKC Jaipura folks and their Prabhupadanuga eu friends are protesting that Madhu Pandit is protesting homosexuals and deviants being legally listed as God's successors? Their protest is, lets harass, check and try to stop the people who do not want to have homosexuals and deviants to be legally listed as God's guru successors in India. Great, and that is how these same clowns have kept this whole criminal molester messiahs project in LEGAL power for the past 35 years.
So this is really a job for Indian folks, they are the ones who should be saying they do not want to see homosexuals, deviants and criminals to be LEGALLY associated as Lord Krishna's GURU successors, and worse, for these homosexuals, deviants and etc. to be LEGALLY listed ALL OVER THE WORLD as "in the parampara of India's saints, successors, messiahs and acharas." Madhu Pandit Das is most rare, he has at least gone to court to try to give the pure parampara a say in the courts, i.e. to establish LEGALLY that deviants are NOT Lord Krishna's successors. Yep, as Sulochana used to say, most of these alleged devotees are boot lickers for the molester messiahs, brain washed zombies, buffalo brains, etc. because they are not helping us with a LEGAL challenge.
How did you guess, instead of helping MPD by protesting in front of the court with signs, saying MPD is correct, i.e. deviants and homosexuals are not Lord Krishna's successor acharyas: we find -- various GBC folks, including apparently all their Indian bodied gurus, along with Dayaram, The HKC Jaipur folks, and their heros Sanat, Mukunda, Prahlad, the Prabhupadanugas eu folks and others joining the GBC goondas to chop off the legs of Madhu Pandit's protest in court, which of course will simply help the homosexuals and deviants continue to be LEGALLY listed as the successors to Krishna. The HKC is even promoting the Dayarama lawsuit, because they have more sympathy for their molester messiahs program than for Srila Prabhupada's. Of course that is -- when the HKC folks are not promoting their Illuminati beef eaters as their authorities.
Instead of saying, wow, we really need to join MPD to legally establish Srila Prabhupada as the LEGAL acharya, they say wow, we have to pound on the heads of MPD and anyone else who wants to legally establish Srila Prabhupada as the acharya, so we can keep the molester messiahs in the legal driver's seat. As Sulochana often said, boot lickers for the molester messiahs.
Why do these people always want to check the court protest of homosexuals and deviants posing as God's successors? Why do these people always want to keep the GBC's status quo of deviants being legally linked as the successors to God? Why do ALL these folks always help the GBC gurus by curbing protests to the deviant acharyas? At least now we all know why this madness and mess has continued for 35 years, the GBC gets help all along the way from all these assembled hand maidens.
Forget the GBC's folks, even the Prahlad folks, Dayarama's folks, the HKC's Jaipur folks, the Prabhupadangas eu folks, they are ALL conjointly protesting that MPD is protesting their molester acharya's lineage in court at all. They want to chop off the legs of MPD's protest, so they can keep their favorite molester messiahs program legally listed as God's messiahs in legal court. They not only love the molester messiahs, they want them to be the legally established acharyas of the entire world, and not for Srila Prabhupada to be the legally established acharya.
Now some of the HKC folks are even saying to us that we in the MPD program is Shudras. Right, we Shudras know that homosexuals and molesters posing as messiahs needs to be challenged in court, you HKC Jaipur do not know that. You instead want to check our protest and save the homosexual messiahs program as being the bona fide legally recognized entity. You have a long way to go to be as advanced as us Shudras.
As soon as someone says, we need to challenge legally homosexuals and deviants posing as INDIA'S acharyas and messiahs, then the GBC's camp, some from the Gaudiya Matha folks, Prahlad's folks, the HKC Jaipur folks and their Prabhupadanuga eu buddies, and all these assembled folks -- come out to protest our protest. Why are you trying to establish Srila Prabhupada legally as the acharya, that will take our precious homosexuals and molesters off the Vyasa seat as the legal acharyas? They want the status quo of homosexuals LEGALLY listed as India's succession of acharyas, ALL OVER THE WORLD, plain and simple. The molester messiahs should NOT be legally challenged, and anyone who makes a legal challenge should be beaten with shoes, because -- ok these folks love and protect the molester messiahs program, what else is new?
This simply HELPS the deviants REMAIN as the legal representatives of INDIA'S ACHARYA lineage. The GBC, Prahlad group, HKC group, Prabhupadanuga eu types of folks even say its a waste of money to stop molesters and deviants from being legally listed as India's acharyas. So apparently, having homosexuals and molesters in the guru chain from Krishna is fine, because protesting "costs money." I hope they can take all their precious money with them into the next life. Oh forsooth, lets save our precious molester's messiahs, do not support a lawsuit to oppose them, oh boo freakin hoo, its costing our precious money. Sheesh!
Of course all these assembled people are ALSO complaining that MPD even has ANY money at all, "why does he have money" they all complain in unison, jack boots stomping in time. Right, because if he has no money he has no court case, so that means they want the molester's guru lineage to remain intact and untouched legally, and that is why this bogus lineage has remained for such a long time already, the GBC and these attack dogs for the GBC have suppressed legal action. They do not want MPD to have any money, and the same group even complained I was driving a taxi and making some meager money, in sum the opposition to the homosexual gurus should have no money at all, so they can keep their molester messiahs project running without opposition.
The GBC and their hand maidens have thus legally allowed deviants to be listed as the legal, and so far at least, INDIA SUPREME COURT APPROVED acharyas of India. I am not even an India born citizen, but if I was there and a citizen, I'd be there with a sign protesting the courts for allowing homosexuals and deviants to be legally listed as INDIA's acharyas. Forget the HKC folks ever making a public protest of the homosexual acharyas, they are never doing that, rather they will come with signs protesting MPD, because they are boot lickers for the GBC, as Sulochana himself often explained.
It amazes me that the even these self-proclaimed HKC Jaipur brave hero folks, mostly India born folks, are also trying to stop our idea of having homosexuals, deviants, criminals and molesters officially declared as NOT being LEGALLY listed as their nations's messiahs. They are not even loyal to India's image in the world, much less the Vedas. Well if you guys want homosexuals and deviants to be legally listed as your county's saints and messiahs, and you want to block anyone who opposes that agenda, you just might get what you want. Don't complain when people think you are idiots and fools.
Of course, for your program of allowing all this to go on up till now, and not making public protests even now, the general population of the world has ALREADY not got much respect for you folks as it is. Now that you are attacking the people who want to have molesters legally out of your parampara, you are looking downright awful. ys pd
[PADA: Yes, prabhu this has been our problem all along for 35 years, as soon as we say homosexuals and deviants are not Lord Krishna's acharyas, and this should be established LEGALLY in court, then the GBC, HKC Jaipur, Dayarama, Jayapataka, Sanat, Mukunda, Prahlad, Prabhupadanugas eu, and all these assembled handmaidens of the molester messiahs come out to harass and check us because they want the homosexuals and deviant messiah's program to continue as the legal achayas for ISKCON.
Dayarama even wrote to tell me he knows they have homosexual "acharyas" in their line, and yet he still defends them. Yep, how did you guess, the HKC Jaipura / Prahlad / Prabhupadanugas eu folks quote Dayarama's lawsuit as their authority. They are not only with the homosexual messiahs program, they love their court case to have Srila Prabhupada tossed out as the legal acharya, and to have their molesters to remain as the acharyas, and that is why they are acting as Dayarama's cheer leaders.
Dayarama even makes a public protest of the Prabhupada program in front of the Bangalore temple, in sum he makes a public defense of the molester gurus. Where are the HKC's public protest of the molester messiahs? You'll never see that. They do not publicly protest the way we did for 35 years. Dayarama is protesting, and the HKC Jaipur / Prabhupadanuga eu is protesting with him, molester messiahs lover's club birds of a feather.
