Thursday, August 8, 2024

Krishna's ISKCON Children / Sesa Das Update / Jayapataka 08 08 24

Krishna's ISKCON children are "smelly poops."

PADA is defending smelly poops (children).

PADA: Thanks for your question about the source of PADA's disagreement with Mathura Pati / Prabhupadanugas EU / Sanat / Mukunda / HKC Jaipur / Prahlad  and company. And these guys made a video with Bhakta dasa, complaining that PADA is always "writing about smelly poops" i.e. ISKCON's children, Srila Prabhupada's original books, Srila Prabhupada's poison complaint etc.

First of all, PADA was trying to help resolve these ISKCON issues: (1) Child molesting, (2) Changing the books and (3) Srila Prabhupada complaining of poisoning. And one of our big opponents all along was Bhakta das (William Benedict), who early on told me he was having affairs with Thai bar girls in Bangkok. 

OK and he was also later on arrested for child porn in Puri India, after he had been arrested in the USA for selling dangerous designer drugs. Ummm, that is really not helping us with any of these issues, rather he is creating more bad publicity, and more diversions from the real issues. The ISKCON society is in trouble, so let us make tons of more troubles and bad publicity for the society. And let us discredit the people trying to fix the issues.

And more to the point, Bhakta das was promoting BV Puri of the Gaudiya Matha, who had been advertising "Saint Radhanath" at his ashram. And Bhakta das told me I was "making offenses to Saint Radhanath." OK so they are not in our camp, they are in the Gaudiya Matha and Saint Radhanath's (Kirtanananda's) camp. Later on the GBC was complaining that BV Puri was stealing i.e. "re-initiating" ISKCON people. So he ended up as another rag and bone scavenger in the garbage heap. 

Saint Radhanath has had a big role in the defense of homosexual pedophile guru Kirtanananda, and other deviants. According to the historical account of Henry Doktorski, Radhanath encouraged -- and perhaps paid -- the hitman (Tirtha) to come and take out Sulochana, and perhaps take out me (PADA editor). And later on Radhanath helped have homosexual and pedophile guru Kirtanananda buried in a samadhi in Vrndavana. 

Recently someone told me Tirtha had agreed they originally were going to kidnap Sulochana, and take him out to the desert, perhaps to bury him alive, so there would be no trace of him. And that was the plan they had supposedly all agreed to. 

But all of a sudden Tirtha pulled out a gun and shot Sulochana, which shocked the other people in the party, because Ramesvara did not want a shooting so close to the temple. "Tirtha tricked them so he could get close to Sulochana." Yeah, what happens when you have the modes of passion running amok in your team. Anyway, Saint Radhanath was encouraging this Tirtha guy, and perhaps more, and that means he is complicit. 

Thus, not hardly any PADA readers or any actual Prabhupadanugas think that Saint Radhanath, mass child abuse, paying hitmen to come and take us out, burying pedophiles in samadhis etc. is a bona fide process. It is just not going to be accepted. That is why Sulochana says, if you place dog manure in a fancy package, it is still dog manure -- and it still stinks the same. 

But the interesting thing is how Bhakta das has been saying our efforts to resolve: (1) Child molesting, (2) Changing the books and (3) Srila Prabhupada complaining of poisoning is "writing about smelly poops." OK but Sulochana said that their homosexual and pedophile guru process is "having sex with poop holes." And thus they have a sex with poop holes sampradaya, and then they are calling us the poopy people, because we worship a pure devotee -- and not poops? Hee hee. OK Sulochana had them pegged the whole time. 

And thus -- this has been the problem all along. We are saying children are being exploited, and these type guys are saying we are discussing "smelly poops." OK children. Children are simply a pile of smelly poops that deserve no help from PADA. Yep, that means they are essentially saying children are just insignificant smelly poops, and PADA should not be defending these children, and trying to save them from being abused. 

What kind of a society calls its own children "smelly poops"? OK a society that exploits and destroys its own children, as happened. We all know what happened to all these smelly poops i.e. children under their watch. They were starved, beaten, raped and a number of them committed suicide as a result. And PADA is the bad guy -- because we said this is not the right way to treat children.

And that explains why so many children have become victims of their process. And that explains why they have homosexuals and pedophiles placed into samadhis -- in the dham -- in their process, they glorify the predators of children, while minimizing actual children. Minimizing children who are being exploited is a crime, and what to speak of -- when the children are Krishna's personal children of His society. I really feel sorry for these guys, Krishna's children are suffering, we are saying that is bad, and these guys are saying -- PADA is talking about smelly poops (Krishna's children), and nothing more. What is going to happen when Yamaraja gets a hold of these people who try to make Krishna's children into insignificant poops, ripe candidates for exploiting? Well for starters, they will be living in poops for many kalpas, yep just for starters.

