Thursday, May 9, 2024

Unity / Malati / Gopal Krishna / Violence 05 09 24

Gopal Krishna is gone. The end. 


PADA: Prabhu, with all due respect simply saying my statements are not true does not help me fix anything. I need to know which specific articles are not correct, and what needs to be changed specifically. I change stuff all the time, adding, deleting, making corrections and so on. Unfortunately, in the case of Mathura Pati, a mutual friend of both of us told me -- I am 100% correct -- he is in fact promoting Bhakta das, who is a cheer leader of Radhanath. 

And he says Mathura Pati for certain knows and agrees that Bhakta das is a cheer leader of these GBC guru folks like Radhanath. And he says the only reason Mukunda UK / HKC Jaipur / Prahlad das / Mathura Pati promote Bhakta das is -- he opposes PADA. 

OK so they have to surrender to the corrupt and criminal program of selling designer drugs -- that can cause abortions; being arrested for child porn; cavorting with Thai bar girls (who might be minors), promoting the Saint Radhanath / Bhakti pedo pada in samadhi program, the Auschwitz for kids program etc., all so they can oppose PADA. 

M Dasi says -- that means -- they cannot find any honorable devotees to defend their pedo guru program. Agreed. As M Dasi says, they have found their home, and Auschwitz is their home. 

They want to take us back to Auschwitz - head and not back to Godhead. Yep, M Dasi says -- PADA editor should feel highly honored, because this proves -- they cannot find any honorable devotees to defend their position, so they have to surrender to and compromise with the Bhakti Pedo pada program. And yes, their program has everything to do with mass molesting and murders.    

In other words, I am getting more confirmation, that my story was correct in the first place. In any case, if you or anyone else has some verified evidence that any articles on my blog are not accurate, I will gladly fix them. I am not perfect and do make mistakes, that is true, but if I don't know which mistakes need to be corrected, and why -- I cannot correct anything. 

In this case, I am getting evidence that is the reverse, it is confirming what I said. I have been pointing out that Bhakta is with the GBC folks for over ten years now, and actually he ran off to the Gaudiya Matha in the 1980s, so it is well known publicly already. 

Bhakta das is not a person any of the sincere Prabhupadanugas will ever accept as any type of authority, he says the ritviks are bogus and he is not with us. So let me know what needs to be fixed and I will fix it, if there is verified info that shows a change is needed. Jayate. ys pd



MALATI DASI: That moment when the salt fully envelopes the final physical visage
but still continues, bag after bag, mixing with random flower petals and love. Now the earth in returning to its place filling the large remaining hole from where it had been temporarily removed to make a space to recieve its glorious occupant ... je anilo, by now a familiar lament.

PADA: Someone send me a clip of some ex-gurukulis having a discussion, and it said: "Gopal Krishna is gone. The end." And there was a bunch of smiley face comments. Hee hee, they despise the man for helping orchestrate the child abuse program in India. He is not going to be in the je anilo category, he is going down to the lower regions.   



These are facts concerning personal ambition in the Iskcon group. Please listen to the reading of Gopal Krishna’s last will to get more insights into to his method of operation. It is very interesting to hear his last requests.

By hearing his requests to his followers astute Prabhupada disciples will understand his reasoning as a fake diksa guru. 
Please note I was personally involved in promoting him to zonal acharya due to the zonal guru system back then that affected all of us after Prabhupada’s departure on November 1977.

Gaudiya prabhu was present after his sanyasis initiation and heard him ask Keith Ham when can I become a diksa guru. Some devotees are active foolish and Prabhupada told us they are the most dangerous.

He is one of the most despised persons ever to serve in Canada as gbc and he destroyed the mission here due to his misunderstanding of Prabhupada’s teachings and misleading guidance to others that naively followed him. He was a follower of Keith Ham. That should reveal where he was at philosophically.

We are trying to save Prabhupadas legacy and not minimize his position in his vani incarnation. Gopal refers to our guru as a siksa guru and all of them as diksa uttama adhikari. It’s a total fraud and the geatest sin to protect Prabhupada’s legacy.

He also printed millions of changed books to support the gbc mission of expanding their unauthorized elected guru system. Further here is more information on his real behavior not his pretending to be a pure devotee of Krishna.

“I was present at Gopal Krishna's sannyasa initiation ceremony at New Vrindaban. Gopal Krishna asked Kirtanananda Swami, Prabhupada's first and foremost sannyasi, to give him sannyasa initiation.

I remember some of Gopal Krishna Maharaja's visits to New Vrindaban. He seemed to be always seemed to admire and be on friendly terms with Kirtanananda Swami, although after Gopal Krishna Swami's visits, during darshans while Bhaktipada sat in the living room in his house across from the Palace, I heard Bhaktipada make quite a few negative comments about Gopal Krishna.

A few days after Bhaktipada's death in October 2011, Gopal Krishna, in the company of Radhanath Swami, came to the Mohini Gosala cow shed in Vrindaban, India, and offered prostrate obeisances in the dust to his departed godbrother.”

Hrishikesa dasa

Birds of the same feather flock together and live in a compromised state of deception due to personal ambition. V DASA


Anon dasa:


These Iskcon leaders are responsible for the spiritual Master being poisoned, and responsible for so many children being abused . They even had the audacity to change his books and steal the lords assets and make themselves gurus. Now they pretend to be saints . This is unspeakable violence.

Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya - Lila Ch. 24 TEXT 272
nārada kahe,--"vyādha, ei nā haya āścarya
hari-bhaktye hiṁsā-śūnya haya sādhu-varya


nārada kahe—Nārada Muni said; vyādha—my dear hunter; ei nā āścarya—this is not wonderful for you; hari-bhaktye—by advancement in devotional service; hiṁsā-śūnya haya—one becomes nonviolent and nonenvious; sādhu-varya—thus one becomes the best of honest gentlemen.
"Nārada Muni said, 'My dear hunter, such behavior is not at all astonishing. A man in devotional service is automatically nonviolent. He is the best of gentlemen.


In this verse the word sādhu-varya means "the best of gentlemen." At the present moment there are many so-called gentlemen who are expert in killing animals and birds. Nonetheless, these so-called gentlemen profess a type of religion that strictly prohibits killing. According to Nārada Muni and Vedic culture, animal killers are not even gentlemen, to say nothing of being religious men. 

A religious person, a devotee of the Lord, must be nonviolent. Such is the nature of a religious person. It is contradictory to be violent and at the same time call oneself a religious person. Such hypocrisy is not approved by Nārada Muni and the disciplic succession.

1 comment:

  1. MMD: Gopal Krishna is gone. The end. Love it!

    Don't get it either. They need to help Bhakta das promote ... the worst New Vrndavana leadership. And who may be connected to Sulochana's demise! All to "get back" at us. Because??? No one else ... at least with factual credibility ... wants to help them.

    Even GBC wants to keep Bhakta das at a distance. He just stinks too bad. Seen that too. No other sangha wants to be disciples or followers of Bhakta das. Does anyone wonder why?

    Think it is time for these guys to just put on a T-shirt, "I am following stupid, corrupt criminals, and pedo gurus, any questions"? I would also like to see them make a sensible explanation ... but don't hold your breath!

    Seriously bad choice of leadership here ... this is not new. Seen it all over. Bottom line? Prefer the pedo guru association to us, shows us where their brain is.

    M Dasi is right on! Pretty desperate ... when Bhakta has to be their main source of direction. Going down, that is the only direction he will take them. Bhakta and Guru Kripa. Thai bar girls, Vodka, hang outs with the GBC. What could go wrong? What could go right?


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