These assembled people are exactly what Sulochana said they are, boot lickers for the buggery messiahs. Yes, they are totally disgusting. They are protesting the fact we are protesting the molester messiahs, because they are aligned with the molester messiahs and have been all along. They will never publicly protest the molester messiahs, because they want them to stay in the legal seat of acharyas, rather they will protest anyone who tries to legally drag their homosexual messiahs program off the Vyasasana, and they have been doing that all along since 1977 . ys pd]
What is result of doing nothing? When the mass of devotees here in the USA wanted to do basically nothing after 1977, and they did not want to help us make court challenges in the 1980s, that process simply handed the job of enforcement off to the mundane society's police and courts.
Thus, there was a Federal Marshall's SWAT raid on the Berkeley temple and its farm; Various well publicized drugs busts; Various arrests of devotees for all types of crimes; Criminal prosecutions; Various Felony arrests; Federal FRAUD lawsuits (which ISKCON lost); A SWAT raid on the Mississippi oil painting business; Various murders; A full scale FEDERAL raid of New Vrndavana; Gurus being whacked with rebar, gurus distributing drugs like ecstacy, gurus having their heads decapitated -- and so on infinitum, all of which was posted prominently in the news media all over the world. In sum, the devotees decided not to act legally, so the mundane society was forced into action.
And so, for quite a long time, it was mainly me and Sulochana who were publicly asking the devotees for help with a legal process to be used on these bogus gurus, and he was assassinated for doing that. I also would have been assassinated since the FBI said I was "next on the (GBC guru's) hit list," but the police saved me. Of course, this begs the question, why should we Westerners have to undertake the job of correcting any of the guru lineages of India -- at all?
Why aren't the India nationals themselves saying, hey we cannot have homosexuals, sexual predators, deviants, criminals, drug addicts and various fools posing as India's "tradition of acharyas." Why are any of us Westerners even involved at all in this issue? Why didn't India's own people such as: BR Sridhara Maharaja, BV Narayana Maharaja, BV and BP Puri maharajas, Gopal Krishna swami, Bhakti Caru swami, Svarupa Damodar swami, Gaura govinda maharaja etc etc etc -- start to take this bogus molester acharya's program down -- at the get go in 1977, or at least assist us later in the 1980s? Why did they wait for a few Western cranks like us to take this bogus program on, much later?
Why was the job of correcting these whacky-doodle "Krishna's successor acharyas" handed off to a few isolated cranks like me and Sulochana, and our main help has been the mundane law enforcement of the West -- such as the Berkeley Police? At least to his credit Madhu Pandit das is one of the few rare "Indian bodied" folks who knows that having all these fools posing as India's saints is -- wrong, and it discredits the entire Vedic religion, the concept of Dharma, and it ruins the entire India cultural heritage worldwide, and therefore this deviation should be legally challenged, at the very least. Really, we should have at least 1,000 people with signs protesting the courts for even allowing the molester messiahs into their doors, but that is not likely to happen because most people there are too compromised and apathetic.
Why aren't there many hundreds of thousands of the self-appointed "defenders of Lord Krishna's and India's culture" in India saying, hey!, we cannot have fools and deviants posing as the topmost representatives of Vedic culture, as the head "guru representatives" of Vaishanvism, as LORD KRISHNA's and India's parampara successors etc., -- because this is juxtaposing deviants with India's supreme ancient religious system of acharyas and spiritual masters, a succession of gurus direct FROM GOD. For starters, allowing deviants in the role of India's "successors to God" impacts how India's religion is seen overall by other nations and people's around the world.
Of course this attack on the acharya process would never occur in the USA with our acharya here, Lord Jesus. If someone here were to say that homosexuals, sexual predators, deviants, drug addicts, criminals (and so on) are the GURU successors to Jesus, there would be an immediate public outcry, and mass opposition to this travesty including public protests, lawsuits, if not riots and so forth. Juxtaposing Jesus with miscreants would never be accepted over here, it would be challenged by almost everyone.
Its amazing to us that only a few people like Madhu Pandit are taking up that same challenge in India? For example, when someone made an offensive statue of Jesus in an art display in New York City, immediately hundreds and hundreds of Christians came there with big protest signs. They were loudly chanting and singing protest songs with bull horns, and they basically protested outside the art show until they shut the whole thing down, and thus the show had to remove that item. In India, we cannot seem to raise up even one person with one sign in front of the bogus courts in India that empowers the molester acharyas process? At least MPD has gone into the court and said, hey guess what, we do not agree that deviants are Lord Krishna's acharyas and neither does Srila Prabhupada. At least he has tried to do something.
The juxtaposing of Jesus with criminal deviations would be VIGOROUSLY opposed here in the USA, so it is surprising to us that this almost never seems to happen in India. In sum, INDIA as a nation should NOT LEGALLY allow homosexuals and assorted deviants to be LEGALLY listed as part of their system of bona fide India's saints, messiahs, gurus and acharyas. Yes, this makes the entire India nation look somewhat suspect if not foolish, and worse, it mis-represents the entire VEDIC heritage of India to have miscreants LEGALLY listed as Lord Krishna's guru successors and so forth. Then again, I am glad to know this is wrong, and to have been on the forefront of challenging this issue. I would rather know this is wrong -- than to not know, and I'd rather be in danger from speaking up than to simply roll over and do nothing.
It seems to us then, that hardly anyone recognizes this "sanctity of the guru lineage" issue in India, apart from a very few people like Madhu Pandit das. OK, apparently some courts finally ruled that Sridi Sai Baba cannot be worshiped as a deity, but that is rare and almost never happens.
Meanwhile, in India we can easily gather together 100,000 people -- in an instant -- to protest out in the front of a corporation that owns an industrial building that exploded. Yet if someone says homosexuals, deviants, criminals and sexual predators are God's guru successors in the eternal GURU LINEAGE OF INDIA, we cannot see hardly even one person with a sign protesting this odious process at the Supreme court, where this very topic was brought in by Madhu Pandit das?
Not only there is no one joining the MPD protest, but people like the some of the GBC's, Dayaram, HKC Jaipura folks and their Prabhupadanuga eu friends are protesting that Madhu Pandit is protesting homosexuals and deviants being legally listed as God's successors? Their protest is, lets harass, check and try to stop the people who do not want to have homosexuals and deviants to be legally listed as God's guru successors in India. Great, and that is how these same clowns have kept this whole criminal molester messiahs project in LEGAL power for the past 35 years.
Its easy to get thousands of people in India to protest government corruption, high food prices, raising train fares, bad corporations etc., but not so easy to find even one person to protest bogus messiahs posing as "the tradition of India"?
So this is really a job for Indian folks, they are the ones who should be saying they do not want to see homosexuals, deviants and criminals to be LEGALLY associated as Lord Krishna's GURU successors, and worse, for these homosexuals, deviants and etc. to be LEGALLY listed ALL OVER THE WORLD as "in the parampara of India's saints, successors, messiahs and acharas." Madhu Pandit Das is most rare, he has at least gone to court to try to give the pure parampara a say in the courts, i.e. to establish LEGALLY that deviants are NOT Lord Krishna's successors. Yep, as Sulochana used to say, most of these alleged devotees are boot lickers for the molester messiahs, brain washed zombies, buffalo brains, etc. because they are not helping us with a LEGAL challenge.
How did you guess, instead of helping MPD by protesting in front of the court with signs, saying MPD is correct, i.e. deviants and homosexuals are not Lord Krishna's successor acharyas: we find -- various GBC folks, including apparently all their Indian bodied gurus, along with Dayaram, The HKC Jaipur folks, and their heros Sanat, Mukunda, Prahlad, the Prabhupadanugas eu folks and others joining the GBC goondas to chop off the legs of Madhu Pandit's protest in court, which of course will simply help the homosexuals and deviants continue to be LEGALLY listed as the successors to Krishna. The HKC is even promoting the Dayarama lawsuit, because they have more sympathy for their molester messiahs program than for Srila Prabhupada's. Of course that is -- when the HKC folks are not promoting their Illuminati beef eaters as their authorities.