Anyway, when we said that the children are suffering and being exploited, they said we are discussing merely smelly poops, and that is why Sulochana said our opponents are "anti-women, anti-children, anti-family and pro-homosexual pedophile." Not sure how much more pro-homosexual and pedophile these guys can be -- when their Saint Radhanath program buries homosexuals and pedophiles in samadhis, and they say their children victims are simply smelly poops. 

Anyway, that is what happened. We said children are being exploited, they said we are simply discussing smelly poops (Krishna's children) and that is how they enabled their process of abuse of thousands of KRISHNA'S children. And now they are just angry that we are exposing them. Gee, PADA is picking on their poopy sampradya, I'm crying already, gimmee a kleenex. 

Meanwhile I cannot print what some of their ex-children victims are saying about these enablers of mass child abuse. Suffice it to say, their calling these children smelly poops has not made these children victims very happy with their program. So yeah, that has been the root of the dispute all along. We said -- we have to address these important issues, they said -- these important issues are merely smelly poops, and that is how they enabled all these deviations, including banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing vaishnavas, to take place. They defended the regime, and that makes them responsible for the results. 

For his part, Prahlad and Bhakta Peter told me they see no problems promoting Bhakta das. Yep, there is no problem with promoting their sex with poops guru sampradaya agenda, a program that buries pedophiles in samadhis, and has been calling Krishna's children smelly poops. 

One devotee was telling me how they are modes of ignorance people. No, the religions in the modes of ignorance might eat meat, but they protect their children from abusers, and they have the abusers arrested and not placed into samadhis. And the abusers reap a heap of troubles when they finally get into jail, where the other prisoners torment them. These people have a long way to go to be elevated to the modes of ignorance, they are a Satanic process from the lower planets. Even modes of ignorance prisoners will have zero tolerance for child abusers.

Alas! Their agenda is not the problem, the problem is, PADA is exposing their poopy program. We have asked these guys to explain all this, and they never do, but the GBC never does either. Never mind, we will explain it for them. I hope this answers your question. Of course the Mathura Pati guys also ran off to work with Purujit, who says the 1972 Gita contains mundane material, which is what their hero savior Jayadvaita says, another exponent of their poopy sampradaya, but that is another topic for another day. The good news is -- when we explain all this to mundane media and movie people, they get it all right away, because they are actually pious people with a moral compass.

ys pd   


V Dasi: How sad and disgusting to see these so called seniors misbehaving grossly and involved in protecting child abuse. Dressing up like Vaishnava, wearing  beautiful tilaka, smiling brightly but hiding a demoniac personality.

S Dasi: It is sad. And disgusting.


One of the devotees who served as a Panel Member on Vakresvara Pandit's ISKCON Child Protection Office case said:

"Vakresvara Pandita. . . Statutory rape. He was early 40s; she was a teenager. She consented, but was too young. . . The victim claimed he would take her to a friend's apartment and they would have sex. For this one I was flown to Alachua to interview both of them along with [K] who lived there at the time. (I believe [P] was the third judge but flying him from the UK was cost prohibitive, so we just discussed with him afterwards.) 

VP had hired Sesa as his attorney. [K] and I sat on the floor and they on a couch. At one point she passes me note telling me to look at Sesa's notepad. He had clearly written something like: "Go light on details. Say you don't remember." 

We could see because when he flipped to the next page the previous was hanging over his knee. Our line of questioning was asking both parties (separate meetings) to describe the layout of the friend's apartment. VP said the victim had never been inside. Yet they both have a similar description and layout."

In 2002 when Sesa was representing the child abuser Vakresvara Pandit, advising him to lie to protect himself, Sesa was also an ISKCON GBC member. 20 years later, in 2022, the GBC published a Resolution stating they would stop interfering in CPO matters.

DD: Far too many of the legal professionals in the Society seem more inclined to defend abusers than see them properly dealt with. In fact, a concerning number challenge the legitimacy of the CPO’s investigations. They use the same dirty tricks to support their “clients” that those defending rapists tend to employ - attempting to discredit the victim, etc. Anything to get their client off.

