PADA: OK Rupanuga seems to be making progress here, well maybe. He says it is all our duty to give Srila Prabhupada's instructions to others. And that means we will be acting as agents, proxies or perhaps -- ritvik representatives. Same idea as the ritviks. Then he says initiation means to hear the vani of the pure devotee, again -- same idea as the ritviks.
So when GBC people say initiation by Prabhupada after 1978 is impossible, this is not accurate. His vani or words will continue giving the divyam jnanam (diksha) onwards, and are in fact continuing on. So we should all act as agents of the guru, or some type of preachers, ritviks, priests or agents. And evidently he is himself acting currently as a type of agent -- and not a guru or successor. So he is doing what we are doing.
Rupanuga says we cannot give the vapuh bodily connection to Srila Prabhupada anymore. Well thank you Jesus for that! Many or even most of the vapuh associates -- who associated with Srila Prabhupada's bodily existence the most -- are the main leaders of the post-1978 illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's program. They never understood his vani or instructions. They are also the prime suspects in the poisoning complaint from Srila Prabhupada. They associated with the vapuh, but not the vani, and that is self evident.
Basically Rupanuga and his fellow "vapuh associated" senior devotees made ISKCON into a program that worships illicit sex deviants, including -- their homosexual pedophile messiah's project. And the result of worshiping homosexual pedophiles as messiahs is -- "you become what you worship" -- and so that resulted in many ISKCON children being assaulted in Rupanuga's guru domain.
Some would say, there are thousands of children victims of Rupanuga's pedophile pooja process, I tend to agree with that assessment. Apart from that, coercing children to worship homosexuals, pedophiles and debauchees as their messiahs is illegally corrupting the morals of minors, it is a crime according to my lawyer friend.
As for myself, when I was maybe a ten years old Christian, I already knew we cannot promote debauchees, deviants, predators, drunks, porno swamis, Vodka drinkers and assorted criminals, never mind homosexual pedophiles -- as God's successors -- as has been done in Rupanuga's post 1978 guru program.
I already understood this would be a grave insult and offense to God, to say His eternal guru successors are a bunch of fallen fools -- again -- never mind sometimes homosexuals and pedophiles. I believed then -- at age ten -- that promoting homosexuals and pedophiles as God's successors / messiahs would be the rapid express train to hell. And any society that would promote that demoniac deviation would deteriorate and descend into hell rapidly, as happened under Rupanuga's pedophile messiahs program.
I already knew all this at age ten, under the guidance of my then mleccha dharma religion. That means Rupanuga's religion has been FAR MORE DEGRADED than mleccha dharma. The mlecchas at least worship Jesus, who is a bona fide pure devotee. Rupanuga's program has been worshiping homosexuals, pedophiles, criminals and assorted deviants as its messiahs, who are thus behaving like ASURAS or demons, and their program is therefore less than mleccha dharma. Mlecchas do not ever worship asuric and / or pedophile behaving fools as their messiahs. EVER!
Therefore the mleccha dharma's Berkeley police, media, law enforcement and courts had to help me address their mass child mistreatment cult, that bans, beats, molests, sues and kills vaishnavas. In other word, without the mleccha dharma people watching my back, I would not be here and alive presently.
Rupanuga's molester messiahs program would have terminated me long ago. In other words Rupanuga's molester messiahs program is demoniac, or asura, since it will ban, beat, molest sue and KILL Vaishnavas, when they do not have the authority to kill a green horse fly. They do not know what is authorized and what is not, and killing Vaishnavas is the worst sin of all sins, which any actual Vaishnava would know, and which even mlecchas know -- killing others is a great sin. The Berkeley police told me, they will not eat a cow, but they will kill you and eat you for lunch.
So then what happened is, AFTER Rupanuga, Hansadutta, Ramesvara, Harikesh, Bhagavan and similar others made their homosexual and pedophile guru process, which bans, beats, molests, sue and kills Vaishnavas, then they all left ISKCON and left the citizens in a suffering condition -- including -- that many children were being mass molested, if not assaulted. Satsvarupa resigned saying "going to the GBC's meetings is like going to a shouting match, and it gives me headaches." Wow, a meeting of the residents of Krishna loka produces headaches.
Then they sort of became isolated recluse hermits. They are the self same people who started the ISKCON house on fire, then left the scene of the fire they started and poured petrol on, when the citizens inside were being burnt to death. I am resigning now that I created a hell storm inside my religion!