Instead of saying, wow, we really need to join MPD to legally establish Srila Prabhupada as the LEGAL acharya, they say wow, we have to pound on the heads of MPD and anyone else who wants to legally establish Srila Prabhupada as the acharya, so we can keep the molester messiahs in the legal driver's seat. As Sulochana often said, boot lickers for the molester messiahs.
Why do these people always want to check the court protest of homosexuals and deviants posing as God's successors? Why do these people always want to keep the GBC's status quo of deviants being legally linked as the successors to God? Why do ALL these folks always help the GBC gurus by curbing protests to the deviant acharyas? At least now we all know why this madness and mess has continued for 35 years, the GBC gets help all along the way from all these assembled hand maidens.
Forget the GBC's folks, even the Prahlad folks, Dayarama's folks, the HKC's Jaipur folks, the Prabhupadangas eu folks, they are ALL conjointly protesting that MPD is protesting their molester acharya's lineage in court at all. They want to chop off the legs of MPD's protest, so they can keep their favorite molester messiahs program legally listed as God's messiahs in legal court. They not only love the molester messiahs, they want them to be the legally established acharyas of the entire world, and not for Srila Prabhupada to be the legally established acharya.
Now some of the HKC folks are even saying to us that we in the MPD program is Shudras. Right, we Shudras know that homosexuals and molesters posing as messiahs needs to be challenged in court, you HKC Jaipur do not know that. You instead want to check our protest and save the homosexual messiahs program as being the bona fide legally recognized entity. You have a long way to go to be as advanced as us Shudras.
As soon as someone says, we need to challenge legally homosexuals and deviants posing as INDIA'S acharyas and messiahs, then the GBC's camp, some from the Gaudiya Matha folks, Prahlad's folks, the HKC Jaipur folks and their Prabhupadanuga eu buddies, and all these assembled folks -- come out to protest our protest. Why are you trying to establish Srila Prabhupada legally as the acharya, that will take our precious homosexuals and molesters off the Vyasa seat as the legal acharyas? They want the status quo of homosexuals LEGALLY listed as India's succession of acharyas, ALL OVER THE WORLD, plain and simple. The molester messiahs should NOT be legally challenged, and anyone who makes a legal challenge should be beaten with shoes, because -- ok these folks love and protect the molester messiahs program, what else is new?
This simply HELPS the deviants REMAIN as the legal representatives of INDIA'S ACHARYA lineage. The GBC, Prahlad group, HKC group, Prabhupadanuga eu types of folks even say its a waste of money to stop molesters and deviants from being legally listed as India's acharyas. So apparently, having homosexuals and molesters in the guru chain from Krishna is fine, because protesting "costs money." I hope they can take all their precious money with them into the next life. Oh forsooth, lets save our precious molester's messiahs, do not support a lawsuit to oppose them, oh boo freakin hoo, its costing our precious money. Sheesh!
Of course all these assembled people are ALSO complaining that MPD even has ANY money at all, "why does he have money" they all complain in unison, jack boots stomping in time. Right, because if he has no money he has no court case, so that means they want the molester's guru lineage to remain intact and untouched legally, and that is why this bogus lineage has remained for such a long time already, the GBC and these attack dogs for the GBC have suppressed legal action. They do not want MPD to have any money, and the same group even complained I was driving a taxi and making some meager money, in sum the opposition to the homosexual gurus should have no money at all, so they can keep their molester messiahs project running without opposition.
The GBC and their hand maidens have thus legally allowed deviants to be listed as the legal, and so far at least, INDIA SUPREME COURT APPROVED acharyas of India. I am not even an India born citizen, but if I was there and a citizen, I'd be there with a sign protesting the courts for allowing homosexuals and deviants to be legally listed as INDIA's acharyas. Forget the HKC folks ever making a public protest of the homosexual acharyas, they are never doing that, rather they will come with signs protesting MPD, because they are boot lickers for the GBC, as Sulochana himself often explained.
It amazes me that the even these self-proclaimed HKC Jaipur brave hero folks, mostly India born folks, are also trying to stop our idea of having homosexuals, deviants, criminals and molesters officially declared as NOT being LEGALLY listed as their nations's messiahs. They are not even loyal to India's image in the world, much less the Vedas. Well if you guys want homosexuals and deviants to be legally listed as your county's saints and messiahs, and you want to block anyone who opposes that agenda, you just might get what you want. Don't complain when people think you are idiots and fools.
Of course, for your program of allowing all this to go on up till now, and not making public protests even now, the general population of the world has ALREADY not got much respect for you folks as it is. Now that you are attacking the people who want to have molesters legally out of your parampara, you are looking downright awful. ys pd
[PADA: Yes, prabhu this has been our problem all along for 35 years, as soon as we say homosexuals and deviants are not Lord Krishna's acharyas, and this should be established LEGALLY in court, then the GBC, HKC Jaipur, Dayarama, Jayapataka, Sanat, Mukunda, Prahlad, Prabhupadanugas eu, and all these assembled handmaidens of the molester messiahs come out to harass and check us because they want the homosexuals and deviant messiah's program to continue as the legal achayas for ISKCON.
Dayarama even wrote to tell me he knows they have homosexual "acharyas" in their line, and yet he still defends them. Yep, how did you guess, the HKC Jaipura / Prahlad / Prabhupadanugas eu folks quote Dayarama's lawsuit as their authority. They are not only with the homosexual messiahs program, they love their court case to have Srila Prabhupada tossed out as the legal acharya, and to have their molesters to remain as the acharyas, and that is why they are acting as Dayarama's cheer leaders.
Dayarama even makes a public protest of the Prabhupada program in front of the Bangalore temple, in sum he makes a public defense of the molester gurus. Where are the HKC's public protest of the molester messiahs? You'll never see that. They do not publicly protest the way we did for 35 years. Dayarama is protesting, and the HKC Jaipur / Prabhupadanuga eu is protesting with him, molester messiahs lover's club birds of a feather.
These assembled people are exactly what Sulochana said they are, boot lickers for the buggery messiahs. Yes, they are totally disgusting. They are protesting the fact we are protesting the molester messiahs, because they are aligned with the molester messiahs and have been all along. They will never publicly protest the molester messiahs, because they want them to stay in the legal seat of acharyas, rather they will protest anyone who tries to legally drag their homosexual messiahs program off the Vyasasana, and they have been doing that all along since 1977 . ys pd]
Thursday, August 28, 2014
RE: Radha Krishnadas Brahmachari + Caste Goswamis
RKDB: The Historical Launching of 'Caitanya Nidhi' Quarterly Hindi Magazine
A Hindi quarterly magazine of high printing calibre and solely dedicated to the preservation and propagation of the subtle intricate concepts pertaining to the theological system of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu known by the designation of ‘Caitanya-nidhi’ or ‘The Great Treasure of Lord Caitanya’ – is going to be launched from the October of 2014.
The Honourable Founder of the said journal is Gaudesvara - sampradayacarya Astottarasata Pujya Srī Pundarika Gosvami Maharaja (Shri Pundrik Goswami Ji) of historical Radharamana Temple in Vṛndavana, the worthy scion and successor hailing from the disciplic succession of Srila Gopalabhatta Gosvamipada, the eternal and contemporary associate of Srīman Mahaprabhu Krsnacaitanyadeva.
