Monday, September 30, 2024

Some Comments on "The Poison Issue." 09 30 24

PADA: Wow. All sorts of people, including many so-called ritviks, thought I had lost the last marble rolling in my head when I announced -- the poison tape. Well persistence pays, because now it looks like the "poison issue" is gaining wide acceptance and eventually, it will be the ONLY accepted version of ISKCON history. 

When I first got the tape, I admit I was hesitating, this will turn history on its head. But after thinking about it, I realized, this is the truth, and the truth must come out for everyone's welfare, even if that truth is evil and unpalatable. 

But yeah, the poisoning explains all the subsequent results: the banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing; the horrific media scandals; the book changes; the encouraging meat eating and mayavada Hindus to take over, and all the rest of it. This was the evil poisoned root that sprouted the malefic poisoned tree. The counter arguments are more and more looking fanatical, foolish, weak, unsubstantiated, or simply -- made up out of thin air. 

November 3, 1977: Please do not torture me and put me to death, need I say more? The most amazing thing for me personally is, Krishna somehow or other kept me alive long enough -- to release the tape and start the issue rolling. 

Lets not forget that in 1986 it was a bit touch and go -- when the GBC took out Sulochana, and they would have taken me out -- without help from the FEDS. The FEDS arranged to have the three goons Hansadutta sent from New Vrndavana to -- take me down -- arrested in Berkeley. Yeah, my surviving at all is somewhat of a miracle for us teeny jeeva dust specks, but it is an easy job for Krishna. Yep. Krishna evidently wanted me to be around to carry on with these expose programs. It is all amazing and simply -- all the more -- proves, "God works in mysterious ways." No kidding!

ys pd  

TD: Please accept my humble obeisances, All Glory's to Srila Prabhupad "The Lord is so mysterious, truely amazing" Thank you!.

ID: Where we can download the letter of Dhira Govinda Prabhu please, thank you

JD: “Six points to consider in understanding the phrase, “...not that I am poisoned.” (1) “He” (the unknown informant) spoke of symptoms only and was not speaking of poisoning. This is understood from “He said like that...” (2) Tamal began to ask whether Srila Prabhupada was poisoned, but corrected himself and asked if it was SAID that he was poisoned. Tamal did not ask IF there was a poisoning; he asked as to WHAT was said. (3) If Tamal thought that Srila Prabhupada had just said that he was not poisoned, surely Tamal would have repeated it or sought elaborations. Instead, he pursued another line of thought, namely whether poisoning symptoms were known to him from before. (4) Srila Prabhupada, in response to Tamal’s question, is clarifying what someone else (“he”) said, and not his own thoughts on the matter. His own thoughts have been expressed earlier and will be again expressed the next morning, and these thoughts are that he has been poisoned. (5) This is not the last statement Srila Prabhupada makes on the poison issue. He clearly states the next morning: “That same thing – that someone has poisoned me.” So even if there is some confusion over the meaning of “not that I am poisoned,” it is cleared up by the next morning, leaving no further doubt about Srila Prabhupada’s thoughts or meaning. He thought he had been poisoned. (6) Srila Prabhupada didn't say he was not poisoned, he said that someone said he had the classical symptoms of poisoning. This is a polite way, or non-accusing way, of saying: “I have been poisoned”- because I have all the symptoms of one who is poisoned. If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, good chance it’s a duck.”

TAMAL: Srila Prabhupada? You said before that you... that it is said that you were poisoned?
SP: No, these kind of symptoms are seen when a man is poisoned. He said like that, not that I am poisoned. 
TAMAL: Yeah. Did anyone tell you that, or you just know it from before?
SP: I read something. 
TAMAL: Ah, I see. That's why actually we cannot allow anyone to cook for you. 
SP: That's good. 
TAMAL: Jayapataka Maharaja was telling that one acharya, Sankaracharya, of the Sankaracharya line - this is a while ago - he was poisoned to death. Since that time, none of the acharyas or the gurus of the Sankaracharya line will ever take any food cooked except by their own men.
SP: My Guru Maharaja also. 
TAMAL: Oh. You, of course, have been so merciful that sometimes you would take prasada cooked by so many different people. 
SP: That should be stopped.
…..We note that Tamal switched from “you said” to “it is said.” In other words, did the informant say you were poisoned? And Srila Prabhupada answered that he was not told he had been poisoned.   (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories, 1.35)

KR: Finally! The elephant in the room is discussed and pinpointed. This is long overdue. They should all be “fired” for the coverup.