And Rupanuga still says he was right there when these 11 were appointed as gurus and all of this process was originated. Nope. These 11 people are not, were not, could not have been gurus. They were not appointed as gurus, were not qualified as gurus, and are in sum -- deviants. Anyway, the bottom line is, these people created a hell fire storm in ISKCON, and then disappeared. Just like Ravindra swarupa has disappeared, Giriraj has disappeared and so on and so forth.
That is not how karma works. If you co-create a giant fire storm that is burning up the citizens of your religion, even children, and you poured petrol on the fire to make it blow up to consume many thousands of people, you cannot just waltz out the door and say "I resign." Nope, you have to be held accountable, and you will be -- this life or the next.
Srila Prabhupada says false gurus are destined for the most obnoxious regions, and therefore, so are their cheer leaders, enablers, sycophants, hired hands, position paper writers, associates, enforcers and etc. The best thing these guys can do now is a least apologize to the victims.
As for me personally, when Rupanuga said me and Sulochana are offending a great devotee like Kirtanananda, he put me and Sulochana into the cross hairs of being targets for termination. And that was all done to uphold their homosexual and pedophile messiah's program. Sorry, this cannot be fixed by just waltzing off stage right like nothing is wrong, and resigning.
Plenty is STILL wrong and ISKCON is still suffering reactions from all this. But Rupanuga is saying a few favorable things these days, he gets a little credit, but that will not undo all the damage his program has caused, nor fix the alienation of thousands of victims, and many of the victims have been ISKCON's children. If a person has to suffer many years in hell for every hair on the cow he is eating, imagine what happens when the suffering victim is Krishna's own child who was treated horribly in their process? They have no idea what is a guru, what is karma, or how they are not even up to the standards of mleccha dharma.
ys pd
These are the last words of a prayer written by Anubhavananda prabhu: "So this personality [Srila Prabhupada] I must reveal to all. Oh my dear Lord Krishna I beg let the world hear my call."
I say yes. This is the real understanding. Initiation is to hear and accept the ring of truth from Srila Prabhupada, and our duty, above all, is to be a transparent via media for his call to the world. "Anyone who reads my books is initiated." Our call now is his call, only to give Srila Prabhupada-vani to those who can believe in him without seeing him.
We cannot give the Srila Prabhupada-vapu we knew to anyone else. He was Lord Caitanya's mercy upon us, for being willing to give up sin and get started in the real life. That happened to me.
Just before I met Srila Prabhupada, someone down the street agreed to throw the I Ching for me, the three pennies, and do a reading on them. She said, "This in unusual. It says 'push upward through darkness.'" I was very happy to hear that. I knew if I kept searching and hoping, something good would happen. And it did. I found Srila Prabhupada.
So, in the time we have left, as disciples we must keep thinking how to share with the other conditioned souls what Srila Prabhupada has shown us. The greater society has become more and more degraded under the direction of the raksasas for a long time; these raksasas also entered Iskcon in 1970, "The great sinister movement is within our Society." (letter to Hansadutta, Sept 2, 1970, who was on the GBC, which was formed two months earlier)
In this letter and another to a GBC member, Srila Prabhupada asked that the GBC be vigilant and curtail the influence of that intrusion. Unfortunately, all the GBC, including myself, were not properly informed, and therefore did not take the matter seriously enough, and the contamination slowly spread over the next seven years and continued to spread on a larger scale after Srila Prabhupada disappeared, until now; Iskcon has been spoiled by the raksasas and their minions.
When the WWIII predicted by Srila Prabhupada is over, he said "the preaching will be very nice." The gradual escalation going on looks like it will come by 2026. Meanwhile, we can become as self-sufficient as possible, as already greatly instructed by His Divine Grace for his farm projects. Then we need a plan to direct the karmis to practice what Srila Prabhupada preaches in a practical way. They will not be interested, in the aftermath of the war, to join an institution or world-wide organization, like the remaining remnants of Iskcon.
So my suggestion will be to practice devotional service at home, i.e., perfection at home for everyone, devotees included. We can encourage people to experiment with the maha-mantra with friends and relatives in the comfort of their own homes, with the basic explanation that Maha means great, man means mind, and tra means releasing. Krs means greatest and na means pleasure.
So Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is the great mind-releasing sound-vibration, from anxiety, fear, and apprehension, which simultaneously delivers the greatest pleasure. Rama means the great enjoyer. Hare is addressing the energy of the Lord.
This is the great experiment of the Golden Age of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Anyone can try it for themselves, demonstrate it, experience it. It can even be done in only 15 minutes. Science requires an hypothesis, or proposal, an experiment, a demonstration and repetition for proof. Our proposed 'hypothesis' is that it can even be successful in only 15 minutes of the regular practice of repeating the maha-mantra.
