Tuesday, May 28, 2024

My Redbubble Shop / Andrew Lampitt Update 05 28 24




Hare Krishna

I am writing regarding Andrew Lampitt and his wife's request for help here:


Around one month ago, he wrote a comment on this ISKM YouTube video as follows


"I joined iskcon in october 1992 at Bhaktivedanta Manor here in the uk and served in iskcon for 25 years. I was initiated by Jayadvaita swami and was given the name aniruddha das, but both JAS and the manor's management were out right rude corrupt and nasty, a typical situation that Srila Prabhupada did not want -- that is -- the mission given over to the Hindus. They have turned the temple into a neo Hindu money making business -- and are badly mistreating sincere devotees. 

All they care about is scaming and cheating money out of the people who visit there. Srila Prabhupada gave a very clear instruction / directive not to engage in out reach preaching programmes to the hindu community, but that is ALL that ever goes on there. 

Because they are not following the rtvik system, devotees end up just being stuck there in a very abusive and oppressive situation and just end up like myself leaving with a very bitter taste in their mouths. It is no bed of roses. 

As mentioned, I rejected my so called guru JAS and left iskcon and I now want to join up serving in iskm. I would like to help in starting an iskm temple here in the uk and meeting up and being in contact with like minded devotees. Again I have over 25 years experience in ashrama life and preaching and would like to put this to good use here in the uk, a rtvik temple is needed here in order to re-kindle and push forward the true mission for the people of england ."

Nimai Nitai dasa, the ISKM preacher speaking in the video, responded to him and expressed his interest in Andrew being in touch with him. It may be worth asking Nimai if he has information on his whereabouts.

Kind regards M

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