Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I am Done with Purujit's BLISS / BB Govinda Fraud Alert 05 14 24

Sleep in heavenly peace 



PADA: Correct RD mataji. The Jagannath Balaram fellow from Spain (above) who supported Purujit,  Makhanchor and other BLISS boys, were all telling me I am an offender for rejecting Purujit's edited Gita. And when some folks suggested Purujit is making his own Gita -- so he can become some sort of guru, they were called offenders etc.

I was told that later on Purujit was caught watching porno and that is why Jagannath Balarama asked him to leave Spain. I dunno, but we never heard from Jagannath Balarama after that.  

Now some of the BLISS folks are saying, so what if we preach that the earth is flat? It will inspire conversation! Hee hee, it will make you look like the people we do not want to advertise. But this shows how the BLISS folks and Mathura Pati have merged together, changed books and flat earth society joined together. 

Sorry, they have not cleared up any, never mind all of this, ever. One male devotee left the BLISS boys because he said Purujit was too much domineering and strident, I dunno but he seems to have a problem keeping people.

Meanwhile more than a few PADA readers told me they are never going to fund, help, support or advertise BLISS or Mathura Pati because "they are motivated for position, just like the GBC people." Yeah, and they insult the other Prabhupadanugas and go off on book changing and flat earth tangents etc.

ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com  


J Dasi: So basically I see Purujit wants to be worshiped like a diska guru. I feel he is one of the most envious souls I've encountered personally. I am first of all.....i realize that statement coming from me...is ludicrous. Krsna knows I have engaged myself is some sinful activity again and again like an ignorant arse ... but I would never commit spiritual suicide and change Srila Prabhupada's books. This image of Purujit and Ramachandra besides a photo of Lord Caitanya in their Easy journey makes me so mad.

So of course when I stayed with them for a week (like an idiot) I gave some donation. because I stayed there and it is appropriate and decent to do so in my opinion. But then it's like...."Please donate to our diciples initiation" , "Please Mataji, we are low on rent can you give some laksmi?"

I find this deolorable. Considering my poor circumstance, and having children to support, which they know. I've heard Purujit das say to me, "Leave your family, they're going to die anyway, come serve us in BLISS" 

Really! Lol! I've heard Purujit say "if you can't follow the rules and regulations perfectly, don't follow them at all." Very encouraging!

I've seen they have published their own Bhagavad Gita and preach from it. They make it out to be like .... they translated their own versions of Sri Isopanosad in their homeland language and so they have found some other changes and have fixed them. Which sure is fine. I see that and understood it to be like a bliss study manual not intended for distribution and personal fame. 

And they intend to publish many of them and distribute. (I will post a picture)
They have edited Srila Prabhupadas Sri Isopanisad. I have not read it all. I'm done associating with them for good. The Sri Iso has a few pages Purujit inserted explaining the bliss agenda but no picture of himself.

They wanted to send me some Sri Isopanisad to distribute but instead sent copies of their edited version of Srila Prabhupadas Easy Journey to other Planets which I then noticed their picture is inserted into this new original version. Yes because originally when Purujit das was born -- Srila Prabhupada forgot to insert his picture next to Lord Caitanya when he first compiled the book. 


So this bogus Bhagavad Gita they intend to distribute has pictures of Pururjut as well?? He will be addressed as the officiating acharya lolololololol.

Just like every other book changer usurping Srila Prabhupadas work ...his life and soul. Once this all became clear to me I ghosted them. I have not explained why I don't associate with them anymore. I let a few Prabhus know of the picture and some of this info ...and that is all I feel comfortable doing as a single lady with children to protect. Yes I want to avoid the whole public debate and all that ego stroking nonsense. ...but also say at least a few words. 

According to the officiating acharya of BLISS lololol he intends to publish a book about the Buddha based on Srila Prabhupadas letters and manuscript with Govinda dasa and have Miguel illustrate it.

So all of this makes me feel very far from Srila Prabhupada despite the fact that I learned an amazing mangala aratik ceremony from them. Tasted amazing prasadam, went on Harinam ... yeah but still, I'm now very embarrassed but...I am done with them.

There are other aspects of association that I just sort of looked beyond ...like I am perfect association lol, no. But I'd never change Srila Prabhupadas books and distribute them for recognition. Ever. Makes me so sad.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!