This is exactly what Lord Caitanya preached during His two years travelling in South India, to practice devotional service at home. He told Kurma Brahmin not to follow Him, but stay home and chant the Names and read the Gita and Bhagavatam with his friends and relatives. (Madhya-lila 7.126-130) Srila Prabhupada says in the Purport to Text 130: "One only has to follow the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, chant the Hare Krishna, maha-mantra and instruct relatives and friends in the teachings of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam."
Srila Prabhupada also preaches exactly the same thing in Madhya-lila 7.128 Purport:
"This is the sublime mission of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Many people inquire whether they have to give up family life to join the Society, but that is not our mission. One can remain comfortably in his residence. We simply request everyone to chant this maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
Instead of living engrossed in material activities, people throughout the world should take advantage of this movement and chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra at home with their families.
The Krishna Consciousness movement is trying to elevate human society to the perfection of life by pursuing the method described by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in His advice to the brahmana Kurma. That is, one should stay at home, chant the Hare Krishna mantra and preach the instructions of Krishna as they are given in Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam."
And in Madhya 3.189-90, Lord Caitanya requests:
Text 180
Text 180
"My dear friends, you are all My intimate friends. Now I am begging a favor of you. Please give it to me."
Text 190
"Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested them all to return home and begin chanting the holy name congregationally. He also requested them to worship Krishna, chant His holy name and discuss His holy pastimes."
"Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested them all to return home and begin chanting the holy name congregationally. He also requested them to worship Krishna, chant His holy name and discuss His holy pastimes."
So, I am suggesting that sincere devotees try to convince people to experiment with the maha-mantra in their homes, in order to be able to adjust to the aftermath of the war and all its consequences. The cultural roots for Srila Prabhuada's mission must be established in people's homes.
And the educational institution he inaugurated can be carried forward with instructive readings in people's homes. This will replace what Srila Prabhupada called 'Churchianity', or coming on Sunday and then going back and coming back the next week.
These instructions do not require a formal initiation, or attendance at organizational programs. But people can always join together in each other's homes. This is a practical solution for the chaos prevailing after the social collapse that Srila Prabhupada predicted: "Eventually the state will not be able to collect taxes, and consequently will not be able to meet the huge military and administrative expenses. Everything will collapse and there will be chaos and disturbance all over the state. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.16.) Hare Krishna.
Your servant,
Rupanuga das, ACBSP
Here is the entire prayer:
What is on my mind
Prabhupada is so kind
he stays with this swine
wasting most my time
dumb,deaf and blind.
I know Prabhupada I need
so he never, ever did leave
because he is why I breathe.
I surrendered my life to him
he knew to begin my dearest friend!
his love is beyond all illusion and sin.
and so I am pointing everyone to him.
I'm just trying to impart all inside my heart!
what he says in my heart inside my spark
I know I am not smart and deep in the dark.
by Prabhupada's love I now play my part.
So I beg to you Prabhupada!
please forever drag this dog
back to my love Krishna, God
just everything I sadly forgot.
I want the world to really hear!
from my master most dear
always staying most near
with a love beyond all here.
He is the guru for all souls
for his love all must know
is the love in every soul!
that now has gone cold.
I must make all understand!
Lord Krishna's loving Hand
has all under His command
for us to someday understand.
All are fully dependent on Him
our constant assistant and friend!
He is completely beyond pretend!
He is the beginning, middle and end.
His chief name is all attractive Krishna!
He is the fulfiller of all of our wishes
with out Him we do nothing at all
on His names we must always call
because we forgot we all did fall.
Humility is our only key
to find the Lord of all that be
we must not give up our quest
to know the truth and nothing less.
Lord Krishna is the supreme person
all our souls are always thirsting
is for our love, our unlimited joy
who is an eternal cowherd boy.
Krishna is known alone by love!
through his servant high above
empowered to guide us from disaster
is Srila Prabhupada our spiritual master.
He is the Jagat Guru, guru of the universe
so in all our hearts he must come first!
we must know deeply all of his words
to strictly obey them or remain cursed.
We must remain in darkness without him
Srila Prabhupada beyond all sin or whim
We must beg him to force open our eyes
to the eternal truth beyond all cheating lies
like we are these bodies and die in the end
this world is our home we cannot transcend
but the truth is our lives never ever do end
and life is meant to back to Godhead again.
It is impossible to know without Prabhupada!
living in his books to guide all back to God
all will find by Krishna;s grace when their sincere
to know just why they live and their Lord most dear.
