Tuesday, October 15, 2024

PADA Viewers / Sridhara / S Dasa NZ 10 15 24

My friend who plays video games says:
There is always a big boss to defeat.
But we cannot defeat this boss. 

PADA VIEWS: We topped 5,000,000 views from our humble start to 2024, of course Harekrsna.org, and our youtube site are also getting lots of hits. And we expect the upcoming Monkey On A Stick movie to get perhaps millions of viewers. The people who keep saying, no one listens to PADA have -- how many viewers?  

Anyway, even if we have no viewers, the truth is always the truth. Lets see if we can get more views and viewers for the next year. We seem to be overall getting more interest. 

We would like to thank all of you for being PADA readers. But yeah, I could retire from all forms of writing right now, and the wheels of exposing the GBC gurus would just keep spinning anyway. The momentum is with us. The GBC guru process is in a state of meltdown, failure, decline, a death spiral, and we think it will just disintegrate more over time. "An artificial thing cannot stand." ys pd   


PADA: Sridhara Maharaja thought that a bunch of LSD popping hippies could be worshiped as gurus, as good as God. A lady friend of mine said to me, "If someone asked me, what would happen if we would take a bunch of LSD popping hippies, place them on golden seats, and have them worshiped as good as God? 

"What would I predict would happen? My prediction? Lots of illicit affairs, lots of intoxication, many criminal behaviors, trouble with law enforcement, probably some dissenters getting taken out, lots of bad publicity for the religion, lawsuits, and women and children not being properly cared for. That would be the easy to predict outcome." 

Yeah she could easily see the problem. Except, people like Sridhara Maharaja were not as spiritual adept as this woman friend of mine, so he supported the worship of his LSD popping hippies gurus as residents of Vaikuntha. In other words, the average karmi never supports the worship of ex-LSD popping hippies as good as God gurus, because they have some sense of spiritual qualifications. Sridhara maharaja needs to accept this woman as his guru, then maybe he can make some advancement. ys pd

Sridhara Maharaja supported them. If some LSD popping hippies tell me they are now residents of Vaikuntha gurus, as good as Jesus -- and they can absorb sins, and they are going to sit on big seats and be worshiped as good as God, and I accept and support that foolishness, it means I have no discrimination. 

My friend used to work in Bellevue mental home, he said there was always one or two people there who thought they were Jesus. Anyone who believes a Bellevue patient, like Sridhara Maharaja has done, should be classified as ignorant of spiritual affairs. And to support Bellevue patients who think they are Jesus means, he is co-responsible for the results. The perps are mainly responsible, but the enablers and "advisors" are also co-responsible. ys pd

Sorry, neither Sridhara Maharaja or Narayan Maharaja ever really supported what I was saying, that I can find anyway. Narayan Maharaja invited me to his ashram to discuss all this in 1997, and he stayed in his room the whole day and then sneaked out the back door. Sridhara Maharaja was still propping up Hansadutta in 1985, to my peril. 

And oddly, the Jayatirtha-ites that Sridhara was still supporting also came to Berkeley and wanted to tear me up. His followers still had Sridhara's photo on their altars. I was only saved from being torn up -- because my associates had weapons on them. Jayatirtha for his part said nothing, he was going to allow me to be torn up. If they ever said that Srila Prabhupada had only appointed the 11 as agents, proxies or ritviks, I never have seen ANY evidence of that. If they supported my analysis, their followers would not still be arguing with me today. 

Sorry, NM was saying "the children were getting their karma" and that sounds to me like he is making excuses and contrived justification for his supporting their process. Swarupa Damodar was here and I told him he should never take karma, and he thought that was silly, but he shortly after that had a mystery paralysis ailment, he was listening to Sridhara Maharaja and not me, and he paid for it. ys pd


"Forensic scientists confirm the criminal poisoning of Srila Prabhupada with cadmium and other heavy metals"

October 15, 2024

Dear Supporters, Well-wishers and Friends of Srila Prabhupada and His Movement,

Greetings. Hare Krsna. Jaya Srila Prabhupada.

