Monday, September 9, 2024

Monkey on a Stick Movie / GBC Legal / Ukraine Prabhupadanugas etc. 09 09 24

I cannot tell a lie.
Our GBC gurus are ruining ISKCON.
Oh yeah I forgot, I am one of them.


MMD says that Mukunda and Mathura Pati arguing about flat earth is making Krishna devotees look foolish, and it is a waste of time. Why aren't they arguing about the important issues, like PADA is doing -- they asked? Yep, agreed. Why not start to discuss the important issues? Never mind, we will do that for them. 

For their part, Prahlad and Mathura Pati say "I have no idea what PADA is even talking about." Ummm, same thing the pedos and GBC say all the time. That is why we had to help the Monkey On A Stick movie, the regular Joe "mundane" people understand why the worship of homosexuals and pedophiles as messiahs is bogus, and no small amount of dangerous for children, right out of the gate, and therefore they want to help PADA address that deviation.  


It is supposed to be going to film fairs right now looking for distribution networks. PADA's editor will be a featured speaker. Lets see what happens.


Yep, the GBC is suing Bangalore; suing for the BBT rights; suing people for using "HARE KRISHNA"; suing people for making a child welfare forum, and who knows what else. That means -- they have run out of bogus arguments to convince people -- and so now they think they can buy their way to credibility by hiding behind a wall of lawyers. 

Not going to happen. The Gaudiya Matha spent 40 years fighting in courts, and no one thought they were bona fide for doing that. All they are doing is convincing even more people they are lawyered up MAFIA crooks.


PADA's idea that we need to worship only a pure devotee seems to be spreading. We have contacts in many places all over the planet and it is increasing. The Ukraine Prabhupadanugas said they have friendly relations with the Russian Prabhupadanugas, so that is a good thing, they will combine efforts. 

And it is always the usual stuff: offering bhogha to deviants; changing the books; promoting pedophiles as acharyas; and yup -- the poison issue. So they are trying to get their independent program up and running -- and we hope to have a fundme type site for them set up for them in the near future. 

As we would expect, the GBC people are saying "who are you to challenge the GBC"? etc. Hee hee, more people are challenging them every day. 



Some folks have argued with PADA that the Vegan diet is better than having milk etc. because "so many Hare Krishna devotees are sick and dying." Well maybe so, but when I mentioned that we cannot offer food to deviants, they seem to have no idea how that matters. Sorry, it does.

PADA: Right, there would not be any dairy cows, or any other cows, if there was no money to be made from keeping them. It costs thousands of dollars per year to keep just one cow, and no one will keep them for free. There are also a lot of abandoned cats here at the local airport, same thing, people got tired of paying to keep these cats and dropped them off at the airport. A couple of old cat ladies bring them food once a day, or they would not survive either. There is no money in caring for these cats. Our neighbors have a baby here who is gradually getting weaned into cow's milk, and they are plenty glad to have it. BTW most powdered baby formula is made from cow's milk, and the babies who would not get it would suffer, and badly. ys pd

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