Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Gopis’ Example of the Purest Love 03 25 25

The Gopis’ Example of the Purest Love

As the great devotee Bhishma prepares to leave this world, he remembers Lord Krishna’s greatest devotees.

By His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Lecture given in New York City on May 22, 1973.

Krishna’s greatest devotees are simple village girls who love Him without caring for His Godhood.



kritam anukritavatya unmadandhah

prakritim agan kila yasya gopa-vadhvah

“Let my mind be fixed upon Lord Sri Krishna, whose motions and smiles of love attracted the damsels of Vrajadhama [the gopis]. The damsels imitated the characteristic movements of the Lord [after His disappearance from the rasa dance].” – Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.9.40

[Pradyumna Dasa reads Srila Prabhupada’s purport:] “By intense ecstasy in loving service, the damsels of Vrajabhumi attained the qualitative oneness with the Lord by dancing with Him on an equal level, embracing Him in nuptial love, smiling at Him in joke and looking at Him with a loving attitude. The relation of the Lord with Arjuna is undoubtedly praiseworthy by devotees like Bhishmadeva, but the relation of the gopis with the Lord is still more praiseworthy because of their still more purified loving service. By the grace of the Lord, Arjuna was fortunate enough to have the fraternal service of the Lord as chariot driver, but the Lord did not award Arjuna with equal strength. The gopis, however, practically became one with the Lord by attainment of equal footing with the Lord.

“Bhishma’s aspiration to remember the gopis is a prayer to have their mercy also at the last stage of his life. The Lord is satisfied more when His pure devotees are glorified, and therefore Bhishmadeva has not only glorified the acts of Arjuna, his immediate object of attraction, but also he has remembered the gopis, who were endowed with unrivalled opportunities by rendering loving service to the Lord. The gopis’ equality with the Lord should never be misunderstood to be like the sayujya liberation of the impersonalist. The equality is one of perfect ecstasy, where the differential conception is completely eradicated, for the interests of the lover and the beloved become identical.”

Prabhupada: Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, ramya kachid upasana vraja-vadhu-vargena ya kalpita: There is no better method of worship than the system invented by the gopis. The gopis’ invention of worshiping Krishna was to remain always Krishna conscious, without material profit. That is the superexcellence of the gopis. They never expected any return from Krishna. That was not their business. “Krishna, we have done so much for You. You cannot give us this benediction?” No, they never asked like that. That is the first-class worship. “Krishna, You take whatever You like from us, but we do not ask anything, neither do we have any need.” This is the gopis’ worship. “We have got everything to give You, and we have no need to ask from You.”

Generally people worship God because they are needy, artah artharthi. Artah means diseased, and artharthi means in need of money. People generally go to church or temple when they are suffering from some ailments or need money, these two classes. Another two classes: jijñasuh, jñani. Jñani means one who is after pure knowledge, and jijñasuh means one who is inquisitive to know what is the nature of God. These two are considered a higher section, but they are not bhaktas. There are many philosophers, and they also talk of God, but they are not bhaktas. But because they are talking of God, they are getting some benefit. If you handle fire, you perceive some warmth automatically.

These four classes are not devotees – artah, artharthi, jñani, and jijñasuh. But because they come to Krishna for some benefit, some way or other they offer their service, because praying is service. There are nine kinds of service:

shri-prahrada uvacha

shravanam kirtanam vishnoh

smaranam pada-sevanam

archanam vandanam dasyam

sakhyam atma-nivedanam

“Prahlada Maharaja said: Hearing and chanting about the transcendental holy name, form, qualities, paraphernalia and pastimes of Lord Vishnu, remembering them, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, offering the Lord respectful worship with sixteen types of paraphernalia, offering prayers to the Lord, becoming His servant, considering the Lord one’s best friend, and surrendering everything unto Him (in other words, serving Him with the body, mind and words) – these nine processes are accepted as pure devotional service. One who has dedicated his life to the service of Krishna through these nine methods should be understood to be the most learned person, for he has acquired complete knowledge.” (Bhagavatam 7.5.23–24)

Vandanam, offering prayers, is service. But when this service is rendered for some motive, to mitigate suffering, artah artharthi, or to satisfy some inquires, it is not pure devotion.

Not Seeing Krishna as God

The gopis’ activities are the supreme platform of pure devotion. For them there is no other business. The gopis are not interested to know philosophically whether Krishna is God, although they are seeing at every step that Krishna is God. Mother Yashoda is seeing that Krishna is God, and the gopis are also. Gopi-jana-vallabha giri-vara-dhari. Krishna is lifting Govardhana Hill. Who can do that except God? They are seeing it; still they do not know that Krishna is God. “Krishna is wonderful,” that’s all. They do not like to know whether Krishna is God or not. They want to love Krishna. Krishna may be God or not God; it doesn’t matter.

If you love somebody there is no consideration what he is – rich man or poor man, educated or uneducated. Love has no such consideration. Similarly, the gopis’ love for Krishna was pure. There was no consideration that Krishna was God; therefore they wanted to dance with Him. No – Krishna wanted to dance with them; therefore they came to Krishna. Krishna is calling by the vibration of His flute in the dead of night. So all these young girls – they are all married, some of them are mothers – immediately left their home. That is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Some of them were cooking; some of them were breast-feeding the children; some of them were feeding the husband or the father. In this way every one of them was engaged. But as soon as Krishna’s flute was heard in the dead of night, they left home.

Generally in India for young girls the guardians are the father, the husband, the brother – all male members. They forbade the gopis. “Where are you going?” But the gopis didn’t care. No love for so-called children, no love for home, no love for brother, father, or no respect. Krishna. That is the gopis’ superexcellence.

Practice to Think of Krishna

That is being explained here, and Bhishmadeva, at the point of his death, is relishing it. These things are to be learned. Unless we are practiced to think of Krishna always, how at the time of death we can think of Him? Therefore Kulashekhara says,

krishna tvadiya-padapankaja-pañjarantam

adyaiva vishatu me manasa-raja-hamsah

prana-prayana-samaye kapha-vata-pittaih

kanthavarodhana-vidhau smaranam kutas te

“My Lord Krishna, I pray that the swan of my mind may immediately sink down to the stems of the lotus feet of Your Lordship and be locked in their network; otherwise at the time of my final breath, when my throat is choked up with cough, how will it be possible to think of You?” (Mukunda-mala-stotra 33) Maharaja Kulashekhara, a king and a great devotee, is praying to Krishna. “Krishna, this is the opportune time. Now I am healthy. I am quite in good health, so let me die immediately, thinking of You. Because my whole purpose is to think of You, of Your pastimes, at the time of death.”

Generally at the time of death, kapha-vata-pittaih, the whole system becomes disarranged. There is coughing, there is headache, there is some pain. This is the general system. Sometimes these are so intolerable that the man who is going to die cries. The system within the body is so complicated that at any time it can be disarranged, and it becomes a great source of pain.

The arrangement at the time of death becomes so dangerously painful that one leaves this body: “No more.” This is death. This bodily arrangement becomes so painful. For example, one commits suicide when a situation is too painful. One wants rescue by committing suicide. Similarly, when the bodily pains are too severe, then the living entity cannot live in this body. Tyaktva deham: he gives up this body.

We have to give up this body. That we forget. People have become misguided. In our country some astrologer has said that one big politician has become one of two dogs in Scandinavia. Now here, for his previous material body people have erected museums and statues and he is being worshiped by so many methods. But the spirit soul – which was the politician actually, not this body – has taken birth as a dog. This is their mistake. Where the politician has gone and how, what he is doing, they do not know. But they are concerned with the body.