Excerpt from report from a team of forensic scientists representing Truth Labs Forensic Services:

“The members of the Experts' Committee, have been of the opinion that the cause and manner of death of Srila Prabhupada was the result of a well-planned homicide by using the toxic metallic poisons, mainly cadmium and interspersed with arsenic and antimony, without arousing any suspicion, that caused the resultant signs and symptoms mimicking that of natural chronic illness”.

“They were of the further opinion that the high levels of cadmium administered to Swami Srila Prabhupada in the last stage of his life and circumstances prevailed thereof were sufficient to cause his death in such a manner.”


S Dasa NZ commented:

I hear you Prabhu. It’s sad and infuriating and so much more. Sending our thoughts and prayers to you and anyone affected by this.

When my Iskcon guru left with an attractive female disciple under his arm and our guru daksina as the get away money, I went to visit a prominent GBC / swami / guru to discuss my waning loyalty to Iskcon. Actually my heart was broken. Material heartbreak is limited, as anything in the material realm is. 

But when you give your faith and trust from the soul, that s*** hurts. Anyway I was told with almost zero emotion bordering on ridicule, “well Prabhupada hasn’t fallen down!” It was a pivotal moment for me. Indeed he hadn’t.

Then a few years later when the so called diksa of some family members was caught out after a decade long guru hoax, the GBC wrote the ex-disciples consoling:

"Those devotees initiated by Prabhavisnu Das continue to be connected to Srila Prabhupada and our entire Vaisnava parampara."

(GBC Resolution 311, 2012)

So if the person who performed the initiation ceremony is suddenly no longer an Iskcon guru, or maybe not even an active Krishna devotee, but the disciples are still considered ‘linked’ or connected, then isn’t this what Srila Prabhupada left us in the form of representatives initiating on his behalf? Assisting as servant in establishing the connection, but not the connection itself?

And after the fall down of Param Gati das:

“Srila Prabhupada continues to give each of you the opportunity and support to develop your pure love of Lord Krishna. That has not changed.

“Srila Prabhupada’s mercy is there for you in every situation. His teachings are there to guide you, and you continue to have the shelter of the holy name, the Deities, the Vaishnavas and all the other blessings provided by ISKCON communities.”

(GBC letter, April 22, 2020)

So the guru has fallen away, but GBC assure the disciples they can still ‘develop their pure love of Lord Krishna,’ get Srila Prabhupada’s direct mercy, and be guided by his teachings?

In this strange paradox newcomers are taught the ‘Iskcon regulation GBC issue diksha’ is bonafide, worshipable, and vital to one’s spiritual voyage, *until they’re not.* Then he becomes a stone boat, written up by the GBC as they distance themselves from the latest fallout their system has created. Overnight the fallen Iskcon guru becomes inconsequential to our link to the Vaisnava parampara according to the GBC.

What seems to be the default position when things go bad is to insinuate that the person simply officiated at the fire yajna, chanted on the beads and picked out the name on behalf of HDG, thus linking us to our founder-Acarya spiritual master and the entire Vaishnava parampara. After all, it wasn’t the disciples who turned their back on Prabhupada’s mercy and guidance and the chance to develop pure love for Krishna. And Prabhupada never fell down. So on these points I would agree with the GBC.

In summary: we were told we MUST accept an Iskcon diksha guru as our link to the disciplic chain, but then when that ‘indispensable link’ breaks we’re told the chain is magically unbroken still, “ta-dah!” The GBC reasoning seems to defy logic, common sense, and maybe even spiritual physics. A fluid kind of pseudo-guru philosophy:

4) The GBC acknowledges that this Body has since 1977 made changes in the manner in which initiations are carried out in ISKCON, is contemplating changes at present, and may well make changes in the future.