For identification purposes, the links to the photographs of the Honourable Founder and the Respected Primeval Editor-in-Chief of the said magazine are as follows -
1) Srī Pundrik Goswami Maharaja
2) Srī Radhakrishnadas Brahmachari Prabhuvara
A Hindi quarterly magazine of high printing calibre and solely dedicated to the preservation and propagation of the subtle intricate concepts pertaining to the theological system of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu known by the designation of ‘Caitanya-nidhi’ or ‘The Great Treasure of Lord Caitanya’ – is going to be launched from the October of 2014.
The Honourable Founder of the said journal is Gaudesvara - sampradayacarya Astottarasata Pujya Srī Pundarika Gosvami Maharaja (Shri Pundrik Goswami Ji) of historical Radharamana Temple in Vṛndavana, the worthy scion and successor hailing from the disciplic succession of Srila Gopalabhatta Gosvamipada, the eternal and contemporary associate of Srīman Mahaprabhu Krsnacaitanyadeva.
For identification purposes, the links to the photographs of the Honourable Founder and the Respected Primeval Editor-in-Chief of the said magazine are as follows -
1) Srī Pundrik Goswami Maharaja
2) Srī Radhakrishnadas Brahmachari Prabhuvara
PADA: OK, well great luck with your publication. We wish you well in promoting the teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and we have to admit you are a genuine scholar. The first problem however is that Srila Prabhupada did not accept the modern day caste lineages of India, nor did many of the recent acharyas. The system of caste has become corrupt in India, and that is well known both in and out of India. And if you publish in Hindi only, none of us Westerners will benefit from your writings in any case. This itself seems a little caste conscious by itself.
Of course all this does not mean the Goswami caste folks are not nice people, but it may mean they are not factually pure devotees, Goswamis and /or Paramahamsas. For example, Srila Prabhupada complained that some of the caste Goswamis are married, whereas the title of Goswami normally only applies to the sannyasa order.
The devotee Radha Krishnadas Brahmacari was challenged by us for quite a long time to identify his lineage, because he was found to be posting in the apparently ISKCON GBC friendly forums. He would not, or could not, identify his line for a long time, although he did agree with us that deviants are not in any bona fide line.
Now he has gone full on supporting the caste Goswamis, and we think that is because he realized that he could not endorse the GBC's guru lineage, despite his attraction for Vaishnavism. So the Goswamis seemed a better option. Unfortunately, we have to agree with this analysis, the Goswamis have a better program of following the Vaishnava system than most of these GBC gurus.
So this is another symptom of the GBC's guru program, people keep going off to other programs, and the exodus continues. ys pd
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Narasimha Prayers / Lost Prabhupada Kirtana
Grand Janmastmi and Vyas Puja Celebrations + news
Hare Krishna
“Simply it takes intelligent organization.”
Tejiyas: Prabhupada was speaking to Giriraj and me about the different kendras and kalamandirs – the many big cultural halls in Delhi. As he talked, we walked past these halls, one after another because we were in the center of Delhi where they are all.
Jai Srila Prabhupada!
Janmashtami Celebrations at Vizag by Hare Krishna Movement
Sri Krishna Janmashtami was celebrated on a grand scale in Vizag by Hare Krishna Movement devotees on Aug 17 and 18 followed by Vyasa Puja celebrations on Aug 19. The venue facing the beach came alive with the festivities.
Hare Krishna Movement, Bhilai: Janmashtami Celebrations
Hare Krishna Movement, Bhilai celebrated this year’s Janmashtami festival in a grand manner. The five day festival began on 15th of August and culminated on the appearance day of Srila Prabhupada celebrated as Vyasa Puja on 19th August.
Hare Krishna Movement, Puri celebrates Janmashtami
Hare Krishna Movement (HKM), Puri along with The Akshaya Patra Foundation, Odisha celebrated Sri Krishna Janmashtami and Vyasa Puja at Rourkela and Puri. Lord Krishna, Sri Nitai Gauranga and Srila Prabhupada were offered a grand abhisheka and puja on this occasion.
Shirdi Sai Baba should not be worshipped as deity: Dwarka Peeth passes resolution
A two-day-long ‘Dharma Sansad’ convened by the Shankaracharya Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati of Dwarka Peeth on Tuesday passed a resolution that Sai Baba, the 19th century saint from Shirdi, should not be worshipped as a deity by the followers of ‘Sanatan Dharma’.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Actor Becomes Krishna Monk
Jaya Srila Prabhupada
Jai Srila Prabhupada!
You simply come and hear, and this hearing, it is followed by nice music and singing. And beginning with music, ending with music, everyone will like it. And we have no means.....of course, whatever means I have got, I am distributing little fruit.
Lect, NY, July 28, 1966
Monday, August 25, 2014
Mahesh Raja's Quotes on Temple Buildings
PADA: Thanks Mahesh Raja for compiling these quotes!]
Mahesh: This is EQUALLY a VALID point. The only thing that concerns me is the BIG structures HAVE been under attack before. There is TWO ways of looking at the BIG Temple project:
1) Would Srila Prabhupada want it
2) What would happen in War
680817SB.MON Lectures
So this church building or temple building or mosque building is coming down from time immemorial. People are investing their money, hard-earned money. Why? Uselessly? Nonproductive? No. They do not know. They do not know how much productive that is. Therefore in this Godless civilization they have stopped building nice, decorated temples...
So does it mean that those kings or rich men, they were all fools? Simply at the present moment we are very intelligent? No. They are not fools. That is explained in the Prahlada Maharaja's prayers. Naivatmanah prabhur ayam nija-labha-purno. You cannot satisfy the Supreme Lord by constructing a nice temple, but still He is satisfied. Still, He is satisfied. He is nija-labha-purno. He is fully satisfied in Himself because He has no want. We are in want. SUPPOSE I AM RENTING ONE SMALL APARTMENT. IF SOMEBODY SAYS, "SWAMIJI, COME ON. I SHALL CONSTRUCT A VERY NICE PALATIAL TEMPLE. YOU COME HERE." OH, I SHALL BE VERY MUCH OBLIGED.
[PADA COMMENT: Right, building big temples has gone on since time immemorial. Of course Krishna does not need any house, but if we give Him one, He is obliged in appreciation to us. So, why should we give Krishna only a small apartment, why not make Him a palatial building?
[PADA COMMENT: Right, building big temples has gone on since time immemorial. Of course Krishna does not need any house, but if we give Him one, He is obliged in appreciation to us. So, why should we give Krishna only a small apartment, why not make Him a palatial building?
We simply cannot understand why some people are saying we need to make only a small place for Krishna, when many of the temples in South India (for example) are huge buildings, made under the auspices of the Vaishnava acharyas like Madhvacarya and others.
Big temples have been made since time immemorial, it is the standard for the past billions of years. Even the Christians make huge Churches, big Vatican castles and so on, to glorify God. The Buddhists have made big buildings, the Muslims make big Mosques, ... its done universally all over the planet. I am not sure why this process is not understood by some so-called vaishnavas?]
Madhya 17.86 The Lord Travels to Vrndavana
This Bindu Madhava is the oldest Visnu temple in Varanasi. Presently this temple is known as Veni Madhava, and it is situated on the banks of the Ganges. Formerly five rivers converged there, and they were named Dhutapapa, Kirana, Sarasvati, Ganga and Yamuna. Now only the River Ganges is visible. THE OLD TEMPLE OF BINDU MADHAVA, WHICH WAS VISITED BY SRI CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU, WAS LATER DISMANTLED BY AURANGZEB, THE GREAT HINDU-HATING EMPEROR OF THE MOGUL DYNASTY. IN THE PLACE OF THIS TEMPLE, HE CONSTRUCTED A BIG MAJIDA, OR MOSQUE.
Big temples have been made since time immemorial, it is the standard for the past billions of years. Even the Christians make huge Churches, big Vatican castles and so on, to glorify God. The Buddhists have made big buildings, the Muslims make big Mosques, ... its done universally all over the planet. I am not sure why this process is not understood by some so-called vaishnavas?]
