Wednesday, October 9, 2024

ISKCON GBC "Denial Mode" / Hindus

PADA: The GBC has a long track record of denial on every issue --- whether it is: child abuse; kicking out devotees whimsically; targeting whistle blowers (sometimes fatally); and overall -- generating and orchestrating a process of banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing Vaishnavas. 

"We have had nothing to do with any of this." OK except, you guys were in charge when all this has been going on, and you are still in charge now. And did we forget to mention, the GBC's denial of the poison issue, just one more example of all of the above? 

The good news is, denial of the truth cannot hold off the truth for an indefinite period of time, and the truth starts to emerge anyway. And it is now. And the truth is looking pretty sad for you guys but hey, Lord Yamaraja already knows what you guys have been up to on his Yama-loka planet, and now, more and more people here on planet earth are figuring out what you guys have been up to. 

What the GBC failed to calculate in all this -- "who has been naughty and who has been nice" generally comes out eventually as history rolls on, and one's good or odious history cannot remain hidden forever.

ys pd  

"Why is the GBC in a denial mode even after hearing from Srila Prabhupada: RAMA & RAVANA"

October 8, 2024

Dear Supporters, Well-wishers and Friends of Srila Prabhupada and His Movement,

Greetings. Hare Krsna. Jaya Srila Prabhupada.

We’ve heard from many of you how you’ve been profoundly moved, touched and inspired by listening to Srila Prabhupada in the 22-minute audio-video-text presentation. Our emphasis is to encourage followers of Srila Prabhupada, and everyone, to directly hear from Srila Prabhupada about his disappearance pastime, and thus we provide here a link to this presentation, provided by Truth Labs Forensic Services- poisoned

A comment from one listener-

"Hearing the audio files was an intense experience for me. I felt physically nauseous, and ice-cold in my bones, hearing the voices of Srila Prabhupada’s ‘caretakers’. I had not expected that reaction in me, as I’ve heard the recordings before. 

"Also, and that impressed me more, when I was hearing Srila Prabhupada’s gentleness and softness, I felt like I was hearing the universe behind his words. It may sound a bit far out or esoteric, but that was my experience. I feel a million miles closer to Srila Prabhupada after hearing this recording. I feel deeply honored that I get to be so close to a person who is like Jesus. This is inconceivable for me."

We may especially note the segment from 15:45-17:10, and Srila Prabhupada’s brilliant, ingenious use of his Rama-Ravana analogy.

Tamal: This seems like suicide, Srila Prabhupada, this program. It seems to some of us like it’s suicidal.

Prabhupada: And this is also suicidal.

Tamal: Hmm. Prabhupada said, “this is also suicide.” Now you have to choose which suicide.

Prabhupada: The Ravana will kill and Rama will kill. Better to be killed by Rama. Eh? That Marica- if he does not go to mislead Sita, he’ll be killed by Ravana; and if he goes to be killed by Rama, then it is better.

Srila Prabhupada, whose words stating that he was homicidally poisoned are confirmed by the forensic findings, clearly indicates that there with him, were representatives and followers of “Ravana”. In service to Srila Prabhupada it behooves us to cultivate the capacity to carefully differentiate, what does it look like to genuinely follow Srila Prabhupada (Rama), and where might we have allowed ourselves to be deviated and fooled by Ravana. Perhaps a Mark Twain quote is apropos here.

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” – Mark Twain

Multiple times in our letter dated September 16, 2024, accessible here, we cited ISKCON GBC Year 2000 Resolution 617, stating, “There is no evidence at this time to support the allegations of poisoning of Srila Prabhupada.” Also we bring to your attention the GBC’s public statement dated December 8, 2017, at ISKCON News- stating “…the GBC is preparing a detailed response to the latest accusations. 

The GBC requests ISKCON devotees to focus their attention on serving Srila Prabhupada’s mission and to avoid hearing these monstrous accusations, until the GBC presents a response to the latest poisonous theories.”

This letter from 2017 from the ISKCON GBC is signed by the following 35 members of the GBC.