So tell me again, why are we inserting these so called diksha gurus between ourselves and Srila Prabhupada - then getting fleeced while running the very real risk of having our faith permanently shattered - only to have the GBC then tell us, “SURPRISE! It actually doesn’t matter that he’s gone, you’re still connected to Srila Prabhupada and the entire parampara so yay, go you!”

Monday, October 14, 2024

Female ISKCON Survivor / RE: Giriraj swami incident / 10 14 24

This is called blissful existence. 
Yes. You can join Them.


PADA: Yeah, she was raped while a minor and the parents did not even report this to the police -- evidently. And it looks like she was punished for even reporting the issue. And then -- not long after that -- she was "homeless in India." Holy crap pilgrims!

I agree prabhu, a lot of these parents were just as bad as the leaders, in some cases -- worse. They self evidently did not care about the welfare of their own children, thus they also did not care about the welfare of ISKCON -- that it was worshiping deviants etc., and in sum -- they just did not care about the welfare of others, including their own children. 

Yep. They were too self-absorbed and selfish and were only interested in caring for themselves. Same type people gave me all sorts of abuse over the years for reporting these things, because they thought that would disturb their position in this false society. 

This girl is a survivor, and we are super happy she was able to develop her own independent life, but -- no thanks to the leaders of the ISKCON society. They have done about zero to help the many kulis living here in the Bay Area. 

ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com  


PADA: Thanks for your question prabhu. No, I am not gloating over the failure of Giriraj. He already failed as soon as he hooked himself up to the GBC's false acharyas process. Srila Prabhupada says when a guru who has sex with a follower, it is the same as the father who has sex with his daughter. OK he is a pedophile, in a long standing tradition of GBC gurus being pedophiles direct or de facto. 

Now all sorts of people are making comments how disgusting all this is, and how they hope ISKCON will finally totally collapse and quit cheating people all the time. So he is turning MORE and MORE people away from ISKCON and Krishna. And more people are praying ISKCON will simply disappear and dissolve. Not something to gloat about. 

This is a full disaster for me, him, ISKCON, and Srila Prabhupada's mission. And it is a disaster for another reason, millions of people's ability to get out of the material world and serve Krishna has been disturbed, if not ruined, by these lusty old dogs. Giriraj had to destroy ISKCON just so he could sit in a big mansion somewhere and have his genitals pleasured, while he is at death's door at 77 years old. 

And yeah, the people who say all this is TOTALLY disgusting are also -- correct. So instead of seeking shelter of a spiritual society, people would rather go to the football game etc., because that is a higher platform. 

He and his bogus guru project was doomed from the get go. Instead of gloating, I am lamenting that he was supposed to assist Lord Chaitanya's movement, which was supposed to save the world, and instead -- he assisted perverts and deviants sitting in the guru seat -- and he ruined the movement in the process. And then, he simply became one of these lusty dog perverts himself, because he associated with that process.

And the result for the rank and file has been banning, beating, molesting, suing and murders, and no small amount of bad publicity, lawsuits, scandals and all the rest. And thousands of children were evidently victims, and some of those victims took their lives. Then there is the cancer epidemic etc. and the list of evil by-products from the Giriraj guru project is literally endless, and more bad reports keep coming out every day to add to the odious list of his program's handiworks. 

Now the reports are, he was having sex in the temple room, he was showing his genitals on the phone while he was in the shower -- to a lady follower, and so on and so forth. Of course we long suspected he and his other gurus were behaving badly, so this is not a surprise, but nonetheless, his actions will further deteriorate the good name of Krishna and ISKCON. That is to say, what little good name is remaining after all their antics.

By now he probably knows he has generated a big mess, and my friends in S. Africa are saying his scandal is causing ripples of doubt and despair over there. OK just like when Bhavananda, Bhagavan, Jayatirtha, Hansadutta, Harikesh, Prabhavishnu, Ramesvara, Satsvarupa, and others left -- and created major problems, and then their followers drifted off in doubt and confusion. And the Lokanath scandal was never resolved, but that too is creating a lot of mass alienation from ISKCON.