HKM: No poisoning no one can do anything to Prabhupada he is protected fully.

MD: From what I have heard, Bhakticaru Swami was a new devotee at the time, and was bullied and threatened into complying with the others. His passing was deemed suspicious by some ( toxic medications and put a ventilator which is known to be dangerous) , and maybe was accelerated to keep him quiet.

FF: Absolutely fantastic. I rewatched it. There are 9 evidences in the clip 
Some direct . Some indirect and some coded evidence.

DH: There is a certain group of people on earth, who historically are infamous for infiltrating the upper echelons, of both countries, religious movements. They specialise in assassination, bribery and degrading the moral integrity of the entities they Infiltrate. I believe there is was disproportionate amount of these people acting as gurus and management within isckon in the early days. Is this a coincidence, I doubt it. Evil will always try to infiltrate  anything pure, its not surprising in this world.

TB: Some are saying it’s impossible that Krishna wouldn’t protect his pure devotee from mundane poison given by others, and that it was actually poison in the form of arsenic found in the food chain that Krishna failed to protect His pure devotee from.

PH: The first time I saw the video of Prabhupada's last moments, I did not know anything about this story or rumours of poison. Nor I read the text which was with the video because I was immediately shocked by the ultra demoniac atmosphere around S. Prabhupada. Only after, I read the text (conversation).

Anyway......if the first (physical) murder did not exist, the same people would not have found within themselves, psychologically, the strength to murder S. Prabhupada a second time by rewriting his books so soon. Therefore the psychological proof is there for those who know enough about human psychology.

KD: So who are the 3 main suspects according to the new findings? Bhavananda for sure is one of them but can anyone list the others please with details of possible. 

TB: Who says Indians use the word poison to indicate bad diet? Srila Prabhupada spent his whole life eating Indian food and had, by all accounts, more energy than his young disciples and was very robust and healthy for his age, and then suddenly the food was so bad in Vrndavan it killed him? Is that what you’re saying?

Someone would have to eat a lot of ‘wrong diet’ to die from it. So Srila Prabhupada was telling his cooks it’s the diet that is poisoning me but they kept feeding him and he kept eating until he died and everyone knew in India poison means diet? Does not sound logical.

Chaturatma Das: “I didn't see Srila Prabhupada again until one month before his departure in Vrindavan. I think any devotee who was there at the time can attest to the fact that the Srila Prabhupada we saw then, was not the Srila Prabhupada we knew. 

“The last time I saw Srila Prabhupada he was robust, full body and then when he came to Vrindavan it was in his final eight weeks on the planet and he was completely withdrawn. It was really a shock to me.”

(From Memories of Srila Prabhupada YouTube)

MD: Who was in charge of the tape recorder? Did Srila Prabhupada's so-called 'caretakers' not know that their voices might be recorded?

PADA: They did not want this tape to get out, so they hid it, because even the English is sufficient. I had to go through a lot of trouble just to get the tape. But Krishna wanted this tape to get out, and I prayed to get it. But yeah, they had no idea modern audio forensics would eventually be discovered and used on this tape. Krishna wanted this to come out, and it is. They also had no idea that the hair would be examined etc. ys pd

TB: “Let’s pretend for a moment that it’s true…” For someone in a bed ridden, frail state who became aware that the people who had full access to them were intent on their demise, that would be a very precarious, dangerous position. There would be the obvious concern that to reveal what you knew might well see you dead by morning. I don’t think it’s credible to say because Prabhupada didn’t just tell someone, because he didn’t do what we think was possible, then there’s your proof it never happened. 

If Srila Prabhupada began to suspect he was being poisoned, as he seems to indicate, how was he to know who in that room he could trust to turn to? We are not him, so we cannot say what would have been easy or impossible for him under those circumstances. 

Then there’s the fact Srila Prabhupada did try to get away from that situation if you’re looking for indications that Srila Prabhupada was suspecting something amiss. He did actually try to escape from the room in which he later died. 

