Monday, May 6, 2024

Goofball Krishna's Samadhi / Child Abuse / Ritviks / Tamal 05 06 24

Respected Maharajas, Prabhujis, and Matajis,

Jai Om Nitya Lila pravishtha Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya Ashtottara Shata Sri srimad Srila Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja ki jai.

With our hearts broken but reconciled to Krishna's plan, we seek to announce the unfortunate departure of Srila Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja and his auspicious entry into the eternal pastimes of Sri Sri Radha Parthasarathi, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Sri Sri Sita Rama Lakshmana Hanuman and Sri Sri Lakshmi Narasimha.

Gurudeva will travel to Delhi and then to Sri Vrindavan Dhama.
5th May, 2024 9.20am IST

Camp: Synergy Institute of Medical Sciences Dehradun

"When the mortal body of the spiritual master expires, his disciples should cry exactly as the queen cries when the king leaves his body. However, the disciple and spiritual master are never separated because the spiritual master always keeps company with the disciple as long as the disciple follows strictly the instructions of the spiritual master. This is called the association of vāṇī (words)." (SB 4.28.47 purport)

PADA: Now Lokanath has made a video of himself crying about the departure of Gopal Krishna swami. Yes, Lokanath and his India ICC team now have lost the main person who would help their program create samadhis in Vrndavana for their homosexuals, pedophiles and porno swamis -- messiahs from heaven, so that children can go to the dham and offer obeisance to their pedo and porno samadhi program. As one devotee said "Vrndavana will become an ocean of dead ISKCON guru's samadhis." 

Gopal Krishna has also been taking boat loads of karma, which is one reason he suffered all sorts of maladies. He told the GBC in 1980 that if they would not make him a guru, he was going public to complain that ISKCON is a "white body guru program" that is racist, so they had to let him in. 

And other GBC guru folks like Kirtanananda called him "Goofball Krishna." And now Mr. Goofball will be in another samadhi over there. 

Henry Doktorski:

Breaking news for my Krishna friends: ISKCON guru Gopal Krishna Goswami (Aug. 14, 1944-May 5, 2024) has passed.

I was present at Gopal Krishna's sannyasa initiation ceremony at New Vrindaban. Gopal Krishna asked Kirtanananda Swami, Prabhupada's first and foremost sannyasi, to give him sannyasa initiation. I remember some of Gopal Krishna Maharaja's visits to New Vrindaban. He seemed to be always seemed to admire and be on friendly terms with Kirtanananda Swami, although after Gopal Krishna Swami's visits, during darshans while Bhaktipada sat in the living room in his house across from the Palace, I heard Bhaktipada make quite a few negative comments about Gopal Krishna. 

A few days after Bhaktipada's death in October 2011, Gopal Krishna, in the company of Radhanath Swami, came to the Mohini Gosala cow shed in Vrindaban, India, and offered prostrate obeisances in the dust to his departed godbrother.

PADA: Gopal Krishna swami is a certified goofball, let us make him the messiah of the Jagat. They all knew he was not a pure devotee. All the worst elements of Hindu society are over taking ISKCON. False gurus, mayavada, Hindu weddings and car blessings business etc. One devotee said ISKCON is turning into another Jagganath Puri, the temple is full of Hindus, white people are not seen there. He calls it the Jagganath Puri-ization of ISKCON. Well yep.      


Last Desire of Srila Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj ji

I have always been loyal to the governing body of ISKCON and teachings of Srila Prabhupada as reflecting in his books.

PADA: And that is why we promote illicit sex with men, women and children as Krishna's successors.

I would like all my disciples to follow GBC body ... I have never taken one step out of Iskcon.

PADA: Yeah, the GBC body is making ISKCON into a Hindu show bottle, and I am for that.

If I were to pass outside India.. I want my body to be bought to be bought to Vrindavan or Mayapur. If I were to pass away in North India, then I would want my samadhi to be in Vrindavan. If I were to pass away in Mayapur, then I would want my samadhi to be in Mayapur.

PADA: The leaders of the molester messiahs project deserve a samadhi in the dham. While PADA's friends avoid going to the dham -- to avoid being confronted by their goondas. 


PADA: Wait? You said there are no more guru "zones" in 1986?



PADA: Thanks, but it is more complex than that. Sometimes victims feel better after countering their oppressors. There are all sorts of videos on youtube of people who were victims of cults, sometimes as children, and when they came out with their story, they felt better. And then other victims came out to verify and validate them and so on. 

And sometimes the leaders of these cults ended up in jail. At the same time, agreed, it is not a one size fits all cookie cutter, sometimes coming out is not beneficial. However, the boys who came out to protest the Church did feel better, in part because, they believed they were saving others from the same fate and encouraging other victims to come forward, which is what happened. Other victims were encouraged and then came forward. 