In the age of Kali, law is typically now somewhat farcical - where legal professionals seem to lack any kind of conscience, any self awareness about their own biases, etc and just apply their “craft” in service of their cronies

PW: Harassment lawyers may be aware that if they are not defended, they will be raped and molested by their colleagues in prison, so they will pay any money to lawyers so that they can lie as much as possible about their case......

EA: Legal professionals, masters in law, are embodiment of wolf in sheep clothings, at least most of them. So not only in IKSCON but also in mundane world, judges and lawyers, and some masters in law, are mostly responsible for the suffering of humanity. I have personal experience with lawyers, judges and courts.

Srila Prabhupada warned not to go to court unless is strictly necessary. They are mostly members of the sinister movement, and thus should be avoided. We can see the harm they did to ISKCON and the children in the Windle Turley case, also with the ISKCON, BBT vs BBTI and GBC case.

RS: It's amazing that they forget that the Supersoul sees everything despite their lies.

BS: Another case that will likely get lost in the piling mountain of disgusting atrocities funded, sponsored, defended and covered up by the criminal, immoral, demonic GBD ISKCON gang. May they get cleansed in the hellish regions soon.
May ISKCON followers wake up to the fact that ISKCON has been wholly stolen, usurped and utterly u-turned.

May we get back our birth-rite to have Krsna-Conscious community centers, where we can freely have satsanga, kirtana and prasadam in a safe, respectful, loving environment, to cultivate our spiritual culture.

TW: Ugh.

L Dasi: He got a heart attack and not in good shape. Karma gets you.

NC: VP had a reputation for sleeping with a lot of women, even when SP was alive. There were a lot of people sleeping around back in the late 70s-80s especially in the NY temples.

GP: When the parents come after them or the grown up children who were abused com after them there game is over, otherwise it goes on in challenged, words don't stop abuser's, only action.

SJ: Predators walking amongst us.

V Dasi: How sad and disgusting to see these so called seniors misbehaving grossly and involved in protecting child abuse. Dressing up like Vaishnava, wearing  beautiful tilaka, smiling brightly but hiding a demoniac personality.

S Dasi: It is sad. And disgusting.



“In 1983 Jayapataka was my GBC for the 1400 acre Mississippi farm where we had kept our cow numbers down to 30. He was also GBC for the small Tennessee farm with only 5 devotees and 100 cows. I refused to take any cows from Tennessee, saying why should we be penalized for our better management? Christmas day Jayapataka called me to New Orleans and relieved me as farm president, a project I had started alone 10 years earlier. 

There was no discussion and he would not even look up at me from his new laptop. Days later 70 Tennessee cows were dropped off in our north pastures at night. There was no one I could turn to and was devastated. I had refused to accept just one zonal acharya for our farm’s initiations of new devotees, instead allowing devotees to choose whomever they wanted. 

After that Jayapataka expected me to stay on with my business to continue supporting his farm. But I chose to leave, shortly after my house and business were mysteriously robbed. When I complained, I was ignored. Jayapataka was a smooth operator and treated me as disposable while acting like he had nothing to do with it. But Tattva Darshan told me Jayapataka had ordered him to arrange the cow drop-off and that Jayapataka had made the plan for my replacement with Vrikodara in New Orleans. I was not his man, so I had to go. It was a slick, mean, political takeover.” (Nityananda das, 2020)

Obviously the unjust and ruthless coup of a farm temple president does not demonstrate much in terms of evidence that Jayapataka was involved in Srila Prabhupada’s poisoning. But it does give us an idea of his character and how he could dispose of someone in a secret scheme by political arrangements with others, done to increase his influence, power, and guru empire. Similarly Srila Prabhupada was removed and his assets taken for personal use by the ambitious poisoners. Thereafter, Jayapataka’s chosen men managed the farm on his behalf and it became his project exclusively. All future recruits were his disciples.


Jayapataka is the most clever of all the bogus initiating gurus, always carefully calculating his responses and actions, usually by being non-committal and vague. He is an expert “Teflon” politician. He has a powerful astrological “yoga” configuration to protect from death: he survived in 1990 a knife attack to his throat which circled half his head but missed his jugular vein by an eighth of an inch, as was explained by him to a PTC member in San Diego. He also has so far survived a severe stroke which has paralyzed one side of his body. Jayapataka just keeps going on... and on. 