My Guru Maharaja used to say, “One man is drowning, and a brave man comes – ‘I’ll save him.’ He jumps into the water and brings back the coat and shirt: ‘Now this man is saved.’” What will people say? “What a nonsense he is. He has brought his coat and shirt, and the man is saved?” Similarly, these rascals are dealing with the coat and shirt of the living entity, but they have no knowledge in the university or anywhere else where the soul has gone. These rascals have no knowledge. They are simply concerned with this external body.

Education in the Gita

Ninety-nine percent of the population are interested in this bodily concept of life. Perhaps we are the only institution in the world that is teaching that you are not this body. This is the wonder of the Krishna consciousness movement. We are the only institution throughout the whole world teaching people, “My dear sir, you are not this body. You are different from the body, and after death you get another body.”

dehino ’smin yatha dehe

kaumaram yauvanam jara

tatha dehantara-praptir

dhiras tatra na muhyati

“As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.” Simple education in the Bhagavad-gita (2.13), but they do not understand. There are big, big scholars, but they are rascals, all rascals. Our difficulty is that these rascals are going on as scholars. Dehatma-buddhih. Their life is the bodily concept of life, and they are passing as scientists, scholars, leaders, politicians. And they are leading. Andha yathandhair. They are blind, and they are leading us, so we are also put into difficulty.

Only this Krishna consciousness movement can save the human civilization and get people raised to the platform of the gopis. We have got such a nice thing – these gopis’ unalloyed Krishna love. That is wanted.

Thank you very much.

Sri Krishna’s Transcendental Form and Attributes

Sri Krishna’s form glistens with the black mascara of the sweetness of His nectarean handsomeness. His complexion is the color of a blue lotus flower or a sapphire. His complexion is as enchanting as an emerald, a tamala tree, or a group of beautiful dark clouds. He is an ocean of nectarean handsomeness. He wears yellow garments and a garland of forest flowers. He is decorated with various jewels, and He is a great reservoir of the nectar of many transcendental pastimes. 

He has long, curling hair, and He is anointed with many fragrant scents. His handsome crown is decorated with many different flowers. His handsome forehead is splendidly decorated with tilaka markings and curling locks of hair. The playful movements of His raised, dark eyebrows enchant the hearts of the gopis. His rolling eyes are as splendid as red and blue lotus flowers. The tip of His nose is as handsome as the beak of Garuda, the king of birds.

His charming ears and cheeks are decorated with earrings made of various jewels. His handsome lotus face is as splendid as millions of moons. He speaks many charming jokes, and His chin is exquisitely handsome. His handsome, smooth neck bends charmingly. It is decorated with a necklace of pearls, and its beauty enchants the residents of the three planetary systems. 

Decorated with a necklace of pearls and with the Kaustubha gem, which shines like lightning, Krishna’s handsome chest longs to enjoy the company of the beautiful gopis. Decorated with bracelets and armlets, Krishna’s arms hang down to His knees. His reddish lotus hands are decorated with various auspicious signs. Krishna’s hands are beautifully decorated with the auspicious signs of a club, conchshell, barleycorn, parasol, half-moon, rod for controlling elephants, flag, lotus flower, sacrificial post, plow, pitcher, and fish.

Krishna’s charming abdomen is the pastime abode of handsomeness. His nectarean back seems to long for the playful touch of the beautiful gopis. The nectarean lotus flower that is Lord Krishna’s hips bewilders the demigod Cupid. Krishna’s thighs are like two beautiful plantain trees that charm the hearts of all women. Krishna’s knees are very splendid, charming, and handsome. His charming lotus feet are decorated with jeweled ankle bells. 

Krishna’s feet have the luster of roses, and they are decorated with various auspicious markings, such as the markings of the disc, half-moon, octagon, triangle, barleycorn, sky, parasol, waterpot, conchshell, cow’s hoofprint, swastika, rod for controlling elephants, lotus flower, bow, and jambu fruit. Krishna’s handsome lotus feet are like two oceans filled with the happiness of pure love. His reddish toes are decorated with the row of full moons that are His toenails. Although we have sometimes compared Krishna’s handsomeness to various things, nothing can actually be equal to it. In this place we have given a small indication of Krishna’s handsomeness to arouse the attraction of the reader.

– From Srila Rup Goswami’s Sri Sri Radha-Krishna Ganoddesha Dipika (Part 2, Texts 1–19); translation by Kushakratha Dasa

Monday, March 24, 2025

How I Got Involved With Srila Prabhupada's Poison Complaint (VIDEO) 3 24


ISKCON's Italian Mafia (note from Italy) 03 24 25



After our previous article on the atrocious physical and psychological abuse perpetrated by Orlando Cecchini alias Dayanidhi das Vanacari against the then child Sanaka Rsi, how did the mafioso Massimo Brioli alias Madhusevita Prabhu respond?

He, who is the GBC head of the Italian ISKCON, thought well of ordering all his people to publicise in unison on the web the certificates of esteem expressed towards him by some foreign ISKCON GBC members.

As if these others could somehow act as guarantors for him, saving him both from the embarrassment of the violence he has just recounted, but also from his personal abyss, which will probably lead him to prison with consequent forced resignation.

But does he really believe that Italians are so stupid and naive as to take the bait for this clear and ridiculous political move? But then what has politics got to do with the Krishna devotee movement? Unfortunately, when so much money is at stake, the dance of politics with its dirty power games takes over. 

This politics has practices that conform to certain principles or directives in the exercise of an activity or decision-making power, which in this case becomes a full-fledged mafia association. This is governed by the law of omertà and secrecy, which also exerts control over illicit economic activities, as in the case of Madhusevita and his accountant Radharaman.

Often these activities are carried out by cruel and unscrupulous people who are also perverted to the detriment of children. To date, more than 2000 children have been sexually and physically abused by Hare Krishna devotees.

But then we ask ourselves: does this mafioso Madhusevita Prabhu, leader of the Hare Krishna in Italy, really believe that he can fool the Italians, they who have gained so much experience precisely with corrupt politicians or in dealing with mafiosi? Why is it that after the article on the serious violence of Dayanidhi Prabhu known as ‘the loan shark’ no one apologised to Sanaka or at least no one mentioned it?

On the contrary, Madhusevita made people believe that the situation was under control, an all-Italian behaviour that we are already familiar with thanks to the characters in one part of our politics. But does Madhusevita really believe that his political and Masonic strategy can avoid the storm of the ongoing investigations against him for his serious misdeeds of more than 40 years?

Instead, Robert Grant a.k.a. Ramesvara das contacted us (the screenshot is in the comments below) saying that he feels sad and upset about the behaviour of Dayanidhi das Vanacari and Madhusevita Prabhu and expresses solidarity with the innocent victims (Sanaka and the sexually abused girls).

He who was once the undisputed leader of the entire GBC ISKCON and now lives in Mayapur and hangs out with the same people who are in the photos with Madhusevita put on the web. Yet he himself is directly involved in the murder of Sulochan Prabhu, sexually abused a Gurukula girl for many years and was involved in major drug trafficking. They made books and documentaries about him and all these facts are known all over the world.

Ah yes, but in Italy there are those who do not understand English and cannot inform themselves on these matters and so they only trust what Madhusevita Prabhu tells them in classes. In America, on the other hand, they know everything and that is why some self-proclaimed gurus like Radanath Swami or Indradyumna Swami are rightly seen as criminals over there. But then they come to our country and do their own thing.

All these people think they are safe because nobody is controlling them, there is no ministry to control the GBCs and what they do, you see?

Srila Prabhupada, before he left the body, had to take control of the GBCs to correct their mistakes. Who is there today who can do the same thing? The GBCs themselves should set an example in following all the governing principles and practices of devotional service, but unfortunately this does not happen.