He tried hard to have other disciples come in from outside and take him out on a bullock cart ride. He conceived of the entire plan that would have put him in a more public setting where he may have been free to confide in the people he could trust. He might have had them take him away, to Radha Damodara or some other place he had friends and felt safe. 

If someone were being kept in a room and slowly poisoned by their carriers, this would have certainly been one way to escape without revealing to your poisoners what you knew or suspected. 

And guess what, they blocked him and wouldn’t allow him to leave those rooms, even the guru was requesting it. And it’s at this time Srila Prabhupada said better to be killed by Rama than Ravana. 

So if Srila Prabhupada was perfectly safe in his rooms, being lovingly cared for and protected from all danger by those few who had such tight control on everything, then what did that statement mean? Everything else Srila Prabhupada says we take as transcendental truth, but we toss this one aside because it doesn’t fit our preconceived ideas or beliefs? There’s limitations to any investigation when we only look for evidence to fit the narrative we’ve already decided upon. 

Srila Prabhupada said clearly he would rather die out on the streets of Vrndavan than to remain in his room, “and be killed by Ravana.”

If someone is going to say, “well if Prabhupada knew then surely he would have done something about it,” then you’d need to look at his request to be taken out of that situation objectively.

PADA: Yes, there is a Ravana in this room, and no doubt other Ravanas or various helpers also in this room. Very difficult position. ys pd

YD: Regardless of people's beliefs, it is an undeniable fact that there has been attempts by envious persons to harm pure devotees. Hari dasa Thakura, Jesus  Christ, etc Prahlada Maharaja, the Pandavas are examples of this. The fact that a pure devotee is protected by Lord Krsna does not stop envious persons from trying to harm them.

FF: Extremely relevant questions and good response from Dhira govinda prabhuji.
All the dots will be exposed by the justice for Srila prabhupad trust -- in due course of time 

B) hijacking iskcon .

C) self appointed pretender gurus.

D ) deviating from Prabhupada's final instructions.

E) mixing and twisting Prabhupaad’s expectations and instructions to suit their own power and guru business franchise.

F) The literally hundreds and hundred of child abuse cases where these so called sanyasis / gurus / etc were directly and indirectly involved .

To have faith in Krishna means to have faith in his timings as well .

ND: There was a young Gurukul boy that over heard senior devotees talking about poisoning Srila Prabhupada. He fled to America later. Tamal went out there to find him. Does anyone know anymore about this?

I can not express enough in words how much I appreciate what you have done and what you are doing Dhira Govinda Prabhu. And thank you so much Narada Prabhu for helping to spread the much needed awareness of this horrifically tragic sad topic. 

GD: Let's pretend for a moment that it is true that "He knew He was being poisoned" 
1.⁠ ⁠Why did Prabhupada not tell Abhiram Prabhu,, his nurse, or others like Gurukripa, who hated TKG, Bhavananda, etc?
2.⁠ ⁠Why would Prabhupada decide NOT to complain and to accept being poisoned, when many of the devotees around Him would have eagerly come to His rescue???
3.⁠ ⁠If Prabhupada had decided to accept being poisoned, which is their clear inference, then he obviously DID NOT WANT THIS REVEALED. So who are they to now contradict Srila Prabhupada's obvious willfully decision? Who  are they to undo what he (purportedly) decided?

ND: Srila Prabhupada was surrounded by persons with a demoniac mentally. Srila Prabhupada said in His own words, "Please do not torture me". That says it all.

MD: G, Good luck trying to reason with this crowd...

SV: Srila Prabhupada told his doctor.

MC: Is the conclusion by the justice foundation that the intent / idea of poisoning SP came (equally) from Bhavananda, Jayapataka, Tamal K and Bhakti C, and that Kaviraja was hired by them to execute the idea?

AD: Narada Pr please make a podcast with Puranjan prabhu (Pada1008 channel), he also highliting ISCKON problems from the beginning and he is a direct disciple of ACBS Prabhupada

BB: Those leaders in ISKCON who at heart know the true story, and there are plenty, should have the guts to stand up and speak out; remaining silent is agreeing with the cover up.

DF: Lace up ya boots, get back to the roots, bulls are the basis...

PADA: OK Nityananda did not "start the issue." I was first to get the tapes in Los Angeles in 1997, and had a Bengali writer make the first transcript -- which was pretty accurate actually. We then sent a copy of the tape to Naveen Krishna, and he got others involved. Later on Nityananda got involved, but none of them originally had any copies of the tape until we made copies and started to mail them out. 