Madhya 17.86 The Lord Travels to Vrndavana
This Bindu Madhava is the oldest Visnu temple in Varanasi. Presently this temple is known as Veni Madhava, and it is situated on the banks of the Ganges. Formerly five rivers converged there, and they were named Dhutapapa, Kirana, Sarasvati, Ganga and Yamuna. Now only the River Ganges is visible. THE OLD TEMPLE OF BINDU MADHAVA, WHICH WAS VISITED BY SRI CAITANYA MAHAPRABHU, WAS LATER DISMANTLED BY AURANGZEB, THE GREAT HINDU-HATING EMPEROR OF THE MOGUL DYNASTY. IN THE PLACE OF THIS TEMPLE, HE CONSTRUCTED A BIG MAJIDA, OR MOSQUE.
Later, another temple was constructed by the side of the mosque, and this temple is still existing. In the temple of Bindu Madhava there are Deities of four-handed Narayana and the goddess Laksmi. In front of these Deities is a column of Sri Garuda, and along the side are deities of Lord Rama, Sita, Laksmana and Sri Hanumanji.
Note: the masses of India are very much into BIG set-ups, and if they are going to put money into drinking establishments /cinemas etc, best to put into a Temple instead. This is one PRO argument. And Srila Prabhupada DID encourage centers and temples to be built.
Note: the masses of India are very much into BIG set-ups, and if they are going to put money into drinking establishments /cinemas etc, best to put into a Temple instead. This is one PRO argument. And Srila Prabhupada DID encourage centers and temples to be built.
[PADA: Clearly Srila Prabhupada wanted prominent buildings in prominent places, Vrndavana is certainly a prominent place.]
SB 7.15.21 P Instructions for Civilized Human Beings
For spiritual advancement, one should be materially satisfied, for if one is not materially satisfied, his greed for material development will result in the frustration of his spiritual advancement. There are two things that nullify all good qualities. One is poverty. Daridra-doso guna-rasi-nasi. If one is poverty-stricken, all his good qualities become null and void. Similarly, if one becomes too greedy, his good qualifications are lost. Therefore the adjustment is that one should not be poverty-stricken, but one must try to be fully satisfied with the bare necessities of life and not be greedy. For a devotee to be satisfied with the bare necessities is therefore the best advice for spiritual advancement. Learned authorities in devotional life consequently advise that one not endeavor to increase the number of temples and mathas. Such activities can be undertaken only by devotees experienced in propagating the Krsna consciousness movement. ALL THE ACARYAS IN SOUTH INDIA, ESPECIALLY SRI RAMANUJACARYA, CONSTRUCTED MANY BIG TEMPLES, AND IN NORTH INDIA ALL THE GOSVAMIS OF VRNDAVANA CONSTRUCTED LARGE TEMPLES. SRILA BHAKTISIDDHANTA SARASVATI THAKURA ALSO CONSTRUCTED LARGE CENTERS, KNOWN AS GAUDIYA MATHAS. THEREFORE TEMPLE CONSTRUCTION IS NOT BAD, PROVIDED PROPER CARE IS TAKEN FOR THE PROPAGATION OF KRSNA CONSCIOUSNESS. EVEN IF SUCH ENDEAVORS ARE CONSIDERED GREEDY, THE GREED IS TO SATISFY KRSNA, AND THEREFORE THESE ARE SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES.
[PADA: Yep, the Vaishnava acharyas are organizing big buildings for Krishna since two trillion BC.]
For spiritual advancement, one should be materially satisfied, for if one is not materially satisfied, his greed for material development will result in the frustration of his spiritual advancement. There are two things that nullify all good qualities. One is poverty. Daridra-doso guna-rasi-nasi. If one is poverty-stricken, all his good qualities become null and void. Similarly, if one becomes too greedy, his good qualifications are lost. Therefore the adjustment is that one should not be poverty-stricken, but one must try to be fully satisfied with the bare necessities of life and not be greedy. For a devotee to be satisfied with the bare necessities is therefore the best advice for spiritual advancement. Learned authorities in devotional life consequently advise that one not endeavor to increase the number of temples and mathas. Such activities can be undertaken only by devotees experienced in propagating the Krsna consciousness movement. ALL THE ACARYAS IN SOUTH INDIA, ESPECIALLY SRI RAMANUJACARYA, CONSTRUCTED MANY BIG TEMPLES, AND IN NORTH INDIA ALL THE GOSVAMIS OF VRNDAVANA CONSTRUCTED LARGE TEMPLES. SRILA BHAKTISIDDHANTA SARASVATI THAKURA ALSO CONSTRUCTED LARGE CENTERS, KNOWN AS GAUDIYA MATHAS. THEREFORE TEMPLE CONSTRUCTION IS NOT BAD, PROVIDED PROPER CARE IS TAKEN FOR THE PROPAGATION OF KRSNA CONSCIOUSNESS. EVEN IF SUCH ENDEAVORS ARE CONSIDERED GREEDY, THE GREED IS TO SATISFY KRSNA, AND THEREFORE THESE ARE SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES.
[PADA: Yep, the Vaishnava acharyas are organizing big buildings for Krishna since two trillion BC.]
JSD 3.3 Krsna, Enchanter of the Soul
[PADA: Of course, we should be careful of material things, because possession of buildings, money, followers and assets can become an entanglement for neophyte devotees. That is also why the Catholic church became so corrupt in Medieval times, there was a desire for control of the assets, and it became a sort of religious business -- as Martin Luther pointed out.
That is also why the Gaudiya Matha failed, they became interested in the assets and forgot about the preaching. All that is fine, at the same time, we cannot stop everything being fearful that some folks will be overwhelmed by the assets of the mission?
We have big, big billionaires like Bill Gates, he has huge buildings, massive amounts of money, tens of thousands of workers (de facto followers) and so on, but he is not overwhelmed because he has some basic humility and proper perspective. Having huge assets can be done, and its being done even by people like Bill Gates every day, its just needs to be done in the proper mood.
Preaching in any case requires money, followers, buildings, book printing operations, assets and so forth. The question we have raised over they years is, why are the people who criticize the Bangalore program for making a temple in Vrndavana, not building any temple in Vrndavana themselves since 1977? These folks are also not building anything in the UK, where some of their spokesmen come from.
IN ANY CASE! There has to be some building made for Srila Prabhupada's exclusive worship in Vrndavana, and if Bangalore should not build it, who will? The answer since 1977 seems to be, no one. If there is not going to be any temple for the exclusive worship of Srila Prabhupada in Vrndavana that is: (A) a severe offense and (B) its what Tamal always wanted, he wanted GBC's guru temples there only. ys pd
IN ANY CASE! There has to be some building made for Srila Prabhupada's exclusive worship in Vrndavana, and if Bangalore should not build it, who will? The answer since 1977 seems to be, no one. If there is not going to be any temple for the exclusive worship of Srila Prabhupada in Vrndavana that is: (A) a severe offense and (B) its what Tamal always wanted, he wanted GBC's guru temples there only. ys pd
San Francisco Rathayatra report
Decorating the carts
PADA: San Francisco Rathayatra is always interesting. In the past we have always had a few big shot GBC gurus, and maybe Tripurari swami, and maybe Narayana maharaja people walking around distributing their books, and maybe a few others like them, but this year these folks did not appear. There was instead, a pretty good mood of focus on Srila Prabhupada. We really did not see much "show boating" from any of these self-appointed acharyas this time around, and that was really refreshing.
Basically we had: (A) Vaisesika's crew from San Jose, (B) ISKCON Berkeley temple folks, (C) Various ritviks, and (D) A small group from the Fremont Hindu temple. Of course we also had the (smaller sized) ISKCON LA rath cars and the Prabhupada Festival folks from North Carolina.