They fail to control themselves, Srila Prabhupada said: ‘First save yourself, then save others’. If they cannot save themselves, how can they instruct others?
Surely the great positions must be taken away from them, as Srila Prabhupada said.

He said that because many men thought they were great devotees, they wanted great positions to feel happy. But if they abuse these positions, these must be taken away. Srila Prabhupada said that if the position is very big, the responsibility is very big and if someone abuses his position, in the next life he will be born as a shudra. 

He also mentioned the possibility of ending up in the infernal planets.

When he discovered that one of his disciples was sexually abusing children, he first said, ‘He should be hanged’. This happened in America and he did not allow the person to return to his service of caring for children in the movement. This is what should happen to disgraced GBC members. They should be permanently removed from their positions. We do not need such people within the GBC.

The only thing that can stop devotees who have a tendency to illegally exploit other people is to immediately report their activities to the relevant authorities as soon as they are discovered. If they are found to be molesting children or if they are found to be stealing funds or having affairs with other people's wives, whatever they are doing wrong, if it is against the law, they should be reported to the relevant authorities not run by devotees.

Devotees do not have the right to conceal reports of child rape, for example, to protect GBCs or gurus who like to do it. It is against the law, so they should be reported and prosecuted and never allowed to become GBCs again.

In Italy, in addition to the competent authorities, you also have the support of well-known television programmes that investigate fraud and illegality with great success and are sometimes instrumental in the resolution of many criminal and civil cases. We must wake up! Many people in Italy are already doing this, why don't you do it too?

Do you love Srila Prabhupada and all those who have really acted to give you and your children a spiritual future, yes or no? We have been contacted by Polish devotees who have asked why Indradyumna (who has so many disciples there) has decided to do his next tour in Italy? 

They say that he won't get any money from them there and are convinced that he has chosen to come to Italy because Italians are notoriously naive and easily deceived. Apart from the fact that Indradyumna is also attracted to young girls, but that's another matter.

This is why Madhusevita Prabhu has taken over our country with his mafia-like conduct, aided by the omertosi or those who think he is a saint. Do you realise?
In the Mahabarata, witnessing the cruel abuse of the Pandavas and Draupadi, the Kaurava princes and their allies remained shamefully silent, allowing injustice to prevail.

This silence was not only a moral failure, but a complicity that stained their souls and their lineage. Cicero's famous phrase, ‘truth is as corrupted by lies as by silence’, resonates with the tragedy of this moment. By not defending what is right, these devotees become accomplices to a lie that manifests itself in the oppression of their own brothers.

Their inaction not only allows injustice to flourish, but also triggers devastating consequences for their very existence. Silence distorts the essence of truth and justice, sowing the seeds of inevitable destruction.
Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Dhira Govinda Interview with Sita Pati VIDEO 03 23 25

PADA: This all started in 1997 when I got "the 1977 poison tapes," and many people, ok most people (even some of the so-called ritviks) thought I had gone bonkers. This is another PADA nuts-so idea! Well maybe not! 

It looks to me like Srila Prabhupada's poison complaint is a very serious issue, and is being taken more and more seriously by more and more people. Bhagavan das has been recently complaining about the presentation of the poison issue saying, it looks horrible that a spiritual man was poisoned! Well yeah, that means these leaders are worried about the issue taking hold, because it makes them look compromised with a very evil program. Or even, the most evil program in Vaishnava history.

Yeah it does look bad, no one can disagree, but what all of these big gurus did after 1978 was also a type of poisoning of the society. As Dhira govinda says, some people are glad to find out that this poison issue was the root of the whole poison tree, because it makes everything else that happened understandable. 

It is what it is. Srila Prabhupada makes a poison complaint, audio and toxicology experts say there is further evidence, and it looks like there is no easy counter explanation for all this. I would have to also say, anyone who did this to a pure devotee is in for one hellava bumpy ride in their future lives. 

I am just relieved to see it is coming out -- at all -- after all the negative nay saying, back biting, denial, push back etc that went against me for such a long time. It looks like the wind is picking up on this issue, and that is Krishna's arrangement IMHO. Sorry, the truth shall set us free. And the truth is -- Srila Prabhupada opened the door on this issue, and I believe he expected us to enter that door and pursue the issue. ys pd 


Saturday, March 22, 2025

ISKCON Leaders Are Immature (Australia Report) 03 22 25

PADA: Here is an interesting analysis from Australia. The leaders are often harsh, cruel, immature, belittling, bullying, impersonal, discouraging younger devotees, and so on and so forth. Umm, and these guys are the gurus? No wonder so many rank and file are unhappy then! 

Of course we also find some of the so-called ritviks are behaving badly towards others as well. A lot of maturing is needed all round. 

The good news is, more people are pointing to these types of probems and exposing the issues, so there is a sort of grass roots independent self help society forming outside of ISKCON. But yeah, if gurus are behaving badly, it is going to create a negative impression of the whole religion. 

That is why the religion has been slowed, stunted and growth has been harmed, and badly in many cases. Now there are a bunch of ISKCON "trauma therapy advisors," a real big out cropping these days. Well yeah, but what kind of religion causes trauma to its citzens? Anyway, interesting points here. 

Personally, I have to sanctuary myself from all the madness from time to time, it is really sometimes a little overwhelming. Poor Srila Prabhupada and Krishna wanted to help us, but alas, they cannot always save people who do not want saving. Immature, harsh, bully, and guru? Told ya that was a problem!

ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com

ISKCON today on March 22, 2025, is still in its very early immature pioneering years of attempting to introduce Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu's great sankirtan to the entire world. The present immature inexperienced leaders in ISKCON, still have a lot to learn about genuinely caring and guiding the spiritual welfare of all aspiring devotees of Krsna and offer encouragement and love.

Remember, all aspiring devotees have voluntarily given their life to ISKCON, without wanting any financial payment, (at least it was like that in the beginning years of ISKCON). 
Each aspiring fragile devotee deserves to be treated with respect and kindness, otherwise, if a young devotee is treated badly, then that devotee will go on and treat others badly too, this I saw and experienced over the years.

In other words, leading devotees and sannyasis should learn how to properly support, nurture and inspire ALL devotees and congregation with respect and encouragement, so they can voluntarily choose to serve in their own unique capacity. 
No two individual jiva-souls (devotees) are the same, each are unique in front of Guru and Kṛṣṇa. 

If this reassurance of self-confidence, where the aspiring devotee is always being nurtured, given confidence and encouraged to voluntary contribute as the individual unique servant of Krsna they really are, is achieved by the ISKCON leadership today, then each young aspiring devotee will be inspired to offer their very best service. Instead of being forced with harsh and often threatening words and demands to artificially surrender, to only do what you are told to do without personal contributions, or risk getting cleverly kick out of ISKCON for not being their "yes" man or women.

It is a fact many have been cleverly forced to do as they are told by being bullied and impersonally humiliated into submission in front of others, by breaking one's individual spirit really meant to voluntary offer your own personal unique contributions. Such humiliating dress down is openly and coldly done in front of other young impressionable devotees by these immature ISKCON so called leaders, including a sannyasi GBC bully, instead of being taken aside and spoken to privately, confidentially and caringly.

So much damage was done by these immature nonsense ISKCON leaders over years, that left life long impressions on all those who heard them belittling and putting down devotees often making them the butt of jokes, who gave their life to Prabhupada with out any desire for any payment.

Many were often impersonally and repeatedly treated like this over the years in ISKCON in Australia, one devotee in front of others was told by a nonsense sannyasi to put his head in the toilet and pull the chain, or would bring up a confidential letter Prabhupada personally wrote to one devotee chastising him, using it to humiliate him and put him down in front of others in a class saying, "You should see the letter Prabhupada wrote him."