I also made a tape of myself giving the translation and handed them out as well. The tape was given to me by a person who had been right there in 1977, and he said he and others knew the whole time about the issue, but they were too afraid to speak up. I went out with a big sign announcing the issue in front of the 1997 LA Ratha festival, and that started all sorts of people asking me about it etc. Nityananda has done a lot of good work, so has Naveen, and so has Dhira Govinda, but all of them started later, after we launched the issue. 

At the time Narayan Maharaja was criticizing me for launching the issue, and then he invited me to his ashram to discuss these issues, but he left me sitting the whole day without letting me into his room. Then he left the property without seeing me. That is because -- he knew I had a copy of the tape with me, and he would not be able to defeat it. The Bengali writer and later a Brijabasi told me my analysis of the tape was 100% right, and then others followed. They were the original people to validate the content for me. Stating that Nityananda started all this is because they are trying to discredit us, and make it sound like we made all this up, we did not, we have the tape. ys pd

No Isa was working with Narayana Maharaja, who was vigorously opposing me for bringing out the tape. Isa only became involved much later way after I had sent a tape to Naveen, and Naveen was already fully engaged. Isa only spoke after we had the whole thing in motion for some time, and originally he was sympathetic with the Narayana Maharaja crew, who was trying to suppress me. He did not bring out this issue, but he did help later and even Narayana Maharaja admitted the case is valid, although NM never apologized for his suppressing me over the these issues. But Narayan Maharaja was in Texas propping up Tamal, and yelling at my associates for opposing Tamal, when I was in Texas having NM's "dear Tama tree of Radha" sued for $400,000,000. These people may have converted over to my views later, but they never apologized for suppressing me and supporting my oppressors. ys pd

RD: Absolutely not. Ridiculous to even bring it up. All conspiracy theorists out there, listen to this testimony by Satadhanya Prabhu, who was Prabhupad's nurse during his final days.

FF: Are you in the line to become a guru or a sanyasi prabhuji ???  What more evidence do you want ???

RD:  Are you crazy for asking such a question Prabhuji? Every one of his disciples loved Prabhupad at some level, so I'll never believe that any one of them even in their wildest dreams desired to betray Prabhupad's love, which is why it's ridiculous to discuss such a conspiracy theory but I know that you all have nothing better to do than to waste your time in this way. So I won't go back and forth on this with you but  I beseech you to listen to Satadhanya Prabhu's testimony if you haven't already. This is enough to convince me otherwise.

SV: what are you hiding brother?

MJ: I am curious about Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation's views on the motive for poisoning as an act of euthanasia because those involved could no longer suffer seeing Srila Prabhupada suffering a slow death.

TD: Euthanasia is not allowed by sastra nor is poisoning someone else in an act of " mercy" . Suicide, even if a " peaceful one with the help of any substance" is not allowed. Only fasting till passing is allowed. So sastra say. Painkiller may be considered something else but poison is not accettable.

PH: Oh ...... how pretty you are! You really don't know what kind of people those close "disciples" were and are.  Use your brain !

PD2: The fact nd dropped their petty insult, (and looks like has since been withdrawn) not half way through the podcast, and even before we heard evidence from the recorded conversations, and Srila Prabhupada’s words only strengthens the belief that there are people trying very hard to discredit and silence any investigation. Wonder why?

SC: Good analysis. vedabase.oi

DN: John 19:11 It is believed that Jesus 8 implicates Caiphus head of the Sanhedrin for handing him over to Pilate and the Romans. When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he was the more afraid; 9 And went again into the judgment hall, and saith unto Jesus, Whence art thou? But Jesus gave him no answer. 10 Then saith Pilate unto him, Speakest thou not unto me? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee? 11 Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin. 12 And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release him: but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend: whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar.

These actors should cut to the chase. India has in personemm jurisdiction over the case. Can the state prosecute ISKCON or any person(s)? Tamal is dead.

LD: Sat guru just said recently that temples in India are controlled by government.

GD2: Ask Nityananda, the one who started this rumour of Prabhupada's alleged poisoning, why he never interviewed Abhiram Prabhu who was with Srila Prabhupada practically everyday as his Nurse and during a lot of time in 1975, and 1976. He will debunk the entire issue.