Jayapataka tried to explain in 1990 at the San Diego GBC debate that taking direct shelter of Srila Prabhupada was a very dangerous mayavadi or impersonal philosophical contamination, although this is something that is now widely accepted in ISKCON (provided formal initiation is from a new guru). There have also been many incidences and reports about his fanatically inclined disciples in Bengal / Bangladesh, such as with one Jayapataka critic’s unexplained and suspicious prison suicide, Mayapur bomb explosions, beatings of perceived detractors, and his ties to the “Bengali Mafia” (running corrupt operations throughout the vast ISKCON Mayapur project). 

Jayapataka in 2020 had over 50,000 disciples, many who will do anything for him. We have not felt safe going to Mayapur since the Vedic Village Reviews of 1988- 1992, our SHPM book (1999) and this present book KGBG (2017-2022). 

Jayapataka has not responded to suspicions of his being a suspect nor spoken about the poison evidence.


  1. M Dasi. OMG. Excuse me. People writing about children are writing about ... poops? I would say ... they have poops for brains, but that would be an insult to poops. They have less than poops brains.

    I agree ... even dogs protect their children. These people have a long way to get to dog. Bhakta das is in Bangkok, for a good reason I would say. Guru Kripa and him ... make good Thai bar girl buddies. Prabhavishnu also in Bangkok? You betcha.

    They come to India to make a show ... how advanced they are ... by being with the GBC gurus at ISKCON. Disgusting.

    Why would sane and moral people say ... Bhakta das is the authority. He has one of the worst devotee track records in history. Just trouble for everyone wherever he lands. Where was he when all these kids needed help? He was with the Gaudiya Matha ... advertising Radhanath.

    I forgot, Radhanath was the big leader of New Vrndavana. Bhakta dasa's track record is wonderful ... compared to the leaders of New Vrndavana. Ask Radhanath what happened to Sulochana.

    These people want to make children into useless objects ... and not be appreciated ... as actual human beings ... so they could be exploited. Children are poop has to be the worst example of low consciousness ever made.

    But yet I am not surprised. These people are from the lowest of the lowest planets, and they came here to disturb the sincere devotees. Bravo for exposing them ... we need to know who they are and what they are up to.

    Or down to. Children are just useless piles of poops, for these Satanic child molesting and murdering psychopath cults. That is why Srila Prabhupada says, a fool is known as soon as he speaks.

  2. LD: It is always the same thing. The pedophile's lover club is never happy when they are being exposed. Same as the Church.

    Helping these children get some financials ... essential need for many of them. Helping them stop taking their lives .. even more essential need. Who does not understand that is needed?

    But pedophiles and their lovers are never happy when victims get help. Just look at history ... how the Church handled all this. People who exploit children have to see them as useless .. so their consciences will let them sleep at night.

    Does not mean they are not guilty. Yamaraja does not listen to these fools rationalize these crimes. He has no time to waste on this foolish group of pedophile lovers. He just sentences them for high crimes and misdemeanors against children.

    And they are carted off to the lower regions. Or ... they can just go to jail here ... and the other prisoners will teach them good lessons. Friends of Radhanath ... perhaps many of them ... will never understand these principles of human life. It is beyond their capacity of realization. They are a clique ... and thanks to God ... I am not in it.

  3. SD: Oh we love Sulochana! And that is why we love the Radhanath program ... that gets rid of Sulochana. They have stools for brains? M Dasi is right! That would be an insult to stools.

    They are with the Sulochana attackers, Radhanath's New Vrndavana, and the pedophiles, and that is all there is to it. Purujit is another person who thinks he is smarter than Prabhupada, and makes his own Gita.

    Why are they any different from the GBC? They are worse than the GBC since they claim to be "the real deal" and they are fooling some poor innocent people. Radhanath is a ... not so secret ... agent of the Cabal, he is not a Saint. And anyone who thinks he is a saint ... is under the control of the Cabal.

  4. RD Dasi: I have seen that here. The slime bag person who is chasing the women ... is protected by the other slime bag "authority." If we report the problem, we are the problem.

    The slime bags protect each other ... and that is what has become of "a highly spiritual movement." I do not believe so ... and neither does Krishna. They think they can fool Krishna ... but they cannot even fool us. Saint Radhanath? The saint of the molester gurus?

    I don't think they are even fooling themselves, they must know they are slime bags. They just do whatever they can get away with. Most of these sannyasa GBC men never had any children. Many of their bogus "strict brahmacari" never had any children either, then ... they do not know what is involved ... having children and protecting them.

    What else would we expect from that bunch? They are a dying out breed. They can huff, they can puff, but our resistance is getting worse for them daily. We are done with them and their assembly. Better late than never.


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