Such nonsense impersonal bullying only destroys the aspiring devotee's fragile emotions of self-respect, self-expression and finding the encouragment to offer their own individual unique voluntary contributions. So many leaders in ISKCON over the years have cleverly used harsh, threatening and nasty belittling words to destroy the character of many young devotees, by breaking down their individual attempts of personal achievements by making them feel worthless and useless without them, just so they have control under their bogus heading of "surrender prabhu!"

This I witnessed and experienced many times over the years, and they know who they are. Such impersonal treatment of an aspiring devotee over the years only deadens their character, destroys self esteem, self confidence and self worth.
Sadly, this happened way too much over the years in ISKCON.

Srila Prabhupada – “Love means you take and you give also. Suppose if you love somebody and you simply take from them, but you don't give anything in return. Oh, do you think that is very good? No, it is not good to use people like that, that is not love, it is exploitation! If I go on simply taking from you, and don't offer you anything, that is simply exploitation not love!”(Lecture BG, Ch 9 text 2-5, New York City, Nov 23, 1966)

Srila Prabhupada – “Love is reciprocal, voluntary, good exchange of feeling. Then there is love. Not by force, no, Krsna does not want to become a lover like that, ‘You love me, otherwise I shall kill you!” (Washington DC July 8, 1976)

Śrīla Prabhupāda – “Love means "two-persons," I must deal with you open-hearted, you must deal with me open-hearted, then there is love. So if you want to love Kṛṣṇa, then these things must be there.” (Aug 9, 1976, Tehran)

Srila Prabhupada – “The impersonalist philosophy is oneness so how there be love with just one? Is it possible? Have you got any such experience that love means one? No. Love means two. There must be two, the lover and the beloved. Kṛṣṇa is already lover. He loves you so much that He's trying to get you back. That is Kṛṣṇa's attempt. "Please, My dear boy, or My dear friend, My dear servant.” 

(Lecture SB, Canto 2 Ch 1 text 3, Paris, June 12, 1974)


Chapter 8: Attaining the Supreme


cetasa nanya-gamina
paramam purusam divyam
yati parthanucintayan


abhyasa—practice; yoga-yuktena—being engaged in meditation; cetasa—by the mind and intelligence; na anya-gamina—without being deviated; paramam—the Supreme; purusam—Personality of Godhead; divyam—transcendental; yati—achieves; partha—O son of Prtha; anucintayan—constantly thinking of.


He who meditates on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, his mind constantly engaged in remembering Me, undeviated from the path, he, O Partha [Arjuna], is sure to reach Me.


In this verse Lord Krsna stresses the importance of remembering Him. One's memory of Krsna is revived by chanting the mahamantra, Hare Krsna. By this practice of chanting and hearing the sound vibration of the Supreme Lord, one's ear, tongue and mind are engaged. This mystic meditation is very easy to practice, and it helps one attain the Supreme Lord. Purusam means enjoyer. Although living entities belong to the marginal energy of the Supreme Lord, they are in material contamination. 

They think themselves enjoyers, but they are not the supreme enjoyer. Here it is clearly stated that the supreme enjoyer is the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His different manifestations and plenary expansions as Narayana, Vasudeva, etc.
The devotees can constantly think of the object of worship, the Supreme Lord, in any of His features, Narayana, Krsna, Rama, etc., by chanting Hare Krsna. 

This practice will purify him, and at the end of his life, due to his constant chanting, he will be transferred to the kingdom of God. Yoga practice is meditation on the Supersoul within; similarly, by chanting Hare Krsna one fixes his mind always on the Supreme Lord. The mind is fickle, and therefore it is necessary to engage the mind by force to think of Krsna. One example often given is that of the caterpillar that thinks of becoming a butterfly and so is transformed into a butterfly in the same life. Similarly, if we constantly think of Krsna, it is certain that at the end of our lives we shall have the same bodily constitution as Krsna.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Vipramukhaya is now atheist / Krishna's Forms 03 21 25

WAYNE BOYD (ex-Vipramukhya swami)

March 15

I believed in reincarnation for 50 years. Now I'm an atheist. Please don’t be offended! I can't help that I don't believe.

It takes a lot of courage and honesty to reevaluate deeply held beliefs, especially ones that shaped my life for so long. Reincarnation offers a very appealing narrative: continuity, justice, purpose — an explanation for why things happen and what comes after death. For many, it's a comforting thought, a way to make sense of suffering and inequality.

For years, I was inspired by Krishna's words in the Bhagavad-gita: "For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain." I took great comfort in believing that I was not this body — that there was something eternal and indestructible within me.

And for a long time, I was so immersed in my beliefs that even the concept of atheism felt offensive. It wasn't just a disagreement — it felt dangerous, as if God would punish me for daring to question. After all, wasn't doubt supposed to be a sign of spiritual weakness? 

But then I asked myself: Why would God punish us for looking honestly at the world? Why would any loving or just deity create a world of such complexity and beauty and then get angry because we used the minds we were supposedly given to try to understand it?

In the end, giving myself permission to ask — to really question — was what freed me. I had to reassure myself that even if Krishna were real, he wouldn't be a vindictive god who would punish inquiry. And in that quiet act of permission, I found a clearer understanding of myself than I ever had as a sannyasi.

In the Hare Krishna tradition, there's so much talk of self-realization — of discovering who you really are beyond the body. But ironically, I found greater self-realization through science than I ever did through religion.

Religion told me I was an eternal soul trapped in a temporary body, and that the world I experienced was an illusion — maya. But science has shown me something far more awe-inspiring and real: I am made of molecules forged in ancient stars. My consciousness, my thoughts, my sense of "I am," arise from the amazing, intricate activity of neurons firing in my brain — not from a mysterious soul lodged somewhere inside me.

Although we feel like we are "not these bodies," the evidence says otherwise. When the brain stops functioning, consciousness disappears. There is no credible scientific evidence that it goes on or takes a new form.

Some people point to the work of Dr. Ian Stevenson and others as "proof" of reincarnation. I used to lean on those cases too, but when you really examine them, you find they rely on anecdotal stories gathered in cultures that already believe in reincarnation. That's not science. And just because something "hasn't been disproved" doesn't make it true. If that were the case, we'd be forced to believe in every fairy tale ever told.

Atheism is what you're left with when you follow reason and evidence where they lead — even if it's uncomfortable. It doesn't offer easy answers, but it offers honest ones. And in that honesty, I’ve found a deeper self-realization — a truer sense of what it means to be alive, to be human, to be part of this vast and beautiful universe.

The universe doesn't care about us. But we can care about each other. And to me, that's far more real — and far more meaningful — than anything I ever believed before.

PADA: Great, except the cells in the body are constantly 24/7 being re-generated while other cells die off and are eliminated as waste. After some time -- none of the cells we have today will still be part of our future body. But we will remain the same conscious entity because we are the soul or eternal consciousness. 

Anyway, this is what happens to a person who becomes a guru artificially and without authority. They make offenses, and then they degrade. Vipramukhya was one of the GBC's voted in gurus, a resident of Krishna loka no less, and now he does not even believe in God or the soul. So this is a warning to all of us, beware of taking artificial posts of spiritual authority, because Krishna will punish a person who does that -- and cast that person down to lower and lower realizations and eventually, lower life forms. 

The good news is, Vipramukhya did say he felt sick everytime he initiated someone because he was taking their karma. So he quit doing that. Yep, that was actually a very intelligent observation. 