And sometimes women victims finally feel better when they expose their victimizers and they report them to law enforcement and etc. But yes, I always protect the privacy of victims and only report their story when they give me the release, because it is a private decision. Agreed. 

I have posted many of their stories only giving their initials, or not even their real initials and so on, to protect their privacy. Meanwhile, the question I always get from media folks etc is, if there are several thousand cases, why did none of the elders, parents, seniors -- or leaders -- have the perps -- or the cover up leaders who enabled the perps -- arrested? 

Yeah, the primary load should be on the adult parents and supervisors of children -- and leaders -- and not the victims. When the victims have to defend themselves, that means all the other guardrails collapsed or never existed. The CPO is a good idea and I support it, however it is not a legal entity and it has limited powers. 

If I know of a crime against a child happening, I am going to call law enforcement first, and the CPO second, and not vice versa. But overall I agree, when the victims are the first line of defense, then the other defense systems failed, and miserably. Children are defenseless, and making them their own defenders means, something is very wrong with that society. I get that entirely. ys pd



PADA : The people who worship a pure devotee are --committing suicide? Because they are not worshiping no one and nothing? Worshiping nothing is called mayavada. Srila Prabhupada says the people who do not name the guru are mayavadas. Good news, some "new devotees" are just now helping us by donating funds for our reprint of the original Bhagavatams. They know who the guru is, and whose books they need to read and promote. This is amazing, anyone who worships a pure devotee is committing suicide, well good luck with that idea! ys pd


PADA: When a mother -- who had collected millions of dollars for Tamal, told Tamal her two boys had been abused at his farm, he kicked her out on the street without a penny. So I helped her sue Tamal in the 1980s, and we won. And I told the ISKCON leaders this would happen again -- if they did not reign in the problems. Later on, I helped have them sued again, this time for $400,000,000. 

Tamal did not want to go to India to discuss the case in Mayapur, because he had a premonition something bad would happen if he went there. But Ravindra swarupa insisted that he go to the Mayapur meeting. So he went there, and just after the meeting, he was in a fatal car crash. Then his followers wrote to bitterly complain to me that I caused his departure by baiting him to go to India. But none of his followers ever wrote to tell me, jeepers, it is good that you tried to contain the child mistreatment problem. But yeah, attempts have been made to get justice, but instead of congratulating us for helping them contain the problem, we generally get blamed for making troubles for the society. And then more recently the India ICC bureau people wrote to tell me the reason I do not understand how gurus can be deviants and there can be mass problems under their rule is -- I am a mleccha. Same idea, they don't want to help me contain these issues. ys pd


“TAMAL PREPARED A EUTHANASIA DEFENSE- Tamal was concerned that the poisoning was about to be discovered and he was rehearsing his explanation of the “mercy killing.” The poison discussions just prior to Srila Prabhupada’s departure must have gotten a number of people asking questions, and Tamal was surely gravely worried that the truth would become public. Perhaps rumors or leaks from those who knew of or suspected the poisoning, or from the “poison discussions’ when Srila Prabhupada spoke of being poisoned- could have pushed Tamal to talk about “medicine to die.” Many had discussed and heard about Srila Prabhupada’s poisoning on Nov. 9-10 and the news was spreading. 

Tamal was pressured to release his defense that Srila Prabhupada asked to be assisted in an immediate death. This sinister idea was intended as a clever defense in case the poisoning news got out of hand. Tamal was planting the seed of a radical concept, a rationale for a poisoning, doing the groundwork for a “mercy- killing” defense should it become public that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned. 

In that case, Tamal could explain that it was Srila Prabhupada’s dying request. In Tamal’s book, TKG’s Diary, a careful reading for Oct. 1977 shows Tamal inserting several times claims Srila Prabhupada was speaking suicidally. On p. 219, he quotes Srila Prabhupada saying, “Better you don’t pray to Krishna to save me. Let me die now.” However, this is NOT found on the audio tapes and we think they are fabrications. These absurd claims are preposterous. Cadmium is an excellent manner in which to increase one’s suffering, not to ease or end it. Tamal claimed Srila Prabhupada wanted to die peacefully by being given “medicine,” which now we know was the poison cadmium? 

Make any sense? Interestingly Tamal never mentioned assisted suicide again after this one private interview in 1977, presumably because the poisoning issue lay well-enough concealed for 20 long years until it looked him back in the face. Even after the poison issue became very public due to discovery of the poison whispers in 1997, Tamal never revisited his mercy-killing claims. Why? He changed his mind, that’s why. It was typical of Tamal to come up with radical positions and then drop them, as with his Topanga Canyon confessions in 1980 and his support for Narayan Maharaja in 1995. This phenomenon is the hallmark of deviation and untruthfulness.” (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories 1.299)

Crying Fest for Mr. Goofball Krishna 

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