This is an anonymous share (Part 1) Sharing again...

To whom it may concern

A few years back I was invited to attend a festival at the temple in Almaty Kazakhstan. Knowing that my friends Madhava Das and Govinda das, who is now the head of the 24 hr kirtan department in Vrindavan, would be attending, I decided to go.

One day I was invited to BB Govinda Swami's (BBGS) private home which boasts an attached sauna and Spa facility. His residence was located in a secluded area of the ISKCON farm community on the outskirts of Almaty.

While at his house, I walked in on Maharaj receiving a full body oil massage by his young Russian female secretary. At that time, she must have been in her mid-to-late twenties. During the massage session she was only wearing a choli top and lower garment loosen around her waist area.

Feeling very shocked by what I had witnessed I turned to Anirdesh Vapu (aka Bhaktividya purna swami) who happened to be there at that time. He told me that BBGS was transcendental and not affected by lust, hence there was no issue to speak of. I also asked for advice from Govinda and others. I was encouraged to leave, feeling disgusted and disappointed I flew to New Delhi. Upon reaching Vrindavan I confided in Aindra prabhuji and his assistant Gopal das.

After some time, I stopped thinking about what I had witnessed in Kazakhstan. Over the years while residing and working for my father's business partner in India, I would occasionally meet with BBG Swami. On one such occasion was in a five-star hotel in Delhi called the Oberoi (Records can be requested).

There I again witnessed BBG Swami receiving a full body oil massage in the spa Health Center by some non-devotee oriental Thai ladies.

Around this same time, a friend of mine saw BBG Swami taking his secretary out on late night dates while she was dressed up in a mini skirt. 

On another occasion during Kartik I visited Maharaj in his house and saw him entertaining Kiranas, a known pedophile in the community.

While I was at BBGS's house he received a visit by Shri Radhe devi dasi (South African) alongside her female students from the Mayapur Gurukula, at that time these girls were under the age of 15.

I personally witness Maharaj embracing each one as they lined up for a sharing of "the Love".

Many years later when the local ISKCON management at the Krishna Balaram temple had Kiranas arrested, Indradyumna Swami and BBGS paid for his bail to release him from police custody.

These are the three main incidents that I have personally witnessed.

BBGS spent $30,000 usd refurbishing his bathroom in Vrindavana, he told me that he did not like the way it looked while giving a tour to myself and my mother.
This was the money that he had collected on behalf of his yatra in Kazakhstan. Having failed to register the community correctly, the local government evicted the devotees in the community and bulldozed many of their homes.

Maharaj then use that as an excuse to fund raise for his failing project meanwhile lavishly spending money on his own personal self. Expensive reading glasses costing at least $1,000 fashion branded (now in a monkey's mouth) accessories and cologne, five star hotel resorts business class flights his own fancy private apartment properties in London, Dubai and Mayapur. His house in Vrindavana was stolen from the UK yatra in Vrindavan.

In 2018, in the UK, his servant witnessed him embracing a young 15 year old girl at her private residency, without the knowledge of her parents.

He instructed his servant not to take any photographs which made his assistant question the nature of his intention.

Due to retribution and intimidation by BB Govinda Swami many people are scared and have not come forward. He can be very aggressive. I also witnessed him making racist statements and jokes cursing out black people.

I presented this information to Prahladananda Swami of the Sannyas committee many years ago, but nothing ever came of it.

I sincerely hope that this time these matters will be properly investigated and addressed so that BBG Swami can get the help he needs!

Yours in the service of the lord Narashima 

1 comment:

  1. LD: It is all about self - promotion and ego. My changed Gita is better than your changed Gita. But no one should change it?

    My flat earth is better than your round earth.

    Ahah! We are better than all of you!

    I don't think so! What if ... you are more ignorant or arrogant than all of us. And you are trying to make yourself look special and above all of us.

    They are trying to promote some bogus idea ... so they can "prove" they are better than everyone else. We figured all this out ... when none of you could. They figured out ... all of us are stupid ... because we don't accept their stupid idea?

    This is very unfortunate and pathetic. Just when we should unite to conquer the GBC's gurus ... they want to be the gurus for all of us.


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