Only by the grace of Prabhupada's real servants
sacrificing their lives to free all from vicious serpents
the demons over lording the world with their poison
can only be killed by those who are always rejoicing.
singing loudly Krishna's names in Lord Gaura's parade
is devotees bolding preaching pure truths unafraid
They are propounding our only deliverance in this age
the constant chanting of Lord Krishna's purifying names.
Everyone here requires mercy from above
to know who are they are and who they love!
our pure love flows to God and all creatures
this real love is in the hearts of God's preachers
who risk their lives to spread all that must be known
to solve all our difficulties and return back home.
This Prabhupada preaches in my heart!!
forcing me out of the dark to impart
this poem to guide material creation home!
and realize that they are never alone.
Prabhupada is love personified for all
because of His love for Krishna Gopal!
he remains with his servants with faith in him
pushing me on despite impossibilities my friends!
we must pray to Prabhupada all his grace we win.
This anubhavananda dasa begs pray for me
Srila Prabhupada and all your servants stay with me
all I know is vices and a uncontrolled demon mind
still Prabhupada stays with me inconcievably kind.
So this most rare personality I must reveal to all
Oh my dear Lord Krishna I beg let the world hear my call.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna!
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare!
Hare Rama Hare Rama!
Rama Rama Hare Hare!
he stays with this swine
wasting most my time
dumb,deaf and blind.
I know Prabhupada I need
so he never, ever did leave
because he is why I breathe.
I surrendered my life to him
he knew to begin my dearest friend!
his love is beyond all illusion and sin.
and so I am pointing everyone to him.
I'm just trying to impart all inside my heart!
what he says in my heart inside my spark
I know I am not smart and deep in the dark.
by Prabhupada's love I now play my part.
So I beg to you Prabhupada!
please forever drag this dog
back to my love Krishna, God
just everything I sadly forgot.
I want the world to really hear!
from my master most dear
always staying most near
with a love beyond all here.
He is the guru for all souls
for his love all must know
is the love in every soul!
that now has gone cold.
I must make all understand!
Lord Krishna's loving Hand
has all under His command
for us to someday understand.
All are fully dependent on Him
our constant assistant and friend!
He is completely beyond pretend!
He is the beginning, middle and end.
His chief name is all attractive Krishna!
He is the fulfiller of all of our wishes
with out Him we do nothing at all
on His names we must always call
because we forgot we all did fall.
Humility is our only key
to find the Lord of all that be
we must not give up our quest
to know the truth and nothing less.
Lord Krishna is the supreme person
all our souls are always thirsting
is for our love, our unlimited joy
who is an eternal cowherd boy.
Krishna is known alone by love!
through his servant high above
empowered to guide us from disaster
is Srila Prabhupada our spiritual master.
He is the Jagat Guru, guru of the universe
so in all our hearts he must come first!
we must know deeply all of his words
to strictly obey them or remain cursed.
We must remain in darkness without him
Srila Prabhupada beyond all sin or whim
We must beg him to force open our eyes
to the eternal truth beyond all cheating lies
like we are these bodies and die in the end
this world is our home we cannot transcend
but the truth is our lives never ever do end
and life is meant to back to Godhead again.
It is impossible to know without Prabhupada!
living in his books to guide all back to God
all will find by Krishna;s grace when their sincere
to know just why they live and their Lord most dear.
Only by the grace of Prabhupada's real servants
sacrificing their lives to free all from vicious serpents
the demons over lording the world with their poison
can only be killed by those who are always rejoicing.
singing loudly Krishna's names in Lord Gaura's parade
is devotees bolding preaching pure truths unafraid
They are propounding our only deliverance in this age
the constant chanting of Lord Krishna's purifying names.
Everyone here requires mercy from above
to know who are they are and who they love!
our pure love flows to God and all creatures
this real love is in the hearts of God's preachers
who risk their lives to spread all that must be known
to solve all our difficulties and return back home.
This Prabhupada preaches in my heart!!
forcing me out of the dark to impart
this poem to guide material creation home!
and realize that they are never alone.
Prabhupada is love personified for all
because of His love for Krishna Gopal!
he remains with his servants with faith in him
pushing me on despite impossibilities my friends!
we must pray to Prabhupada all his grace we win.
This anubhavananda dasa begs pray for me
Srila Prabhupada and all your servants stay with me
all I know is vices and a uncontrolled demon mind
still Prabhupada stays with me inconcievably kind.
So this most rare personality I must reveal to all
Oh my dear Lord Krishna I beg let the world hear my call.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna!
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare!
Hare Rama Hare Rama!
Rama Rama Hare Hare!
copy @ anubhavananda dasa 2025