And ISKCON keeps losing manpower wholesale as a result. Thus! There is nothing to gloat about here, there is no winner, except the Kingdom of Kali Yuga has expanded. And clearly Giriraj has drifted off to the illicit behavior platform, which Srila Prabhupada says -- is the cats, dogs -- and animal platform. And that is where he is headed, or actually he is already there, animal consciousness. That means he will be headed for an obnoxious destination for his blending together Krishna, guru, guru parampara, pure devotion, and even -- serving gopi rasika -- with dog like behaviors. 

So he bit off way more than he could possibly chew, and manage and absorb, in the first place, by claiming he is a diksha guru who can absorb sins like Jesus. Ummm nope. Those sins will sit on these guy's subtle body, and contaminate the lot of them, and will go with them into the next life. Srila Prabhupada says only an uttama has brahmana tejyas to burn off sins, clearly they do not. 

So that means he will be rotting here in the material world for a very long duration due to all these offenses, false posturing, heading up a society that brutalizes women, children and senior devotees, and so on, and which evidently started off by poisoning their guru. Again, nothing to gloat about here. 

Who is the winner here? Illusion, madness, contamination, and subsequent suffering and death etc. Not a lot to say is a winner here? OK the only benefit is -- we ritviks will win some of their people over to us, they will become ritviks, but at what cost to the overall society? 

I saw some military guys raising their flag on top of a pile of rubble that used to be a nice building. Yipeee! We won! We won what? A pile of rubble with maybe some dead bodies buried underneath. That my friends, is not winning. 

As for your question about Mathura Pati / Mathias sabji Mathias Jabczynski, he told my friend he has to work with the cheer leaders of the homosexual and pedophile acharya's worship process like Bhakta dasa, because they oppose PADA. So he is working with the anal reconstructive surgery epidemic agenda -- according to, himself. Yeah, he cannot find any bona fide people who oppose PADA, true dat!

An ex-gurukuli said - he is among the most honest of all the devotees out there! 
He openly admits he is working with the cheer leaders of the homosexual and pedophile "Krishna's guru successors" process, because, he is with them and not us. Well good, he has found his home. 

No, he has never explained why he wants to help promote the cheer leaders of his homosexual pedophile acharyas process. Why? Because there is no good explanation, it is called deviation. He knows that and so does everyone else, which means -- he is with them because he wants to be with them. Yeah but if he has a good explanation, and you can find it, send it to me. Not holding my breath here!

So yeah, all of this deterioration of ISKCON has happened because a lot of people involved have been complicit in -- enabling, allowing, facilitating, cheer leading, acquiescing, promoting, or at the very least -- doing nothing when they should have opposed -- and so on. Of course, many have opposed us, and they are more guilty. 

Some ex-kulis call this process "a conspiracy of silence," and that is party true, but this program has also had more than a few vociferous defenders. Indradyumna swami was one of the people who idolized Girraja swami. Yeah, he is another cheer leader / enabler of all this. And what is he doing to fix all this now? Good question, they always seem to disappear when there is a major incident that they cannot continue to explain away. "Not my problem." Yeah, until you have to explain all this to Yamaraja.

ys pd 

GBC EC: Medical evaluations, including MRI scans (May 2024) and neurocognitive testing, have confirmed Maharaja’s diagnosis and the further progression of the condition since previous tests.

The GBC has sought and received a second, independent medical opinion that fully confirms the initial diagnosis.

This significant cognitive decline in recent months has rendered Giriraja Maharaja vulnerable to abuse and exploitation of all kinds with limited ability to process, judge, and react to situations that require higher cognitive functioning. A team of medical specialists and dedicated caregivers, under the guidance of senior Vaishnavas, are providing Giriraj Swami with the support and care he needs.

Due to this vulnerability, Giriraja Swami was recently a victim of a financial scam, taking advantage of his impaired judgment. Furthermore, the GBC has learned of highly inappropriate communication that was exchanged between Giriraja Swami and a lady disciple for a BRIEF (lol) period in August 2024.