The good news is that the ISKCON leaders are finally getting smart enough to know they cannot sit around in big seats and try to hi-jack the Srila Prabhupada programs anymore, people are tired of that, especially around here. More and more people just want to glorify Srila Prabhupada, and we noticed that all the "guru mantra" kirtans were being done to him exclusively. OK it is more and more like the good old (1970s) days. Good progress.
I think its finally starting to sink in to some of the GBC's management -- they need to work with some of the ritviks -- at least some of the time -- for a festival like this, or else risk that there will not be enough people to manage the program. So its sort of a marriage of convenience that all these people come together, ok for once a year at least, knowing that everyone has to join forces or there may not be any festival at all. In other words, the GBC's program is not strong enough by itself to do things like this on their own anymore, and there are not enough ritviks as of yet to do a complete program either.
Its sort of a stalemate in that sense. However it is more and more noticed by many of us -- that the lectures, announcements, guru mantras and so forth are very much SRILA PRABHUPADA CENTERED. For example, one of the ladies doing the bhajan made an announcement that this bhajan was one of Srila Prabhupada's, and so on. The San Jose folks were also handing out little packets of Srila Prabhupada's small books, and so there were a lot of public people walking around with these packets of Srila Prabhupada's books.
We really did not see the "living guru" book tables this year, which was a really good sign of progress. Without making a direct admission from the GBC, the GBC's guru program is rather self-apparently slowly fading out and the Srila Prabhupada program is coming back, slow but sure. It seems to be finally dawning on them that either they emphasize Srila Prabhupada, or they may end up with nothing, of course they barely have anything left at this stage already.
Sunnyvale's Prabhupadanuga folks -- on the other hand -- for the most part simply avoided coming at all because they are not too happy that the GBC is suing the Prabhupada devotees in India. This is really a shame because they have some very talented people who could do a lot to make the festival a greater success. So their financial and manpower help will be absent until the GBC makes some reconciliation with this group. Of course, their own programs and festivals are already very successful and they really do not need to form a cooperative alliance with the GBC.
Most of the people talking to us were asking about the status of the Bangalore court case. Just about everyone is watching that case around here, and the clear consensus is that the San Francisco devotees want Bangalore to win. People were saying things like, "When are all these GBC guru bums going to be where they really belong -- on Patala loka? We can hardly wait for the Yamaduttas to cart them off!; When are all these bogus gurus going to get a real job?; When are all these bogus gurus going to quit kicking us all out, harassing us?" and so on. OK nobody came up and said, we are rooting for the GBC's gurus! Yep, locally they appear to be about as popular as the black plague. A few people also told me, yep, the poison case is real.
One devotee who used to be very prominent in ISKCON told us how he is retired but does not have dental insurance, so he has to struggle to get his teeth fixed. Its very painful waiting to get them fixed -- one at a time. When I told him the GBC was spending $20,000,000 suing the Prabhupadanugas, he almost fainted. He said, "You mean I have to struggle in pain with hardly any money, and fix one tooth at a time while being in pain with the other bad teeth -- while these GBC guru guys pour dump truck loads of money into the sewer"? I said, "Yup! You got it, that's their plan all along"!
Everyone is amazed that the GBC is wasting all this money on lawyers so they can kick out the very few people left in ISKCON. I told him that several GBC temples have rats, and again that is apparently another part of their entire plan all along: they want to make sure that more and more and more temples have rats, and its apparently very expensive to make sure the temples are filled with rodents and not people, indeed it costs millions of dollars to drive out all these people. No wonder they are always asking for more funds!
An ex-kuli said he was not happy that there is no place for him and his friends in ISKCON. He has a karmi job and he is happy to have any job at all these days when its tight to find one. I also told him the GBC is spending millions to drive more people like you out, and he could not believe how cruel and foolish they are. He also said "I will be the first person to come out and dance on their graves." I said, "No, you'll have to race with thousands of others, you'll have to be fast to be the first." He laughed hysterically. Its hard to believe how the GBC could not know how badly they have alienated all these thousands and thousands of people?
Of course there were also a lot of general high fives from people who are encouraged our program is progressing. Overall, it was a great festival because the living gurus were conspicuous by their absense and the focus on Srila Prabhupada was very strong. One devotee has made a dramatic health improvement and he said that is because Krishna wanted him to see the better Prabhupadanuga mood changes in ISKCON. That is the trend and tendency, more and more people want to see Srila Prabhupada given his rightful place, and it is developing that way.
Its getting harder to see any difference from the 1970s Rathayatras and this one. And all this is the result of the hard work of many Prabhupadanugas all over the world -- who have made these issues change by their preaching. OK, they forced the issues. So, this is what we wanted to see happen and its happening by Krishna's grace. We are sorry some of us had to often use the "buzz saw chopper technique" to get some of these things fixed or changed, or even addressed, but the results are promising, and that is all that really matters to us. We have to judge a thing by the result, and the result clearly is, Srila Prabhupada is re-emerging as the acharya of ISKCON. Goody! Anyway, here are a few photos from the event: ys pd
Looking good!
Park Ranger Security Forces Getting ready for the march
Well done!
Sunday, August 24, 2014
ISKCON Bangalore vs Critics Update
The Hon'ble President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee and briefed about Chandrodaya Temple Vrindavan . Construction has already begun on the auspicious day of Sri Krishna Janmashtami.
PADA: Dear HKC prabhu, The fact is, it requires money to make a temple, a farm, even to set up a tent sized temple requires some funds, or to do anything else. Srila Prabhupada said "It requires manpower, land, capital and organization to do anything."
Madhu Pandit das / ISKCON Bangalore are getting money because they have made a formula to get some funds and thus -- to build something. Whereas people like HKC hero Deena Bandhu are saying this IB Vrndavana temple is no good, ok fine but SINCE 1977 he always hangs out with the GBC (bogus gurus) at their temples. And he still does, notice the photo below!
PADA: Dear HKC prabhu, The fact is, it requires money to make a temple, a farm, even to set up a tent sized temple requires some funds, or to do anything else. Srila Prabhupada said "It requires manpower, land, capital and organization to do anything."
Madhu Pandit das / ISKCON Bangalore are getting money because they have made a formula to get some funds and thus -- to build something. Whereas people like HKC hero Deena Bandhu are saying this IB Vrndavana temple is no good, ok fine but SINCE 1977 he always hangs out with the GBC (bogus gurus) at their temples. And he still does, notice the photo below!
Similarly, HKC hero Prahlad das quotes Bhakta das, who also hangs out with the GBC's gurus program, and their program glorifies Radhanath swami as the messiah of the jagat. Why are these guys always in bed with Radhanath's groupies? Prahlad's pals also opposed our lawsuit to get original books, opposed our lawsuit to save the children, and said we are "mad fools" when we introduced the poison issue.
That is EXACTLY what the GBC gurus party said? And now they are quoting the GBC's lawsuit as their authority. worse, they have taken up Jayadvaita's argument that Akshaya Patra is "mundane welfare work." Even if we have some mundane welfare work going on, meanwhile you people have no work of any type in Vrndavana going on, neither mudane, sattva, rajas, tamas, no nothing? Nothing except, hanging with the GBC's good ole boys club?
That is EXACTLY what the GBC gurus party said? And now they are quoting the GBC's lawsuit as their authority. worse, they have taken up Jayadvaita's argument that Akshaya Patra is "mundane welfare work." Even if we have some mundane welfare work going on, meanwhile you people have no work of any type in Vrndavana going on, neither mudane, sattva, rajas, tamas, no nothing? Nothing except, hanging with the GBC's good ole boys club?
