Tuesday, October 15, 2024

PADA Viewers / Sridhara / S Dasa NZ 10 15 24

My friend who plays video games says:
There is always a big boss to defeat.
But we cannot defeat this boss. 

PADA VIEWS: We topped 5,000,000 views from our humble start to 2024, of course Harekrsna.org, and our youtube site are also getting lots of hits. And we expect the upcoming Monkey On A Stick movie to get perhaps millions of viewers. The people who keep saying, no one listens to PADA have -- how many viewers?  

Anyway, even if we have no viewers, the truth is always the truth. Lets see if we can get more views and viewers for the next year. We seem to be overall getting more interest. 

We would like to thank all of you for being PADA readers. But yeah, I could retire from all forms of writing right now, and the wheels of exposing the GBC gurus would just keep spinning anyway. The momentum is with us. The GBC guru process is in a state of meltdown, failure, decline, a death spiral, and we think it will just disintegrate more over time. "An artificial thing cannot stand." ys pd   


PADA: Sridhara Maharaja thought that a bunch of LSD popping hippies could be worshiped as gurus, as good as God. A lady friend of mine said to me, "If someone asked me, what would happen if we would take a bunch of LSD popping hippies, place them on golden seats, and have them worshiped as good as God? 

"What would I predict would happen? My prediction? Lots of illicit affairs, lots of intoxication, many criminal behaviors, trouble with law enforcement, probably some dissenters getting taken out, lots of bad publicity for the religion, lawsuits, and women and children not being properly cared for. That would be the easy to predict outcome." 

Yeah she could easily see the problem. Except, people like Sridhara Maharaja were not as spiritual adept as this woman friend of mine, so he supported the worship of his LSD popping hippies gurus as residents of Vaikuntha. In other words, the average karmi never supports the worship of ex-LSD popping hippies as good as God gurus, because they have some sense of spiritual qualifications. Sridhara maharaja needs to accept this woman as his guru, then maybe he can make some advancement. ys pd

Sridhara Maharaja supported them. If some LSD popping hippies tell me they are now residents of Vaikuntha gurus, as good as Jesus -- and they can absorb sins, and they are going to sit on big seats and be worshiped as good as God, and I accept and support that foolishness, it means I have no discrimination. 

My friend used to work in Bellevue mental home, he said there was always one or two people there who thought they were Jesus. Anyone who believes a Bellevue patient, like Sridhara Maharaja has done, should be classified as ignorant of spiritual affairs. And to support Bellevue patients who think they are Jesus means, he is co-responsible for the results. The perps are mainly responsible, but the enablers and "advisors" are also co-responsible. ys pd

Sorry, neither Sridhara Maharaja or Narayan Maharaja ever really supported what I was saying, that I can find anyway. Narayan Maharaja invited me to his ashram to discuss all this in 1997, and he stayed in his room the whole day and then sneaked out the back door. Sridhara Maharaja was still propping up Hansadutta in 1985, to my peril. 

And oddly, the Jayatirtha-ites that Sridhara was still supporting also came to Berkeley and wanted to tear me up. His followers still had Sridhara's photo on their altars. I was only saved from being torn up -- because my associates had weapons on them. Jayatirtha for his part said nothing, he was going to allow me to be torn up. If they ever said that Srila Prabhupada had only appointed the 11 as agents, proxies or ritviks, I never have seen ANY evidence of that. If they supported my analysis, their followers would not still be arguing with me today. 

Sorry, NM was saying "the children were getting their karma" and that sounds to me like he is making excuses and contrived justification for his supporting their process. Swarupa Damodar was here and I told him he should never take karma, and he thought that was silly, but he shortly after that had a mystery paralysis ailment, he was listening to Sridhara Maharaja and not me, and he paid for it. ys pd


"Forensic scientists confirm the criminal poisoning of Srila Prabhupada with cadmium and other heavy metals"

October 15, 2024

Dear Supporters, Well-wishers and Friends of Srila Prabhupada and His Movement,

Greetings. Hare Krsna. Jaya Srila Prabhupada.