Satsvarupa also says he has to battle constantly with doubts that Krishna is a myth. So these fake gurus can start to doubt the existence of God, which is very sad indeed. It means they will find themselves in lower life forms in the future -- such as cock roaches, spiders, worms, insects, plants, trees, etc. 

I just captured an ugly looking big black spider and escorted him out the door. Good luck out there fella! Oh yeah, he was once a big swami and look at his state now! 

But if we are just a pile of atoms all randomly moving and running amok all over the place, then there is no purpose to existence. The bad news for them is, there is a soul that continues after this body. And Srila Prabhupada says the atheists receive very severe punishments. 

So Vipramkhuya is going to be in for a short, sharp, shock when he leaves his body, and finds himself bound up by the ropes of the Yamaduttas, being chased by their hounds. Very sad that he had a chance to elevate himself, and he fell off the train going to Vaikuntha, and ended up in extreme ignorance. He is more ignorant than the common man who at least understands there is a higher being who controls the universe. 

Personally, I can barely lift a bag of cement. Yet someone else is out there lifting this entire planet and many other planets that are way bigger than this one, and He is making all these millions of very heavy planets float like cotton puffs in space. The person doing that weight lifting has immense power and intelligence, which is why these planets never collide with one another and so on. 

There is no way this could all be going on with random movements of atoms and planets etc. -- flying all around randomly hither and thither. There is a whole lot of higher intelligent thinking required to keep all this whole creation functioning and glued together. 

One other big devotee who was very prominent in the 1970s saw me in San Francisco some years back and he told me he is now an atheistic Buddhist. There is nothing left to experience when you die, it all ends, you just cease to exist. Sure dude!

A few months after that -- he was across the street from the temple -- somehow -- outside his girlfriend's house at 2AM in his underwear. She had locked the door and would not let him back inside. So he was yelling and knocking. 

Then the police came and all that, it was quite a big scene. So we all joked about it. He left Krishna and went back to chasing sex life, and now he is like the mule who gets kicked in the face by the female mules. Hee hee. Anyway not believing in God and the soul is ignorance, and that is what keeps us locked into the material world. 

Sad that he could not be saved, but we have to want to be saved in the first place -- if we expect any help from Krishna. My desire to be saved in not that strong either, but just saying there is no creator is -- not something that makes any sense to me. The material world is just too complicated to have a random big bang explosion that made everything come into being. 

In short, I think the random explosion of some so-called universal big bang -- is a desperate and clueless way to describe the origins of life, and is not very scientific as well. Anyway, somehow or other I avoided falling into that pot hole, but I should be careful not to be too proud, pride seems to make these big spiritual people -- fall down on their behinds. And it might take millions of years for them to recover. Lord please save me from ever falling like that again!     

ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com   



By devotional service one can understand that Kṛṣṇa first of all manifests Himself as svayam-rūpa, His personal form, then as tadekātma-rūpa, and then as āveśa-rūpa. It is in these three features that He manifests Himself in His transcendental form. The feature of svayam-rūpa is the form by which Kṛṣṇa can be understood by one who may not understand His other features. In other words, the form by which Kṛṣṇa is directly understood is called svayam-rūpa, or His personal form. 

The tadekātma-rūpa is that form which most resembles the svayam-rūpa, but there are some differences in the bodily features. The tadekātma-rūpa is divided into two manifestations-the personal expansion (svāṁśa) and the pastime expansion (vilāsa). As far as the āveśa-rūpa is concerned, when Kṛṣṇa empowers some suitable living entity to represent Him, that living entity is called āveśa-rūpa, or śaktyāveśa-avatāra.

The personal form of Kṛṣṇa can be divided into two: svayam-rūpa and svayam-prakāśa. As far as His svayam-rūpa (or pastime form) is concerned, it is in that form that He remains always in Vṛndāvana with the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana. This personal form (svayam-rūpa) can be further divided into the prābhava and vaibhava forms. For instance, Kṛṣṇa expanded Himself in multiple forms during the rāsa dance in order to dance with each and every gopī who took part in forms in order to accommodate His 16,108 wives. 

There are some instances of great mystics' also expanding their bodily features in different ways, but Kṛṣṇa did not expand Himself by any yoga process. Each expansion of Kṛṣṇa was a separate individual. In Vedic history, Saubhari Ṛṣi, a sage, expanded himself into eight forms by the yoga process, but Saubhari Ṛṣi remained one. As far as Kṛṣṇa is concerned, when He manifested Himself in different forms, each and every one of them was a separate individual. 

When Nārada Muni visited Kṛṣṇa at different palaces at Dvārakā, he was astonished at this, and yet Nārada is never astonished to see expansions of a yogī's body, since he knows the trick himself. Yet in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam it is stated that Nārada was actually astonished to see the expansions of Kṛṣṇa. He wondered how the Lord was present with His queens in each and every one of His 16,108 palaces. With each queen, Kṛṣṇa Himself was in a different form, and He was acting in different ways. 

In one form He was engaged in playing with His children, and in yet another form He was performing some household work. These different activities are conducted by the Lord when He is in His "emotional" forms, which are known as vaibhava-prakāśa expansions. Similarly, there are other unlimited expansions of the forms of Kṛṣṇa, but even when they are divided or expanded without limit, they are still one and the same. There is no difference between one form and another. That is the absolute nature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

In Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam it is stated that when Akrūra was accompanying both Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma from Gokula to Mathurā, he entered into the waters of the Yamunā River and could see in the waters all the planets in the spiritual sky. He also saw there the Lord in His Viṣṇu form as well as Nārada and the four Kumāras, who were worshiping Him. As stated in the Bhāgavata Purāṇa (SB 10.40.7):

anye ca saṁskṛtātmāno
vidhinābhihitena te
yajanti tvan-mayās tvāṁ vai

There are many worshipers who are purified by different processes of worship-such as the Vaiṣṇavas or the Āryans-who also worship the Supreme Lord according to their convictions and spiritual understanding. Each process of worship involves understanding different forms of the Lord, as mentioned in scriptures, but the ultimate idea is to worship the Supreme Lord Himself.

In His vaibhava-prakāśa feature, the Lord manifests Himself as Balarāma. The Balarāma feature is as good as Kṛṣṇa Himself, the only difference being that the bodily hue of Kṛṣṇa is dark and that of Balarāma is fair. The vaibhava-prakāśa form was also displayed when Kṛṣṇa appeared before His Mother Devakī in the four-handed form of Nārāyaṇa, just when He entered the world. At the request of His parents, however, He transformed Himself into a two-handed form. 

Thus He sometimes manifests four hands and sometimes two. The two-handed form is actually vaibhava-prakāśa, and the four-handed form is prābhava-prakāśa. In His personal form, Kṛṣṇa is just like a cowherd boy, and He thinks of Himself in that way. But when He is in the Vāsudeva form, He thinks of Himself as the son of a kṣatriya and acts as a princely administrator.

In the two-handed form, as the cowherd son of Nanda Mahārāja, Kṛṣṇa fully exhibits His opulence, form, beauty, wealth, attractiveness and pastimes. Indeed, in some of the Vaiṣṇava literatures it is found that sometimes, in His form as Vāsudeva, He becomes attracted to the form of Govinda in Vṛndāvana. Thus as Vāsudeva He sometimes desires to enjoy as the cowherd boy Govinda does, although the Govinda form and the Vāsudeva form are one and the same. 

In this regard, there is a passage in the Fourth Chapter of the Lalita-mādhava (4.19), in which Kṛṣṇa addresses Uddhava as follows: "My dear friend, the form of Govinda, the cowherd boy, attracts Me. Indeed, I wish to be like the damsels of Vraja, who are also attracted by this form of Govinda." Similarly, in the Eighth Chapter, Kṛṣṇa says: "O how wonderful it is! Who is this person? 

