Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Udayananda / Randal G. Cieslak Assaults Krishna Devotee (VIDEO)

PADA: Wow. The defenders of the illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's club are really getting nasty -- again! This Udayananda fellow reportedly assaulted a Prabhupada devotee and tried to beat him in the head, evidently -- at least as reports indicated. There is good news and bad news. The good news is -- no one really cannot defend the GBC's homosexual and pedophile messiahs from heaven / guru lineage these days, it is really not defensible with siddhanta. 

So the followers of the regimes have to resort to banning, beating, suing and sometimes killing the people who do not bow down and worship the homosexual and pedophile guru lineage process. It means the defenders of that process are desperate. 

And after years and years of us exposing their process, they are getting very frustrated. Did I forget to mention we had to sue their guru lineage for $400,000,000 for mass child mistreatment, and they assassinated my associates and wanted to assassinate me. 

The bad news is, according to the Srimad Bhagavatam at least, anyone who assaults a Vaishnava has to enter Yamaraja's planet, and be placed onto stone rollers where they are squeezed like sugarcane, repeatedly. That is the fate of these Vaishnava assaulters. Especially, when they are assaulting people for objecting to the worship of deviants as God's messiahs and gurus.

Assaulting a person by whacking them in the head is also very dangerous, since head injuries can produce many unforseen future problems. OK this victim could have been hurt badly, paralyzed or killed even. 

But hey, the homosexual and pedophile messiah's lineage folks can be very violent, as we have seen in many examples. That is why we said -- it is -- "the enforced cult ritualistic worship of homosexual and pedophiles as messiahs club," and the enforcers can be violent as we see. And if Udayananda wants to give his side of this story, we would be glad to get it. 

If anyone has any added info on this incident, or similar incidents, please let us know. ys pd

1 comment:

  1. LD: Oh no, here we go again. Always the same thing with pedo guru lovers? Ban, beat, sue, kill. And repeat. Ain't that why we had thousands of children molested. They protected the whole system. They are still beating people up, because they are proud of all the suffering they made for children? WTF? Sue them and get the police involved. Don't tolerate their crap anymore.


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