Thursday, May 30, 2024

India Heat Wave / Mathura Pati / Govinda Dasi vs Jayadvaita 05 30 24

Make friends with Krishna:
And we will automatically get lots of other friends.


Indian capital of Delhi breaks all-time heat record, as authorities impose water rationing (

NEW DELHI (Reuters) -Delhi recorded an all-time high temperature of 52.9 degrees Celsius (127.22 Fahrenheit) on Wednesday as extreme heat conditions gripped the north and western parts of India, causing students to faint in schools and drinking water taps to dry up.

PADA: Srila Prabhupada said -- eventually the planet would be so hot, people would have to live in underground caves during the day to survive. I think 127 degrees is already getting closer to that point already. In short, being on the surface of the earth during the day -- won't be habitable -- eventually. That time is coming, and the signs are already visible.

However, getting everyone situated in underground dwellings is not going to happen easily either, never mind it will cost a fortune -- and be an engineering and construction nightmare -- to make underground habitation for a mass of people. OK how will they eat? And it seems to me -- a lot of people will simply die off as the temperatures increase. And only a small number of people will be able to find suitable dwelling spaces. KALI is progressing.


MATHURA PATI UPDATE: Thanks prabhu, yes Mathura Pati says he wants to make original books, but he says the people who helped make the original books BBTI lawsuit in Los Angeles the first place (OK PADA) are bogus liars, and we need to work with the people who have been promoting the worship of Saint Radhanath, who was assisting their New Vrndavana acharya -- who was having oral sex with young men in his motorhome. We need to work with the cheer leading promoters of oral sex with young men messiah's programs? Neine danke!

Sorry! PADA is not in favor of promoting the worship of oral sex messiahs programs, or the cheer leaders and defenders of such programs. Meanwhile, Mathura Pati is working with Purujit, who does not even believe in original books. Mathura Pati needs to figure out whose side he is actually on here. 

Meanwhile, we raised enough money to print the original 1962 Bhagavatams, because we are in favor of moving ahead on these issues and not fooling around with supporting all these deviations. If Mathura Pati wants support for making original books, he needs to work with the main people on the planet who want original books, which is PADA's readers. 

Almost no one else is even interested in original books. ys pd 


DATE: 28 May 2024


Dear Beloved devotees,

This issue of our celebrated newsletter features exciting news of the European Preaching Tour of Shrimati Govinda Dasi. She got the opportunity to interview the BBT(I) Book Changer Jayadwaita. Her exclusive report is below.


Unfortunately the guy from Dwight Morrow High School wasn’t very forthcoming.
I spoke with JAS yesterday, nicely, and I told him, “Thousands of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples are angry and upset with what you have done. You are not much longer for this world, and thus you need to correct this. Print both editions, if needed, but establish the precedent of no more edits to Srila Prabhupada’s original writings.”

His haughtiness and arrogance know no bounds. “I dont work there, anymore. Take it up with those guys at BBT….” With a sickening smug smile….

Govinda dasi preaching about Shrila Prabhupada to the rising generation of devotees, Germany, May 2024

Sadly, I was unable to convince him, because he is blinded by his arrogance and firmly ensconced in his “fame” as Srila Prabhupada’s “star editor.”

One German speaking devotee came to my table and asked about the book changes. He was quite knowledgeable as he had found online a comparison of verses, and said he was shocked at the changes. But he did not know the original books are available or how to obtain them! And he wanted to know.

They WANT to know what happened. They line up to talk to me. Especially the girls, but the boys also. And I tell them. Most of them already know about the “grand eleven” and the hijacking. Not all of them know about the book changes. Those that do, want the originals. This festival was BEYOND WONDERFUL!

On Nrshingha Chaturdasi, the Lord’s expression was quite shocking. He looked so fierce, so angry, almost like He was saying, “I’ve had enough of these rakshasas!”
Mars hits the eclipse trigger this month, so I don't know what will happen, but likely war will expand. I do not know where I am going next, I have invitations to Cologne, Berlin, Croatia, Leipzig, and Lithuania, and a few other places I cant even spell. I am waiting for guidance from Srila Prabhupada. Most likely I will go first to Heidleberg rathayatra around first of June.

But I will need more books. I sold over 3 of the 4 cases.*

*Refers to her new book about her early days with Prabbupada, A Time of Sandalwood and Roses.

Yet, I see the youth do not like him (Jayadwaita) or trust him. Some even left his lecture. I heard complaints. They sense his saffron arrogance, and it is very disgusting, especially at a time when the horrors revealed about Vidyapurna* have not been forgotten. Most of them have kids, or are young grihastas, so they are distrustful of these fakes.

*(Vidyapurna refers to ISKCON Guru Swami Bhakti Vidyapurna, aka Anirdeshya Vapu das, one of the many child molesters at the top of ISKCON’s management over the decades.)

Thanks, Prabhus,

Your A.I.S.F. Team

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