Friday, May 24, 2024

Lord Krishna's Departure Connected to Lord Jagannath (VIDEO)

PADA: I cannot say if all this is fully accurate. Anyway, have a look and let me know what you think. ys pd  

1 comment:

  1. MD: I can confirm this story from the video. I learned it from my research 20 years ago. Ravindra Svarupa originally told me about the heart of Jaganatha around 30 years ago.

    One of his main personal theological studies was Orrisan religion and culture. He told me about the transfer of the heart with gloves and blindfolds and he speculated the heart was probably a saligram sila. I became fascinated by this as I I was also fascinated by Lord Jaganatha culture.

    Then some years later I found this story. Purportedly its a giant blue diamond which as a geoscientist I can tell you don't exist on the earth's surface at least. The biggest one we know of is the Hope diamond which also came form a deity of Krishna, it was one of His eyes stolen by thieves.

    Lord Krishna's disappearance is incredibly fascinating and as Srila Prabhupada said it was meant to bewilder the atheists. The devotees and demigods saw the ascension of Lord Krishna as well as a blazing blue funeral pyre. I love how the Lord left His heart with us, just like he came with us to the material world as the supersoul in our hearts.

    The disappearance of the Lords incarnations are usually very dramatic like Lord Rama's for example. Srila Prabhupada stated that Lord Krishna's was more subdued because Kali Yuga wouldn't have been able to start because all anyone would remember was His disappearance. Lord Balarama disappeared by turning into Ananta Sesa form and going into the ocean.

    I really love this story of Lord Krishnas heart. Krishna really loves us and never wants us to leave Him and He also never wants to leave His devotees.


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