Monday, May 13, 2024

Srila Prabhupada is shastra / BVKS Hidden Video Resurfaces / SDG 05 13 24

PADA: Thanks prabhu. Agreed. Bhakti Vikas swami sort of has the look of guilt about him on the video. And yeah, he also has the look of a person who just woke up from a bad dream. He has taken on a boat load of karma, and he has told his foolish friends to also take on boat loads of karma, and it shows.

Maybe that is why he deleted the video. Anyway, his explanation screams all sorts of bad misunderstandings of religion, no question. And whereas perps and their enablers are to be forgiven, us whistleblowers never are forgiven. That is the whole problem.

And that is a given! 

ys pd


Yep, we challenged Purujit's book changes a long time ago.



Upon reading the actual BTG magazine article (Vol. 13-6) which was based on this “euthanasia interview,” we found, word for word, exactly what Tamal had spoken on the tape, EXCEPT the controversial portions referring to medicine, wanting to die, and so on- GONE, OMITTED! BTG Chief Editor and interviewer Satsvarupa had cleaned-up the transcript and cut out out the “strange” parts about assisted suicide. 

Perhaps Tamal asked Satsvarupa to clean it up like that after he had second thoughts? This makes Satsvarupa a suspect as well (see Ch. 83). In 1998 Isha sent transcripts of both, contrasting the taped interview with the edited, published BTG article, to Satsvarupa, with a letter asking what Satsvarupa thought about Tamal’s unusual statements about medicine to die, and why they were omitted. 

Isha had been Satsvarupa’s assistant before. Satsvarupa wrote back saying that the interview was for a BTG article, totally ignoring the questions about Tamal’s shocking statements. Satsvarupa was not straightforward or honest when questioned, and he deliberately avoided the sensitive questions of Srila Prabhupada’s supposed assisted suicide. Why? We note that in 1977 Satsvarupa repeated Tamal’s claims about euthanasia.

Ideas that none of the new initiating gurus in 1977 were aware of Srila Prabhupada’s poisoning should be held in abeyance. Our conviction in Satsvarupa’s complicity in or knowledge of Srila Prabhupada’s poisoning comes from: 

(1) He asks Tamal to elaborate “about Prabhupada asking for something to let him disappear, that he wanted to die.” 

(2) He conducted Tamal’s interview, then deleted the parts about assisted suicide from the final BTG article for the public. Why? 

(3) He did not challenge Tamal about claims Srila Prabhupada wanted assisted suicide. 

(4) He evaded Isha’s questions as to why he cut out these parts. 

(5) Despite knowing about Tamal’s claims of euthanasia, Satsvarupa eagerly became an initiating guru after Srila Prabhupada had been euthanized. How sleazy to know about and then benefit from the euthanasia, without asking questions. 

This is like quietly accepting a share of stolen merchandise when you know the previous owner was killed. And this is why euthanasia laws have strict provisions to prevent exploitation for personal profit.” (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories 1.303)


  1. M Dasi: Is is just me? Or does Bhakti Vikas swami have a sinister aura about him? Creepy looking guy ... you would not trust him to watch your pet cat. I love children! ... just don't ask what happens to actual children ... under our watch.

    Oh yah ... we need a living person to supervise everything. Where is the supervision? Where is the not so super vision even? I didn't see that coming. Yah. You were not paying any attention then.

    Let us be honest here. He looks terrible. Not picking on him though! They all look terrible these days. All we are arguing now? Does any of them look more creepy, or less creepy, than the other ones?

    And Bhakti Vikas swami is famous! Lecturing how we have to soldier on ... despite all obstacles. And he is one of the main obstacles !!! standing in the way of our having a good society ... with him and his ultra creepy friends taking the stage from all the nice people.

    Soldier on soldiers! While I block the road and stop you from going anywhere. What a jerk! He is so proud ... he has his live body for us to worship. And his body is not a body to be proud of. Trust me!

    “This all happened many years ago, and see what he has done in the meantime. Anyone who wants to blame him should go and see what he has done in Mayapur . . . Bhakti Vidya-purna Swami has developed that gurukula and he has done something wonderful.
    We might also consider one statement of Krsna’s in the Bhagavad-gita (9.30): api cet su-duracaro, bhajate mam ananya-bhak / sadhur eva sa mantavyah, samyag vyavasito hi sah. Even if one commits abominable activities, if his resolution is to serve Me only, such a person, Krsna says, must be considered a sadhu. Do we want to edit this out of Bhagavad-gita? Is there some crime which is unforgivable?” (2016)
    "Anyone who actually cares for children would be delighted to recognize the extraordinary good that Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami has done, rather than trying to drag him down by citing mistakes (even severe mistakes) that he has made." (2017)

  3. RD: Bhakti Vikas said we need to get rid of all the ritviks. Now we know why, the ritviks are opposed to all the molesting. Duh-oh! One sick dude. He needs to find a new job ... he has failed to protect anything in this world ... except himself and his own job.

    He is a road block stopping the whole samkirtana movement ... making his molester friends into his gurus. No wonder the movement is so dead and sickly ... these leaders are sick and perverted people and they spread their sickness everywhere. The fish rots from the head. A sick and dying body has a sick and dying brain.


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