After seeing Him, I am so attracted that I am now desiring to embrace Him just like Rādhikā."

There are also forms of Kṛṣṇa which are a little different, and these are called tadekātma-rūpa forms. These may be further divided into the vilāsa and svāṁśa forms, which in turn have many different features and can be divided into prābhava and vaibhava forms. As far as the vilāsa forms are concerned, there are innumerable prābhava-vilāsas by which Kṛṣṇa expands Himself as Vāsudeva, Saṅkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna, and Aniruddha. Sometimes the Lord thinks of Himself as a cowherd boy, and sometimes He thinks of Himself as the son of Vasudeva, a kṣatriya prince, and this "thinking" of Kṛṣṇa is called His "pastimes." 

Actually He is in the same form in His vaibhava-prakāśa and prābhava-vilāsa, but He appears differently as Balarāma and Kṛṣṇa. His expansions as Vāsudeva, Saṅkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha are in the original catur-vyūha, or four-handed forms.

There are innumerable four-handed manifestations in different planets and different places, and they are manifested in Dvārakā and Mathurā eternally. From the four principal four-handed forms (Vāsudeva, Saṅkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) there are manifest the principal twenty-four forms called vaibhava-vilāsa, and they are named differently according to the placement of different symbols (conch, mace, lotus and disc) in their hands. 

The four principal manifestations of Kṛṣṇa are found in each planet in the spiritual sky, and these planets are called Nārāyaṇaloka or Vaikuṇṭhaloka. In the Vaikuṇṭhaloka He is manifested in the four-handed form of Nārāyaṇa. From each Nārāyaṇa the forms of Vāsudeva, Saṅkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha are manifested. Thus Nārāyaṇa is the center, and the four forms of Vāsudeva, Saṅkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha surround the Nārāyaṇa form. Each of these four forms again expand into three, and these all have different names, beginning with Keśava. These forms are twelve in all, and they are known by different names according to the placement of symbols in their hands.

As far as the Vāsudeva form is concerned, the three expansions manifested from Him are Keśava, Nārāyaṇa and Mādhava. The three forms of Saṅkarṣaṇa are known as Govinda, Viṣṇu and Śrī Madhusūdana. (It should be noted, however, that this Govinda form is not the same Govinda form that is manifested in Vṛndāvana as the son of Nanda Mahārāja.) Similarly, Pradyumna is also divided into three forms known as Trivikrama, Vāmana and Śrīdhara; and the three forms of Aniruddha are known as Hṛṣīkeśa, Padmanābha and Dāmodara.

Mayesvara melt down as he cites Mathura Pati 03 21 25

PADA: ISKCON GBC guru defender Mayesvara says there are 100% no symptoms of poison, and 100% there are symptoms of poison -- simultaneously. He is arguing with his own shadow. OK another GBC friendly person's mental melt down process. Keeps happening more these days!

Hanuman Dasa: -- Mayesvara says: “When I eventually did get to see a photo of Srila Prabhupada that some body had taken, he was skin and bones, and it was shocking, it was like “Oh my gosh! Prabhupada looks like he has been poisoned!”

That was many peoples first impression, “he looks like he’s been poisoned!”
There were people who hadn’t seen him, they had travelled a long way, and they would come into his room and say, “Prabhupada you look like you have been poisoned.”

And that’s why Srila Prabhupada said, “someone says that I have been poisoned.”
So here Mayesvara repeatedly informs us that disciples (including himself) felt that Srila Prabhupada looked like he was poisoned and openly declared this, even to Srila Prabhupada! After hearing these declarations multiple times, Srila Prabhupada raised concerns declaring, “someone says that I have been poisoned.”

But then Mayesvara cites Mathura Pati's site to prove that "PADA is a liar." OK we keep getting GBC guru folks -- or promoters of the GBC's homosexual and pedophile guru program (like Mayesvara) -- to send me links to this guy's (Mathura Pati / in orange coat) web site and / or Prahlad's (Paul Coats) site. Hmm, whose side are they on? 

It seems the Prabhupadanugas EU site is compromised with the GBC folks, which is why the GBC ilk keep citing them to me. The party that bans, beats, molests, sues and kills Vaishnavas has found a hero to defend their program -- Prabhupadanugas EU! Oh yeah, they also poison pure devotees. 

Prabhupadanugas EU asks "Who is PADA"? Well we are the people who say it is not a good idea to worship homosexuals and pedophiles as God's messiahs. The next question is, why does Prabhupadanugas EU combat PADA, and promote the cheer leaders of the homosexual and pedophile messiahs project? And guru poisoners party? 

Oddly, someone told me Mathura Pati does not understand these issues. He does not understand that promoting the cheer leaders of homosexual and pedophile worship and guru poisoner's program is wrong, when any dog eating karmi knows it is wrong? How can he not know it is wrong is the actual question. Of course, all sorts of GBC folks always say to me "well we did not know" (pedophile worship is bogus). 

Of course, they MUST know that their program of promoting the cheer leaders of homosexual and pedophile messiahs is wrong. I am not buying that they do not know. But it is the same as the GBC folks, they also either know this is all wrong or ... how can they not know as well? 

Yep. It is somewhat amazing that some "Krishna devotees" evidently do not know that it is wrong and sinful to help or promote the ISKCON GBC guru defenders of the post-1978 homosexual and pedophile guru program, when even the dog eater society knows this is sinful. 

So many devotees have told me this over the years, "OK sure, it is a homosexual and pedophile guru program, no question, but so what, what is the big deal all about prabhu"? Really? Lets stop PADA from protesting! OK maybe 2,000 kids were abused, Srila Prabhupada says he is being poisoned, and yeah -- what is the big deal here indeed!

Sorry! A devotee of Krishna should ALREADY know that he should not promote those who are promoting homosexuals and pedophiles and assorted deviants as Krishna's guru successors. But even the karmis know this. 

Sometimes people ask me "who are you to criticize"? I once wrote to a UK devotee named Michael Powell (Mahavidya?) and told him we should go after the GBC's homosexual and pedophile worship process. He wrote angrily back to me very upset -- challenging me, "who the hell are you, you are not my boss, you are a nobody, you use bad language" etc. Oh no, we should not be using bad language when children are suffering from anal reconstructive surgery epidemics!

OK never mind, we will just expose them ourselves in other venues, and we are. But on no account did Michael EVER say, hey -- you are wrong. Nope, he knows he cannot challenge the facts. Bad language -- perhaps, but not bad facts.

Who am I? Hee hee, nobody really, but since Krishna does not approve of bogus people posing as His guru successors, and He says he casts such false religionists into the darkest regions, it is pretty much ALL of our duty as His parts and particles to agree with Him, and to thus challenge bogus people posing as His successors. Otherwise, we too are cast into a dark place for acquiescing with all these dark forces. I was reading Manu Samihita recently, the people who allow evil are almost as guilty as the people committing the evil.

In sum, Krishna is counting on us particles to do His dirty work and challenge these bogus out croppings posing as His pure representatives. Again! Otherwise we become implicated in acquiescing. 

As one devotee was telling me recently, these types of false devotees are asuras and have a long way to go to elevate to the modes of ignorance, where they at least worship someone like Jesus. Any Joe six pack on the street ALREADY knows that helping promote homosexual and pedophile messiahs projects is sinful, but not these guys! Therefore, followers of the GBC's pedophile messiahs program send me Mathura Pati's materials all the time, because evidently they are pedophile lover's club's team mates.  