We understand how painful and upsetting this news is, as we all hold Giriraja Swami in the highest regard. His life of many years of devotion and selfless service to Srila Prabhupada has been inspirational. The medical experts have helped us understand that these uncharacteristic behaviors are attributable to Maharaja’s condition and should be understood accordingly.

The GBC Body is committed to assisting with the necessary care and support for Giriraja Swami, as well as for his disciples and followers.

We encourage everyone to continue praying for him, his disciples, and all those who love and care for him during this challenging time.

Your servants,

Guru Prasad Swami
Tapana Misra Das
Govardhana Das,
GBC Executive Committee

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Mirabai Discusses the Giriraj Swami Scandal 10 12 24

PADA: A Story of love, lust and video sex. Sort of like Satsvarupa's novel "Sanitorium." And these are the people ISKCON wants the society's children to worship as their eternal link to God? Where do I sign up? My friend in South Africa says the Giriraj story is just starting to pick up steam over there, and there is a lot of denial, disbelief, shock and sadness. Well, no kidding, that is what they spread instead of blissful Krishna consciousness.

And Basu Ghosh and his India ICC folks are spending $20,000,000 -- so they can have the Giriraj program take over Bangalore. We want to establish the Giriraj program for -- more children! Yeesh pilgrims! I am not sure even my percodans are going to make me feel any better today! 

There is good news! Seeing all these mighty messiahs and alleged pure devotees falling victim to lust -- left, right and center, makes people -- like me at least -- want to avoid lusty desires at all costs. Yep! I don't wanna be ANYTHING like these fools! 

We are ALL conditioned souls, fully overwhelmed and hypnotized already by the material energy, but there are layers and levels of that illusion. And Srila Prabhupada says -- a guru having affairs with one's own followers is like a father having an affair with his own daughter. 

In other words, these Giriraj cult people are worse than the regular conditioned souls, who are aghast at the idea of having an affair with their own daughter, spiritual or material daughter. And that is why these Giriraj people are going to a worse destination than the mundane people. 

Clearly, ISKCON is in melt down mode, there is no question about it, and thus the leaders are going to suffer and are suffering, but I feel much more sad for their victims. They are going to suffer in this melt down mode as well, and I consider them to be more or less victims. So I pray that people like Mirabai can be saved and come to the right platform. Lets hope so for her sake, and for the sake of other victims of the Giriraj fraud. 

ys pd 


 My sexual relationship with Giriraj Swami – A story of love, lust and video sex”

PODCAST: Episode 144 – Saturday 12th October 2024🎙

** UPDATE: ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission (the GBC) acknowledges in a public statement that ‘highly inappropriate communication’ has taken place between Giriraj Swami and Mirabai devi dasi: https://iskconnews.org/gbc-statement-on-the-health-of-hh-giriraja-swami/ **

We’re delighted to welcome Mirabai devi dasi as our guest on this week’s podcast.

At the end of September she set the ‘Hare Krishna social media world’ alight by releasing a short film claiming she’d had an intimate, sexual relationship with ISKCON guru Giriraj Swami.
The film, which has had over 30,000 views to date, can be seen here: www.facebook.com/MirabaiDasiGRS/videos/385916187902438
In this week’s podcast, Mirabai’s first extended interview, she sits down with The Hare Krishna Project’s Narada das to talk in more detail about her relationship with her guru.
She is the most recent of a number of people over the years who have made accusations about Giriraj Swami, and hasn’t held back in being open about her experiences.
In response to Mirabai’s expose, ISKCON released an official statement shortly after claiming that that Maharaj has recently been diagnosed with a form of dementia – which is the reason for his “behaviours that are inconsistent with his character and values”. See here: https://iskconnews.org/giriraj-swami-health-update/
The relationship though hasn’t been denied by his ‘inner circle’, and other ISKCON gurus have even questioned the severity of the diagnosis.
This week’s podcast is not to be missed!
You can watch it:
- Here on Facebook
- and on YouTube at www.youtube.com/@NaradaDasUK
For more details about The Hare Krishna Project check out our website www.theharekrishnaproject.org.uk

Friday, October 11, 2024

ISKCON Patna alleged "rape of minors" vs Tej Pratap Yadav

PADA: Oh oh pilgrims. The story I got so far is -- the temple president of ISKCON Patna has allegedly been a predator of young girls, also allegedly -- one of whom was only 8 years old. He has also been alleged to have stolen money from ISKCON. 