In sum, your "we" seems to be always hanging with the bogus messiahs program, while giving us cheap armchair quarterback advice. Rocana does the same thing, gives us cheap advice while he has no temple at all, and he hangs out with the GBC's guru folks. Why has your "we" program never even made even a tent in Vrndavana for Srila Prabhupada? This is all cheap talk, "we should have a farm not a temple." We whom?
Where are the "we"? Where is the farm in Vrndavana of this alleged "we"? Where is even their tent in Vrndavana? Its all cheap talk. "We should have a farm, we should have this, we should have that." Well go do what MPD does, raise some funds and build something! So far Prahlad has not been able to even make a pup tent sized temple in UK. Where is his tent? You guys do not even have a tent in Vrndavana either? Your folks instead hang out with the GBC guru program while offering cheap shots at others, that is what the GBC goondas have done all along, you are behaving like them, talking like them, citing them, and hanging out with them, because, you are them? Or what?
I also should have a million dollars in my bank account. Guess what? Its not there? Your so-called "we" has no temple in Vrndavana AT ALL, its not there, your farm is not there, you have not produced anything there since 1977 except cheap talk and bluff., and no small amount of hanging out with the GBC gurus at their temples, and no small amount of harassing the Prabhupadanuga's for their attempts to do at least something!
What WE DO HAVE FOR SURE -- is this: people like Deena Bandhu, Prahlad and his pal Bhakta das going to hang out with the ISKCON temple's GBC guru's people, and glorifying people like Radhanath. These "we" will never make anything in Vrndavana, and meanwhile the people you folks hang out with made a samadhi for Kirtanananda. that is all your "we" has accomplished since 1977, hanging out with these fools.
Vrndavana does not need to be modernized, we never said it did? This is a straw man argument, we are not going to make it modern, we are making a ancient style temple like they have in south India, the oldest temples in India. So you guys continue what you are doing, go hang out with the GBC at their place. If you want a farm, start with a tent, make anything, just do it! ys pd
PADA: This is where the HKC "we" hang out, this is their hero Deenabandhu with his GBC guru pals. This is HKC Jaipur and Prahlad's best pal. The boot lickers of the bogus messiahs, that is the "we" they are always talking about.
* Modern Temple design or MOST ancient temple? BIG TEMPLES are the standard for India since THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Srila Prabhupada said Krishna is the most important person so he deserves the most important big building, which is why we got the skyscraper in Manhattan. Meanwhile you folks do not want ANY TEMPLE for Srila Prabhupada in Vrndavana and you attack anyone who wants one there? You do not want Srila Prabhupada to be worshiped as the acharya in the hoy dham? That is the result of your sypmathy for the GBC's gurus program!
* Better to have no temple for Srila Prabhupada?
* What is the HKC Jaipur / Rocana / Bhakta das / Janardan / Prabhupadanuga eu "we" point? Their point is simple, they are hanging out with the GBC gurus and their people, quoting GBC guru people, etc. For example their hero Janardan hangs out at New Vrndavana, that is their example of how to do things? Hang out with Radhanath and Kirtanananda's groupies? Sheesh!
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Vyas Puja Poem by Gauranga Sundara das
A Poem by me
My eternal gratitude to our Srila Prabhupad
Giving a home with dance and songs of a loving God
-------------------- Hearing of God's kingdom, where the Lord is only a boy
Having a Mata and Pita and girlfriends who are full of joy
-------------------- Always making tasty arrangements for THAT BOY's pleasure they seek
This is a world of love and devotion given to the surrendered and the meek
-------------------- To be in such a world where everything is always fresh and new
A place where everything is based on love for THAT BOY so true
--------------------It's a place that's worth the price, for it's all and more than we desire
A pure, all enjoying, perfect and complete, a place where we never tire
-------------------- For it's filled with devotion and love for the Source of all that be
Fir the Gopis, Gopalas and pure devotees, it's THAT BOY, yes, only He!
-------------------- THAT BOY who is the supreme Lord in all places below and above
He is conquered by love and love alone - that is what Sri Radha's made of
-------------------- She loves THAT BOY so much so that THAT BOY is sold out to her heart
Their love binds Them so well together, it's hard to tell Them apart
-------------------- That is the real world with our real lovers, Jaya Sri Radha Syam!
While begging for this mercy, take up with this Hari Nam
-------------------- So beg dear sisters and brothers with all your heart and soul
To get this loving mercy and to be freed from death's toll
-------------------- It's how we get this mercy from this Boyish loving God
Giving a home with dance and songs of a loving God
-------------------- Hearing of God's kingdom, where the Lord is only a boy
Having a Mata and Pita and girlfriends who are full of joy
-------------------- Always making tasty arrangements for THAT BOY's pleasure they seek
This is a world of love and devotion given to the surrendered and the meek
-------------------- To be in such a world where everything is always fresh and new
A place where everything is based on love for THAT BOY so true
--------------------It's a place that's worth the price, for it's all and more than we desire
A pure, all enjoying, perfect and complete, a place where we never tire
-------------------- For it's filled with devotion and love for the Source of all that be
Fir the Gopis, Gopalas and pure devotees, it's THAT BOY, yes, only He!
-------------------- THAT BOY who is the supreme Lord in all places below and above
He is conquered by love and love alone - that is what Sri Radha's made of
-------------------- She loves THAT BOY so much so that THAT BOY is sold out to her heart
Their love binds Them so well together, it's hard to tell Them apart
-------------------- That is the real world with our real lovers, Jaya Sri Radha Syam!
While begging for this mercy, take up with this Hari Nam
-------------------- So beg dear sisters and brothers with all your heart and soul
To get this loving mercy and to be freed from death's toll
-------------------- It's how we get this mercy from this Boyish loving God
My eternal gratitude to our Srila Prabhupad!
Vyasa Puja Offering to Srila Prabhupada
Dear Srila Prabhupada,
Please accept my respectful obeisances.
Please accept my respectful obeisances.
Today I am reflecting upon your causeless mercy. You have roamed the world collecting the broken glass of our worthless lives. Lord Caitanya has commissioned you for this miraculously task.
O most merciful Srila Prabhupada, you are repeatedly impressing upon us the intense urgency for Krsna consciousness. You clearly see the tragic waste of human lives as the world’s population rushes into the jaws of death.
At times you humbly appeal to us with the tearful pleas of a loving mother. At another time you may expose our ignorance with the roar of a lion. You have shown us how to utilize all that Lord Krsna has created, to awaken sleeping souls from the slumber of illusion. The world is addicted to drinking the poison of material enjoyment. You have given us the opportunity to realize, in this very life, Krsna, the embodiment of all rasas.
When will we wholeheartedly respond to your urgent call? Life is passing quite rapidly. How intensely are we calling out the holy names? How faithfully are we studying your sacred books? How determined are we to preach your mission to suffering humanity? How lovingly are we serving your beloved servants?
O Srila Prabhupada, you have entrusted us with the integrity of your divine legacy. I pray with all my heart that in a spirit of genuine humility we may be united in serving your sweet will. In pleasing you we will find shelter in the dust of your lotus feet. Let that dust be our ultimate aspiration, birth after birth.
Praying to become your faithful servant,
Gauranga Sundar Dasa
Gauranga Sundar Dasa
Vyas Puja from Daivi Shakti Dasi
How to find the way to properly glorify Srila Prabhupada and how articulate the gratitude to His Divine Grace? How express feelings of love when know that those feelings are impure and not worthy of such great personality? Who am I and what have I done to even address His Name in connection with mine? I can only as humble as possible present how His Divine Grace, out of His unconditional, causeless mercy, entered my life.
The story is as follows:
The story is as follows:
When I was a girl between 4-5 years old I was painting alone in a hallway of my parent's home. Suddenly I have remebered how I died in my past life. I passed trought the whole expirience of dying, I felt fear and pain and everything and I remembered me begging the Lord for just one more day to finish the process and surrender.