Mathura Pati says -- the reason he is promoting his homosexual and pedophile messiahs club's cheer leader pals is -- they oppose PADA. And that explains why GBC people keep sending me links to his site, birds of the same feather. Of course all of the cheer leaders of homosexual and pedophile worship will oppose PADA. Duh-oh! Mathura Pati has to promote the pedophile messiah's program's cheer leaders to oppose PADA, and asura princes promoted Kamsa 5,000 years ago to oppose Krishna. What good is that producing?

Of course Mathura Pati's hero GBC cheer leader Bhakta das was also arrested for some sort of sex crimes in Puri India, and he was busted for selling (potentially harmful) designer drugs in the USA. Some say those drugs can cause spontaneously abortion miscarriages. And these are the people Mathura Pati wants us to promote as his authorities on spiritual life! 

Fine choice of shiksha gurus here! 

OK also promoting Gaudiya Matha's gurus and Saint Radhanath. Then Mathura Pati's pal Prahlad complains -- PADA is not promoting Saint Radhanath's cheer leaders -- which is -- disturbing the unity of the Prabhupadanugas! It is always the same thing with these guys, we have to unite under the banner of promoting their cheer leaders of the process of burying homosexuals and pedophiles in the dham. Neine danke!

Yep, PADA is not a fan of burying homosexual pedophiles in the dham, so he is destroying the unity! That means they cannot find anyone else to protest PADA -- except these types of deviants. But I do love Mathura Pati's honesty, he admits he has to lick the jackboots of his favorite homosexual and pedophile messiah's program cheer leaders to challenge PADA. Another devotee was saying, there is unity here, they will all unite together on patala loka! 

Sulochana and me also used to say -- the hand maidens of the GBC's molester messiah's program like Mathura Pati are -- giving children an anal reconstructive surgery epidemic. Mathura Pati (above in orange coat) says PADA is bogus for opposing that program. Yep. Sulochana used to also say this is "anal sex pooja." 

And no one (like PADA) should oppose anal sex pooja! Who knew! For their part, Dayalu Nitai's HKC Jaipur has never explained why they told PADA -- our opposing child beatings and rapes of Krishna's children "has no credibility," whereas defenders of the child abuse program ARE credible -- according to Dayalu Nitai's HKC Jaipur's folks and HKC top cheer leaders like Prahlad das (Paul Coats). 

Umm wait, you mean homosexual and pedophile messiah's clubs are bona fide and credible, while anyone who opposes is not bona fide? No wonder the GBC's people love these guys, and cite them. And no wonder there has been so many children victims of their process. This is going to fly well at Yamaraja's court. We had to promote the cheer leaders of a homosexual and pedophile messiah's program, to defeat PADA, because he does not promote our rubbish ideas! 

Mayesvara Dasa

The reason I am disregarding PADA is he isn't capable of having a civil discussion and embellishes everything he says to suit his own temperment. (Just like Nico in fact!) I have caught him several times misrepresenting facts to suit just to boost his own over inflated ego. It is also clear by how he is responding to my comments, he doesn't even understand them or anything regarding the concept of jurisprudence. 

Yes. He does attract the media who want to join in his campaign to denigrate Lord Caitanyas movement and with that as their goal he is the right person for them to hang out with. But for those who understand how offensive it is to blaspheme those who have dedicated their lives to the propagation of the holy name, he is NOT the guy to be listening to. This is not just my personal opinion, it is a well known reputation he has widely earned, as is evident by the many testimonies provided here:



PADA: One thing these people also keep forgetting is -- personal attacks on me does not change the facts: many children have been abused; the books have been changed; Srila Prabhupada complains of poison, etc. These facts remain and will not change despite attacking the messenger. As my law enforcement friends have told me, attacking you (PADA) is ENABLING all these crimes to go on in ISKCON. 

So if people are proud of enabling mass child molesting, changing the books of the guru, and aiding and abetting the Judas poisoners sabha, so be it. That is their problem, their destiny and their karma.   

But yeah! Thanks Mayesvara for all that. OK Prabhupadanugas EU is run by Mathura Pati dasa -- and he says that PADA is doing the wrong thing by taking children away from a program where Krishna's children are being starved, beaten and raped. Mathura Pati cites cheer leaders of the child beating and raping messiah's club as his shiksha guru authorities.  

And Mathura Pati says he is with HKC Jaipur. Sorry, even people who cook and eat dogs in China know that child beatings and rapes of children programs need to be opposed. Some folks have said, these people are less than Tamas guna, they are supporters of evil programs that attack children.

For his part Prabhupadanuga EU friend Prahlad das said he is going to sic the molester messiah's enforcers upon me -- to do my physical harm, or maybe kill me. The defenders of the child beatings and rapes programs are very violent against the Vaishnavas, which is why we had to help the FBI investigate various murders that their program has been doing. So they want to promote the Radhanath program cheer leaders, ooops, same program that iced Sulochana and wanted to ice me.

I cannot post comments from victims when they comment on pedophile guru club defenders, because I try to tone down the language here. Prahlad was also crying that PADA was taking away funds from his favorite molester messiahs project, because now his favorite homosexual and pedophile messiahs project folks won't have a golden Cadillac! It is amazing that a program that bans, beats, molests, sues and kills Vaishnavas needs to have big Cadillacs for its leaders, or else the people kissing the jack boots of the leaders like Prahlad will be crying. 

Oh no, my favorite program in the universe, the illicit sex with men, women and children pooja messiahs project, will not have its leaders riding in Cadillacs! I gotta go cry now! Sheesh, someone gimme a kleenex so my buckets of tears don't go all over! Anyway, these people are all the same, and that is why they promote each other. And when they promote each other, then thousands of children have had to suffer the consequences of their process. 

Well sorry, we are not liars, we said our opponents are defenders of poisoner and pedophile programs, and -- they are. And more and more and more people are agreeing every day. They know that, hence, they are having melt downs. 

ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com   

krishna1008: Method to the madness? / Mathura Pati Feedback / Getting Facts Straight

SP: The kṣatriya, or the man who is qualified to protect the sufferers, is meant to rule the state. Untrained lower-class men, or men without ambition to protect the sufferers, cannot be placed on the seat of an administrator. Unfortunately, in the Age of Kali the lower-class men, without training, occupy the post of a ruler by strength of popular votes, and instead of protecting the sufferers, such men create a situation quite intolerable for everyone. Such rulers illegally gratify themselves at the cost of all comforts of the citizens, and thus the chaste mother earth cries to see the pitiable condition of her sons, both men and animals. That is the future of the world in the Age of Kali, when irreligiosity prevails most prominently. And in the absence of a suitable king to curb irreligious tendencies, educating the people systematically in the teaching of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam will clear up the hazy atmosphere of corruption, bribery, blackmail, etc. -SB 1.17.27


Sunday March 23 5pm Eastern Time

Monday March 24 10am NZT

Dhira Govinda (Dr David B. Wolf) joins us in this episode to discuss Srila Prabhupada's hypothesis that someone gave him poison.

We will examine what Srila Prabhupada's hypothesis was, how followers should handle it, and what investigation has been done to validate or invalidate this hypothesis.

Many theories have been developed from this hypothesis, but we will be starting from first principles, and proceeding carefully step-by-step using the philosophical tools given to us by Srila Prabhupada himself, examining the strength and caveats at each point.

This will be a rigorous vada - a structured philosophical discussion aimed at discovering truth. Get ready for a fresh take that cuts through the complexity and brings illumination to the topic.

Dhira Govinda is the Vice President of the Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation. He is the Founder of the ISKCON Central Office of Child Protection and was its Director from 1998 – 2004. He is the author of "Krsna, Israel, and the Druze: An Interreligious Odyssey", "Relationships That Work: The Power of Conscious Living", and "The Power of Bhakti: Ancient Spiritual Science for the Modern Distracted Mind".