This Pratap Yadav fellow tried to get the police involved, and they somehow failed to investigate (they were paid off?). Then some of the temple brahmacaris started to ask about all this, and the temple president sent a gang of violent goons to attack the brahmacaris, which was made into a VIOLENT FIGHT video that went viral, and is now all over the mass media in INDIA.

OK the upshot is that the GBC guys were never good at managing, especially managing keeping out predators and deviants infiltering ISKCON. And the situation has just got worse after 1977 because they KICKED OUT all of us WHO WERE ACTUALLY MANAGING the society, and who were keeping an eye out for predators. 

OK so now the complainants are going to go to Mayapur to ask the management why this is going on. You mean they are going to talk to Jayapataka, the ring leader of the predators and gangsters process? I don't see who is even there to take up managing this issue? 

Who is actually in charge of this circus? 

As one victim of abuse told me, writing to the GBC is like writing to Santa Claus or the tooth fairy, there is no actual person there to respond, and so -- you'll never get a response. Or worse, you'll be placed on a list of snitches and trouble makers, and you will be driven out of the society.

All this is the result of purging out the sincere and good devotees, and bringing in the crooks, criminals, predators, rats, dogs and riff raff. The like minded brought in more like minded. There are some sincere people sprinkled in here and there, but they do not have any actual say on these issues, obviously! 

So now we have an out of control media storm, and where are all the big shot former leaders like Ravindra swarup, Mukunda, Ramesvara, Satsvarupa, Giriraja, Jayapataka, Harikesh, Bhagavan, Mahatma -- and all the other hundreds of guys who made this giant mess, and then sneaked off the radar? And more of the GBC resigned this year at Mayapur. We made this mess, so now we are outta here! Bye bye suckers, we made our stolen booty loot and now we are gone.

Yep, they made a big mess and then basically exited stage right, leaving ISKCON vulnerable to all sorts of exploiting, bad media, and having hardly any actual capable or sane persons in charge for the most part. because they KICKED ALL OF US OUT and replaced us with these low life predators and crooks. 

As Hansadutta said, the idea that the GBC will "manage" the acharyas was never going to work at any point. These alleged acharyas won't bother listening to GBC managers, and there will be anarchy, chaos, exploiting, embezzling, and potentially -- much worse crimes. And then BAD MEDIA. Meanwhile Basu Ghosh is trying to get this dubious lot to take over managing Bangalore, when they cannot even manage a paper bag in the first place.

Anyway pilgrims, we predicted things will get much worse before they get better, because the ISKCON ship will become more and more rudderless. And thus more exploiters will filter in, because there are no sane folks managing the vetting process for managers or gurus etc., and that seems to be the case. 


ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com   


 iskcon patna news || patna viral video (youtube.com)

इस्कॉन मंदिर में नाबालिगों के साथ शोषण होता है... (youtube.com)

"For the second time, Tej Pratap Yadav is making serious allegations against the ISKCON Patna temple. In June 2022, he also claimed that the four temple officials, Krishna Kripa Das, Hariprem Das, Harikesha Das, and Pramod, raped a minor. In his live social media address, he called for the arrest forthwith of all the four administrators. The alleged abuse, says Yadav, was of an eight-year-old child and no action had been taken by the authorities so far."

Tej Pratap Yadav Raises Exploitation Issue at Patna ISKCON Temple, Levels Shocking Allegations Against President
Tej Pratap Yadav Viral Video: The son of RJD president Lalu Yadav and former Bihar minister Tej Pratap Yadav has made alarming

Tej Pratap Yadav Raises Exploitation Issue at Patna ISKCON Temple, Levels Shocking Allegations Against President.