But there was a clear voice that told me that this life is over, and in the next life time I'll get new opportunity. When this vision stopped I was confused and scared about the above explanation. I did not have any idea to what I wanted to surrender to and what I wanted to finish? And above all I was afraid that in this life time I would not be able to find exactly the same way.
Knowing well that there is nobody around me to whom I could tell what just happened, I was still sitting alone in a fear. Than I had another vision, an elderly, beautiful, kind, male person appeared just for the second to tell me "to find your way in this life time is assured for you". I have never told anyone about this and years passed by. I entered my 19th year. I was pretty enough, had a nice life, many friends, nice home, own car, good boy friend who was a doctor...but I was empty inside all the time.
Than I got an opportunity to buy a Bhagavad Gita. I bought 2 of them, one for me, and one for my mother. We started reading it the very same day and did not stop until we fnished reading the whole book. It took 4 days. We started chanting (wrongly) and less than a month Christmas eve came. About midnight on that Chrismas eve, me and my mother (later Bahlika devi dasi) were walking home trough the streets covered with snow.
Snow was falling down and night was beautiful. Than she asked me "Dina, what is you final decision? How are you going to live from now on? What about KC you have just discovered?" And, most foolish me, answered: "Right now I am not going to surrender to this, but later through my whole life, me and my future husband are going to support KC."
My mother was satisfied and we entered our home. Before sleeping we had tea together and each of us went to our rooms. At 3:15 in the morning, on that very same night while I was deeply sleeping, I heard someone calling me "Dina, Dina, Dina.." I opened my eyes scared, and than I saw again a beautiful, kind, elderly man standing next to my bed. He had an orange outfit and a big orange shawl over His shoulders. He told me: "I came to tell you that such decision you made was made in your previous life time. This is the life when you have to surrender!" And then He left. I got up of my bad and start packing my things. I left my whole life at 4.15 that very same night. In the temple, later on, I saw the pictures of Srila Prabhupada and I recognized Him. A beautiful, kind, eldery man in orange outfit!
Court Rules Against LA ISKCON
Ninth Circuit Upholds City’s Ban on Soliciting Donations at LAX
[PADA: Its amazing to us that the GBC's devotees are still trying to milk the airports after all this time, and they have not learned to get some traditional harinama going on and etc. As one devotee said, the only time anyone sees a Hare Krishna devotee anymore is at the airport, if they are seen at all. Devotees are not seen these days doing harinama etc. And the devotees at the airport are disguised and not recognized as devotees, so really, people are barely ever seeing Hare Krishnas anytime, anywhere. That is the result of the GBC's "living guru" program, they have driven the movement underground. ys pd]
Ninth Circuit Upholds City’s Ban on Soliciting Donations at LAX
[PADA: Its amazing to us that the GBC's devotees are still trying to milk the airports after all this time, and they have not learned to get some traditional harinama going on and etc. As one devotee said, the only time anyone sees a Hare Krishna devotee anymore is at the airport, if they are seen at all. Devotees are not seen these days doing harinama etc. And the devotees at the airport are disguised and not recognized as devotees, so really, people are barely ever seeing Hare Krishnas anytime, anywhere. That is the result of the GBC's "living guru" program, they have driven the movement underground. ys pd]
Friday, August 22, 2014
Sunnyvale Janmastmi Huge Success!
[PADA: This is really great! More and more people want the original process of worship of Srila Prabhupada. The temple was so crowded -- hundreds of people were lined up outside so they could go around to get a darshan of the deity. Lots of nice people, tons of happy kids, lots of prasadam, nice singing, very ecstatic!
No wonder there has to be a bigger place built, more and more people want Krishna! This is what happens when the acharya is placed in the center of the process. ys pd]
Hare Krishna,
We had wonderful Sri Krishna Janmashtami celebrations on Sunday, August 17th and we would like to thank you all for making it a grand success. We would like to especially thank all the wonderful volunteers who made this festival possible. Their tireless service before, during and after the festival must have surely attracted Sri Sri Krishna Balarama's mercy upon them.
Following are some of the festival highlights:
Sri Sri Krishna Balarama Darshan & highlights on Janmashtami day:

Checkout the complete photo gallery on our Facebook page:
Best Regards,
Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir Executive Committee
No wonder there has to be a bigger place built, more and more people want Krishna! This is what happens when the acharya is placed in the center of the process. ys pd]
Hare Krishna,
We had wonderful Sri Krishna Janmashtami celebrations on Sunday, August 17th and we would like to thank you all for making it a grand success. We would like to especially thank all the wonderful volunteers who made this festival possible. Their tireless service before, during and after the festival must have surely attracted Sri Sri Krishna Balarama's mercy upon them.
Following are some of the festival highlights:
- At least 5,500 - 6,000 plates of prasadam feast was served through the day!
- Hundreds of devotees participated in Grand Abhisheka of Sri Sri Radha Gokula Krishna.
- Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Gokula Krishna went around the temple in a pallaki along with lots of devotees singing and dancing.
- Thousands of devotees got a chance to swing the Jhulan of Sri Sri Radha Gokula Krishna until mid-night.
- Grand mid-night Arati was performed to the delight of the hugely enthusiastic assembled devotees pervading the entire temple hall.
- Lots of children had fun in the Kids Mela.
Sri Sri Krishna Balarama Darshan & highlights on Janmashtami day:
Checkout the complete photo gallery on our Facebook page:
Best Regards,
Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir Executive Committee
Unhappy With India's "Reform"
[PADA: This is a big problem everywhere, including in many religions. There is a big clamor for a reform, the "reformers" take charge, but then the reformers have a hard time turning events around, or the reformers are perceived as being "the same old wine in a new bottle." The reformers are sometimes seen as perhaps not too much unlike the people they replaced. ISKCON has had so many reforms, reformers, and promises from all sides to fix things, no one can count them, but it just seems to be business as usual in many cases.
Even the Catholic Church is now saying they are going to reform and get rid of their deviant priests. The only thing some in the Church have said recently that makes any sense is -- that the Church may allow married priests. PADA agrees that is a good idea. That is basically what Srila Prabhuada was saying in 1977, artificial renunciation, i.e. sannyasa, its not working, these people should get married. Anyway, we hope India will get some useful reforms out of all this, lets see how it all unfolds. ys pd]
[PADA: This is a big problem everywhere, including in many religions. There is a big clamor for a reform, the "reformers" take charge, but then the reformers have a hard time turning events around, or the reformers are perceived as being "the same old wine in a new bottle." The reformers are sometimes seen as perhaps not too much unlike the people they replaced. ISKCON has had so many reforms, reformers, and promises from all sides to fix things, no one can count them, but it just seems to be business as usual in many cases.
Even the Catholic Church is now saying they are going to reform and get rid of their deviant priests. The only thing some in the Church have said recently that makes any sense is -- that the Church may allow married priests. PADA agrees that is a good idea. That is basically what Srila Prabhuada was saying in 1977, artificial renunciation, i.e. sannyasa, its not working, these people should get married. Anyway, we hope India will get some useful reforms out of all this, lets see how it all unfolds. ys pd]
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Krishna Leela Video (Kamsa)
[PADA: This one has the English sub titles and its a pretty clear recording. The story of Kamsa is very instructive for us because it shows how -- in this material world -- Krishna and His devotees are always suppressed and harassed, and there may even be attempts to take the life of Krishna and His devotees. Thus -- we should learn from this and not be disturbed when (or if) there are attacks. Such attacks are possible against the devotees of Krishna -- especially in Kali Yuga. So we need to take extra shelter of the Lord in this Dark Age of Kali and be dependent on His mercy for our protection. We have personally been blessed and favored with nice people who have helped us and protected us, and we always thank Krishna for giving us that mercy. ys pd]
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