Friday, September 20, 2024

Another ISKCON Scandal / Purujit's Changed Books 09 20 24

Without Prejudice.

Dear Indian Bureau Chairman, Bhanu Swami, Secretary Basu Ghosh & members,
Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Prabhupada!

Please note that last week, Temple President of ISKCON Rohini Temple in New Delhi (Keshava Murari Das) was caught red handed trying to molest an under age girl in the Temple. Her grandmother filed a F.I.R. against him. He has ran away from the temple.

In 2016, he also ran away with one congregation girl from the temple, but my late GBC protected him & didn’t remove him from his post. Same person was threatening North American & European GBCs in zoom meeting to ban them coming to India.

He also told he will form separate GBC in India.

Even in V. Vidyanagar, Temple Commander, Adi Guru was caught red handed having an intimate relation with his own God-Sister, but Basu Ghosh didn’t take action on him. He was kicked out from Noida Temple because he was seducing a college girl. Devotees beat him. Hare Krsna.


PADA: Right. Jayadvaita swami says that their gurus are falling into -- illicit sex with men, women and maybe children as well. And he also says that worshiping a GBC guru is "buyer beware" -- because the GBC does not even bother to vet their gurus to see if they are bona fide. And we are objecting, and we want people to worship Srila Prabhupada, but this is all "propaganda." 

OK PADA does not want ISKCON -- and especially its children -- to worship illicit sex with men, women and children gurus -- due to "propaganda." Who knew! And why would we want a person who thinks gurus are illicit sex deviants to be editing any spiritual literature? Did we forget to mention all the banning, beating, molesting, lawsuits and -- murders -- their process has manifested? 

And then Mathura Pati / Mathias Sabji (left in photo) says he has no idea what PADA is even talking about -- when we are discussing mass child abuse. He has no idea what is a child, or what is abuse of a child, when any hamburger eating person on the street knows exactly what this problem is? 

He has less brains than the average Joe six pack on the street? And then he says he is working with Purujit "for the sake of preaching." Preaching what? That we need to help promote the worship the illicit sex with men, women and children guru's program of Jayadvaita "for preaching"? What are you guys preaching?

PADA: Thanks prabhu. Yep. I was made a devotee from these books, and so were thousands of others. I have never had the idea that Krishna is my servant from this book, or any other of his books. This is the first time I heard that Krishna is going to be my servant from his books? I never read them that way ever, nor do I know anyone else who has concluded that Krishna is our servant since 1972 either. 

I also do not know what "pure edition" book you recommend? Yes, Srila Prabhupada went over this book with Hayagriva, as well as many other books that Hayagriva helped with. Yes, he approved of these books, and had hundreds of thousands of copies printed. Yes, this book made me a devotee and not any other book. Yes, he has not approved any other editions. So even if you came up with a new "pure edition," it would have to be edited anyway, because we cannot hand out copies of the manuscript to make new devotees. 

Purujit said he spent three years making his own edits, that means someone has to make a final edit version. However his version will never be accepted because he has had major problems with other devotees in the past for starters. We have a report he was caught falling down by his host in Spain, which is evidently why he was booted out of there. 

English is also not his original language, and there are many other problems with him and his "pure" edition. The bottom line is, this book made me and maybe tens of thousands of others into devotees. If there is a superior edition, I have not seen that anywhere, nor have I seen any evidence the so-called superior edition is making tens of thousands of devotees. 

And if you do not have any other edition to work with, how do you plan to spread Krishna to others? And why would you say the book that made me a devotee, makes me think Krishna is my devotee, when I never even heard of that concept until you came up with it? No one has ever told me that I think Krishna is my devotee, or that the books says Krishna is my devotee, until you came along? 

The Bhagavad Gita says we are Krishna's devotees over and over and over and over and over and over, I have no idea why you missed that? I didn't. Anyway I want to save others, and therefore I recommend to them the SAME book that saved me, and it would be harming them if I did not give them the same opportunity I had. 

This medicine works, I can say that from practical experience, and if there is no practical alternate literature, there will be no practical method of spreading the religion without an agreed to literature, and it will disintegrate. And worse, people won't be saved. ys pd

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