Wednesday, August 28, 2024

His Grace Aprakrita Prabhu of Montreal just left his body. 08 28 24

PADA: Apakrita dasa was a friend of PADA also. He told me -- there is no way he could promote people like Kirtanananda and Gopal Krishna as "Krishna's successor gurus," and he said it was very foolish for people to think that would work. He said people could still have Srila Prabhupada as their guru, and that is being realized more all the time. Anyway, he was a very solid Prabhupada man and we wish his soul Godspeed, and may he go back home to Krishna as soon as possible. ys pd 


His Grace Aprakrita Prabhu of Montreal just left his body.

Message from Ratha yatra Prabhu:

HG Aprakrita Prabhu from Montreal left his body!

In memory of a great Prabhupada man / Prabhupada original book distributor
and my best friend. He would visit south India every year before the scam-demmic, staying at Hare Krsna Hill ISKCON Bangalore guest house, where he and I would travel to many holy places in Karnataka.

These pictures were taken when we visited Shri Yoganarasimha Swamy Temple in Melukote. 

We would communicate every month, my wife Vaidhi Bhakti devi dasi speak french, so he would send us french language videos that he posted regularly on his web site,
(which is the largest Prabhupada website in the EU).

On Srila Prabhupada's appearance day, I'd sent him an email wishing him happy Janmastami / Prabhupada's blessings and a Happy Birthday, which was coming up for him. I didn't get a reply (he usually replies right away), thinking he was busy moving into a buddhist retirement home with his sister, but I knew something wasn't right.

I was really surprised but happy to hear the news of his leaving his body during this auspicious week. Aprakrita das was a serious Prabhupada disciple, very dedicated to Prabhupada who supported my book distribution in India and Mauritius, sending me books in French / English, cash donations & his homemade bookmarks promoting his website.

He is with Srila Prabhupada for sure.

Aprakrita das Ki Jai

Your lowly servant Rathayatra dasa............ more below:

A post from Aprakrita Prabhu’s website about himself (translated from French):

Who is Aprakrita Dasa?

Hare Krishna,

On a few occasions, subscribers to the Daily News have asked various questions about me. It is not the custom of a devotee to talk about himself, but to inform you, here is some information about me.

I am a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, the founder of the Hare Krishna movement since 1976. I joined this moment with my wife and we had a child, a nice girl who in turn had four children. So I am a grandfather several times.

Today, at the age of sixty-nine (2016) and living alone, I devote myself more to spiritual life. My day begins very early in the morning and every day, I recite a minimum of 16 rounds of japa recommended by my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, founder of the Krishna Consciousness movement. Of course, I also follow the 4 basic principles, namely, no meat consumption, no intoxicants, no illicit sex and finally no gambling. 

By following these principles and reciting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, the material illusion gradually reduces its hold on us. It is therefore possible to expand one's consciousness to finally attain pure love of God. Not so easy, because maya or illusion would like to keep us all under its control. We must therefore persevere despite the many temptations.

Also, as you all know, I am the one who prepares and sends out the Daily News every day. So this occupies a large part of my thoughts. I have to read Srila Prabhupada's books and also listen to some of his lectures daily in order to keep the philosophy of Krishna consciousness continually present in my mind.
Since 1976, I left the movement for a while to come back in 1999. 

Since that time, I have devoted myself to preaching. I love what I do. I would not change places with anyone, not even with the richest materialist. My standard of living is reduced to a minimum so as not to take too much time for my personal maintenance.

My life is dedicated to helping others progress spiritually and gradually discover the happiness that we all seek. Srila Prabhupada left the village of Vrindavan (India) at the age of sixty-nine to come and help people all over the world discover happiness. He did it for the pleasure of his spiritual master. In turn, I seek to please Srila Prabhupada. Of course, I am far from having a desire as intense as he does. 

The only merit I can have is to want to try to please him a little. Srila Prabhupada is the greatest of spiritual masters and I feel great joy in making him known to all and also in accepting him as their spiritual master. Even if he is no longer physically present with us, his presence is manifest in his instructions. Srila Prabhupada said that we must let the spiritual master into our hearts. 

He himself never felt the separation from his guru even though the guru had left the planet long ago. The relationship with the spiritual master is not a material relationship; it can progress even if he is no longer present in this world. Even a newcomer to Krishna consciousness can accept Srila Prabhupada into his heart and thus become his disciple. It is a matter of letting him into his heart and it is not a matter of physical presence. Srila Prabhupada met his spiritual master only a few times and did so much for him, and that was without even seeing him regularly. 

The same is possible for all of us. Just let him into your heart.

I have several preaching projects in my mind. Sometimes some come true and sometimes others do not. In all this, one must learn that Krishna is in control of everything. It is said in one of the verses of the Siksastaka which summarizes the philosophy left by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: "Complete is His freedom to act as He pleases in all circumstances". No matter the results, one must always act with the aim of pleasing Krishna. The purpose of devotional service is to purify ourselves to finally attain true devotional service called in Sanskrit: bhakti-yoga or loving and devoted service offered to Krishna.

In my small apartment, I continually play Srila Prabhupada CDs. In the evening, I end the day by reading a few verses from the Srimad Bhagavatam. Throughout the night without interruption, I leave the compact disc of Srila Prabhupada reciting the maha-mantra playing. When I wake up, the first sounds I hear are the vibrations of my spiritual master reciting the maha-mantra. So from the first moments of the day, I remember that I am practicing the process of bhakti-yoga. This helps me enormously and after a good shower I start again, and this, for the coming day, the preaching projects.

Every day I answer emails from subscribers. People from France, Switzerland, Hungary, Quebec make my life exciting. They are all a great source of joy for me. I am very happy to be in contact with them. Not all of them write to me, but I know that, even if many are silent, they appreciate the Daily News, because many of these people have been receiving it for several years. 

Some of you help me spread this spiritual message from another world. They do it in different ways and all these ways are accepted by Sri Krishna, because they please Srila Prabhupada.

My desire is to encourage as many people as possible to do a little something for Krishna because then these people will be recognized by Him.

"In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear." BG 2-40

Whatever we do for Krsna will never be forgotten by Him. Everything is recorded in our spiritual bank account.

Also in the Gita verse 4-11

"All of them—as they surrender unto Me—I reward accordingly." It is not in vain that we act for Krishna, He takes note of everything. Nothing goes unnoticed.
I am happy to have shared with you these few thoughts and I thank you very much for your good presence. You are a great source of inspiration for me.

Your servant,

Aprakrita dasa


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