Former Bihar minister Tej Pratap Yadav, who is the son of RJD president Lalu Yadav, has levied alarming accusations against Krishna Kripa Das, the head of ISKCON Patna, charging him with grave misbehavior and taking advantage of the temple.

by Sparsh Goel October 9, 2024 in NATION, States, VIDEOS, VIRAL

Tej Pratap Yadav Viral Video: Former Bihar minister and elder son of RJD president Lalu Prasad Yadav, Tej Pratap Yadav has set a full-scale controversy abuzz by leveling allegations against the temple president of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) Patna, Krishna Kripa Das. On Wednesday, Tej Pratap Yadav released a video via his social media account, making serious allegations against the temple president, regarding an incident of assault that occurred at the temple on October 6. 

The Viral video, which was aired by Tej Pratap Yadav on X, captures Patna ISKCON Temple president with a woman, further fueling Yadav’s allegations against the misconduct of the temple president. (We are not attaching the video as it is objectionable.)

Condemning the alleged assault by RJD leader Tej Pratap Yadav in his social media post, he said, “The incident which has taken place in ISKCON Patna is very unfortunate and condemnable - the temple president and some devotees have done the work of hurting the faith and dignity of the devotees.” 

He also claimed that it was an old political practice of manipulation being done by the ISKCON authority and had his earlier warnings been heard, then this situation may have been avoided.

Ever since, he’s been raising issues regarding the Patna ISKCON temple. “Even minor girls are being sexually exploited and other immoral activities were taking place inside the temple,” Tej Pratap Yadav had charged, pointing fingers at even the president and many of its members. His calls for action, demanding the immediate intervention of both the government and ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission, speak to the seriousness of his charges. Yadav demanded that those who are responsible for the “heinous acts” be removed from their posts and brought under the law.

In Tej Pratap Viral Video he said, “Last year too we had raised the issue of how exploitation is happening in the ISKCON temple… Krishna Kripa Das stays behind the Lord in the temple and pretends to apply sandalwood and Tilak. When this issue was raised, Krishna Kripa Das ordered lathi - charge on the boys who were learning about spirituality in the ISKCON temple, which is reprehensible. 

We will try to contact their headquarters which is located in Mayapur and we want to say that the Patna ISKCON president should be removed from here… POCSO Act has been applied earlier also but no action was taken. Action should be taken against the person who is committing misdeeds in the name of religion and he should be expelled from the ISKCON temple.”

What Was The Matter

The ISKCON temple located on Buddha Marg in Patna has been in the news. In fact, on Sunday night, two groups of priests clashed with each other in the premises of the ISKCON temple (Patna ISKCON Temple). During this, there was a fierce fight and many people were injured. An objectionable video of this entire episode has also been released from the official X handle of Tej Pratap Yadav.

Previous Claims of Sexual Abuse in 2022

For the second time, Tej Pratap Yadav is making serious allegations against the ISKCON Patna temple. In June 2022, he also claimed that the four temple officials, Krishna Kripa Das, Hariprem Das, Harikesha Das, and Pramod, raped a minor. In his live social media address, he called for the arrest forthwith of all the four administrators. The alleged abuse, says Yadav, was of an eight-year-old child and no action had been taken by the authorities so far.

As such, the controversy could then be dragged into the ISKCON headquarters at Mayapur when Yadav demanded them to intervene in the issue. These allegations have taken a serious turn, especially for the POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses) Act, and are now calling for an elaborate investigation and punishment for the offenders for these victims. 

This evolving case could be said to reflect deeper concerns concerning immorality in religious institutions and strongly emphasizes accountability and transparency in faith-based organizations.

-- Sparsh Goel is a content writer at DNP News Network, specializing in news articles covering politics, entertainment, and many more. With a passion for staying up-to-date with the latest happenings in these fields, he delivers engaging and informative content to readers.