Excerpt from report from a team of forensic scientists representing Truth Labs Forensic Services:

“The members of the Experts' Committee, have been of the opinion that the cause and manner of death of Srila Prabhupada was the result of a well-planned homicide by using the toxic metallic poisons, mainly cadmium and interspersed with arsenic and antimony, without arousing any suspicion, that caused the resultant signs and symptoms mimicking that of natural chronic illness”.

“They were of the further opinion that the high levels of cadmium administered to Swami Srila Prabhupada in the last stage of his life and circumstances prevailed thereof were sufficient to cause his death in such a manner.”


S Dasa NZ commented:

I hear you Prabhu. It’s sad and infuriating and so much more. Sending our thoughts and prayers to you and anyone affected by this.

When my Iskcon guru left with an attractive female disciple under his arm and our guru daksina as the get away money, I went to visit a prominent GBC / swami / guru to discuss my waning loyalty to Iskcon. Actually my heart was broken. Material heartbreak is limited, as anything in the material realm is. 

But when you give your faith and trust from the soul, that s*** hurts. Anyway I was told with almost zero emotion bordering on ridicule, “well Prabhupada hasn’t fallen down!” It was a pivotal moment for me. Indeed he hadn’t.

Then a few years later when the so called diksa of some family members was caught out after a decade long guru hoax, the GBC wrote the ex-disciples consoling:

"Those devotees initiated by Prabhavisnu Das continue to be connected to Srila Prabhupada and our entire Vaisnava parampara."

(GBC Resolution 311, 2012)

So if the person who performed the initiation ceremony is suddenly no longer an Iskcon guru, or maybe not even an active Krishna devotee, but the disciples are still considered ‘linked’ or connected, then isn’t this what Srila Prabhupada left us in the form of representatives initiating on his behalf? Assisting as servant in establishing the connection, but not the connection itself?

And after the fall down of Param Gati das:

“Srila Prabhupada continues to give each of you the opportunity and support to develop your pure love of Lord Krishna. That has not changed.

“Srila Prabhupada’s mercy is there for you in every situation. His teachings are there to guide you, and you continue to have the shelter of the holy name, the Deities, the Vaishnavas and all the other blessings provided by ISKCON communities.”

(GBC letter, April 22, 2020)

So the guru has fallen away, but GBC assure the disciples they can still ‘develop their pure love of Lord Krishna,’ get Srila Prabhupada’s direct mercy, and be guided by his teachings?

In this strange paradox newcomers are taught the ‘Iskcon regulation GBC issue diksha’ is bonafide, worshipable, and vital to one’s spiritual voyage, *until they’re not.* Then he becomes a stone boat, written up by the GBC as they distance themselves from the latest fallout their system has created. Overnight the fallen Iskcon guru becomes inconsequential to our link to the Vaisnava parampara according to the GBC.

What seems to be the default position when things go bad is to insinuate that the person simply officiated at the fire yajna, chanted on the beads and picked out the name on behalf of HDG, thus linking us to our founder-Acarya spiritual master and the entire Vaishnava parampara. After all, it wasn’t the disciples who turned their back on Prabhupada’s mercy and guidance and the chance to develop pure love for Krishna. And Prabhupada never fell down. So on these points I would agree with the GBC.

In summary: we were told we MUST accept an Iskcon diksha guru as our link to the disciplic chain, but then when that ‘indispensable link’ breaks we’re told the chain is magically unbroken still, “ta-dah!” The GBC reasoning seems to defy logic, common sense, and maybe even spiritual physics. A fluid kind of pseudo-guru philosophy:

4) The GBC acknowledges that this Body has since 1977 made changes in the manner in which initiations are carried out in ISKCON, is contemplating changes at present, and may well make changes in the future.


So tell me again, why are we inserting these so called diksha gurus between ourselves and Srila Prabhupada - then getting fleeced while running the very real risk of having our faith permanently shattered - only to have the GBC then tell us, “SURPRISE! It actually doesn’t matter that he’s gone, you’re still connected to Srila Prabhupada and the entire parampara so yay, go you!”

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