STAY TUNED! Sita Pati Video: https://www.youtube.com/live/1ZZDH4EJDzI?si=EsJnnjudbxtK4w_s

Sunday March 23 5pm Eastern Time

Ep #55. Srila Prabhupada's hypothesis that someone gave him poison | feat. Dhira Govinda das
Ep #55. Srila Prabhupada's hypothesis that someone gave him poison | feat. Dhira Govinda das
Dhira Govinda (Dr David B Wolf) joins us in this!

Thursday, March 20, 2025

To: ISKCON GBC Executive Committee (GBC EC) 03 20 25

PADA: I don't see the GBC readily admitting there was a problem with Srila Prabhupada's departure. That would essentially dismantle their entire post-1978 guru system, by claiming the founders were corrupt or even -- murderers of their own guru. Not likely something any of them would want to admit.

Of course, all along they are reluctant to admit many other faults, such as -- their gurus are falling into scandals. And there is often a huge effort to keep these guru guys in office even after some scandal has been discovered. Anyway, the Justice for Srila Prabhupada committee is doing a good job of exposing this issue, and we look forward to them increasing the pressure on the GBC. Meanwhile more people are accepting that Srila Prabhupada's poison complaint is about a factual poisoning event, and that spread of information cannot be stopped. ys pd  


Dear JW: I have no need to use argumentum ad hominem, nor do I. When I was having the GBC sued for $400,000,000, Mayesvara was one of the GBC people grimacing and glaring at me on Watseka. They have no ability to communicate on these issues, they have to stand behind a wall of lawyers. 

Had they listened to me in 1979, when I told them the children issue is going to eventually create a crisis, that would have saved them from being sued. Instead, in 1979 they removed me from the society. Then I had them sued in 1986 in Dallas for child mistreatment and we won that case hands down, and I warned them we would be back if they did not fix this. They didn't. I said there is a child mistreatment problem, a book changing problem, and a Srila Prabhupada complaint problem, and -- there is. 

The evidence speaks for itself. GBC gurus like Trivrikrama swami calling me "the junkyard dog of ISKCON," has not helped them change people's opinion from accepting my arguments. If everything I am saying is false, that does not explain why they could not say one word in the Dallas courts when we had them sued, twice, they had to plead no contest? If there is no contest, then that means -- I am correct and they cannot prove otherwise. Calling me the junkyard dog has proved -- nothing. ys pd


March 19th, 2025

To: ISKCON GBC Executive Committee (GBC EC)
Dear Members of the ISKCON GBC EC,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krsna. We request that communications between the ISKCON GBC EC and Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation Inc. (JFSPF) in regards to Srila Prabhupada’s departure pastime are directly with you, the GBC EC, rather than through your deputed representatives. In that regard, we ask that we arrange a meeting between the members of the GBC EC and the JFSPF.

That meeting could be via internet (eg., zoom video), as that might be relatively more convenient and easier to arrange, and we’re open to and ready for the possibility that our meeting is in-person, if our schedules and situations reasonably allow for that. We request that this meeting between us takes place before April 5, 2025, and we’d like that meeting to be recorded.
Brahmatirtha Prabhu, representing the GBC EC, wrote on February 27, 2025, “I guess this closes the issue”. We are in agreement with him, that, whatever effectiveness may have resulted from the GBC EC communicating with us through the Executive Director of the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies as your (GBC EC) representative, has likely run its course, and has come to closure. In a letter from Dhira Govinda dasa to Brahmatirtha Prabhu, dated March 12, 2025, that was copied to the ISKCON GBC EC, Dhira Govinda dasa wrote, “I’ve appreciated our communications on the topic of Srila Prabhupada’s departure pastime, dating back to May 2024, and including our correspondences in more recent weeks, when you’ve been officially representing the ISKCON GBC EC”.

If you, the GBC EC, would like, we’ll share in more detail, when the GBC EC and JFSPF meet and speak, regarding how come it’s clear to us that communications between the GBC EC and JFSPF, from now on, will be best done directly, rather than through representatives of the GBC EC.
On Feb. 27, 2025, Brahmatirtha Prabhu wrote, “You keep referring back to GBC statements of 20 years ago about no evidence. If the GBC believed there was NO evidence then they would have not have tasked Balavanta. The GBC statement can be adjusted…” The GBC resolution that states, “There is no evidence at this time to support the allegations of poisoning of Srila Prabhupada”, is from 2000. And, importantly, that GBC resolution is current, present. It is the GBC’s current, official position, not merely past history.

We appreciate hearing from Brahmatirtha, “The GBC statement can be adjusted”. We’re understanding from Brahmatirtha that that resolution does not actually reflect the GBC’s stance. And so, we request and suggest that the GBC rescind that resolution (GBC Resolution 617, Year 2000).
Also we ask that you publicly revoke the GBC’s official statement from December 2017, where you, the GBC, state that there is “no credible evidence” to support the viewpoint that Srila Prabhupada was criminally poisoned, and that the stance that Srila Prabhupada was given poison with homicidal intent is “ghastly” and “monstrous”, based on “pseudo-scientific arguments” and no “reliable science”. That GBC statement from December 2017 is found at
Our hope and wish is that the ISKCON GBC and JFSPF will cooperate towards the realities of Srila Prabhupada’s departure pastime becoming revealed to the worldwide community of Srila Prabhupada’s followers and supporters. We’ll continue our efforts for these truths to be known, and we’d like to do that conjointly with you. Regardless of whether you choose to meet and speak with JFSPF, and to collaboratively discuss, we will move forward. In this regard, we cite a section from the letter we wrote to the GBC EC on September 16, 2024.
“We take this opportunity to bring to your awareness that litigation in multiple jurisdictions and media campaigns have been proposed and are being planned in connection with the rigorously validated scientific findings related to the realities of Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance pastime. These findings confirm Srila Prabhupada’s own words about the circumstances surrounding his departure.”
We look forward to hear from you soon, and to meet and speak with you, and we wish you well in service to Srila Prabhupada and his movement.
Your servants,
Naveen Krsna dasa
Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation- President and Director
Dhira Govinda dasa
Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation- Director


Sunday March 23 5pm Eastern Time
Monday March 24 10am NZT
Dhira Govinda (Dr David B. Wolf) joins us in this episode to discuss Srila Prabhupada's hypothesis that someone gave him poison.
We will examine what Srila Prabhupada's hypothesis was, how followers should handle it, and what investigation has been done to validate or invalidate this hypothesis.
Many theories have been developed from this hypothesis, but we will be starting from first principles, and proceeding carefully step-by-step using the philosophical tools given to us by Srila Prabhupada himself, examining the strength and caveats at each point.
This will be a rigorous vada - a structured philosophical discussion aimed at discovering truth. Get ready for a fresh take that cuts through the complexity and brings illumination to the topic.
Dhira Govinda is the Vice President of the Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation. He is the Founder of the ISKCON Central Office of Child Protection and was its Director from 1998 – 2004. He is the author of "Krsna, Israel, and the Druze: An Interreligious Odyssey", "Relationships That Work: The Power of Conscious Living", and "The Power of Bhakti: Ancient Spiritual Science for the Modern Distracted Mind".

STAY TUNED! Sita Pati Video: https://www.youtube.com/live/1ZZDH4EJDzI?si=EsJnnjudbxtK4w_s

Sunday March 23 5pm Eastern Time

Ep #55. Srila Prabhupada's hypothesis that someone gave him poison | feat. Dhira Govinda das
Ep #55. Srila Prabhupada's hypothesis that someone gave him poison | feat. 

Dhira Govinda (Dr David B Wolf) joins us in this!