JCD: “Caretakers such as Abhiram das and his wife Srutirupa dasi who were with Srila Prabhupada in 1977 have said that if there was a poisoning, they would have seen something. They did not see it, so there was no poisoning? Abhiram was Srila Prabhupada’s nurse for 83 days (July 25-Oct. 16, 1977), but according to the hair tests, the astronomical cadmium poisoning went on for maybe 300 days, starting 6 months before Abhiram began his nurse service and continued after he left. 

He was not on guard by Srila Prabhupada’s bed 24 hours a day, and was not watching all ways in which a poisoning could have been done. He did not suspect poisoning at the time and so was not watching out for it. Obviously, if someone was there some of the time, this can not negate the poisoning that occured unseen to all (including Abhiram) and which is proven by the hair tests. 

Abhiram’s saying, “I was there and I did not see any sign of any poisoning,” proves nothing. Of course it doesn’t work like that. Would a poisoner allow those present to see what he was doing? Countless poison-murder cases were unsuspected but discovered many years after the death of the victim. And the evidence to prove the poisoning that was discovered later is invalid because someone who was there did not see any poisoning? 

“I was in Vrindavan in '77 and present just before and after Prabhupada stated that he was going to stay. I was one of the idiots who thought the crisis had passed and went back to the West for the marathon. Just before leaving, I had to beg my way into Prabhupada's room. Brahmananda allowed me in but for only five minutes. Abhiram wasn't in the room at the time, neither any of the other servants and bigwigs. It was myself, Rupanuga, Udayananda and one other devotee. The big shots were in the back room. So obviously keeping an eye on Prabhupada wasn't so rigid with the servants not being around all the time.” (Vyapaka das, 2017) 

“This poisoning was done in such a way as to prevent anyone from knowing what was going on except the poisoners themselves. That is how criminal poisoning works.” (Naveen Krishna das, 2017)  (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories, 1.661)

ND: Abhirama was interviewed and in 2024 he is open to the idea...

DM: Prabhu, why don't you listen to the enhanced recordings & examine the evidence? Because if you do you will discover it really happened and all along you have been wrong.

GD: why would anyone record Srila Prabhupada being poisoned and save the evidence?

DM: Your question is an attempt to avoid facing the fact the recording exists and why it exists it not important.  Why don't you answer these questions: Why do you side with anyone who avoids the evidence? Why do you avoid the evidence? Please explain why you side with people who claim Tamal Krsna is saintly, when Tamal is clearly heard in the audio discussing poison & the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada? Why do you love them and lack a place in your heart for Srila Prabhupada, a man they clearly discuss poisoning?

PADA: It is not a rumor, it is statements from Srila Prabhupada -- corroborated with many additional facts, testimonies, forensic experts, eye-witnesses -- including the person who gave me the tape etc. Asking the people who were there, ok depends on who you ask. ys pd

FF: Your query not very important in the context of this amazing array of evidences now available . I hope you can agree?

HK: Just imagine all the missing tapes these poisoners destroyed in 1977, as verified by Tamal Krsna servant >
Read this by his servant >

Gauridasa Pandit, May 24, 2010

“Yes the tapes were monkeyed with. When I got an ‘appointment tape’ for the BBT Archieves in 1990 they had the July 7th conversation first, then the May 28th was spliced in like it was one conversation. There were transcriptions of each separate conversation so I asked how the tape was produced and Ekanath said that’s how they got it. Ramesvara was caught editing other tapes also. Sangita, Siddhanta’s wive has the scoop on that one.
After Srila Prabhupada appointed the ritvik representatives there were tapes of discussions made almost every morning for weeks. I know because I was there recording them! And they are not available at the Archieves! On the ‘Grand Disciple’ statement I believe that was spliced in too ~ from another conversation where TKG asked Srila Prabhupada what his relationship would be to devotees if and when a guru was qualified to initiate on his/her own.”

JCD: “THE MISSING TAPES COVER 7 MONTHS (MARCH–SEPT. 1977) -The months of March thru Aug. have an extremely high number of “no tape days,” and the month of September has no tapes at all. We see that 136 of the 214 days (64%) from the period March 1 to Sept. 30 have no tapes. There are large blocks of consecutive days with no tapes, most notably: (1) 19 days in March while Srila Prabhupada was in Vrindaban and Bombay. 