Acyutatma Das
Anuttama Das
Badrinarayan Das Goswami
BB Govinda Swami
Bhakti Caitanya Swami
Bhakti Purusottama Swami
Bhakti-bhusana Swami
Bhaktimarga Swami
Bhaktivaibhava Swami
Bhanu Swami
Bir Krishna das Goswami
Caitanya Candra Caran Das
Candrasekhara Acarya Das
Devamrita Swami
Dina Sharana Devi Dasi
Giridhari Swami
Gopal Krsna Goswami
Guru Prasad Swami
Hridayananda Das Goswami
Hrdaya Caitanya Das
Jayapataka Swami
Kavicandra Swami
Madhu Sevita Das
Malati Devi Dasi
Niranjana Swami
Praghosa Das
Prahladananda Swami
Radhanath Swami
Ramai Swami
Revati Raman Das
Romapada Swami
Sesa Das
Sivarama Swami
Tamohara Das
Virabahu Das

Perhaps one or more of the recipients of this letter has received the “detailed response” to the poison allegations. If so, please send it to us. As far as we’re aware, the GBC has failed to produce the report it said it would issue. In 2022 one of the authors of this letter, Dhira Govinda dasa, personally wrote to 22 of the 35 signers of the GBC’s December 2017 issuance, requesting the report. 

He not only didn’t receive any “detailed response to the latest accusations”, he didn’t receive from any of the 22, what to speak from the GBC body as a whole, anything resembling accountability, for the GBC saying something and not following through. An excerpt from an essay Dhira Govinda dasa wrote in 2021:

“In that letter the GBC asserts that the idea that Srila Prabhupada was given poison with murderous intent, by those close to him, is ‘ghastly’, ‘dark’, ‘lacking credible evidence’, etc. And, as stated above, the GBC stated that they are ‘preparing a detailed response’.

“Okay, so, as far as I’m aware, they’ve not issued such a response. … it’s four years now. I haven’t seen the GBC response. Maybe, then, there is substance and credibility to the idea that Srila Prabhupada was given poison by persons with criminal intentions?”

Now, it’s about seven years, and still no report or response from the GBC. To us it seems clear that the GBC’s bluster from December 2017 was intended only as diversion and distraction, to stifle conversation and thought about the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada, and to prevent members of Srila Prabhupada movement from directly hearing from Srila Prabhupada. We invite and encourage all of us to hear Srila Prabhupada’s words about his disappearance pastime- poisoned

Srila Prabhupada’s words, as heard in the 22-minute audio-video-text presentation, make it clear that he knew that he was being poisoned. Statements of those close to Srila Prabhupada in November 1977, make it unmistakably clear that they knew that Srila Prabhupada knew that he was being poisoned. Professional forensic audio analysis confirms whispers, in the background of these conversations, from caregivers of Srila Prabhupada. 

These whispers include, “The poison is going down”, and “Is the poison in the milk?” Forensic toxicology establishes that the level of cadmium in hair samples from Srila Prabhupada from 1977 is more than 220 x normal levels, and that the only plausible explanation for such levels is deliberate, homicidal poisoning. Medical assessment of Srila Prabhupada’s health condition and history reveal that “Srila Prabhupada’s health profile…” is “…fully compatible with cadmium poisoning”.

The GBC insists that there is “no evidence” to indicate that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned.

“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.” - Alexander Solzhenitsyn

We’ve all been duped by the GBC. Okay, we acknowledge that a small percentage have been aware for a long time that, on the issue of the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada, the GBC has been consistently misleading, misinforming, and misguiding. Other than those few, we’ve been deceived by the coverup strategies of the GBC. Foremost amongst these strategies has been to discourage, divert and distract us from directly hearing from Srila Prabhupada. 

Each of us has the opportunity to not follow those who, to whatever extent consciously, or less than consciously, have entrenched themselves in service to what Srila Prabhupada metaphorically termed “Ravana”.

In our letter dated September 16th, 2024, we wrote, “We ask that the ISKCON GBC Executive Committee acknowledges receipt of this letter and packet before October 2nd, 2024, and responds to this letter before November 1st, 2024”. It is October 8th, and we’ve not received any acknowledgement of receipt from the GBC Executive Committee, or from any member of the GBC.

