Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Raghunath Cappo / New Talavan Drugs / Kurma Rupa Writes 09 24 24

Yes, as a matter of fact
there is only one big boss around here.
Sorry to have to inform you -- but!
No, it is not your teeny little jeeva self.  





PADA: Yes prabhu, Lebanon is another classic case where almost all the money is going for the military machine, at the expense of the citizens. Agreed, the military equipment and missiles situated there are worth probably hundreds of millions, if not billions, but there is not enough money to fund keeping the electrical power stations operating for the citizens, and there has been a series of power black outs etc. Never mind there are a lot of very poor people there who have very little. But there is always billions on hand for weapons. 

And now they are getting even more sophisticated missiles, which probably cost millions each, whereas there has been hardly no $$$ millions for their own electrical power generation. And now there are hundreds of thousands of refugees leaving the south, many of whom did not even have time to take a bed with them etc. 

So now all these refugees need all sorts of supplies, such as beds, clothes, food, water, medicine, transport, electrical supply and so on, and how will that be supplied and -- paid for? There has not been any actual planning for the welfare of these citizens. 

Of course, if Israel knocks out the few power generators still operating, the whole place will go into darkness, and retreat back into the non-industrial age, which may happen if this continues. Again, hard to see how that benefits the citizens. Sorry, that is just going to increase the misery of the citizens and not help them. 

That does not mean I favor Israel, it means I do not favor causing trouble for these citizens. The civilian by-standers should not become implicated in the plots and schemes of the leaders, but hey it is Kali Yuga. 

Yeah, it is like ISKCON. There is a spare $100,000,000 laying around for lawyers and lawsuits, but what about money for caring for the women, children, elders, cows etc.? Dried up, to be spent mainly on legal defense / offense / stuff. 

Speaking of which, another departed devotee's family is in financial distress. There does not seem to be hardly any provisions for caring for the living or the departed citizens, but it seems -- the ISKCON elites always have the latest Apple laptops? ys pd    



I have a question, why does the gbc and iskcon allow ragunath "the wisdom of the sages" podcast guy to bring people to take initiation from dhanudhar? I see that he is very involved in preaching but most of the yoga people he brings on his tours eventually get initiated by dhanudhar. Why is he allowed to do this?

PW: We have a saying that if you don't know what it's about, it means it's about money, and when you have money, it's easier to control and manipulate people.

KR: They are not acting under an official ISKCON banner or management so I don't think it matters in their case.

May be and image of 1 person and text that says 'RAGHUNATH CAPPO'

PR: If they want to take diksa from an abuser, it's on them. They chance to look into his history online.

PADA: My friend -- who still works part time at ISKCON said to me, if ISKCON ever actually cleaned house, and took out all the bad leaders and their followers, there would be no one left in the house. It would become a vacant building overnight. Of course, it is nearly a vacant house already, because people are voting with their feet. ys pd

SR: I don't know if the GBC and ISKCON "allow" what you describe since there is a 2007 GBC Resolution stating that anyone with a CPO Decision against them can not be an initiating guru. However, if we look around, we will see some ISKCON leaders promoting, endorsing, and defending Dhanurdhara.

NC: He’s pretty much funded via his book “From Punk to Monk” and these “Yoga/Kirtan retreats” you see so many Kulis try lure people into. You pay a few thousand, he pockets the majority, gives small donations to local Indians and at the end you get to meet Radhanatha Swami. Rinse / Repeat. Also there are Kulis who are charging for music lessons as well as one devotee charging for Japa lessons. They all lead to Radhanatha or IDS. Stay away.



Dear Ohana & Friends,

It is with great sorrow that I announce the passing of my brother-in-law, Bhima Prasada Das, on September 15th. He was an extraordinary individual, a "life force" cherished for his spiritual devotion, love, and dedication as a wonderful father, cherished son, and loving husband.

We are deeply mourning, particularly my sister, Fontaine, and their son, Loki. Your prayers, thoughts, and understanding are crucial during this trying period.
Please respect our need for time and space. Details of memorial services will be communicated once available.

Thank you for your kindness and support.
Yours truly,
Charmane Valerio



BB: I lived at New Talavana for about ten months, from November of 2016 until September of 2017. I had not even lived there for a month before I started regularly buying weed from one of the residents there. I smoked almost every single day that I lived there. It was not hard to find weed there, and it was not especially expensive. 

I've heard stories, believable stories, about how all that land was financed through cannabis sales. Anyway, I did not drink there at New Talavana but I sure smoked. A lot of devotees did, especially among the youth. And I technically did not live on New Talavana property, which is how I was able to smoke so much. Almost every day I lived there, for months and months, I smoked a lot of grass at New Talavana. A lot of grass.

It was easier to get your hands on than booze, weed was. The closest liquor store was miles away, but weed was easy to come by right there. Yep. Two hundred an ounce, very high quality.



(For those who dont know, Kurma Rupa had a cowcare center for many years, in Vrindaban that still continues, and was well known for giving shelter to injured and homeless cows in the Dhama. He was a great devotee.)

A little while ago I received this copy of a letter written by my good friend Kurma Rupa in 2012.

I thought it educational and interesting enough to post, so hear it is (unedited).



After working with cows in close proximity for twelve years I'm convinced that substantial telepathic communication takes place among them. Likewise I'm convinced that cows send thoughts to humans as well and if we tune into the right frequency, we can effectively receive non-verbal messages from them. A recent example: A street bull I know well entered the small garden to be served. 

That cold morning I offered him hay sprinkled with hot ginger tea, gur, flour and bran, a mixture he most relishes. After consuming his fill, he sniffed the ground and found a suitable place to sit and ruminate. I sat next to him to chant japa and relish his peaceful company. I thought, "How fortunate am I that I can serve Dharma Personified in Vrindavan." 

The thought he sent me was, "I am grateful to you for that wonderful meal. I especially liked the tidbits of ginger and gur as it takes the chill out of this winter morning. "In return I offer you this to carefully ponder:

A former sannyasi recently attributed his fall from grace to the coercion by his godbrothers to take celibacy vows though he was not fit. Later, his godbrothers again coerced him to take on administrative duties which he lacked the nature to perform. Again the same godbrothers ordered him to accept disciples, though he knew he could not set the proper example to guide them. 

Following their advice forced him into constant travel, which again went against his grain. His struggle to follow their insalubrious advice for thirty-five years caused him such mental anguish that he could no longer carry out his spiritual responsibilities and collapsed. 

Yet in his resignation letter he encouraged his disciples to take shelter of the very same godbrothers who misguided him during his entire monastic career. 

Does this make any sense?" asked the noble bull, ruminating with half-closed eyes. My brow wrinkled as I prepared to answer in the negative. He caught it,
swallowed and continued: "It makes sense only if you understand the silent rule of the institutional power elite: THE CARDINAL SIN IS TO CHALLENGE OR UNDERMINE OUR AUTHORITY. 

All other sins are pardonable. "Since the fallen sannyasi accepts the silent rule he knows that when the contents of his scrotum, prostate gland and bank account become depleted, he will be welcomed back to bolster the faith of the flock in the fallible elite and again earn the privilege of being on the institutional payroll. 

I pondered this as I watched him regurgitate a large wad of rumen into his mouth and studied the muscle between his eye and the base of his ear expanding and contracting in time with his chewing. The bull swallowed and concluded, "The highest Truth is to distinguish reality from illusion for the welfare of all. Such Truth uproots the threefold miseries." Then he withdrew and I understood the transmission was over. 

While I cannot verify the accuracy of the bull's thoughts nor claim with certainty that they were received without distortion, I think they are something to chew on.

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