This is unexplainable because Srila Prabhupada remained quite active with many visitors. (2) 14 days in June, just after the key May 28 appointment tape discussions. There MUST have been plenty of room discussions with Srila Prabhupada in follow-up to the dramatic announcement of an officiating acharya system for initiations after Srila Prabhupada’s departure. This is VERY SUSPICIOUS that there are so few tapes available from this critical time period. Why? 

Also: a staggering 45 empty days from Aug. 18 to Oct. 1. Actually, after July 9, the day of the famous letter, there are only 15 tapes in the next 53 days (28%). This is very unusual. The obvious suspicion is that tape recordings containing discussions and clarifications on the officiating acharya or ritvik system announced by Srila Prabhupada on May 28 were duly recorded but deliberately disappeared. May 28 until Oct. 2, or 4 months, has just 55 tapes while October alone had 62 tapes when Srila Prabhupada was far more ill than in June, July, Aug, or Sept. Four times 62 means May 28 to Oct.2 could have produced ±255 tapes if all things were equal, but it was only 55, or 200 missing tapes. This is just for May 28 to Oct. 2, 1977, not accounting for March to May 28, with perhaps 40 more missing tapes. Where are these 240 missing tapes? They were packed in bundles of 20, so how could 12 bundles be lost, unless it was on purpose? Even though Srila Prabhupada spoke less when ill, the tape recorder was simply left on, and the same number of tapes were produced, albeit maybe with less speaking on them. Srila Prabhupada would daily sit in his garden and receive visitors or talk with servants (he always was speaking)- so where are these recordings? What could possibly explain their absence? We will see that some missing tapes are known to have been made, but are not now available.” (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories, 1.322)

HK: THANK YOU what a GOOD COMMENT! Actually, Srila Prabhupada is 100% available in his vani and vapu forms. In a letter dated Dec. 14, 1972, Srila Prabhupada wrote, “Next you ask if I am present in my picture and form? Yes. In form as well as in teachings.” And on Sept. 4, 1972, he wrote, “There is no difference between me and my picture”.

FF: 100. ??? Tapes? Absolutely correct.

AN: The frenzy to exploit Prabhupadas facility- temples, farms & devotees continues to this day. Similar to how egotistical Duryodhana chose Krishnas army & not Krishna, the GBC chose Prabhupadas facility & rejected Prabhupada.

FCD: Who exactly are the people (culprits) in this homicidal plot??

F2: Shame, Shame, Shame...

HR: Same ones that still worship them & SUPPORT THEIR CO-CONSPIRATORS like the biggest demon TAMAL & friends like the hunchback of San Diego, the biggest criminal of them all, Badra Narayana swami. They are are still in control of the properties and the money. follow the money you will find them all, cuz its about personal motive.

DM: Why do you not listen to the interview & examine the information?

FL: Jayapatak / tamal / bhakticharu/ Bhavanand

FF: Excellent observation and understanding prabhu.

SCD: A pure devotee like srila Prabhupada can not be poisoned /killed, like haridas thakur, Sri Prahlad, Jesus, Bhaktisiddhanta maharaja, all of them were tried to be killed, thats "normal" in this crazy world..  but sure possible that some tried...

HKR: Use your intelligence “do not Surender it” by reading the evidence posted and listening to Dhira Govinda dasa coming interview here on the Hare Krishna Podcast.

TR: Why not ? is like saying that Krishna was not "killed" by the  poisonos arrow...

ND: Srila Prabhupada was poisoned over a period of time. Anyone else would have perished long before.

VS: Yes. Srila Prabhupada was given poison with intent to kill him, but it does not mean, it was the cause of his death. Ordinary jivas take birth and death due to their karma, but not personalities like Srila Prabhupada. It is a disappearance Lila, not death by poison. A Very Wonderful presentation by Dhira Govinda Prabhu!

MDS: Yes, Prabhupāda was poisoned.

SV: heart breaking to have to accept such a violation, poisoning is the chosen method of killing by women, monks and priests, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja also met such a conspired fate.

TL: It was not food poison. Read the report of the forensic please.

ES: His instructions were also being Poisoned.

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