"…this Kali-yuga is so abominable that if you speak truth, then people will come with some rod to beat you. But if you cheat them, bluff them, they'll be bewildered; they'll like it." February 18, 1969, Srila Prabhupada lecture in Los Angeles, Bhagavad-gita 6.25-29

Let us be seers and speakers of the truth in the context of this Kali-yuga, rather than cheaters and bluffers, in all spheres, and, specifically relevant here, in regards to the actualities of Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance pastime. For ourselves and others, including current and former members of the GBC, let’s make it extremely uncomfortable to try to stay in the illusion that there is no evidence that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned. Let’s care enough about each other to not let each other fester in such delusion.

Also on Sept. 16th we wrote, “Please let us know before Nov. 1, 2024, whether you, the members of the GBC Executive Committee, are ready to meet and discuss with our team about the subject of this letter and future course of action related to the contents of this letter”. We would like to meet and discuss, in a spirit of cooperation in service to Srila Prabhupada, to reveal to the world the till now concealed truths related to the disappearance pastime of Srila Prabhupada, towards expanding awe and appreciation for Srila Prabhupada’s sublime, transcendental character and qualities.

GBC Resolution 617 from the year 2000 also states, “The GBC Body requests Naveen Krishna Das to give careful and dispassionate consideration to the case presented in the book "Not That I Am Poisoned," and, after doing so, to enter into discussion with the Executive Committee for a resolution of this and any related issues.” 

Naveen Krishna Das, and others, have given careful and dispassionate consideration to the circumstances and realities surrounding the disappearance pastime of Srila Prabhupada. A result of this is the report from Truth Labs Forensic Services, as well as the 22-minute audio-video-text presentation, available here- poisoned

Naveen Krishna Das and our team are ready and eager “to enter into discussion with the Executive Committee”. Our hope is that the GBC will accept the report and findings of Truth Labs, confirming the infallible words of Srila Prabhupada. Our spirit towards members of the GBC is not one of labeling, or hiding behind judgements. Whatever has been one’s past in connection with disregarding the issue of Srila Prabhupada’s poisoning, or intentionally covering up, or vilifying, ostracizing and ridiculing those who have sincerely spoken truth, change is possible, and it’s possible, now. 

Breakthrough, swift, positive change in stance and attitude, is possible. Each of you is capable to shift your stance, and publicly acknowledge, something to the effect of, “There is ample evidence that Srila Prabhupada was given poison with homicidal intent. We, the GBC, as a body, and me, as an individual, have denied and concealed this for decades….” Please, come clean about this. Let us move forward with truth and affection for Srila Prabhupada, and enthusiasm for serving his movement in unity and cooperation.

Jaya Sri Rama. Jaya Srila Prabhupada. Hare Krsna.


Naveen Krsna dasa
Dhira Govinda dasa


PADA: Sorry, Srila Prabhupada spoke all the time how the Hindus are a giant hodge podge, and they are greedy for Western cutlure. He personally told me he spent 40 years preaching to the Hindus -- with no success, because "they already know everything." Srila Prabhupada wanted to convert the Westerners, not the people who already know everything. He also said, at least several times, if the Hindus take over my mission, it will become a business. He also said, he was totally against hired Hindu professional preachers that they are now bringing in, and so on and so forth. They also recently removed the Western devotees in charge of Leicester, saying they needed to make this a Hindu program, and then took the Western devotees to court when they tried to do independent preaching. There are a number of independent preaching programs here and there, a sort of grass roots mostly home programs, but that was not the way Prabhupada wanted things to be done. He wanted big temples, deity programs, big kirtana and so on, not a bunch of little home programs here and there, that was not his plan. If the congregations consists of many meat eaters and mayavadas, and their program of car poojas, Hindu weddings, hired professional Priests, Bollywood singing at weddings, Durga poojas etc. ... in fact, that is the total opposite of what he wanted and intended. The only good news is, more people are joining us, but it is a very slow paced process. Even here in San Francisco, there are dozens of Indian restaurants, but only a teeny fraction of them are full vegetarian, there are almost none in most areas. This is not the culture Srila Prabhupada wanted to emphasize. ys pd

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